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Linux kernel 3.14 declared end-of-life. Colonel Kitten crys

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2016, 16:59
by belham2
...most of us are already aware of this, but in case the rare puppiest out there isn't---here's a funny article and quoting the first few lines:

Linux kernel 3.14 declared end-of-life. Colonel Kitten informs platoon

Earplugs out, this could get shouty[

RODENTS! But enough about the canteen. PAY ATTENTION. THIS IS YOUR COLONEL! I have an important missive about an enemy among us.

As you know, we take our mission to look after the Linux kernel very seriously in this platoon and I am sad to inform you that one of our top kernel agents has been given a burn notice........................................... ... ms-platoon

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2016, 17:11
by Sailor Enceladus
Yup, I compiled 3.14.79 yesterday and will probably keep using this one until my laptop goes EOL. :) Any critical patches can be backported by hand I guess.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2016, 19:45
by jlst
This is bad news

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2016, 21:07
by 8Geee
Next up is 3.4(112) which is due 9/2016.
The 3.4.x kernel is in Slacko5.7 puppies (3.4.82).

3.10.x kernels are safe until 10/2017.

Posted: Mon 12 Sep 2016, 22:07
by Sailor Enceladus
3.16 looks good until April 2020, but doesn't seem to get patched as often

Posted: Tue 13 Sep 2016, 04:57
by 8Geee
3.16.37 is latest massive update.

To go forward with the eee-spins, I might have to go to 6.3 w/Kdelta -->3.16.(37)

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2016, 19:37
by friTTe
Is it time to upgrade then?
i have that one in X-thar

I ran Peppermint and some other dists, but they had the lates 4.xx
Might not have to go all the way up there, but some fresher

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2016, 21:05
by 8Geee
The suggestion of 3.16.x is for length of suppoort. I notice that the 4-series are all short.

MHO/ Its nice, and expected to try the newest kernels in puppy, as some other basic security and ops get updated. But frankly, there seems to be a lot of older computers that are having difficulty migrating (some as recent as 2013). It appears IMHO that some things have been deprecated in favor of newer. /MHO

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2016, 21:46
by friTTe
Ok, well it seems to have worked during other installs on this pc, old Lenovo thinkpad (refurb)
Just need to find a guide howto =)

Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2016, 23:43
by bigpup
If you want to still support older computers, Puppy needs to watch how new a kernel it uses.

The biggest reason to use newer kernel is to get support for newest hardware.

I am not going to look for it, but I have seen statements that the Linux kernel is dropping very older hardware support as the kernel progresses.

Even Puppy stopped supporting K-6 or P2 processors.

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2016, 00:21
by friTTe
Oh, well i found a nice solution that gave me a simple .pet install.
I now run 4.4.6

LTS so will be a slow one, no need to upgrade to often.
Works awesome, i thiunk it was a faster upstart aswell, might be a placebo effect :)

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2017, 19:39
by Illutorium
If it's a about a Old Computer when Let's look at this -> ... 320#931320 (My table of Kernels'),Kernel 3.2 it's a still supported. (EOL of a Kernel it's a May 2018')


Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2017, 18:03
by puppytahruser
Does it mean EOL of tahrpup!! as its kernel is 3.14.
@sailor is there any pup that build on 3.16.
@friTTe what solution do you got? can you share with us.