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Top Puppy Linux Tips

Posted: Tue 22 Aug 2006, 12:15
by Lobster
Here are some of my top Puppy tips
what are yours?

What is the linux kernel?
The Linux kernel is the core of the Linux operating system.
To find out which version of the Linux kernel you are running,
type uname -r in console (see desktop).
Linux kernel info∞

How do I change screen managers

ctrl + alt + backspace will take you to the prompt
then (assuming they are installed)

xwin JWM (this is the default - others must be installed)
xwin fv95wm
xwin xfce
xwin icewm
(xwin = xstart on other Linux systems)

How do I reboot my Puppy from the console?
shutdown -r now
You can also press (all at once) the control, alt and delete keys.

How do I shut down my Puppy from the console (are you feeling like A Linux Guru yet)?
ctrl + alt + backspace

How do I remove/uninstall Lilo/Grub?
If you want to remove the Lilo or Grub boot loader from your system (if you are uninstalling linux etc) follow the procedures below:

For Windows 95/98 etc:
Use a dos boot disk and at the command prompt type:
fdisk /mbr

For Windows XP:
Boot off the XP Installation CD and go into rescue mode. From there run the command:

How do I change directories?
cd - Used to change directories
Usage: cd [directory]
Example: cd /root/my-documents/
Example: cd ../ (to move back one directory)
Example: cd (to return to your home directory)

How do I copy files?
cp - Used to copy files/directories from one location to another
Usage: cp file newlocation
Example: cp /home/joey/index.html /var/www/index.html
Example: cp /home/joey/* /var/www/ (this will copy everything in /home/joey to /var/www/)
For more information, in a terminal, type cp --help

How do I rename files?
mv - Used to move or rename files
Usage: mv file location (to move)
Usage: mv filename newfilename (to rename)
Example: mv index.html /var/www/index.html (to move)
Example: mv index.html index2.html (rename)
For more information, in a terminal, type mv --help

How do I list directory contents?
ls - To list the contents of a directory
Usage: ls [flags] directory
Example: ls (To list the current directory)
Example: ls /home/joey (To list the contents of /home/joey)
Example: ls -a (To list hidden files)
Example: ls -l (To list file/directory permissions and file sizes)
Example: ls -al /home/joey (To list all files and permissions in /home/joey)

How do I delete files?
Drag them from Rox to the trash
- they stay there until you empty the trash

How do I delete directories?
If you have ownership to the directory and the directory is empty, you can simply type rmdir directoryname to remove the directory. If the directory is not empty and you wish to simply delete it and all its contents, run rm -rf directoryname
Please be careful with the -rf flag, as it will remove everything in the specified directory including sub directories. With root access and the rm -rf command you can wipe out your entire system if you make an error.

How do I access my cdrom drive?
Click on "Drives"
or from the console
mount /dev/home/cdrom

How do I access my floppy drive?
mount /dev/home/fd0

How do I unzip a .tar.gz/.tgz file?
click on it
To extract .tar.gz or .tgz files, run the following command in a terminal:
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz (or file.tgz)
This will normally create a new directory based on the filename. If you want to extract a filename called file.tar (without the .gz) simply run:
tar -xvf file.tar

How do I unzip a .bz2 file?
click on it
To extract .bz2 files, run the following command in a terminal:
bunzip2 -dv file.bz2

How do I zip files?
Drag them from Rox to Pupzip icon on the desktop

How do I run a program?
Try: dillo, gimp, ical
from the console (command line terminal or CLI)

How do I check HD errors
fsck.ext2 -vfn /mnt/home/pup001

Posted: Tue 22 Aug 2006, 13:20
by MU
cp -ax copies folders recursivly including hidden files and overwriting existing ones.
It is my preferred method.

Posted: Tue 22 Aug 2006, 14:22
by Flash
What does recursively mean, in this context?

Posted: Tue 22 Aug 2006, 14:52
by MU
with all subfolders.

We often have the question:
"how do I copy files from devx_202.sfs" to a full harddisk-installation of Puppy 2.02?

mkdir /root/mount
mount -o loop /mnt/hda1/devx_202.sfs /root/mount
cp -ax /root/mount/* /

This mounts the file, and then copies the contents completely to the harddisk, including subfolders, hidden files, and overwriting all existent ones.


Change default editor

Posted: Tue 29 Aug 2006, 22:59
by Lobster
Want the simple "leafpad" as your default editor?

right click on the "edit" desktop icon
Select "File edit / Open as text"
change the line
exec geany "$@"
exec leafpad "$@"

Posted: Fri 01 Sep 2006, 09:03
by Lobster
8) It took me a while to find my hard disk with Rox in Puppy 1.xx


on Puppy 2.xx running from CD

it is at


Posted: Fri 01 Sep 2006, 11:06
by trapster
on Puppy 2.xx

it is at


It seems on my puppyoffice203CE frugal install that my hard drive is at:


Posted: Fri 01 Dec 2006, 07:07
by Lobster
Develop Puppytude

A special 1 day course (just click on the chat icon on the Puppy desktop) and type in a good nickname will be happenning on 3rd Dec 2006

Puppytude - frisky kindness to all Penguins and ex-XP users goes a long way to making Puppy Fun :)

It is part of BowWow - Puppy Geek Leet

Re: Top Puppy Linux Tips

Posted: Mon 18 Dec 2006, 14:22
by edoc
Lobster wrote:Here are some of my top Puppy tips
what are yours?
Could you add "How to make a symlinked icon on the desktop?"

Every now and then I want to create an icon on the desktop to open an app and I
never remember from occasion to occasion the correct steps.

I create a script.

I edit the script to point to the correct directory.

I edit the script with the correct instructions, e.g. "java -jar thingamablog.jar"

When I click it does nothing ... so I look closely and notice that my icon does
not have a symlink element so I missed that step.