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MakeMKV DVD (and maybe Blu-Ray) Ripper

Posted: Mon 20 Mar 2017, 19:33
by labbe5
MakeMKV could be your DVD ripper of choice once you try it. Faster than Handbrake, it does not sacrifice quality to speed.

For Dog-based OS :

Make sure you have add-apt-repository enabled, then :
add-apt-repository ppa:heyarje/makemkv-beta
Update sources, then install :
makemkv-bin makemkv-oss

Installed without problem in Mintpup, and i ripped a few TV series in no time.

MakeMKV is not Open Source, but you can install it as long as it is in beta, which it has been for a few years now.

I did not try it for BluRay, but it is said to work for BluRay. Just comment on this if you try ripping Bluray.

Further reading :
Install MakeMKV Easily via Snap ... -04-19-04/

more on MakeMKV

Posted: Fri 24 Mar 2017, 18:38
by labbe5

Forum page for Linux users contains all you need to know to compile MakeMKV.

Here is a review :
First install dev libraries :
build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libavcodec-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev

Dog-based OS can make a bundle of dev libraries and use it on other systems to compile at later time.

Then compile makemkv-bin and makemkv-oss.

The compiling is fast and installed without problem in Mintpup with standard ./configure & make & make install

Avoid compiling ffmpeg, it takes a very long time, unless you have a need for the latest package of ffmpeg.

You will have to register your copy of MakeMKV :
The above registration key is temporary and ends March 31.

Just copy new registration key from time to time :

MakeMKV is a top notch app for ripping DVD. Without changing any settings, you have good quality in a short time. Handbrake may have good quality without changing any settings, but it is not fast.

breaking Blu-Ray DRM with MakeMKV

Posted: Wed 12 Jul 2017, 17:18
by labbe5
Blu-ray has been out for a long time now, so it seems crazy that there still isn’t a clear-cut way to play them in Linux. That’s mostly because Blu-ray is loaded with DRM that Hollywood doesn’t want open-source programs to be able to get past.

Conveniently, MakeMKV can break DRM and make a copy of your Blu-Ray disc, then you can play it in VLC or any other media player.

I haven't had the opportunity to rip a Blu-Ray disc myself, but, in this review of MakeMKV, it is obvious that it can do it : ... +Easier%29

cli alternatives to MakeMKV

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 15:09
by labbe5
MakeMKV for Linux is nice to have et use, but there are cli tools to retreive DVD content :

Simply install vobcopy, and use it, typing : vobcopy.

vobcopy -h will result with usage below :

Usage: vobcopy
if you want the main feature (title with most chapters) you don't need _any_ options!
[-m (mirror the whole dvd)]
[-M (Main title - i.e. the longest (playing time) title on the dvd)]
[-i /path/to/the/mounted/dvd/]
[-n title-number]
[-t <your name for the dvd>]
[-o /path/to/output-dir/ (can be "stdout" or "-")]
[-f (force output)]
[-V (version)]
[-v (verbose)]
[-v -v (create log-file)]
[-h (this here ;-)]
[-I (infos about title, chapters and angles on the dvd)]
[-1 /path/to/second/output/dir/] [-2 /.../third/..] [-3 /../] [-4 /../]
[-b <skip-size-at-beginning[bkmg]>]
[-e <skip-size-at-end[bkmg]>]
[-O <single_file_name1,single_file_name2, ...>]
[-q (quiet)]
[-w <watchdog-minutes>]
[-x (overwrite all)]
[-F <fast-factor:1..64>]
[-l (large-file support for files > 2GB)]

Note : encrypted DVDs need libdvdcss for vobcopy to decrypt them, and you need your DVDs in good state for vobcopy to work. If it fails, it is most likely your DVD is physically damaged.
Here you will find libdvdcss binaries for Debian-based OS (from Wheezy up to Stretch) and other platforms as well :

In case your DVD is damaged, you may try dvdbackup. As a result, you will have a backup, but not a complete backup, with parts missing, the extent of missing parts depends on the extent of damage. But your backup will be usable, with separate vob files, some usable, some unusable.

As for vobcopy, download dvdbackup and use it in terminal. It is as simple to use as vobcopy.

dvdbackup -h will result with this dvdbackup usage :

-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version display version information and exit

-I, --info prints information about the DVD
-M, --mirror backup the whole DVD
-F, --feature backup the main feature of the DVD
-T, --titleset=X backup title set X
-t, --title=X backup title X
-s, --start=X backup from chapter X
-e, --end=X backup to chapter X

-i, --input=DEVICE where DEVICE is your DVD device
if not given /dev/dvd is used
-o, --output=DIRECTORY where directory is your backup target
if not given the current directory is used
-v, --verbose print more information about progress
-n, --name=NAME set the title (useful if autodetection fails)
-a, --aspect=0 to get aspect ratio 4:3 instead of 16:9 if both are
-r, --error={a,b,m} select read error handling: a=abort, b=skip block,
m=skip multiple blocks (default)
-p, --progress print progress information while copying VOBs

-a is option to the -F switch and has no effect on other options
-s and -e should preferably be used together with -t

If not satisfied with neither vobcopy nor dvdbackup, you can also use dd :

sudo dd if=/dev/sr0 of=image_name.iso

Note : if means input file and of means output file.

So as Linux users you have pretty much all you need to rip DVDs, including handbrake which is well-known.

But any damage to your DVD will result in failure with most apps discussed here, except for dvdbackup, which can skip bad sectors. So your best approach is make a DVD backup as soon as you have this new and shiny DVD of yours, before it gets damaged.

Use dd to copy the DVD to an ISO :

A how-to here : ... accurately

On that site, you will find mentioned gddrescue :
Should the DVDs itself be faulty, I can only recommend gddrescue as it will automatically skip over unreadable sectors (the default is to try around thirty times, if I recall correctly, which just takes forever and fails if it does not succeed in reading the disk).

Discussed here are apps that i tested myself, and they work fast. I did not test gddrescue. Good value for under 1MB installed.


Posted: Tue 05 Sep 2017, 20:08
by labbe5
Acetoneiso is available in standard repositories, and used to manage images. But it is more than that, it can be used to rip DVDs (with mencoder), download You Tube videos, Play DVD images, convert videos, extract audio from video files (with ffmpeg), download torrents, burn CD/DVD.

As a DVD ripper, it is an alternative to MakeMKV and cli tools.

On a personal note, i prefer using vobcopy or dvdbackup for DVD ripping, but acetoneiso can be used for many tasks.

After ripping a DVD for first time with AcetoneISO, i got an AVI file no more than 221MB. Quality is surprisingly good for a 221MB file. AcetoneISO works as expected for a DVD ripper, with minimal input from me. File size and quality is good for upload on the Web or to send it via email attachment.

To maximize quality, vobcopy or dvdbackup is best, and ripping can be done under 15-20mn, instead of 40-60mn. But you've got to deal with huge files (4-6GB).

Acetoneiso is worth a try by our Puppy Linux users

Posted: Fri 08 Sep 2017, 23:36
by Pelo
The total installed size will be 11MB (taghrpup 5.83 from PPM)
Acetoneiso is worth a try by our Puppy Linux users
First install, and then use the applications. Install only is wasting time, if you even don't use them once.
That is called 'benchmarking'
cdrdao not found, to pick up in wary 5 repo

Posted: Sat 09 Sep 2017, 00:33
by Flash
Can anyone confirm that MakeMKV can rip and condense Blu-Ray disks? If not, let's take that out of the subject line of this thread.

Posted: Sat 09 Sep 2017, 04:17
by Makoto
Flash, ripping a DVD or Blu-Ray is just taking the contents of the discs (minus the protection) and copying them as-is. No recompression or condensing is involved in a normal ripping process, so by that regard, the subject line is correct.

As I recall, MakeMKV just takes the main movie/feature part of a DVD/BD (though I'm not sure what it does with episode discs), and writes it straight to your HD with no recompression.

It does rip Blu-Rays, but I think that it's supposed to be a shareware (pay) feature, at least once the program moves out of (eternal) beta status.

Edit: Here's the link to MakeMKV's homepage. It lists reading and decrypting BDs among its features.

Posted: Sat 09 Sep 2017, 12:17
by Flash
Okay, thanks for the clarification. :)

I wanted to watch a movie called Ishtar. It was only available on Blu-Ray, not DVD, so I bought the Blu-Ray disk even though I didn't have a stand-alone Blu-Ray player, only the Blu-Ray drive in my computer. At the time none of the media players in my computer would play Blu-Ray. I finally found a way to rip the contents of the Blu-Ray disk to a flash drive so I could watch the movie, I forget exactly how. The ripped files were enormous, 25 GB or something, and that caused a problem with FAT32 filesystem limitations so I had to change the flash drive I put the contents of the disk on to NTFS.

All just to watch a silly old movie. :evil: Why isn't it available on DVD? I suppose because it dealt with the Middle East in a light-hearted way, though I didn't think it was disrespectful. The movie was panned at the time and is considered one of the worst movies ever made, but I think it's great.

Posted: Sun 10 Sep 2017, 06:09
by Makoto
It's not available on DVD? I could've sworn I saw a DVD release at least once, over the years.

...hmm. Amazon has a Region 2 PAL DVD listed. (US set-top players may not want to touch it due to being Region 2 and PAL format, but you can always rip the DVD and watch it on a computer, if you don't have a region-free DVD player that can convert between PAL and NTSC.) ... 002YZ7JNU/

Yeah, there's usually a number of files on a Blu-Ray disc that are much larger than the ~4GB limitation on a FAT32 drive. :(

Posted: Sun 10 Sep 2017, 14:13
by norgo
Doesn't belong into this thread but most probably interesting to your Blu-ray disc problem.
Flash wrote:... At the time none of the media players in my computer would play Blu-Ray....
How to play a ( not DRM protected ) Bluray Disc using SMplayer:

Mplayer has to be compiled with --enable-bluray ( actual auto detected during compilation )
libbluray has to be installed

1. insert Bluray Disc into drive and mount it ( notice the mount point )
2. open SMplayer preferences and select Blu-ray device, select here the mount point of your Bluray Disc ( actual this should work using the device name but it doesn't )
3. select Open->Disc->Blu-ray from drive

that's all

Posted: Sun 10 Sep 2017, 14:37
by Flash
Thanks norgo. After the trouble it took to watch a Blu-Ray movie in my computer I bought a cheap set-top player. :oops: