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Firefox52/Pulseaudio/No Sound (Solved)

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 18:26
by Bud
Tahrpup, latest updates installed.

Just updated to Fx 52 and of course there's no sound (system woof woof sound test's OK).
Could anyone explain how to get pulseaudio up and running, supposedly it's installed, as are a number of other pulseaudio dependencies I installed to try to get things going.

Any, preferably simple solution to avoid dumping Firefox, would be appreciated.
I tire of Mozilla's idiocy.

Thanks in advance,

Hope I'm in the right forum section now.

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 19:00
by Semme
Bud, what's the exact version? Any issues switching over to the latest ESR?

Ah >> No ALSA support after upgrade to 52?

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 19:26
by Bud
Semme wrote:Bud, what's the exact version? Any issues switching over to the latest ESR?
Wouldn't know, I only use Fx Release and Beta versions.
Like advance warning of what the next 'downgrade' will bring.
To me the ESR's the DMW, dead man walking, prolong the agony version.

Is there a more recent Puppy with Pulseaudio where this Fx problem won't happen ?

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 22:31
by Semme
Here's a thought..

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 22:41
by Bud

Saw that at Bugzilla, as a last resort maybe worth a try.

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 22:57
by OscarTalks
Good thought, Semme.

apulse v0.1.8

@i-rinat i-rinat released this 3 days ago ยท 1 commit to master since this release

feature: make playback in Firefox working, including volume changing;

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 23:35
by Bud
Where should that be installed to?

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 23:50
by Semme
According to its README, the default "make install" procedure looks fine.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 01:12
by Bud
Thanks, but that's just a band aid, does it even work with Puppy?
I'd like to know how to install the correct Pulseaudio version and what ever dependencies are needed to maybe make it work.
The one I have installed is 4.something, surely others are having this problem?

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 01:26
by spiritwild
I was gonna post about this. once I updated I lost sound. I struggled with the right setup in xenial but so far, I think i got everything working fine. At first it was sound in one browser and not the other.

I managed to get everything to play fair for once, so I'm content for now.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 02:04
by spiritwild
I didn't know about the apulse v0.1.8 at the time. I think I ended up with
pulseaudio-4.0-tahr-i686 that I found on the forum and papprefs_0.9.10-2 from the PPM.

loaded the basic command (pulseaudio) at boot, messed with the preferences and managed to get all of my sound to play .

I only use

They all seem to work with Retrovol.

at first getting sound on firefox killed sound for everything else.
I basically "wung" it, hoping to not screw everything up. it's probably an accidental bandaid fix, as noted but seems to function without problem so far.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 02:09
by OscarTalks
Bud wrote:Thanks, but that's just a band aid, does it even work with Puppy?
I'd like to know how to install the correct Pulseaudio version and what ever dependencies are needed to maybe make it work.
The one I have installed is 4.something, surely others are having this problem?
I think you'll find it does work with Puppy and I wouldn't describe it as a band aid. It takes the output from the program (browser in this case) which is looking for pulseaudio and it interfaces it with alsa so the sound emerges in the normal way. We have been using it with Skype for some time now so I don't see why it shouldn't work with Firefox.

But if you prefer, you can install pulseaudio via PPM or compile from source. I did this in the past with Skype but ended up thinking that apulse is a better solution.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 07:45
by watchdog ... sp=sharing

The above package starts the pulseaudio daemon in tahr 6.0.6, in slacko 14.2 beta and xenialpup beta for me. Report testing. I remember:

Code: Select all

pulseaudio --start
starts the daemon.

Code: Select all

pulseaudio --kill
stops the daemon.

Later: I have tested working firefox 52.0 in xenialpup with my pulseaudio. I played a youtube video with pulseaudio sound. Confirmed no audio without pulseaudio.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 13:25
by OscarTalks
Quick test of Firefox ESR 52.0 in Dpup Wheezy
ESR version is now at 52.0 and the main release is the same version number 52.0

Looks like the ESR version (official build) now requires GTK-3
Wheezy has libgtk-3 and a couple of themes so no problem.

Tried playing a youtube video - no sound.

Installed the apulse-0.1.8 libraries into /usr/lib
They can be stripped if the build process has not done this.
These overwrite runtime lib symlinks with the apulse code.

Started Firefox ESR again and went to youtube
Sound played normally.

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 13:44
by Semme
Now Oscar, is this a band-aid or a :D:wink: splint?

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 14:07
by spiritwild
With the release of Firefox 52, we are pleased to welcome the 50 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 45 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions: ... tributors/

Found this on Donald Trumps Twitter :lol:

Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 17:06
by watchdog
Now I am in xenialpup64 Wanted to run firefox 52.0 with pulseaudio. There is a simple way to do this. Install in PPM pulseaudio_8.0 again even though it is declared already installed. A symlink is needed to start firefox:

Code: Select all

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
Then in console:

Code: Select all

pulseaudio --start
I'm posting from it and it plays sound.


Posted: Sun 12 Mar 2017, 18:00
by Bud
I think I've spent enough time with this, I got it working now its not.
Thanks all, until there's a simple fix that works it's goodbye Firefox.
Guess I should have posted in Beginners Help, after years of using Puppies this is the first thing I can't fix.
No doubt the 50 Mozilloids are in a drum circle exchanging congratulatory badges :roll:

Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2017, 02:53
by spiritwild
you may try redirecting alsa in (etc/asound.conf)

adding these lines.

pcm.pulse { type pulse }
ctl.pulse { type pulse }
pcm.!default { type pulse }
ctl.!default { type pulse }

Posted: Mon 13 Mar 2017, 06:14
by frenchiveruti
The mozilloids screwed my audio too... I really don't get why.