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Posted: Tue 28 Feb 2017, 18:26
by labbe5
The developer is very active developing this app. It has been rewritten in C++ for its latest release.

For distribution independant installation :

bash -c "$(wget ... -O -)"

To uninstall :
sudo bash uninstall-stacer

You can free up disk space by other means :
To know how big is your APT cache : du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives
empty your APT cache if you need that much space :
$sudo apt clean

Some files are no longer necessary. To get rid of them :
$sudo apt autoremove --purge

You can get rid of apps that you no longer use :
$sudo apt remove --purge packagename
Note : --purge to get rid of configuration files.

The Stacer app is only available for 64-bit systems. The good old Bleachbit is still available for 32-bit systems. Ubunsys is under development, but available for system administrators :

For downloading .deb files for both 32 and 64-bit operating systems :

For installing on Dog-based OS :
Run sudo dpkg --install Stacer_1.0.4_i386.deb
menu item Script and option install-deb-and-dependencies

This optimizer will act as a boosted and more polished Bleachbit with system monitoring included.

Instead of using Stacer, you can use terminal to search for installed packages (all installed packages are in alphabetical order) :
dpkg --get-selections > pkglist.txt
Look for it under /root

This pkglist.txt can be useful to reinstall same software in Ubuntu or Ubuntu-based derivatives with :
$sudo apt-get install $(cat /home/sk/pkglist.txt | awk '{print $1}')
Just replace the path of /home/JohnDoe/pkglist.txt file with your own.

Further reading :
Doppler – A Zero Configuration Remote Monitoring Tool ... ring-tool/

Stacer 1.0.7

Posted: Mon 31 Jul 2017, 17:06
by labbe5

For Ubuntu 14 :

Run sudo apt-get install systemd -f

A few months ago, it failed to install on Mintpup. Now, it seems the developer has come with a solution for users of Ubuntu Trusty (and derivatives).

AppImage available for 64-bit systems :

Download stacer-1.0.7-x86_64.AppImage from the Stacer releases page.
Make it executable sudo chmod a+x stacer*.AppImage
Run ./stacer*.AppImage

Users of Debian x86 (32-bit) and Debian x64 (64-bit), including derivatives, are offered a binary to download and install :

Download stacer_1.0.7_i386.deb from the Stacer releases page.
Run sudo dpkg --install stacer_1.0.7_i386.deb on the downloaded package.
Launch Stacer using the installed stacer command.

Not available yet for other OS than Deepin, Deepin System Monitor has a look and feel similar to Stacer, including the killing of processes. Both are an eye-candy compared to the usual apps for monitoring our systems, such as top. ... -one-hand/

some explanations from Ubuntu forum, french words

Posted: Fri 04 Aug 2017, 15:17
by Pelo
Puppy Linux , usagers parlant français, jeter un oeil sur l'article Ubuntu
some explanations from Ubuntu forum, french words
labbe5, your tuto is for ubuntu, apt-get is not available in standard Puppies.
Perhaps Synaptic will do the job if you run puppy Jessie, Puppy de habla hispana.
I am running a Slacko derivative now (LXpup Qt). i will check with an Puppy Ubuntu
Bleachbit and rmlint are available for our Puppy Linux (PPM)
Bleachbit is enough for Puppy Linux users, IMO