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Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:32
by fredx181
*** StretchDog 32 and 64-bit ***

StretchDog is a variant of DebianDog (Info and credits) based on Debian 9 "Stretch"

Changes and Fixes list

Built from scratch by using debootstrap, see also Here and Here

StretchDog page on Dog Linux website
Packages overview from custom repository
StretchDog at Github

Login details:
root with password root
puppy with password puppy

Kernel: 4.9.0-3 (alternative kernel when having trouble booting, see Here)
Choice of Boot Methods: porteus-boot and live-boot v3 (see for options Here)
Default WM - OpenBox with on top xfce4-panel and xfdesktop.
Option to switch to JWM window-manager
Menu on Openbox_Xfce is (a modified/hacked :) ) Whisker-Menu
Default File Manager - Thunar with option to use rox.
Default Internet Browser - Firefox.
(extra repositories included for seamonkey and google-chrome (google-chrome for 64-bit only))
Seamonkey package name is "seamonkey-mozilla-build"


Iso 32 bit: StretchDog32-openbox_xfce-jwm-2017-10-10.iso Size: 242MB
Md5sum: StretchDog32-openbox_xfce-jwm-2017-10-10.md5

Iso 64 bit: StretchDog64-openbox_xfce-jwm-2017-10-10.iso Size: 256MB
Md5sum: StretchDog64-openbox_xfce-jwm-2017-10-10.md5

Mirrors (thanks to ally !): ... -10-10.iso ... -10-10.iso

DEVX and Firmware squashfs modules: Here

Locales: 099-locales-stretch.squashfs
(Locale can be set from Menu > System > Set Locale/Language)

Some links to useful info:
WiFi Firmware
3D graphics acceleration
Installing Brother printers in Stretch-Live-64bit
Problem changing brightness, solved
How to Install the NVIDIA Video Driver in Stretch-Live
Package of SANE scanner backends
Isobooter designed for Stretch-Live
Whisker Menu modified
Run newest firefox with apulse, see Here , Here and Here
Change cursor theme workaround
Soundcard Selector + Alsa-equalizer discussion follow-up
Broadcom wl driver package
Workaround and/or alternative for installing abiword
Setup timezone and time with peasyclock
Auto detect and change timezone (and time)
Some tips for making the system boot faster and/or running the system more light
Install Debian Stretch-Backports kernel

Thanks very much to everyone who has been involved with DebianDog, specially Toni (saintless), William (mcewanw), Terry (sunburnt), dancytron, belham2, rcrsn51, wiak, jd7654, backi, AndresC2, peebee and all who helped by giving feedback on the DebianDog threads.



Openbox with xfce4


Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:52
by ally

Posted: Tue 10 Oct 2017, 21:57
by fredx181
Wow! you are fast! Thanks ally :)

Posted: Wed 11 Oct 2017, 09:56
by fredx181
For those having trouble booting with kernel 4.9, here's alternative (32 bit only), not ofiicial Debian though.
Extract This archive: kernel-4.4.87-i386.squashfs.tar.gz in the frugal installed 'live' directory.
Contents are vmlinuz1 (should be replaced) and kernel-4.4.87.squashfs
And it should boot with with kernel 4.4.87
Taken from OscarTalks's D-pup-Stretch (thanks!).


Posted: Wed 11 Oct 2017, 16:49
by anikin
Now there are total 3 (three) Dog Stretch threads on this forum and countless other Debian/UbuntuDog offsprings out there. This latest Dog endeavor could have easily been consolidated into an existing thread!

Posted: Thu 12 Oct 2017, 12:56
by AbdelAziz
Overall, it's a nice dog :)

Posted: Thu 12 Oct 2017, 18:59
by backi
Cool Job Fred !

You make the whole crowd happy/smile once again :D :D :D.
Who could ask for more ?
Thank you !

uextract 3.30

Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 16:07
by don570
I noticed that there was a uextract package in 32 bit section ... 1_i386.deb

.... but none in 64bit section

So I made my own.
Available download...

uextract_3.30_amd64.deb ... DVOR1NRLTA

Re: uextract 3.30

Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 16:12
by belham2
don570 wrote:I noticed that there was a uextract package in 32 bit section ... 1_i386.deb

.... but none in 64bit section

So I made my own.
Available download...

uextract_3.30_amd64.deb ... DVOR1NRLTA


Don570, I've been installing UExtract (just the one and only latest .pet SFR releases every so often) into both 32-bit and 64-bit for a few years. I don't get it, I've never had a problem in any 32 and/or 64 bit OS, pup, ddog, or otherwise using the one & only .pet SFR releases (and updates). What would your .pet do that I am not already getting? Jeez, I am really, really confused now because SFR explained to me long ago that it didn't matter for his UExtract pet (they install both to 32 ans 64 bit equally) since UExtract is a script.

Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 16:32
by don570
they install both to 32 ans 64 bit equally)
Yes. What I meant to say is that I installed the 64bit AMD stretch dog
and expected the packages available to be listed in 64 bit section.
Other distros get around this with a 'common' section

I liked how it played back media files. No strange artifacts and very smooth.
The audio was low when first installed, but easy enough to increase.


Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 17:15
by don570
Some more observations.
Wacom Bamboo tablet worked at start up. There was no need for
xorg.conf file.

When I tried to install a mypaint appimage that I got from

It wouldn't run. The error mentioned that the icons were missing.
This is a common error and has been written about. ... sing-icons

I tried the latest stable version of Blender 3-d graphics ... 4.tar.bz2/

However It wouldn't run because openGL 2.1 isn't installed
I checked the dependencies....

Code: Select all => not found => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f09d1f88000)

pfind doesn't work very well , so I looked into why it wasn't searching the right drives.

I suggest the following change....

in the file
line 654

Code: Select all

export EXCLUDE="/mnt"
should be change to

Code: Select all

export EXCLUDE=""

To get pfind to 'Show location' which is very useful...
pfind needs the right filemanager, so I made the change
in /usr/local/pfind/func_showlocation

I changed

Code: Select all

if [ $FILEMANAGER = rox ]; then

		exec $FILEMANAGER "${FILE%/*}/" 2> /tmp/pfind-error$PROGPID

to simply...

Code: Select all

exec rox -s "$FILE" 2> /tmp/pfind-error$PROGPID

Thunar could be used as well but I like rox.

Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 17:19
by fredx181
Hi don570, belham2
I noticed that there was a uextract package in 32 bit section ... 1_i386.deb

.... but none in 64bit section

So I made my own.
Available download...

uextract_3.30_amd64.deb ... DVOR1NRLTA
Yes, forgot to add to 64-bit repo.
Added your .deb now and can be installed with Synaptic or apt-get, thanks Don570 !: ... _amd64.deb
Indeed, as it's just a script it could be: uextract_3.30_all.deb, to be suitable for both/all architectures, but kept it like it is now to avoid too many changes.

I tried the latest stable version of Blender 3-d graphics ... 4.tar.bz2/

However It wouldn't run because openGL 2.1 isn't installed
I checked the dependencies....
Try installing package "libgl1-mesa-dri" , see also here: ... 414#965414

Thanks for your recommendations for pfind.


Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 17:22
by anikin
don570 wrote:
they install both to 32 ans 64 bit equally)
Yes. What I meant to say is that I installed the 64bit AMD stretch dog
and expected the packages available to be listed in 64 bit section.
Other distros get around this with a 'common' section...

No, they don't install equally and both DDog's and don570's uextract debs are flawed as they don't comply with the Debian package building guidelines
Debian Binary Package Building HOWTO wrote:4.1. control

Let's start with the control file. The version number must have a dash with an additional Debian package version number, e.g. '1.1-1'. If your program consists e.g. only of portable shell scripts, use 'all' as its 'Architecture'.
read more here: ... WTO/#AEN92

Posted: Sat 14 Oct 2017, 18:08
by don570
Yes. Poorly named.
Also I found out that official pet packages need to be carefully named.
For instance BarryK wants underscore in front of NLS like

Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 06:30
by ethplorer
what should be my parameter when doing frugal install to this stretchdog?

Code: Select all

title StretchDog
root (hd0,0) <-- GRUB legacy, ex: hd1,0
uuid ed652e03-dfdg35647eswe32467348161af0
kernel /stretch/live/vmlinuz 
initrd /stretch/live/initrd.img
tried this but not working.

Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 08:15
by jss83
Using stretchdog right now and it is just wonderful! I think I can safely make a shift with this. Thank you so much.

err.. spoken too soon.. ran into some trouble. :?

Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 18:08
by rufwoof
Downloaded ISO and frugally installed/booted (Porteus style, save on exit)

I tried removing user puppy from both disk and wheel groups (using deluser puppy disk; deluser puppy wheel) ... logged out and in again and it isn't a member of either of those groups ... but it can still mount partitions by clicking on the desktop drive icons.

More preferably by default user "puppy" shouldn't be able to mount partitions, so if you're running a browser as puppy and a hacker breaks out of that then any unmounted partitions are inaccessible.

How can user puppy be prevented from mounting partitions (force having to Ctrl-Alt-Fn ... login as root and mount a drive, or run sudo to mount a drive)?

EDIT : Further investigation indicates that puppy cannot mount from the cli when it isn't a member of the disk group (mounting is only possible by clicking on the desktop drive icons).

Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 18:39
by rufwoof
editing /etc/slim.conf to autlogin as puppy instead of root ... and it still defaults to logging in as root

Code: Select all

# default user, leave blank or remove this line
# for avoid pre-loading the username.
default_user        puppy

# Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
# Set to "yes" to enable this feature
#focus_password      no

# Automatically login the default user (without entering
# the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
auto_login          yes
EDIT : ... 601#850601

Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 19:04
by fredx181
Hi rufwoof
How can user puppy be prevented from mounting partitions (force having to Ctrl-Alt-Fn ... login as root and mount a drive, or run sudo to mount a drive)?
Uncomment "chpupsocket $USER:$USER &" in /home/puppy/.config/openbox/autostart

Code: Select all

# chpupsocket $USER:$USER &
(reboot required)

Btw, FYI, puppy can mount (by clicking drive icons) but has no write permissions
editing /etc/slim.conf to autlogin as puppy instead of root ... and it still defaults to logging in as root
Slim is not enabled by default, first enable from "Start Slim" button on Whisker menu or from System > Start/Stop Slim display-manager
(enabling slim will set /etc/inittab to no-auto login, and no auto startx)
Then changing /etc/slim.conf will apply after reboot


Posted: Mon 16 Oct 2017, 19:17
by trister
Very good job Fred :)
Very nice Desktop.

The first thing I noticed at start is that I need to run "reconnect" from peasyWifi to get an IP from my router the first time I enter the system. This doesn't seem as much of a problem but since it is a live CD it might matter.

rufwoof wrote:editing /etc/slim.conf to autlogin as puppy instead of root ... and it still defaults to logging in as root
For the previous release of StretchDog64 (in case Fred fix won't do it):
Maybe you have the same problem as me
While slim was running and asking me my username, in the background
/etc/profile executed startx as root (so I had the problem that while I was typing the desktp appeared ).
If this is the case you could try to comment out the "startx" entry in your /etc/profile file.


my menu.lst entry is like this :

Code: Select all

title PorteusStretchDog EXIT: changes32
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /puppy_StretchDog64/live/initrd1.xz
kernel /puppy_StretchDog64/live/vmlinuz1 from=/puppy_StretchDog64 changes=EXIT:/puppy_StretchDog64/changes32.dat 
initrd /puppy_StretchDog64/live/initrd1.xz
Btw, If anyone wants to try KODI without installing it :
maybe you'll also need this: