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Removal of LibreOffice 5.0 a nightmare !!

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016, 13:58
by scientist
I am trying, but failing to remove LibreOffice 5.0.

I deleted the sfs.

Rebooted, but it still installed.

Manually deleted the millions of files manually.

Reboot, and it is still there.

Is LibreOffice 5.0 a virus ??? :-)


I found some files in /opt that aren't listed in .programs.

Re: Removal of LibreOffice 5.0 a nightmare !!

Posted: Wed 13 Apr 2016, 18:12
by musher0
scientist wrote:I am trying, but failing to remove LibreOffice 5.0.

I deleted the sfs.

Rebooted, but it still installed.

Manually deleted the millions of files manually.

Reboot, and it is still there.

Is LibreOffice 5.0 a virus ??? :-)


I found some files in /opt that aren't listed in .programs.
You, my friend, have just experienced a wonderful case of the
Puppy teflon effect! :twisted:

Seriously: Apache Open Office and Libre Office are twins. They put their files
in the same place: /opt.

If you have both sfs's loaded: try
-- unloading both with sfs_load and
-- also un-install my "desktop-integration" pet through the PPM.
-- Re-boot.
-- Double-check that the files are gone.
-- Re-boot again.
-- Re-check.
-- If all clear, then load aOO with sfs_load and the aOO desktop-integration pet.

If all else fails, start a new pupsave. (Oh. But I think I remember that you wrote
somewhere that you had a pupsave folder for your Puppy... Poor man! ) ;)

In any case: good luck with this!


Next time, try a non-installed method?

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 00:24
by davids45
G'day scientist,

As you have a Full Install of Puppy, next time, you could try running LibreOffice or another big package from a symlink of its executable(s) from an expanded .pet/.sfs on a mounted data partition on your hard drive - I assume your Puppy does not take up all your hard drive so there is some spare drive space for a partition holding shared/sharable data, programs, etc.

I run calc and writer from links to the scalc and swriter files in a /LibreOffice5.0/opt/libreoffice5.0/program/ directory on my mounted data partition (sda5). This I make for each LibreOffice version downloaded by extracting the .sfs or .pet or .gz or .whatever to its own directory on the data partition.

Running any bit of LibreOffice is then just dragging the particular executable file from the data partition location onto the Puppy desktop.

To change to a newer or older LibreOffice, just remove the unneeded desktop icon and drag the new/old icon in its place from the new/old data directory.

To completely remove an unwanted version, just delete its directory on the data partition.

I run seamonkey in this way as well, but dragging the seamonkey executable from the latest seamonkey directory on sda5 to the Pup's /usr/bin/ and then editing /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser to use seamonkey if it was not the default browser. I edit defaultemail there as well so I can use seamonkey's email component.

I do this for all my Full Pups so I have the same program across all my Pups.

This linked-not-installed method will also work in Frugals - except I create one big .sfs which also includes wine (+its programs), games, graphics, etc. as well as the LibreOffice suite and get BootManager to load this combined .sfs for each Frugal Pup. I keep all my Frugals in the one partition and have this sfs in its root for ready mounting by every Frugal Pup.

Admittedly, it is a bit of a chore to edit this single big sfs if I decide to update LibreOffice (or wine in particular). But once it's done, it is immediately applied for every Frugal once I replace the old sfs with the new (keeping the same name for the sfs).

Not all big and complex programs will work this way, but LibreOffice and seamonkey certainly do, so give it a try if you see merit in this method for your situation.

David S.


Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 02:28
by scientist

I failed to post this, but when I deleted the LibreOffice files from /opt, it resulted in the complete removal of LibreOffice.

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 02:30
by scientist
As you have a Full Install of Puppy, next time, you could try running LibreOffice or another big package from a symlink of its executable(s) from an expanded .pet/.sfs on a mounted data partition on your hard drive - I assume your Puppy does not take up all your hard drive so there is some spare drive space for a partition holding shared/sharable data, programs, etc.
I found a link to LibreOffice in /usr/share/applications/ and dragged it to my desktop.