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Firefox Multi-Account Containers

Posted: Mon 30 Oct 2017, 18:20
by labbe5 ... ontainers/

Firefox Multi-Account Containers is a Firefox extension that helps you keep all the separate parts of your online life neatly contained in different tabs. Custom labels and color-coded tabs help keep different activities separate.

Under the hood, it does this by segregating session storage into tab-specific Containers. Cookies downloaded by one Container are not available to other Containers. With the Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension, you can...

Sign in to two different accounts on the same site (for example, you could sign in to work email and home email in two different Container tabs – but just to be clear, Firefox can only sync with one Firefox Account.)
Keep different kinds of browsing far away from each other (for example, you might use one Container tab for managing your 401k and a different Container tab for exploring cutting-edge cryptocurrency networks)
Avoid leaving social-network footprints all over the web (for example, you could use a Container tab for signing in to a social network, and use a different tab for visiting online news sites, knowing that your social identity is separate from tracking scripts on news sites)