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Virtual C

Posted: Mon 04 Dec 2017, 19:19
by puppy_apprentice
A programming environment for learning and teaching the C language.

pet: ... 1440443199

It needs QT. Could anybody make a sfs package with QT for this?

Re: Virtual C

Posted: Mon 04 Dec 2017, 20:37
by musher0
puppy_apprentice wrote:A programming environment for learning and teaching the C language.

pet: ... 1440443199

It needs QT. Could anybody make a sfs package with QT for this?
Hello, puppy_apprentice.

Interesting package. Thanks for the information.

Would you happen to know which minimal QT version this package needs. I say
"minimal" because if it does not require the latest QT, Puppy may have it already.


Posted: Mon 04 Dec 2017, 21:24
by 6502coder
Quote from the release notes:
The software is built with the Open-Source-Version of Qt 4.8.
It uses the Qt port of WebKit for plugins

Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 00:03
by musher0
Hello all.

This thread was just bumped up.
Forum member norgo has put together a QT-5.6 package last May.

Would norgo's package answer your need for a QT, "puppy apprentice" ?


Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 00:47
by wiak
I've been programming in C for almost 30 years but I'm keen to give this a spin cos its nice to see a visual representation of where things are stored in memory and sometimes that also helps plan parts of the program itself.

Any idea if there is a QT sfs available for puppy that works for this. I know several recent pups have a suitable QT pre-installed but I don't want to rely on that and sometimes I use a slim debiandog and don't want to apt-get the rather large QT available there.


Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 03:09
by mikeslr
Just a thought. As we don't know which Puppy puppy_apprentice is running, nor which of the 'Dogs' wiak wants to use, and others wanting to use the package may be running different puppies/Dogs, the general solution would be:

(1) Install the package
(2) Run ldd --List Dynamic Dependencies if available on the Menu.
(3) Note just which qt libraries are missing.
(4) Obtain them and build the Qt application.

(1) Under Dogs and Puppies with Automatic Save removed, this can be done without committing it to be permanently part of one's system.

(4) Under Puppies, PaDS can be used to create an SFS, 'though my experience has been that Qt libraries don't require much space and can be used in other applications I frequently use. So, I generally convert Qt SFSes to pets and install.

Dogs have a built in app for creating SFSes.


Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 05:34
by musher0
Hmmm. Could the ferret who asked the question be hunting elsewhere?! ;)
No reaction in a little while.

Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 06:21
by muggins
I'm using a 32bit peebee lxpupsx, and already have qt4-4.8.7_slacko-7.0.sfs loaded. Downloaded, and installed, the debian package, and it worked straight away.

Posted: Thu 07 Dec 2017, 11:43
by jamesbond
Too bad it's 32-bit only. It could have been interesting.

Posted: Wed 13 Dec 2017, 00:14
by puppy_apprentice
Ok. I've found QT sfs and it is working now in my Slacko 5.7 and 6.3.

My question was not accurate. I was asking if somebody could make a sfs with QT and VC together in one package.

And i've made .pup package because in Slacko got error with original .deb package.

I want to thank y'allfor your interest in this case.