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CM Browser

Posted: Wed 31 Jan 2018, 14:01
by leonid
CM Browser (Clean Master) from Puppy Linux? ... smobile.cb

Posted: Wed 31 Jan 2018, 15:45
by mikeslr
Familiar with CM Browser from Android phone/tablet. Couldn't find a Linux version. Likely a Linux version would expect to run as "user", so would have to either be modified to run as "root", or configured to run as "spot" with necessary glibs within modified build -- see fredx181's firefox builds.

Perhaps the Windows version could be run under wine. I wouldn't bet on it.

I don't recall any special features of CM Browser which would make it worth while to spend the time to create a functional pet or SFS. It's marketing device appears to be built-in scanning of websites for malware.

Recommend as an alternative using any recent browser which will run under Puppy with proper anti-maiware addons/extensions, running such browser as Spot and with Puppy's Automatic Save removed.
