Make Concurrent Copies (and optionally label the versions)

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Puppus Dogfellow
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Make Concurrent Copies (and optionally label the versions)

#1 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

new subtitle to reflectupdate, this is the thread formerly subtitled "now as a pet and with more options and icons (lightweight labels)"

i've changed the thread title from Easily Add Multi-Copy Ability To Your Pup to match the pet and avoid confusion with SFR's MultiCopyPaste-2.2; this is the thread originally subtitled Rox right-click, drag and drop, call through a terminal, add to a script) and then now (somewhat) improved as Make_Concurrent_Copies. see thepet in the linked/last post for current version.


new and improved /shiny (older)

The following script will allow you to easily make multiple copies of files or directories and edit their count, and to some degree, the wording of the copies (presets are for sets of three and five starting as file2X.1--the dummy extension is so you can easily swap in actual extensions or delete them (easier to delete from the template than add the extension after the fact). rox's built in bulk rename function (access with a right click) will allow text replacement, positional addition, and selective deletion, but you can further fine tune the final names with SFR's Multi-Rename or whatever bulk renamer comes with your pup (usually gfnrename or prename)).

Code: Select all

echo $'

echo $\'


for f in "$@"{2..6}.X ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
#replace the .X with an extension or delete it.
#eg: {x..y[..incr]}{AA..ZZ..5}{x..a} {x..a..-2}

\' > ./Make_Copies

echo $\'
 leafpad ./Make_Copies
\' > ./Make_Copies--edit_range

chmod 755 ./Make_Copies--edit_range ./Make_Copies

' > /root/my-applications/bin/5ce

chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/5ce

echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=make multiple copies of a file by drag and drop
' > /root/.config/
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=make multiple copies of a file by drag and drop
' > /root/.config/
echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=make multiple copies of a file by drag and drop
' > /root/.config/

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.X ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
#replace the .X with an extension or delete it.
#eg: {x..y[..incr]}{AA..ZZ..5}{x..a} {x..a..-2}
' > /root/my-applications/bin/5c

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..4}.X ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
#replace the .X with an extension or delete it.
#eg: {x..y[..incr]}{AA..ZZ..5}{x..a} {x..a..-2}
' > /root/my-applications/bin/3c

chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/3c /root/my-applications/bin/5c
The script places three desktop files in two folders used by rox for right click functions. the one that's accessible in the New menu will create two files in whatever folder it's clicked or activated. one is Make_Copies--edit_range, which opens the drag and drop file (Make_Copies) for you to edit. they're disposable and can be renamed and modified for portable use. the other two are in the Open With menu, which allows them to function as right click utilities--right click an item (file of folder--it updates and overwrites recursively so make sure you don't have identically oddly named files hanging about when you activate it if you want to keep older versions) and pick either 3 or 5c, both of which you can access for editing (or copy and alter to add other presets) by right click > Open With... > Customise. 5c (or 3c) /path/to/file will make multiple copies of the file according to the presets. entering 5ce (5c, edit) into a terminal will create the scripts Make_Copies and Make_Copies--edit_range in your current directory. "edit range" is set to open the other document in leafpad--you can adjust the script and watch it create the files, altering as necessary. if you edit the desktop files in geany, you can right click open (or shift plus control plus o) the target (which isn't as convenient as 5ce).

it's working well. wish i needed to copy more stuff.

Last edited by Puppus Dogfellow on Wed 30 Aug 2017, 06:29, edited 7 times in total.

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#2 Post by Flash »

Could you give us a screen capture of it in action so we can see what it does?

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#3 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Flash wrote:Could you give us a screen capture of it in action so we can see what it does?


it was actually more difficult than i anticipated (photobucket froze on the second gif--the google drive shots are apparently not in a forum friendly format?), but, sure, no problem, Flash.

shots show the editable version being called through the terminal of a gexec/pexec type launcher (flashed off too quick, but that's why the two scripts appear in the top gif--5ce is the code for it) and desktop icon version that does the same thing--autogenerate two scripts in your current directory. stuff is dragged to the script and instantly copied, the file gets edited to make eight copies, the thing is rerun, the copies appear. the second gif shows me moving around the cursor like an imbecile, but it may add a bit more detail to the overall picture.


(upon review, my timing of the shots was worse than i thought). :?


forgot to expand the windows so you could better see the copies, but you can tell the folders are expanding by the scroll bar grab handles' shrinking.

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#4 Post by Flash »

Thanks. :)

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Make_Concurrent_Copies--the folder or presets version

#5 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Flash wrote:Thanks. :)
you're welcome, Flash.

here's another version of more or less the same thing (though i think it may be a little more user friendly).


from the info file:
to use Make_Concurrent_Copies, give a shortcut key to the mcc script in the compressed folder and/or place it in /root/my-applications/bin, and move or copy the /mc directory to /root/my-applications (clicking the install script will do the moving, but it won't set a shortcut key for you). rather than generating an editable script in the working directory like the previous version, the newer one pops open a rox folder (you could edit "mcc" to open the file manager of your choice) with 66 make-copy presets (file types listed below--it's 33 set for 5 copies made when a file or files are dragged and dropped and 33 set for 3 copies). if you're happy with the number and file type, just symlink the correct item from the popup to the directory containing the file(s) to be copied, then drag and drop. if you need to adjust either the number or extension/name, you'll have to copy the file into the directory before the editing and activation (unless you want to give the new file a more permanent home in /root/my-applications/mc/mcc so that in the future it presents itself along with the other defaults). the compressed folder (12kb) includes mcc (script for the mcc folder popup), this info page, the install script, and mc, which contains a folder of icons and a folder of scripts:

3avi 3gif 3mp4 3ppt 3text 3xlsx 5doc 5mkv 5odf 5san 5wav
3bmp 3html 3mpeg 3pptx 3tiff 3xml 5docx 5mon 5odt 5ser 5wmv
3dir 3jpg 3mpg 3rtf 3txt 3xpm 5flv 5mp3 5png 5svg 5xls
3doc 3mkv 3odf 3san 3wav 5avi 5gif 5mp4 5ppt 5text 5xlsx
3docx 3mon 3odt 3ser 3wmv 5bmp 5html 5mpeg 5pptx 5tiff 5xml
3flv 3mp3 3png 3svg 3xls 5dir 5jpg 5mpg 5rtf 5txt 5xpm

the icon folder contains over six times as many icons as the script folder contains scripts. this is to give you a way to further customize and differentiate the items in the pop-up. the 6 color schemes (black on white, white on black, gray on purple, purple on gray, light and dark pink, those pinks reversed, and purple on green) for the most part have both a capital and lowercase version, which i suppose could help when it comes to picking icons that somewhat reflect the number of copies produced. the larger and smaller repeated sequences (colons, periods, pound signs, empty spaces) are for directories, blanks, and as yet unrepresented file types.

to assign one of the icons to a script, right click the script, choose set icon, and then drag the icon of your choice to the box that popped open.


p.dogfellow, 5/3/16

install script consists of:


cp -fRu ./mcc /root/my-applications/bin
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
cp -fRu ./mc /root/my-applications/
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/*

mcc script:
#swap out rox for file manager of your choice
rox /root/my-applications/mc/mcc
i think over time, the customizability/portability of the folder ultimately makes it more useful than the edit-as-you-go version. it's also easier to keep track of the various presets that may amass this way.

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use the "dir" version for extensionless file types

#6 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

the 5dir and 3dir scripts in the folder don't add an extension to the numbered copies and so are also suitable for extensionless or extension-indifferent file types.
here's the script i used to make the scripts in the pop up:

Code: Select all

#both scripts make the same two directories in /root/my-applications/. copy template and adjust paths (i.e. add subdirectories) to sort versions before they're made.
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/icons/
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/

#make the launcher and set its permissions:
echo $'
rox /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/
' > /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
#activate with a shortcut key or "mcc" in a terminal

#the "dir" presets can also be used for extensionless/extension-indifferent files. swap the "dir" for "blank" or similar if you want a file named "blank" or similar. 
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6} ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5dir

#find-and-replace run on the extension bit will also change the script's name to reflect its new function. 
#individual chunks coming up are each scripts this script makes. modify the count and/or numbering convention by swapping the {#..#} part that sets the sequence and the #(extension) part that comprises the name. use "whole document" or "selection" to make/modify batches. paste sections into a terminal or run the script as a whole when you want to update your mcc (Make Concurrent Copies) folder. some examples of how you can use brace expansion to set the name and number of the copies (from comments in the earlier script): {x..y[..incr]}.extension:  {AA..ZZ..5}  {x..a}.ext {x..a..-2}

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mp3 ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mp3
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.wav ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5wav
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mp4 ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mp4
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.flv ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5flv
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mpg ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mpg
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.avi ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5avi
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mpeg ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mpeg
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mkv ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mkv
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.wmv ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5wmv
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.xpm ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5xpm
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.bmp ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5bmp
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.jpg ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5jpg
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.gif ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5gif
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.svg ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5svg
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.png ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5png
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.tif ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5tiff
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.odt ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5odt
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.doc ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5doc
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6} ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5dir
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.docx ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5docx
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.rtf ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5rtf
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.xml ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5xml
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.html ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5html
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.txt ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5txt
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.odf ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5odf
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.mon ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5mon
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.ser ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5ser
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.san ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5san
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.text ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5text

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.xml ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5xml

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.ppt ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5ppt

echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.pptx ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5pptx
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.xls ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5xls
echo $'
for f in "$@"{2..6}.xlsx ; do cp -fRu "$@" $f ; done
' >   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/5xlsx
#set permissions for the popup folder and any files or directories you put in it:
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/mcc
chmod 755   /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/*

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Puppus Dogfellow
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here's the icon making script

#7 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

Code: Select all

#substitute 7txpm for the name of your custom copy of txt2xpm (by technosaurus)
#substitute "7.xpm" to something that won't conflict with earlier versions (i generally set it to reflect the icon theme/txt2xpm script that set it)
#see and for more

mkdir -p /root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/
mkdir -p /root/my-applications/bin/mc/mcc/
7txpm "MP3" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mp3c7.xpm
7txpm "WAV" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/wavc7.xpm
7txpm "MP4" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mp4c7.xpm
7txpm "FLV" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/flvc7.xpm
7txpm "MPG" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mpgc7.xpm
7txpm "AVI" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/avic7.xpm
7txpm "MPEG" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mpeg7.xpm
7txpm "MKV" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mkvc7.xpm
7txpm "WMV" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/wmvc7.xpm
7txpm "XPM" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/xpmc7.xpm 
7txpm "BMP" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/bmpc7.xpm
7txpm "JPG" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/jpgc7.xpm
7txpm "GIF" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/gifc7.xpm
7txpm "SVG" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/svgc7.xpm         
7txpm "PNG" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/pngc7.xpm 
7txpm "TIF" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/tifff7.xpm
7txpm "ODT" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/odtc7.xpm
7txpm "DOC" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/docc7.xpm
7txpm "    " >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dirc7.xpm
7txpm ":::" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/3cc7.xpm
7txpm "[    ]" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/9brrdlk.xpm
7txpm "------" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dss7.xpm
7txpm "DOCX" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/docx7.xpm
7txpm "RTF" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/rtfc7.xpm
7txpm "XML" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/xmlc7.xpm
7txpm "HTML" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/html7.xpm
7txpm "TXT" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/txtc7.xpm
7txpm "ODF" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/odfc7.xpm
7txpm "MON" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/monc7.xpm
7txpm "SER" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/serc7.xpm
7txpm "SAN" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/sanc7.xpm
7txpm "TEXT" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/text7.xpm
7txpm "DIR" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dir2c7.xpm
7txpm "mp3" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mp37.xpm
7txpm "wav" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/wav7.xpm
7txpm "mp4" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mp47.xpm
7txpm "flv" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/flv7.xpm
7txpm "mpg" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mpg7.xpm
7txpm "avi" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/avi7.xpm
7txpm "mpeg" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mpeg7.xpm
7txpm "mkv" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mkv7.xpm
7txpm "wmv" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/wmv7.xpm
7txpm "xpm" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/xpm7.xpm 
7txpm "bmp" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/bmp7.xpm
7txpm "jpg" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/jpg7.xpm
7txpm "gif" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/gif7.xpm
7txpm "svg" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/svg7.xpm         
7txpm "png" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/png7.xpm 
7txpm "tif" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/tifff7.xpm
7txpm "odt" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/odt7.xpm
7txpm "doc" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/doc7.xpm
7txpm "    " >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dir7.xpm
7txpm ":::" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/3c7.xpm
7txpm "[    ]" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/9brrdlk.xpm
7txpm "------" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dss7.xpm
7txpm "docx" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/docx7.xpm
7txpm "rtf" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/rtf7.xpm
7txpm "xml" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/xml7.xpm
7txpm "html" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/html7.xpm
7txpm "txt" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/txt7.xpm
7txpm "odf" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/odf7.xpm
7txpm "mon" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/mon7.xpm
7txpm "ser" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/ser7.xpm
7txpm "san" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/san7.xpm
7txpm "text" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/text7.xpm
7txpm "dir" >/root/my-applications/bin/mc/icons/dir27.xpm

#i made the sets of icons by repeatedly swapping the 7s to reflect other versions of the script (it was part of something else at the time), but save-as works and allows you to get back a lost set more quickly.

more on icons, versioning, etc: ... 358#898358
text2xpm thread: ... 822#561822

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Puppus Dogfellow
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now improved as"mcc" in a terminal or click the

#8 Post by Puppus Dogfellow » --46k



46k even with the 1100 labels. turns out you don't need to drag the scripts to the target directory--copies are made in the folder from which they were dragged. if you don't want the labels (mostly blank or word processing related), the script in quar will save you a click or two deleting it. overwrites previous version so rename yours and copy back the customizations if you've done some modding without renaming. set icons/versioning labels by right clicking in rox (i'm not familiar with methods for other file managers). activate by clicking the desktop file (or giving it a shortcut--also a rox right click function (on Edit pop up box)) or entering mcc in a terminal.

cursor's normally visible during the drag (i must've not set the shot correctly in TAS). file(s) being copied are copied in their original folder despite the drag-to.

edit: it appears the pet i upped didn't have the rm -fr line/script in quar and that i misremembered the original icon path--your icons won't get overwritten and you'll end up with some duplicates. if you don't want to make custom sets using text2xpm, you can use mtpaint's fill function or palette editor and some zooming to swap foreground/background to whatever you like. use the quar folder for the icons you end up keeping or copy functions you want out of the way but not entirely gone.

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added back 5ce and the right click functions, added

#9 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

3c, 4c, and 5c plus the path of a file in a terminal or script (a return for 3 and 5; four's new) will make 3, 4, or 5 copies of your file(s) (with numbers appended starting with 2 (i.e. 4c copies yourfile as yourfile2 yourfile3 yourfile4 yourfile5)). 5ce in a terminal creates two files--a default five copy drag-to script and a clickable companion script that allows you to quickly adjust it.

5ce is also on the right click > new menu (alternate way to add itself to a folder), and 3c-5c are on the right click > SendTo/OpenWith menus (right click a folder or file (or a batch of either and/or) and instantly (more or less) make 3, 4, or 5 copies of it.

4k for the main pet, 51k for the icon pack.

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a lighter alternative to the icon pack

#10 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

i ended up using a console label (>_) for the desktop icon, but since i had the templates from the last batch still handy, i felt i should do something with it, so here's a pet of all the variations of technosaurus's text2xpm script i've been using, along with a template script (alter and click) for your own sets.

Code: Select all

#thanks to technosaurus for text2xpm:
#template example for txt2xpm scripts i used to make the icons--this one's set up for "mcc" in both lowercase and caps--change the file name (bit just before the .xpm since the rest identifies the creating script and that the content).

#odt txt doc docx pdf mon san ser pwn lpx nwp vtg rtf [h] [x] [p] [o] [d] bae mae n n1 n2 n3 n4 ae-p >x<  >d<  >o< [   ] {   } |  |  | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 !# >_  [=] () )(  [!] [...] [.] [..] (/) ( / )  ODT TXT DOC DOCX PDF MON SAN SER PWN LPX NWP VTG RTF [H] [X] [P] [O] [D] BAE MAE N N1 N2 N3 N4 AE-P >X<  >D<  >O< 
mkdir -p /usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab
0artxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0artlmcc.xpm
0atxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0atlmcc.xpm
0rwtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0rwtlmcc.xpm
0txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0tlmcc.xpm
1txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/1tlmcc.xpm
2txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/2tlmcc.xpm
3txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/3tlmcc.xpm
4txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/4tlmcc.xpm
5txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/5tlmcc.xpm
6txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/6tlmcc.xpm
7txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/7tlmcc.xpm
8txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/8tlmcc.xpm
9txpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/9tlmcc.xpm
bltxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/bltlmcc.xpm
botxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/botlmcc.xpm
btxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/btlmcc.xpm
bwtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/bwtlmcc.xpm
deftxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/deftlmcc.xpm
defxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/deflmcc.xpm
gbtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/gbtlmcc.xpm
gwtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/gwtlmcc.xpm
kwtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/kwtlmcc.xpm
lbtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/lbtlmcc.xpm
lotxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/lotlmcc.xpm
obtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/obtlmcc.xpm
oltxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/oltlmcc.xpm
prtext2xpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/prtext2lmcc.xpm
prtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/prtlmcc.xpm
ptxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/ptlmcc.xpm
rdbltxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rdbltlmcc.xpm
rdltxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rdltlmcc.xpm
rldtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rldtlmcc.xpm
rrdbltxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rrdbltlmcc.xpm
text2xpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/text2lmcc.xpm
wbtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wbtlmcc.xpm
wgtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wgtlmcc.xpm
wktxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wktlmcc.xpm
wtxpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wtlmcc.xpm
wtxt2xpm "mcc" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wtxt2lmcc.xpm
0artxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0artmcc.xpm
0atxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0atmcc.xpm
0rwtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0rwtmcc.xpm
0txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/0tmcc.xpm
1txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/1tmcc.xpm
2txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/2tmcc.xpm
3txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/3tmcc.xpm
4txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/4tmcc.xpm
5txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/5tmcc.xpm
6txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/6tmcc.xpm
7txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/7tmcc.xpm
8txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/8tmcc.xpm
9txpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/9tmcc.xpm
bltxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/bltmcc.xpm
botxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/botmcc.xpm
btxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/btmcc.xpm
bwtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/bwtmcc.xpm
deftxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/deftmcc.xpm
defxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/defmcc.xpm
gbtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/gbtmcc.xpm
gwtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/gwtmcc.xpm
kwtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/kwtmcc.xpm
lbtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/lbtmcc.xpm
lotxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/lotmcc.xpm
obtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/obtmcc.xpm
oltxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/oltmcc.xpm
prtext2xpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/prtext2mcc.xpm
prtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/prtmcc.xpm
ptxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/ptmcc.xpm
rdbltxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rdbltmcc.xpm
rdltxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rdltmcc.xpm
rldtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rldtmcc.xpm
rrdbltxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/rrdbltmcc.xpm
text2xpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/text2mcc.xpm
wbtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wbtmcc.xpm
wgtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wgtmcc.xpm
wktxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wktmcc.xpm
wtxpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wtmcc.xpm
wtxt2xpm "MCC" >/usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab/wtxt2mcc.xpm
pet is 9k




i suppose this way makes more sense (not such a happy reflection :lol: )

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Puppus Dogfellow
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a small restructuring and some added functions

#11 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from ... 905#965905, update and a fix: more keyboard tweaks, f36/"f36" fix, bbwp now works as a right click (and then drag file(s) to browser function); bbwp 4 chrom-/moz-) (ran out of space for the subtitle, but that last part means support for both chromium and mozilla based browsers--originally it looked like only save to pdf worked for the mozilla family:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:the updated help/info file for the xmodmap add-ins (available separately as xmod84.1pet):
click to activate, edit the reset script to suit your layout, edit the runs scripts to suit your preferences, drag run script to startup to have one of the following active by default:

run8287 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock; additional Function keys added to
Modeswitch+F1-F12 for second twelve and Modeswitch+ the number row for the 12 after that (F series only goes up to F35 but the key pad has an additional four (KP_F#) for a total of 39. "F37-F39" are Modeswitch plus q,w, and e; Hyper_R is added as mod3 (works in JWM but not Rox) and the key put on Pause ond Escape; Modeswitch + Escape is Escape; Modeswitch + either Tab or Backspace is the Menu key. Menu, for keyboards that have it, is usually keycode 117 (and can be repurposed).

run82 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run82m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), multimedia key under F2 (check your setup with xev) is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run84 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run84c -- Caps_Lock is Control_L, Pause is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

run84m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock, Menu is Modeswitch+q.

run87 -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

run87m -- Caps_Lock is Modeswitch, Pause is Hyper_R (mod 3), Scroll_Lock is Caps_Lock

you may need to disable or reassign some jwm defaults (like screen shot and the global volume controls, or the root and windows menus) to be able to customize the whole set (key often won't show up as a key or otherwise assignable entity if there's a windows manager function that grabs it first. use xev to check keycodes (these keysyms and keycodes are consistent on all my machines, but the multimedia keys almost never are).
(swap and experiment)
to /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
to be able to use the templates in no10m (all function keys and the alphabet plus a little more for mod3 on the larger of the two. mostly just the alphabet under mod3 for the other)

ktab ktabm kset kreset added as nwp shortcuts (open the key table in geany, open the modifier map in geany, open the xmodmap folder in /root/my-applications/, reset the keyboard (set for u.s. layout--edit to suit yours or copy to make (more) toggles)).

see more: ... 657#958657

added colemak and dvorak as reset button options (you can just toggle to them...maybe i do have a use for five extra keyboards...)

---puppus dogfellow, 7/29/17

newest additions:
run8287-1 -- Menu and Escape are Mod3(Hyper_R), Modeswitch is Caps_Lock and Pause, Caps_Lock is Scroll_Lock, Modeswitch plus Tab is Escape, Modeswitch plus Backspace is the Menu key. has function keys f13-f39 (f35..kp_4) added in the same way as run8287.

84-1 is 8287-1 for keyboards without a menu key for hyper-r--it goes on pause and escape (you lose the second Modeswitch key but keep the second hyper r key. all else is the same). version .1 fixes an error that broke kp_f1/f36 in run8287 and run8287-1.

justf is just the function ke[/url]ys (f13-f39 (f35..kp_4)) being activated by Pause as (the) Modeswitch
desktop entry under utilities simply opens to the xmod map folder now in /root/my-applications/bin. click to add the keyboard layouts/tweaks of your choice.



xmod84.1pet 7kb 10kb 98kb 16kb 12kb 20kb 51kb 16kb



from the updated Styles(/grab formatting/how-to) template in bbwp/html:

[...]seems saving to pdf works in mozilla based browsers after all, and i need to take back some of my hedging on its usability as a word processor--it will save the changes you make in the editable tab if you save it as a pdf through the print dialog, but the same file downloaded through the same interface doesn't show your changes if you save it as an html file.

(both functions work as expected in chromium based browsers, and either can use bookmarking to return to previous work. drag and drop the file to an open browser; use the rox new templates to start a project wherever you like.)

--p. dogfellow, 8/22/17

edit: save as webpage complete as opposed to html only and the mozlilla based family works fine. saving as plain text also works through the ctrl+s function and file menu.

sorry for all the unnecessary drama--it works, it's a word processor.

mcc_deluxe is the updated mcc pet (some restructuring, the addition of the mini icons, a slimmer version of blankpet at right click (basepet), and the improved bbwp) plus the 1302 mini icons and text2xpm variety pack that made them. (whole thing is 20 kb smaller than just the libreoffice desktop files and five icons that go with them under the same compression (98 vs 118kb according to google; rox add a kb to the readings...)).

mcc2, bbwp2 are the same thing gz compressed. the mcc-bbwp-xmod pet is xz compressed and is the same thing (also the same thing as bbwp2, which is in the repo's word processing and related section rather than utilities (both function as updates to the spins here or for the anuupus suite in general)).

updated pet(s) makes a second html folder inside both /root/my-applications/bbwp/html and /nwp/wp/bbwp/html. originally there was supposed to be a nwp and non-nwp version (mcc2/bbwp2), but it's easy just to delete /nwp if you don't want it, and this way doesn't overwrite any changes you may've made to the original two sets of templates.

paste formatting from any source, including a template made from a sample page of your favorite or often used formatting (including justification, centering, right/left align, font style and size, etc) from your favorite word processor, application, or web site into the Styles tab and copy when needed. use f11 for a wide open, clutter free writing environment.



more on the bbwp (Styles sheet is also scrap, history, howto, and credits) starting here: ... c6d#959394
(Posted: Sat 01 Jul 2017, 16:19    Post subject: bbwp: a tiny browser-based word processor (5k w/o browser)
Subject description: upgrade pet that functions as a stand alone [aside from web browser] word processor and text editor)

and more on the xmodmap/keyboard layout tweaks here: ... c6d#959394
Posted: Tue 01 Aug 2017, 00:07    Post subject: some keyboard tweaks as a pet
Subject description: mod3, modeswitch giving 28 additional function keys, click to reset or for dvorak, colemak, etc

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Puppus Dogfellow
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a couple of small updates

#12 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »


first the new bit (from the info file in /root/my-applications/xmodmaps):
justf is just the function keys (f13-f39 (f35..kp_4)) being activated by Pause as (the) Modeswitch
justf2 reverses F1-F12 and F13-24 (your customized bank of keys is on top; you'll need Modeswitch plus Function to access your multimedia keys (whether original or modified).
i decided i would rather have my own custom key set (can't think of any programs that out of the box use anything above F12) as the top rung, so i reversed f1-f12 and f13-f24 (for example, to have cut, copy, paste (use xdotool and your windows manager) as easily accessible single button presses). you can run either justf or justf2 after the others to modify them.

the feature i forgot to mention and then added a bit to is a pet-making function. an improvement over the nwp's "blankpet" (on which it's based), "basepet" contains fewer unnecessary directories and i find i've been using it to the exclusion of the other. it can be seen in the excerpted (and selectively expanded) below (the drag-to script it places in templates (so you can easily make "workshops") isn't included in most of the previous versions (but may exist in your pup as a right click utility)).

Code: Select all

#mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/icons/pref
#puppy reference/preferences/defaults (a separate folder so you can ditch the majority of what the batch text2xpm scripts call)
#mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/icons/mcc
#mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/icons/bbwp
#rdltxpm "mcc" > /root/my-applications/mc/icons/mcc/rdltlmcc.xpm
# alternately, use the puppy reference folder in root

mkdir -p /root/.config/
mkdir -p /root/.config/
mkdir -p /root/.config/

echo $'

' > /root/.config/
chmod 755 /root/.config/
#use parchive (radky), right click utilites (don570), or packit(SFR) to convert the folder you filled with contents and commands into a pet or sfs.
#or (late addition to pinstall):

echo $'

exec makepet "$@"

' > /root/.config/
chmod 755 /root/.config/

#puts a script in your working directory that will turn the structure and contents of your "basepet" (rename it to suit its contents) directory into a .pet when one is dragged to another. grab a .desktop file from /usr/share/applications that's roughly where you want your program or script to appear on the menu, rename it, and fill out the slots to match your executable and icon locations (you could use mtpaint and save a work as xpm, then open that as text and surround with the nwp's cnt (content) command, and add those to your pets/system through the script. (similar is done with the mcc icon above and the same method could be used to add new .desktop files to /usr/share/applications (sometimes i find it's easier to add the text to a file, sometimes it's easier to add the file and icon to their respective folders.)))
here's an example of the icon through the terminal:

Code: Select all

echo $'
/* XPM */
static char *tmp_xpm[] = {
"21 13 4 1",
" 	c None",
". 	c #E8B3CC",
",	c #00FF00",
"#	c #FF0074",
' > /root/puppy-reference/mini-icons/mcc.xpm

here's an example of that being done for the desktop entry (not part of the pet's, and the comments are a bit longer in this post than in the actual pet):

Code: Select all

echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Name=mcc--make concurrent copies
Comment=make concurrent copies by dragging file(s) to script selection
' > /usr/share/applications/mcc.desktop

the last thing i used it for was to make pets of the latest syncthing--copied some stuff from the older pet, copied in the new binary, renamed "extra" to "/root/syncthing-help" (it has pdfs explaining what it is and how to set it up, but i find it's as easy to use as dropbox--browser becomes interface and first choice to sync across your network is /root/Sync, which gets installed by default. it's not difficult to change or add folders or computers to the syncing being done), "petted" the directory with a drag to.


here's Mike Walsh's syncthing thread:
here's a link to my older and newer pets (part of the same thread): ... 058#961058

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Puppus Dogfellow
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a small utility/update for the mini word processor aspect

#13 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

despite being browser based, the word processor function is supposed to work without an internet connection, so here's a way to get special characters into your documents without one (that you can use the internet to augment--the list is relatively limited, but the package is relatively small compared to a utility like guchar, and it's very easy to use and customizable).

hat tip to Mike Walsh for his Enter special Unicode characters in Puppy thread, which provided this link and some of the pasted in characters:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
Mike Walsh wrote:Afternoon, all.

This was brought to my attention by some research carried out for answering a question posed by a member on

I hadn't realised this until now, but it's essentially the Unix/Linux equivalent of the Alt/number keycodes in Windows.

There's a complete list of all the available Unicode characters to be found here:-

It is a huge list, too...


For instance, say you want to enter the heart symbol ( ) into your text. You look through that list, and locate the heart symbol. You then look to the far left of that line, which gives you "2660". You then look at the top of that column where the heart symbol is, which gives you "05". You add these two values together.....which gives you "2665".

Now; this is where the 'magic' happens. Press Shift + Ctrl together, and hold. Enter u (which tells the keyboard to expect a hexadecimal Unicode value), followed by 2665 (the value you've just obtained). Now, release the Shift + Ctrl keys. Voilà!

e.g hold Shift + Ctrl, enter u, 2665, then release.

That's all there is to it. Keyboards are, of course, capable of generating far more characters than you can see actually printed on the keys. This is the Linux way to do it..!

Have fun. ⌨ = ☺ ✔

Mike. :wink:
cool find. thanks, Mike.

copying and pasting works fine, too (middle click after a select is also pretty linuxy, i think).

i copied a bunch to a text file for leafpad to open--much smaller utility than guchar.

thanks again.

i found the instructions too involved to use (if i'm going to look up the code, i may as well copy the character while i'm there--it's quicker). searching for another alternative, i found guchar, which was large and didn't install right in the 64 bit pup (tahr spin) i tried it in (although missing some characters, the package installed (with deps) in a xenial 32 spin).

so here's a mini update to the mcc-wp (et al), a way to paste in special characters. to make the prototype, i made a text file of a select bunch of characters (a 28k swath--bigger than most of the other versions in their entirety), saved it in /root/applications/bin pet, and altered the gfontselect desktop file (i remembered it uses a text character for an icon) to point leafpad to that file. after saving the altered .desktop as speshal-c., i reloaded jwm. works, so here's the pet version (pinstall updates nwp with a shortcut--won't affect non nwp pups):

made with basepet: added the special character text file to /root/my-applications/bin and added the rest through the originally:

Code: Select all


echo $'
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=copy paste and collect special characters
Exec=leafpad /root/my-applications/bin/speci
' > /usr/share/applications/speshal-c.desktop
echo $'
leafpad /root/my-applications/bin/speci
' > /nwp/speci
chmod 755 /nwp/speci

echo $'
geany /root/my-applications/bin/speci
' > /nwp/specig
chmod 755 /nwp/specig
jwm -restart

second (renamed) version below adds the desktop file through the pet install:

and ... cters.html

for more you can add to your file.

(for pups with the nwp: use the nwp's "cnt" command for the file generating code (or a template thereof--the echo to > /path/file bit)).

pet is 16k

geany's extend select function made short work of cutting the numbered codes from the character charts (though obviously you can keep them for reference in your own copy if you like).

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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
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Location: nyc

an update of the bbwp mini word processor function

#14 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from ... 597#990597 (PostPosted: Today, at 02:48 Post subject: bbwp updated as bwp
Subject description: 1.3 now available)

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:no change to any of the keyboard configuration sets, but the browser word processor itself gets templates and help/paste-formatting files that waste less screen space (pdf download/print preview (content is scalable) is unaffected by working settings). from the vtg thread:
subject: bwp 1.3: some new backup and formatting shortcuts,
Subject description: better use of screen real estate, and a mini version of the duals folder from the nwp
Puppus Dogfellow upped.

if you're working in the default templates and styles/info/scrap sheets, run

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
or something similar before upgrading so your stuff doesn't get overwritten (it'll be in /file/wp as described below. change the locations to suit your preferences--code is also the new ark and arc nwp shortcuts (ll (or gl, since this is after all the geany thread version of all this) in main (p) launcher followed by the name of the file to quickly edit it after installation in full nwp installs).

more from that Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info file:

will probably have 1.3 up by the morning (unless the mcc version ends up getting merged into it). here's the new pinstall script so far:

Code: Select all

#bwp, a version of bbwp, a fragment of anuupus...
#right click templates for spell check and no spell check were backwards last time.
#updated version gives support for more fonts, colors, and paragraph alignment (through styles,scrap2; see the other styles sheet for credits and links. in short, you edit in a browser tab and save through your browser's file (html) and print (pdf) menus. bookmark individual files or folders as tabs or groups thereof. use the vtg and geany as additional means of launching or backing up your work. copy in formatting from the styles tabs to the spellcheck/no spellcheck blanks. default is left aligned serif.
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /root/.config/
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /root/.config/
cp -f /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /root/.config/,Scrap2.html
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /root/.config/
#since i never made a /nwp/wp specific launcher, it makes more sense to call the codes from /nwp itself:
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbch /nwp/bbch
echo $'
defaultbrowser /nwp/bbwp/html/bbwp-1-spchk /nwp/bbwp/html/Styles,Scrap2.html /nwp/bbwp/html/bbwp-2-nospchk /nwp/bbwp/html/box1 /nwp/bbwp/html/Untitled2 /nwp/bbwp/html/Untitled1 /nwp/bbwp/html/Styles

' > /nwp/bbwp
chmod 755 /nwp/bbwp
#run line below to have the nwp call bbdef from my/apps-bin
#cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbdef /nwp/bbdef
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbfir /nwp/bbfir
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbg /nwp/bbg
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bb-iron /nwp/bb-iron
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbpm /nwp/bbpm
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbwpe /nwp/bbwpe
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/bbwpr /nwp/bbwpr
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/dil2 /nwp/dil2
#add html folder to nwp/wp/bbwp---it's just missing the launchers (menu items call to ~/my-apps/bin)
#mkdir -p /nwp/wp/bbwp/
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /nwp/wp/bbwp/
cp -fRu /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/

#[...]the codes above (without the path) would work in either terminal or nwp/pwn launcher. you can also copy the desktop files and replace your default browser with a supplemental (possibly with its own sessions and folders of bookmarks to work with apart from your main bwp/bbwp setup).
#to activate in document (vtg/full nwp versions), place cursor at
#makepet path/to/document
#(give it a separate line, possibly with a mv line to save your backups elsewhere).
echo $'
exec makepet "$@"
' > /root/.config/
chmod 755 /root/.config/
#dragging a folder to the makepet script is a convenient way to make a quick archive/backup of it. if you're using the pet function for archiving, rename (and/or relocate) as you go because each new pet will overwrite the older one.
#also in the last version, but since this update should work as a standalone word processor, i included it so as not to offer an unnecessarily limited version.

#1.2 to 1.3 adds the following and makes better use of screen real estate (smaller margins and less padding. return line width to 60 and padding to 4 for the older look, something in between for something in between).

#arc and ark are backup utilities for the default folders and identical. modify one or both. run before each new bwp, bbwp, or mmcwp upgrade.
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
' > /nwp/ark
chmod 755 /nwp/ark
echo $'#!/bin/sh
mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
' > /nwp/ark
chmod 755 /nwp/arc
#launcher shortcuts for tab, en, em, and non breaking space
#when in text editor mode (faster saving is one benefit), entering line breaks, tab spaces, and blank space in general is non-intuitive. here are some launcher shortcuts to try and make up for that:
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"
' > /nwp/tab
chmod 755 /nwp/tab
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type " &nbsp;"
' > /nwp/spc
chmod 755 /nwp/spc
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&emsp;"
' > /nwp/em
chmod 755 /nwp/em
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "&ensp;"
' > /nwp/en
chmod 755 /nwp/en
echo $'#!/bin/sh
xdotool type "<br>"
' > /nwp/br
chmod 755 /nwp/br
#repair broken horizontal rule shortcut. paw and pbw (to force page breaks (after and before) are also useful in text editor mode (but don't need repair--just mentioning them as a tip)).
echo $'
xdotool type \'<hr size="2" align="left" width="60%" color="grey">\'
' > /nwp/hrl
chmod 755 /nwp/hrl
#to do: add a version of the dual launchers folder for an mcc version of the upgrade
#(though it's already an upgrade of the word processor offered in that thread). run
#mkdir -p /file/wp/
#cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
#first if you've been working in the files but haven't been renaming them.
#additional info: the same print window you use to download your work as pdf can also scale it,
#so using the default size plus the heading (h1-h5) tags rather than the font size choices to set relative text size may make more sense (it would also reduce the overall size of the package considerably).
#the wider editing view set in the browser window doesn't affect the print preview display--if you like post its and other files in the margins, set the line width to something even less than 60 ("column view").
jwm -reload
change in shade for the new stuff. as the comments say, run

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /file/wp/
cp -au /root/my-applications/bbwp/html /usr/local/bwp/ /nwp/wp/bbwp/ /file/wp/
#first if you've been working in the files but haven't been renaming them
(that's both arc and ark--two new (customizable) nwp launch codes (talking full nwp installs; after installation, gl or ll in the launcher and then either ark or arc in the next launcher (geany or leafpad) and you can edit the paths or set others for easy backups (a good place to add a "cp -au /file/wp /path/and/folder/you/pick #(use the mkdir -p command if it doesn't already exist)" as mentioned earlier.

the "duals" mentioned is just a folder of drag-to scripts for opening the bwp's (and earlier versions') files (individually or in batches) in a browser and text editor simultaneously. seems to fit with the drag to copy and drag to pet scripts it already has. anyway, it's just a dozen or so variations on:

Code: Select all

exec defaulttexteditor "$@"| exec defaultbrowser "$@"
the four possible variations for text editor part were the above, geany, geany -i, and leafpad. did a bunch of substitution in geany with the cnt code (

Code: Select all

echo $'
(content--script spits out a sample create-file-with-content template)
' > (path to file)
(see above for the fixed broken hrl tag version--it'll show you what to do if your 'content' has the symbols (& ') the code needs to use as the beginning and end of what you want it to make. if only single quotes (an apostrophe), use doubles (real quotes), or use backslashes any time you need to show a (ex:) \& or \' in what gets printed out to > .../(filename)

(i think you may need to \ \'s, but i'm not sure; it may be just a character without something to "escape.")(look up "escaping characters" for more).(in a search engine, not here).


and ended with with what appears to be about three dozen (i luckily have little
memory of doing it). as you can see, i gave the desktop files (never got through with making icons for all of them) the same cryptic names as the launcher shortcuts they also point to.
anything with a gi is going to have a new instance of geany launched. same for anything that's got a "geani" in it. defaults x2 is "def" in the launcher (you can drag the files to the running programs instead of the scripts), which is also you'd name them for vtg use. see the shortcuts list in any of the linked threads for more of that sort of stuff.

….seems i ranted myself away from some continuity regarding the screenshot below…

(newer version of the pinstall for 1.3 will add something like:

Code: Select all

#for now i'll just put copies of the drag2pet script and 2 of the
#simultaneous browser-text editor launch scripts in the bwp/bbwp and mcc folders (nwp and /root/my-apps)
#drag either gip or def to the make copies scripts to make a set of templates
#to fit your apps and preferences
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec defaulttexteditor "$@"| exec defaultbrowser "$@"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/def
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /nwp/mc/mcc/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/def
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/def /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/def
echo $'#!/bin/sh
exec geany -i "$@"| exec palemoon "$@"
' > /root/my-applications/bin/gip
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/bin/gip
cp -f /root/.config/ /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/drag2makepet
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /nwp/mc/mcc/gip
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /root/my-applications/mc/mcc/gip
cp -f /root/my-applications/bin/gip /root/my-applications/bbwp/html/gip
cp -f /root/.config/ /nwp/mc/mcc/drag2makepet

here's that pic i mentioned:

here's the contents of that "to decryptify.." file:

one of the drawback to the quick launch codes is that sometimes they're a bit too cryptic to be of use.
here's what the things in the folder open:
(geany with an i indicates it will open a new instance of geany if there's already an instance (or more) running. leaf is leafpad. g by itself is geany. l by itself indicates leafpad is the text editor part of the dual launch. p is pale moon. ff is firefox. c is chromium (ll in leafpad if you're using chrome and you want to give it rather than chromium the quicker launch call.)

defaultsx2.desktop -- opens your default text editor and your default browser
leaf-dillo.desktop -- dillo leafpad
dlll.desktop -- dillo leafpad
ged.desktop -- geany dillo
leaf-slimjet.desktop -- leafpad slimjet
gc.desktop -- geany chromium
gep.desktop -- geany palemoon
leafy.desktop -- leafpad, seamonkey
geani-chrome.desktop -- chrome, geany new instance
ges.desktop -- geany seamonkey
lec.desktop -- leafpad chromium
geanifirefox.desktop -- geany new instance firefox
gib.desktop -- [seems as though i never actually made the file this one directs you to]
lep.desktop -- leafpad palemoon
geani-opera.desktop -- geany new instance
gic.desktop -- geany new instance
lff.desktop -- leafpad firefox
geany-chrome.desktop -- geany chrome
gid.desktop -- geany new instance
lop.desktop -- leafpad opera
geanydefbrowser.desktop -- geany default browser
gip.desktop -- geany new instance

geany-firefox.desktop -- geany firefox
gis.desktop -- geany new instance seamonkey
txt-ed-ff.desktop -- default text editor firefox
geany-jet.desktop -- geany slimjet
leaf-chrome.desktop -- leafpad google chrome

(still a little cross referencing to do, but this should make it easier (though not every browser listed (i.e. dillo, older operas, …) may be able to use the content editable code the browser view hinges upon.

some new launcher codes:

arc -- backup bwp
ark -- backup bwp (dup)
em -- type out html emspace
en -- type out html en space
tab -- type out html tab space
spc -- type out non breaking space (in text editor mode, html removes breaks and spaces you don't explicitly tag.)
br -- type out line break tags <br>

^(until you remember to remember it at least; <p> tags ("paragraph") are less reliable for this (as the name perhaps suggests. seems to work sometimes though).

if you don't have the nwp and the launch code cheat sheet it provides, and you want the benefits of the text editor's quick saves and text manipulation tools, you could always make a cheat sheet directly on the page and sandwich it with

Code: Select all

<!--  -->

(put all the tags and crib notes between arrows like that (cmt in the launcher) and you'll have something that only shows up in text editor view--neither the browser tab nor the print preview/output/pdf file show that as part of your content).

... now up. it's up to 23k (240 installed, most of it the original styles sheet copied three times).

contents/ingredients (tree -h):

├── [ 89] pet.specs
├── [6.7K]
├── [ 80] root
│ ├── [ 80] my-applications
│ │ ├── [ 60] bbwp
│ │ │ └── [ 200] html
│ │ │ ├── [ 589] bbwp-1-spchk
│ │ │ ├── [ 578] bbwp-2-nospchk
│ │ │ ├── [ 11K] box1
│ │ │ ├── [ 11K] box2.html
│ │ │ ├── [ 82K] Styles
│ │ │ ├── [ 37K] Styles,Scrap2.html
│ │ │ ├── [ 586] Untitled1
│ │ │ └── [ 582] Untitled2
│ │ └── [ 240] bin
│ │ ├── [ 366] bbch
│ │ ├── [ 371] bbdef
│ │ ├── [ 364] bbfir
│ │ ├── [ 370] bbg
│ │ ├── [ 361] bb-iron
│ │ ├── [ 364] bbpm
│ │ ├── [ 394] bbwpe
│ │ ├── [ 85] bbwpr
│ │ ├── [ 372] bwp
│ │ └── [ 244] dil2
│ └── [ 60] puppy-reference
│ └── [ 40] mini-icons
└── [ 60] usr
└── [ 60] share
└── [ 160] applications
├── [ 313] bbwp-conf2.desktop
├── [ 327] bbwp-conf.desktop
├── [ 279] bbwp-def2.desktop
├── [ 294] bbwp-def.desktop
├── [ 284] bbwp-geani.desktop
└── [ 276] bwp.desktop

10 directories, 26 files

conf2.desktop opens the folders containing the templates, which should help with dragging and dropping onto the dual launchers in bwp, mcc, nwp-wp, etc. (those folders are also the default location ark and arc look to backup).

if you're using the text editor to brainstorm and the browser view to add formatting (font faces and line breaks), make sure to hit refresh on the right windows and in the right order or you may end up overwriting some of your changes with some of your other changes (a second browser's window (separate program--bwp doesn't use much resources) with unrefreshed stages could help. alternately, doing something like \n for <br> in the search and replace boxes (with Use regular expressions ticked) will swap out all your natural line breaks for ones that will show in your pdf and in the browser view that more or less is the one that counts (you could send the pdf, the text file, or the html (i.e that same text file but understood by the machines to be opened in a browser tab), but only two are really comfortably readable for most people). if you want the views between the programs to be more consistent, you could instead substitute the line breaks for line breaks plus the break tag: \n for \n<br>
if the new browser view is too wide, adjust the line width back to 60 or whatever suits your preferences and habits best (you can view it as a thin column in between stacks of post it notes and the pdf/browser/ultimate layout isn't affected).

careful with the browser refreshes and geany reloads and the order you do them; a careless browser refresh can wipe out a lot of work, though backup views in other tabs, windows, or browsers (or geany windows for that matter) may add additional safeguards.

as always, enjoy, have fun, report problems.



after further consideration, i think the br substitution deal discussed above is a bit dopey (though perhaps useful in other scenarios). since pasting your natural (typed rather than coded) tab spaces, non breaking spaces, and line breaks from from a plain text file works with those empty spaces preserved, there's really no reason to fiddle with the matter in geany view. said another way, for brainstorming, plain text files (leafpad or geany) pasted into a master document of sorts (one of your browser view versions or templates) may make more sense and save time in the long run (and also produce more readable rough/text editor mode drafts); the browser window can handle the formatting more intuitively, the text windows save quicker and have better text manipulation tools available, and if you've already got the nwp or mcc pet installed, there's now makepet backup capability coming from the mcc drag to make copies folder, which can now also dual launch your template files (and you can deposit a bunch of those templates there or anywhere else on your system with a right click if you're using rox).

the earlier post has some background and discusses the vtg, batch launches, and the first sets of improvements. from
PostPosted: Sat 28 Apr 2018, 04:47 Post subject: 19k mini word processor that uses the vtg as a start center
Subject description: and for backups; big improvement over earlier version (puup):
Puppus Dogfellow

earlier in the thread ( ... 364#860364) i go on about geany as a word processor, or at least start to make an issue of it. here's a version that's actually good enough to use (though in the end, most of your editing may end up being done in your browser windows, and the organization through your browsers' bookmarks).

Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info,
[...] an update to the bbwp/mcc-wp mini word processor, and another update of the mini word processor for more, but to possibly save you a click or two, or at least show you a somewhat practical use for the thing, here's most of the second half (the more vtg-heavy half) of that help file (same as spin update post above):
Puppus Dogfellow

more color, font, and special character options, more support (documentation) for the vtg (backups, launching variations of sets with multiple browsers, general review), and now you can launch the templates from the styles or box tabs. the Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info in the vtg folder mentioned a post up attempts to explain the changes and how to further customize and use the bwp.

from Part Two of Styles,Scrap2/bwp help and info
n menu refers to the shift plus spacebar popup menus (enter "n" in the p(wn) launcher). most of those formatting items have individual launch codes (check the lists above) assigned (which is generally a much faster way of getting them or doing most things).
short version: paste in formatting from the styles tabs and be sure to download your work to save it if using browser mode. edit the titles, customize the colors, and brainstorm in geany; fine tune stuff, type a tab space without jumping through a hoop (next version)--the main disadvantage of browser view mode is a slower save process.

it's light and quick and can be pared down further. middle click paste highlighted groups of files into a geany document to set up batch launches. launch from multiple sources to have many versions of a draft going at the same time. bookmark tabs as sessions. have fun.

--p. dogfellow
the "specil" popup for the special character cutting and pasting is rendered less useful with the new version, but you can use it to paste notes or formatting code for the geany view of the html side of things.

newest version is 23k (but doesn't include the mcc (make concurrent copies) or xmod (keyboard configuration presets) folders. it will however put the drag2makepet backup utility and a couple of versions of the dual launcher scripts in that folder if you've got it, and it'll put the two dual launch scripts in the bbwp folder in /root/my-applications/bin (you can use this as a stand alone word processor without the nwp, but as discussed above, the text paste and place and other utilities may come in useful). right click templates get updated, and you can now launch your files from the box an styles tabs (customize those files in a text editor)).


here's the pet again:

(and my apologies if arranging those last two quoted posts as strata confuses the issue.)
overall size (23k) is still less than the specil pet "plugin" from a post ago.


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some more on text editor mode versus browser mode, comments,

#15 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from ... 673#990673
( a bit more on the bwp)
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
[…]if you don't have the nwp and the launch code cheat sheet it provides, and you want the benefits of the text editor's quick saves and text manipulation tools, you could always make a cheat sheet directly on the page and sandwich it with

Code: Select all

<!--  -->	

(put all the tags and crib notes between arrows like that (cmt in the launcher) and you'll have something that only shows up in text editor view--neither the browser tab nor the print preview/output/pdf file show that as part of your content).
careful with the browser refreshes and geany reloads and the order you do them; a careless browser refresh can wipe out a lot of work, though backup views in other tabs, windows, or browsers (or geany windows for that matter) may add additional safeguards.
if you've decided to work in the html document in geany mode rather than in browser view for the quick saves because you've discovered that putting your text between the arrows (

Code: Select all

<!-- (i.e. here and this can go on indefinitely and be repeated (i.e. additional sets of arrows placed elsewhere in the document) as often as you like) -->
) is a good way to have an invisible draft going while preserving your spaces and tabs and visual poetry for some later paste in, make sure to refresh the browser version before the paste in that turns the comments contents into the working/formattable/browser/pdf draft or the download will overwrite the (now presumably backup) comments and all the other changes made since the browser view was loaded or last refreshed (despite the saves you may have made in geany or leafpad in the interim--sometimes it's easy to lose track of the sometimes invisible content).


pasting in page breaks from either line below in html view is perhaps easier than grabbing the page break line in the styles2 sheet, so future word processing templates will likely include

Code: Select all

<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par>
<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-before: always"></par>

and something similar to this post as commented out comments on comments, saves, refreshes and reloads in the bwp.
install bwp 1.3 after whichever other versions of the mcc utility you choose and back up your bbwp folder if you've been saving your work in the default templates without renaming them (anything else in the folders is safe).

you could install the backup drag2 pets you make as pets, but i personally think of them as insta-archives and just extract them when i need what's in them (has actually saved some work for me that would've been otherwise lost, which is why i decided to offer it this way--since you're not making a duplicate file system inside the pet/directory you're compressing (a pet is basically a .gz compressed archive), it'll install as top level directories, which may not be what you want (though it makes locating the stuff generally easier, especially if you're in another pup running on the computer, and you need to go into old installations to check for some of your old files, or want to migrate your work over).

main changes over older version is better view in browser mode, an ability to launch your files from the box tabs, and the expanded styles sheets mentioned earlier.

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two versions of the word processor plugin

#16 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

from ... 040#992040

Re: 2 versions of the micro nwp now available
9 and 26k almost stand alone (you need a browser) word processors

Puppus Dogfellow wrote:bwpt-mc updated as (9.6k) and bbwp updated as bwp1.4 (26k and includes the smaller one).

common to both: smaller default font (change back to rem2 if zooming is an insufficient way of adjusting for you) more closely scales to paper rather than screen space (all templates overwritten with the adjustment); bwpt in a terminal makes the bwp1 template sets in a given directory; updated vtg and box1.html pages; BBWP and bbwp menu entries (in the smaller one it's more of a place holder for your first set of custom templates (edit /root/my-applications/bin/bwpt or make a set and edit the individual files, then load them onto the .desktop file or a script that it calls) --edit as you like but it's set for the larger launch gets the capital letters (this will be covered in a future post that covers the still being put together auxer function); box2.html is still a duplicate of box1; you can launch, save, and adjust names, spacing and font from the browser alone if you wish; pasting in to a justified area and pasting in justified text all seem to now work better in the blank templates;....

larger one has more default colors, templates, special characters, and text that's supposed to be there to help you use the thing. it also gets the nwp/pwn launcher shortcuts described above plus "ta," which is as comfortable a natural tab space in browser view as i've come up with so far (shift plus space bar, ta in the launcher that comes up).

change the internal and tag name, toggle editability on and off, and adjust fonts, spacing, and alignment from the box view (text editor's better but this makes for one fewer dependency) if you prefer to avoid the copying and pasting from the info/formatting tabs, you can still use that and pdf preview to see how it would look on the page without all the code in the way/you can double check your work through the browser.

paste in from any source, download to save as html or pdf, reload to reflect text edits in the browser and vice versa, back up any templates you want to preserve as these pets will both overwrite the old ones if their names haven't been changed.

next version will have a mini-nwp set as part of the mcc icon/labeling/copying folder as a kind of micro nuup (uuord processor/ultimatesque utilities pack); to illustrate calls to isolated mini-scripts by keys or launchers, i'm going to do it for the included vtg sheet as desktop files (which are either buttons or menu items, depending on how you look at it. then you can decide if a leafpad or geany launcher (or even bwp launcher, though i haven't tested one of those yet) makes any sense for you.

tweak the templates and use the copy functions to make sets of them. open batches in geany to tweak (or find and replace into existence) variations on your themes.

will overwrite any unrenamed files from earlier installations so back up your old templates and boxes if you want to preserve them. auxer function is based around the above icon making script, a folder for scripts calling certain files to be launched by certain programs, and an easy way to get that function (with a pretty label) as either a button on your desktop or an item on your menus. (i think desktop files work with most every windows manager and this is a way to approximate the convenience of the cauliflowers machue in vtg-less machines).



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updates for the mini word processor

#17 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

bwp1.5 (46k)
mcbwp1 (12k)

ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html.gz (25k)

ewp--EmergencyWordProcessor.html (159k)

box1.1.html.xz (18k)

box1.1.html (159k)

from ... 00d#993194,
Fri 25 May 2018, 16:38    Post subject: mcbwp "plugin" updated to mcbwp1; encompassing 1.5 updated
Subject description: and based on 1.4; box1 spun off as ewp--The Emergency Word Processor; fixes for tab sp. issue

if you activate the swap (the script's name in the launcher or clicking the script will do it), alt+ctrl+space will add a tab space, and alt+shift+space will spit out the page break code.
larger bwp's desktop file now active (guess that howto will have to wait some more--the keys and indentation issue have gotten in the way), and box1 and 2 are no longer copies of one another; preloading the boxes with the templates and styles sheets (turns out you have to paste into and download from the first box regardless it seems) allows the file to recreate (possibly customized on the fly) the styles and templates sheets, and so is a word processor maker of a sort. the autoindenting paragraph templates will be the next update of the old pu/up (the first micro word processor spin off in this thread), and you could use a special character or some sort of find and replace strategy after the fact, but if you want to type in tab spaces in browser mode, i think one solution could be to make a toggle of the space bar keys:

these are the built in spacebar shortcuts:


(rup--up from the bottom of the rox bookmarks recents, t--terminal, cr--close all rox, rr--rox recents, p --main launcher, ww--MochiMoppel's WinSwitcher; names are launch codes and shorter is usually better, but there are a few that i've had to make because i've forgotten their convenient original name)

new nwp shortcuts and a couple of blanks for browser based word processor use:

you can copy them over from nwp to ~/my-apps/bin or the ~/my-apps/mc/scripts folder the pets make (already in the nwp, but if you didn't have it installed, it'd make them), and fill them out with chunks you hone from the vtg sheet.

here's a template for a couple of bwp helpers and a couple of blanks (plus cr as an example to show where you add the code). putting the code on a separate script rather than in the window manager file means you can adjust what the keys do without having to restart or reload the manager or fix the menus):

permissions are set--just fill out the content.
cut out some stuff that's in the process of being updated. if you don't have the nwp installed, the some of the code below's irrelevant (but harmless). either way, the idea is to give you unlimited layers of keyboard shortcuts for just about any key you want (with the spacebar used as an example):

Code: Select all

#prep mcc's parent folder (mc) as a factory for keyboard and launcher shortcuts, icons you don't need the full path for, desktop files, and custom launchers
#comment out original 3 sets of spacebar shorts:
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys0
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys0
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys1
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys1
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys0
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys0
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys1
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys1
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1

#if uncommented, comment out the one in jwmrc-personal (swap back spacek mod to use the new one)
sed -i '/<Key mask="A" key="space">/ s//<!--<Key mask="A" key="space">/g' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i '/"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key> / s//"space">exec:\/nwp\/rup<\/Key>-->/g' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal

#replace above with new space key set for all key banks (in the form of an Includes line--we'll need to make the file for it)
#also make an officially recognized icon folder (you wouldn't need the full path to assign them to desktop files or menus, etc) of /root/my-applications/mc/icons

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys1

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/9menusblanks/keys0

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys1

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/9/keys0

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys1

sed -i '/<JWM>/ s//<JWM>\n<Include>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/spacekb<\/Include>\n<IconPath>\/root\/my-applications\/mc\/icons<\/IconPath>\n/g' /nwp/root3/10/keys0

#make the file of spacebar (etc) mods and make sure the directory we want it in exists. do the same for the icon Includes line and scripts the keys call:

mkdir -p /root/my-applications/mc/{icons,scripts,keys}
echo $'
<Key mask="A" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh01</Key>
<Key mask="C" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh02</Key>
<Key mask="S" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh03</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh1</Key>
<Key mask="CS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh2</Key>
<Key mask="AS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3</Key>
<Key mask="CAS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh4</Key>
another 8; same codes as above plus 4 for windows key:
<Key mask="4" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh004</Key>
<Key mask="4A" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh014</Key>
<Key mask="4C" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh024</Key>
<Key mask="4S" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh034</Key>
<Key mask="4CA" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh14</Key>
<Key mask="4CS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh24</Key>
<Key mask="4AS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh34</Key>
<Key mask="4CAS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh44</Key>
-------place in /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal----

another 9 if you want (these need the xmod mod3 mod--5 modifiers at once may not work. 01-03 denotes alt,ctrl,shift, next rung (two of these then all three gets 1-4, windows key and mod3 add a 4 and 3 to the code. (should probably have named them by their mask(s) plus s....)
<Key mask="3" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh003</Key>
<Key mask="34" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0034</Key>
<Key mask="34A" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0134</Key>
<Key mask="34C" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0234</Key>
<Key mask="34S" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0334</Key>
<Key mask="34CA" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh134</Key>
<Key mask="34CS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh234</Key>
<Key mask="34AS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh334</Key>
<Key mask="34CAS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3434</Key>
<!-- bwp helper scripts (etc) made into spacebar shortcuts -->
<!--left out mod3 without mod4. here's another 7 (slightly different naming convention; still needs the mod3 mod):  -->
<Key mask="3A" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3asp</Key>
<Key mask="3C" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3csp</Key>
<Key mask="3S" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3ssp</Key>
<Key mask="3CA" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acsp</Key>
<Key mask="3CS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3cssp</Key>
<Key mask="3AS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3assp</Key>
<Key mask="3CAS" key="space">exec:/root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acssp</Key>

' > /root/my-applications/mc/spacekb

#now we need to make the folder and scripts called by the file:

#bwp helper 1--tab spaces for browser mode
xdotool type "     "
#set at five spaces
' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh1
chmod 755 bh1
echo $'
#as key does same as paw in launcher
#page break after, white text (if any). paw.
xdotool type \'<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par>\'
#bwp helper two--page break code spit out for text editor view (there\'s a cut and paste version in styles2 that works in browser mode for bh1 and bh2)
' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh2

echo $'
#keys commands here are commented out or blank except for tab space and page break.  alt+shift+space (bh2) is tab space for browser view and alt+ctrl+space (bh1) is autotext of page break code for html/text editor mode. copy sets to have other 24 layer sets. use the template to do the same for other keys. commented out bits for first seven are default nwp set--uncomment to activate or add new ones here and regulate the originals to a backup set (no need to restart the windows manager if you alter the scripts or swap folders/sets (keys1-keys50/keysa-keysz can be sets toggled in by copying a given folder as "keys" (overwriting the original each time--keys1 and 2 together give you 30-62 to start with (per key, but to use other keys you may've made from the spacebar template, you'll need to enter |fixmenus; jwm -restart| in a terminal (no pipes) to have it part of the active setup. after that, so long as you keep the name of the called script consistent, you can commands or scripts in and out without bothering jwm about it.

#bwp helper 1--tab spaces for browser mode
#xdotool type "     "
#set at five spaces

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh01
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh01

echo $'
#as key does same as paw in launcher
#page break after, white text (if any). paw.
#xdotool type \'<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par>\'
#bwp helper two--page break code spit out for text editor view (there\'s a cut and paste version in styles2 that works in browser mode for bh1 and bh2)

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh02
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh02

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh03
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh03

echo $'
xdotool type "     "
#set at five spaces
' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh1
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh1

echo $'
xdotool type \'<par style="font-size: 11pt; color:white; page-break-after: always"></par>\'
' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh2
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh2

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3
echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh4
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh4

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh004
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh004

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh014
chmod 755/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh014

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh024
chmod 755/root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh024

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh034
chmod 755 root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh034

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh14
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh14

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh24
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh24

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh34
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh34

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh44
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh44

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh003
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh003

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0034
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0034

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0134
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0134

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0234
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0234

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0334
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh0334

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh134
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh134

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh234
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh234

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh334
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh334

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3434
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/bh3434

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3asp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3asp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3csp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3csp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3ssp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3ssp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acsp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acsp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3cssp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3cssp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3assp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3assp

echo $'

' > /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acssp
chmod 755 /root/my-applications/mc/keys/3acssp

keys above preserve/leave blank spacebar plus alt, shift, and ctrl, since on my own setup i don't want to part with those. the commented out p can be better understood through this post:

Puppus Dogfellow wrote: ... 873#993873

So - what do you recommend for a word-processor ONLY approach, pu/up (puup! or puup.1)? bwp1.5? emergency wp? nwp? While I appreciate the really useful series of launchers you included with an nwp package I downloaded - really liked 24 virtual desktops etc (selling you short sorry - it was a few days ago when I was testing) - I also really liked the jwm setup that I had going in radky's dpup stretch 7.5... couldn't get my tray2 back (or tray1 or menus), even after I uninstalled your pet. Perhaps an environment like your Precise spins or a basic official Puppy might be best for all your launchers and hotkeys etc - although I think that new users to Puppy/JWM/rox would benefit greatly from a cutdown version of your launchers to provide *all* the winkey combinations they are familiar with from the M$ environment.

the launchers are based on Iguleder's pexec001: ... 234#544234

i eliminated the dash dependency (it still needs yad, which i think most pups have, at least in the ppm) and preloaded an address to the popup:

Code: Select all

CMDLINE=$(yad --width=350 --skip-taskbar --center --on-top --fixed --sticky \
              --title="" --window-icon="/nwp/icons/purwup.png" \
              --entry --entry-label="Run command:"  \
              --column="command" --entry-text "/nwp/")
[ -z "$CMDLINE" ] && exit 0

exit 0

it's that --entry-text "" bit that you have to change to get the thing to point to a specific location (batch of scripts with easy to type and remember names in an off path location i.e. a mini nwp) or to make it an application launcher (add a leafpad or geany or browsername to the quotation mark slot, skip a space, then mod the path as before and you'll either get a quick way to access extant files or a quick way to make new ones (new files opened with whatever name you give them may only work/has only been tried with the text editors ). the p launcher is a call to p- (the above file) plus and xdotool command to sweep right--the popup is prehighlighted in all the auxiliary launchers (you need to sweep right or your input will delete what's there--t calls a terminal, p is the main launcher, ll is the leafpad version, ...i'll repost the launcher shorts again soon as well).

with xdotool, the launchers can be made to access shortcuts and menus that work for any program--you just give the scripts that call the menus a name you can remember. for nwp use, it's original intent apart from moving around and resizing windows was to make it easy to enter the html code you'd need to make a formatted document with a text editor (assuming you didn't know markup (which i don't)). you could make the keys or the launcher call the files and codes and folders you need to do whatever you want faster than you could in just about any other way, i think.

my coding skills are particularly limited and i wasn't able to get the feature i wanted from pexec (preload a path and//or command) without losing its ability to store your command history (there originally was a dropdown menu of past commands you access). if you know how to put that feature back it could be of use apart from its original (lamentably gone) intent: you could access it, copy it, and make a vtg launch sheet from it. the new key mod assumes you'd want dozens of keys for every situation or program, and relies on folder swapping to do it, but with the vtg you could keep to fewer sets and mod them on the fly.

if you find the pets aren't installing smoothly i can add back the -reload and fixmenus lines to the pinstall as a possible solution. new key mod idea doesn't rely on the rest of the nwp, and i'll post the menu files that contain more or less all the paste in html code (and maybe the highlight and replace stuff, but that's more for the (in my opinion) more awkward and unpleasant html view of things--i'd much rather work in a plain text file or the browser window (blank or preformatted template) itself to start.

don't want you to risk another installation, but if my39/my39r doesn't put back your original setup and then toggle it back for the default nwp, something's broken, or at least incompatible with the pup you're running.

the mae popup and the alt one menu should give you ways to swap trays in or out and edit both them and the menus.

(my own interests are moving toward the smaller, mcc-folder based version).
from Re: before the new key mod, a little more on the launchers from ( ... 185#994185).

short version: word processor updated but you can't use the tab key to key in a tab space so here's a way to assign it to the spacebar. you can do that as well for the page break code you'll need to force a page break, the other main "inconvenience" of the wp (aspect).

use your keys to access menus, open files, move and resize your windows, or spit out code.


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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

small icons for directories on the panels and pinboards

#18 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

i like small directory icons on the desktops and label-less icons on the panels (no text (apart from what comprises icons such as these) in panel options) so i made the following (find and replace of the script on the previous page):

Code: Select all

#thanks to technosaurus for text2xpm:
#template example for txt2xpm scripts i used to make the icons--this one's set up for "mcc" in both lowercase and caps--change the file name (bit just before the .xpm since the rest identifies the creating script and that the content).
#odt txt doc docx pdf mon san ser pwn lpx nwp vtg rtf [h] [x] [p] [o] [d] bae mae n n1 n2 n3 n4 ae-p >x<  >d<  >o< [   ] {   } |  |  | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 !# >_  [=] () )(  [!] [...] [.] [..] (/) ( / )  ODT TXT DOC DOCX PDF MON SAN SER PWN LPX NWP VTG RTF [H] [X] [P] [O] [D] BAE MAE N N1 N2 N3 N4 AE-P >X<  >D<  >O<
#mkdir -p /usr/share/applications/icons-alt/lab
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/

0artxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0artldirsl.xpm
0atxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0atldirsl.xpm
0rwtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0rwtldirsl.xpm
0txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0tldirsl.xpm
1txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/1tldirsl.xpm
2txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/2tldirsl.xpm
3txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/3tldirsl.xpm
4txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/4tldirsl.xpm
5txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/5tldirsl.xpm
6txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tldirsl.xpm
7txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/7tldirsl.xpm
8txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/8tldirsl.xpm
9txpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/9tldirsl.xpm
bltxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bltldirsl.xpm
botxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/botldirsl.xpm
btxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/btldirsl.xpm
bwtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bwtldirsl.xpm
deftxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/deftldirsl.xpm
defxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/defldirsl.xpm
gbtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gbtldirsl.xpm
gwtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gwtldirsl.xpm
kwtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/kwtldirsl.xpm
lbtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lbtldirsl.xpm
lotxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lotldirsl.xpm
obtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/obtldirsl.xpm
oltxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/oltldirsl.xpm
prtext2xpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prtext2ldirsl.xpm
prtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prtldirsl.xpm
ptxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/ptldirsl.xpm
rdbltxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdbltldirsl.xpm
rdltxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdltldirsl.xpm
rldtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rldtldirsl.xpm
rrdbltxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rrdbltldirsl.xpm
text2xpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/text2ldirsl.xpm
wbtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wbtldirsl.xpm
wgtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wgtldirsl.xpm
wktxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wktldirsl.xpm
wtxpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wtldirsl.xpm
wtxt2xpm " /  " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wtxt2ldirsl.xpm
0artxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0arthome.xpm
0atxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0athome.xpm
0rwtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0rwthome.xpm
0txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0thome.xpm
1txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/1thome.xpm
2txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/2thome.xpm
3txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/3thome.xpm
4txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/4thome.xpm
5txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/5thome.xpm
6txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6thome.xpm
7txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/7thome.xpm
8txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/8thome.xpm
9txpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/9thome.xpm
bltxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/blthome.xpm
botxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bothome.xpm
btxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bthome.xpm
bwtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bwthome.xpm
deftxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/defthome.xpm
defxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/defhome.xpm
gbtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gbthome.xpm
gwtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gwthome.xpm
kwtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/kwthome.xpm
lbtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lbthome.xpm
lotxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lothome.xpm
obtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/obthome.xpm
oltxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/olthome.xpm
prtext2xpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prtext2home.xpm
prtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prthome.xpm
ptxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/pthome.xpm
rdbltxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdblthome.xpm
rdltxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdlthome.xpm
rldtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rldthome.xpm
rrdbltxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rrdblthome.xpm
text2xpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/text2home.xpm
wbtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wbthome.xpm
wgtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wgthome.xpm
wktxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wkthome.xpm
wtxpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wthome.xpm
wtxt2xpm "HOME" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wtxt2home.xpm
0artxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0artapps.xpm
0atxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0atapps.xpm
0rwtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0rwtapps.xpm
0txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/0tapps.xpm
1txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/1tapps.xpm
2txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/2tapps.xpm
3txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/3tapps.xpm
4txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/4tapps.xpm
5txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/5tapps.xpm
6txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tapps.xpm
7txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/7tapps.xpm
8txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/8tapps.xpm
9txpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/9tapps.xpm
bltxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bltapps.xpm
botxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/botapps.xpm
btxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/btapps.xpm
bwtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bwtapps.xpm
deftxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/deftapps.xpm
defxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/defapps.xpm
gbtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gbtapps.xpm
gwtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gwtapps.xpm
kwtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/kwtapps.xpm
lbtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lbtapps.xpm
lotxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lotapps.xpm
obtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/obtapps.xpm
oltxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/oltapps.xpm
prtext2xpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prtext2apps.xpm
prtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/prtapps.xpm
ptxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/ptapps.xpm
rdbltxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdbltapps.xpm
rdltxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rdltapps.xpm
rldtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rldtapps.xpm
rrdbltxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/rrdbltapps.xpm
text2xpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/text2apps.xpm
wbtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wbtapps.xpm
wgtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wgtapps.xpm
wktxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wktapps.xpm
wtxpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wtapps.xpm
wtxt2xpm "APPS" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/wtxt2apps.xpm
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/
9txpm "/bin" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/bin9t.xpm
9txpm "/boot" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/boot9t.xpm
9txpm "/dev" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/dev9t.xpm
9txpm "/etc" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/etc9t.xpm
9txpm "/file" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/file9t.xpm
9txpm "/home" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/home9t.xpm 
9txpm "/initrd" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/initrd9t.xpm 
9txpm "/lib" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lib9t.xpm
9txpm "/lib32" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lib329t.xpm 
9txpm "/lib64" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/lib649t.xpm 
9txpm "/mnt" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/mnt9t.xpm
9txpm "/nwp" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/nwp9t.xpm
9txpm "/opt" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/opt9t.xpm
9txpm "/proc" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/proc9t.xpm
9txpm "/root" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/root9t.xpm
9txpm "/run" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/run9t.xpm
9txpm "/sbin" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/sbin9t.xpm
9txpm "/sys" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/sys9t.xpm
9txpm "/system" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/system9t.xpm 
9txpm "/tmp" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/tmp9t.xpm
9txpm "/usr" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/usr9t.xpm
9txpm "/var" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/var9t.xpm
9txpm "BAEK" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/baek9t.xpm
9txpm " /   " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/gidir9t.xpm

you can see it starts and stops again, repeats with

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/
mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/
--this is because i work out of text file in geany and am constantly sending bits to its terminal to be generated, so it doesn't matter if i do replacements and overwrites on the fly or have useless or outdated or even broken code in the script since i can control what parts of it the terminal sees. i recently discovered a feature in another of puppy's built in text editors, mp, that allows easy renaming or removal of the icons (or any other file in a directory) once they already exist. use mp /directory (in this case

Code: Select all

mp /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/
) and you get a text file that you can use to alter the files the lines represent. it allows for block selection (what geany calls rectangular selection) so you can rename the middle bits of things in a fairly intuitive way (it's also a builtin whereas geany's extraselect functions are a plug in). i made a copy of one set for the system files. you can open a rox folder after you run your versions in one window and the mp window nearby and judge/rename to guide future generations (of text based icons).

rox allows icon assignment to any file through the right click menu, and i rarely use that root/Desktop folder, so i've been thinking of it as an alternative to the menu system. a folder of scripts or executables, a folder of icons to represent them, and just stick them on the panels. swap panels and you swap the keyboard shortcuts you assigned to the icon--it's really very versatile when you think about it and why i chose an alternate location for the generated icons.

here's some more on panels: ... 656#781656

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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

panel frame "plugin" and icon template

#19 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

dump into a terminal:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/
0artxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp1.xpm
0atxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp1.xpm
0rwtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp1.xpm
0txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp1.xpm
1txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp1.xpm
2txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp1.xpm
3txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp1.xpm
4txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp1.xpm
5txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp1.xpm
6txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp1.xpm
7txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp1.xpm
8txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp1.xpm
9txpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp1.xpm
bltxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp1.xpm
botxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp1.xpm
btxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp1.xpm
bwtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp1.xpm
deftxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp1.xpm
defxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp1.xpm
gbtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp1.xpm
gwtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp1.xpm
kwtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp1.xpm
lbtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp1.xpm
lotxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp1.xpm
obtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp1.xpm
oltxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp1.xpm
prtext2xpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p1.xpm
prtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp1.xpm
ptxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp1.xpm
rdbltxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp1.xpm
rdltxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp1.xpm
rldtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp1.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp1.xpm
text2xpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p1.xpm
wbtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp1.xpm
wgtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp1.xpm
wktxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp1.xpm
wtxpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp1.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 1 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p1.xpm 
0artxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp2.xpm
0atxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp2.xpm
0rwtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp2.xpm
0txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp2.xpm
1txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp2.xpm
2txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp2.xpm
3txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp2.xpm
4txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp2.xpm
5txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp2.xpm
6txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp2.xpm
7txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp2.xpm
8txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp2.xpm
9txpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp2.xpm
bltxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp2.xpm
botxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp2.xpm
btxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp2.xpm
bwtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp2.xpm
deftxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp2.xpm
defxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp2.xpm
gbtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp2.xpm
gwtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp2.xpm
kwtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp2.xpm
lbtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp2.xpm
lotxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp2.xpm
obtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp2.xpm
oltxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp2.xpm
prtext2xpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p2.xpm
prtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp2.xpm
ptxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp2.xpm
rdbltxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp2.xpm
rdltxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp2.xpm
rldtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp2.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp2.xpm
text2xpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p2.xpm
wbtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp2.xpm
wgtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp2.xpm
wktxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp2.xpm
wtxpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp2.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 2 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p2.xpm 
0artxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp3.xpm
0atxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp3.xpm
0rwtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp3.xpm
0txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp3.xpm
1txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp3.xpm
2txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp3.xpm
3txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp3.xpm
4txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp3.xpm
5txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp3.xpm
6txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp3.xpm
7txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp3.xpm
8txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp3.xpm
9txpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp3.xpm
bltxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp3.xpm
botxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp3.xpm
btxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp3.xpm
bwtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp3.xpm
deftxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp3.xpm
defxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp3.xpm
gbtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp3.xpm
gwtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp3.xpm
kwtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp3.xpm
lbtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp3.xpm
lotxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp3.xpm
obtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp3.xpm
oltxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp3.xpm
prtext2xpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p3.xpm
prtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp3.xpm
ptxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp3.xpm
rdbltxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp3.xpm
rdltxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp3.xpm
rldtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp3.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp3.xpm
text2xpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p3.xpm
wbtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp3.xpm
wgtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp3.xpm
wktxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp3.xpm
wtxpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp3.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 3 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p3.xpm 
0artxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp4.xpm
0atxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp4.xpm
0rwtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp4.xpm
0txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp4.xpm
1txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp4.xpm
2txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp4.xpm
3txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp4.xpm
4txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp4.xpm
5txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp4.xpm
6txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp4.xpm
7txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp4.xpm
8txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp4.xpm
9txpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp4.xpm
bltxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp4.xpm
botxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp4.xpm
btxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp4.xpm
bwtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp4.xpm
deftxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp4.xpm
defxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp4.xpm
gbtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp4.xpm
gwtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp4.xpm
kwtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp4.xpm
lbtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp4.xpm
lotxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp4.xpm
obtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp4.xpm
oltxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp4.xpm
prtext2xpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p4.xpm
prtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp4.xpm
ptxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp4.xpm
rdbltxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp4.xpm
rdltxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp4.xpm
rldtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp4.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp4.xpm
text2xpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p4.xpm
wbtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp4.xpm
wgtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp4.xpm
wktxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp4.xpm
wtxpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp4.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 4 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p4.xpm 
0artxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp5.xpm
0atxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp5.xpm
0rwtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp5.xpm
0txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp5.xpm
1txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp5.xpm
2txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp5.xpm
3txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp5.xpm
4txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp5.xpm
5txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp5.xpm
6txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp5.xpm
7txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp5.xpm
8txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp5.xpm
9txpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp5.xpm
bltxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp5.xpm
botxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp5.xpm
btxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp5.xpm
bwtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp5.xpm
deftxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp5.xpm
defxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp5.xpm
gbtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp5.xpm
gwtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp5.xpm
kwtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp5.xpm
lbtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp5.xpm
lotxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp5.xpm
obtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp5.xpm
oltxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp5.xpm
prtext2xpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p5.xpm
prtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp5.xpm
ptxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp5.xpm
rdbltxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp5.xpm
rdltxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp5.xpm
rldtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp5.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp5.xpm
text2xpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p5.xpm
wbtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp5.xpm
wgtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp5.xpm
wktxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp5.xpm
wtxpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp5.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 5 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p5.xpm 
0artxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp6.xpm
0atxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp6.xpm
0rwtxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp6.xpm
0txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp6.xpm
1txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp6.xpm
2txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp6.xpm
3txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp6.xpm
4txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp6.xpm
5txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp6.xpm
6txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp6.xpm
7txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp6.xpm
8txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp6.xpm
9txpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp6.xpm
bltxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp6.xpm
botxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp6.xpm
btxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp6.xpm
bwtxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp6.xpm
deftxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp6.xpm
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kwtxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp6.xpm
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rdbltxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp6.xpm
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wtxpm " 6 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp6.xpm
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1txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp7.xpm
2txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp7.xpm
3txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp7.xpm
4txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp7.xpm
5txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp7.xpm
6txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp7.xpm
7txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp7.xpm
8txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp7.xpm
9txpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp7.xpm
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gbtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp7.xpm
gwtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp7.xpm
kwtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp7.xpm
lbtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp7.xpm
lotxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp7.xpm
obtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp7.xpm
oltxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp7.xpm
prtext2xpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p7.xpm
prtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp7.xpm
ptxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp7.xpm
rdbltxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp7.xpm
rdltxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp7.xpm
rldtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp7.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp7.xpm
text2xpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p7.xpm
wbtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp7.xpm
wgtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp7.xpm
wktxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp7.xpm
wtxpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp7.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 7 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p7.xpm 
0artxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp8.xpm
0atxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp8.xpm
0rwtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp8.xpm
0txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp8.xpm
1txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp8.xpm
2txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp8.xpm
3txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp8.xpm
4txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp8.xpm
5txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp8.xpm
6txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp8.xpm
7txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp8.xpm
8txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp8.xpm
9txpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp8.xpm
bltxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp8.xpm
botxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp8.xpm
btxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp8.xpm
bwtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp8.xpm
deftxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp8.xpm
defxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp8.xpm
gbtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp8.xpm
gwtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp8.xpm
kwtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp8.xpm
lbtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp8.xpm
lotxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp8.xpm
obtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp8.xpm
oltxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp8.xpm
prtext2xpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p8.xpm
prtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp8.xpm
ptxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp8.xpm
rdbltxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp8.xpm
rdltxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp8.xpm
rldtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp8.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp8.xpm
text2xpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p8.xpm
wbtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp8.xpm
wgtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp8.xpm
wktxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp8.xpm
wtxpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp8.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 8 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p8.xpm 
0artxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp9.xpm
0atxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp9.xpm
0rwtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp9.xpm
0txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp9.xpm
1txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp9.xpm
2txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp9.xpm
3txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp9.xpm
4txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp9.xpm
5txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp9.xpm
6txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp9.xpm
7txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp9.xpm
8txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp9.xpm
9txpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp9.xpm
bltxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp9.xpm
botxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp9.xpm
btxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp9.xpm
bwtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp9.xpm
deftxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp9.xpm
defxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp9.xpm
gbtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp9.xpm
gwtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp9.xpm
kwtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp9.xpm
lbtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp9.xpm
lotxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp9.xpm
obtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp9.xpm
oltxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp9.xpm
prtext2xpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p9.xpm
prtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp9.xpm
ptxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp9.xpm
rdbltxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp9.xpm
rdltxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp9.xpm
rldtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp9.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp9.xpm
text2xpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p9.xpm
wbtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp9.xpm
wgtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp9.xpm
wktxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp9.xpm
wtxpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp9.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 9 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p9.xpm 
0artxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0artp0.xpm
0atxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0atp0.xpm
0rwtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0rwtp0.xpm
0txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/0tp0.xpm
1txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/1tp0.xpm
2txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/2tp0.xpm
3txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/3tp0.xpm
4txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/4tp0.xpm
5txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/5tp0.xpm
6txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/6tp0.xpm
7txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/7tp0.xpm
8txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/8tp0.xpm
9txpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/9tp0.xpm
bltxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bltp0.xpm
botxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/botp0.xpm
btxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/btp0.xpm
bwtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/bwtp0.xpm
deftxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/deftp0.xpm
defxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/defp0.xpm
gbtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gbtp0.xpm
gwtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/gwtp0.xpm
kwtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/kwtp0.xpm
lbtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lbtp0.xpm
lotxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/lotp0.xpm
obtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/obtp0.xpm
oltxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/oltp0.xpm
prtext2xpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtext2p0.xpm
prtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/prtp0.xpm
ptxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/ptp0.xpm
rdbltxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdbltp0.xpm
rdltxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rdltp0.xpm
rldtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rldtp0.xpm
rrdbltxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/rrdbltp0.xpm
text2xpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/text2p0.xpm
wbtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wbtp0.xpm
wgtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wgtp0.xpm
wktxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wktp0.xpm
wtxpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtp0.xpm
wtxt2xpm " 0 " >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/pans/wtxt2p0.xpm 
here's the panel frame set as clickable, non-menued desktop files. (without their extension jwm doesnt pick them up as desktop files. ordinarily it will look folders deeps in /usr/share/applications for them).
click to activate. click to deactivate. they'll be in the panels folder in usr/share/applications
(7.26 KiB) Downloaded 353 times

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Puppus Dogfellow
Posts: 1667
Joined: Tue 08 Jan 2013, 01:39
Location: nyc

default colors and an update for the above panel pet

#20 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

click to take a better look at the default naming scheme and color layouts:

rox allows icon assignment to any file through the right click menu, and i rarely use that root/Desktop folder, so i've been thinking of it as an alternative to the menu system. a folder of scripts or executables, a folder of icons to represent them, and just stick them on the panels. swap panels and you swap the keyboard shortcuts you assigned to the icon--it's really very versatile when you think about it and why i chose an alternate location for the generated icons.

here's some more on panels: ... 656#781656

you may not want to override puppy's default icons in their other contexts, so as an alternative to associating the above with the directories themselves, you can associate them with scripts that call them (either individually or in sets). the following puts some scripts and icons to associate with them. sometimes you need to restart X (or wait til you reboot) for them not to look blurry on the desktop, but they're generally fine on the panels and will stretch or shrink to fit them.

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/Desktop/desktops/{scripts,icons/{pans,defaults,dirs,conf,cus}}
6txpm "CR" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tcr.xpm
6txpm "JCONF" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tjconf.xpm
6txpm "RCONF" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6trconf.xpm
6txpm "PAN" >/root/Desktop/desktops/icons/dirs/6tpan.xpm

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox -D /
#close all rox directories
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/cr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /etc/xdg/ /root/.config/ /root/Choices/ROX-Filer /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/rconfr

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox /root/.config/micro /root/.jwm/ /etc/xdg/templates/ /etc
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/jconfj

echo $'#!/bin/sh
rox  /usr/share/applications/panels
' > /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan
chmod 755  /root/Desktop/desktops/scripts/pan
if you want a menu entry (will open up the folder with all the clickable icons--p1-p9 in the terminal also toggle them in or on/off):

Code: Select all

echo $' 
[Desktop Entry]
Name=panel frames
Comment=open panel main directory
Exec=rox  /usr/share/applications/panels

' > /usr/share/applications/PanelFrames.desktop 
jwm -reload

shortcuts assigned to the panels toggle in and out with them, which has both advantages and disadvantages (basically unlimited, possibly context sensitive; downside is your having to duplicate steadies if relying solely on the panels for keycuts (they set up the same way you set them for desktop icons--right click, edit, set keyboard shortcut)).

anyway, that's another use for this stuff.

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