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Posted: Sat 07 May 2016, 07:14
by oui

First tests with the scratch2.sfs (asri, French subdiv of the forum! The ASRI assoc. has also an own educational forum in French. Forum member asri is now PC coordinator in a few hundred French school an appears more rarely on this forum since he was named for that job) seems to permit to hope that scratch2 (based on the old Adobe AIR for Linux) can start in UbuntuDog32 16.04!

The program starts but not long. After a few steps, he does not react well any more.

Pls inform here if you have better and more experience!

Thank you

Kind regards

Posted: Mon 09 May 2016, 08:00
by alaindu22

Scratch2.sfs is an ( old ) offline version of scratch.
I have never used your system ( ubuntudog )

I have tested scratch2.sfs on lucid , precise and tahrpup and I have no problems ( It's me who has builded this sfs on )

Have you tested the online version of scratch and is it okay ? ( for this you have to install flashplayer ) ... r&start=30

My Scratch2 sfs is builded with adobe air sdk and it's not a good solution with last versions of scratch
For example you can't use actuel scratch2 (v4.46 )
It's the same problem since scratch2 v4.04 (two years old scratch version )

You can use scratch2.sfs for build project but some fonctionnalities are not possible in real time.
For example I have used scratch for robotics projects with sphero
and I have to use the wine version with precise and tahrpup because sphero need a scratch2 version upper than 4.23.

I have also tested an other version of adobe air on linux mint and on this system it is possible to use last version for scratch without wine.

But I have no success to install it on puppy linux;
So now I use wine and windows adobe air installlation ) with computers 2GO of ram and I have no problems...

In fact the scratch2.sfs is a good solution for old computers with only 512 MO of ram where it is difficult to use wine scratch and adobe air

I think that if you won't use wine, you have to search how to install last adobe air versions on puppy (it is possible on linux mint )


Posted: Tue 10 May 2016, 00:30
by Geoffrey
These might work for you
Scratch2-446.sfs MD5 fbb2de8b0b471290deef773a7b2cead9

Posted: Tue 10 May 2016, 08:45
by alaindu22
Thanks you very much Geoffrey !

Your pets and sfs are ok for me ...

Now I can use robotics projects ( sphero and thymio ) and I can record videos's scratch projects on my tahrpup without using wine

It's fine !


Posted: Tue 10 May 2016, 15:21
by oui

Thank you very much Geoffray. I try to install Scratch2 into an actual remastered Puppy. The best would be a LTS one forked from Ubuntu (16.04 now, it is the most new LTS) or Debian (Jessie, it also is a long time coming 3/4 year earlier to us). I would prefer a 64 bit but there is no air for 64 bit Lunix... I assume I will have success in a short time.

Next step:

I will learn if Scratch2 is able to learn long data bases like prolog, logo, lisp...

And I will learn if Scratch2 is able to capture the sound of Internet pages. Which pages? Pages where a sound or a word/sentence is spoken if you hit on a text part of the page. This to use Scratch2 to make captures of sounds.

And after the sound capture, I will introduce it into the data base...

This with the goal to combine sounds to "sound sentences" to make synthesis of sounds or language sentences.

Is that possible in Scratch2

(parent application: Xvidcam! But I don't need video part, only the sound produced if I hit onto the text corresponding to the sound, in the same kind as for pictures if I hit right mouse key onto the link and select after that: «save the picture as»)

Kind regards