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FileFinder - a filename search tool

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 23:50
by rcrsn51
Project withdrawn.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 01:31
by ebisu

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 02:03
by rcrsn51
I have posted v1.1 to address this. In the config file, you must enclose the path in quotes.

Please test.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 02:05
by gcmartin
Thanks @Rcrsn51

I know you hate it when I make ANY suggestion to help. But, here's another idea: Once the list is created, might you consider a button to open the list from the utility's screen? Or an option to open the list upon exit/quit?

If you find favor, I'm sure it will surface in the PET's future.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 02:10
by rcrsn51
gcmartin wrote:I know you hate it when I make ANY suggestion to help.
What I hate are feature requests in lieu of test reports. You should appreciate how early-stage testing is supposed to work.

I will consider your suggestion.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 02:48
by ebisu

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 02:56
by gcmartin
To avoid what you consider feature request in the future, the opening might indicate that you have no interest in ideas which might improve the experience.

i didn't see one such statement, so I offered something for your review.

I should have mentioned that I did test your 1.0 PET on a TahrPUP32-604 and basic operations tested, worked.

Here to help.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 03:01
by rcrsn51
ebisu wrote:TMPLOCATION problem solved.
"The Copy button copies all the files in the list to a temporary folder named FIND2LIST" It does not copy "all" files. Files with identical names are overwritten.
Do you mean if the same file was found in two different locations? That's getting complicated. I will consider the problem.
Even when search does not find any files the message "Search completed" appears. It would be tremendously helpful to know that the search was not succesful.
That's because the "find" command returns an error code of 0 even if it doesn't find anything. But if I implement gcmartin's suggestion of a View button, you can quickly check the results of the search.
Also clicking on "copy" shows the "All files in list copied.." dialog. OK, zero files are in the list and zero files were copied, in this sense it is not a lie, but misleading.
Having quick access to the list should help this.

Thanks for your test reports. I am particularly interested in the results of using more complicated search patterns.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 09:36
by ebisu

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 14:42
by rcrsn51
ebisu wrote:If the success dialog would contain the number of matches then the user can decide if it is worthwhile to view the list and see what has been added. If the dialog informs the user that nothing has been found then he can try with a different pattern instead of wasting time with examining the list.
Agreed. See v1.2

I have also switched from pattern-matching to keyword-searching. This allows more options.

Posted: Mon 21 Dec 2015, 18:26
by don570
I'll test version 1.2 as well and report back.

I've been modifying my Bulldog finder program to do a search in a file list.

So far it's very fast and seems useful. Here's my script so far.
I use 'while read LINE' to go line by line through the list of pathnames.
I found that the list of path names must end with a line ending character
or else the final path name won't be processed.

Code: Select all

rm -r /tmp/bulldogsearch.txt
[ !  -s  /root/list.txt ] &&  xmessage  "zero size file" && exit 0  

echo "" >> /root/list.txt  # file must end  with  line ending
cat /root/list.txt |
while read LINE  # go through list of files on hit list
echo LINE= $LINE
grep -i -H -n 'some_text'   "$LINE"   >> /tmp/bulldogsearch.txt

echo +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cat  /tmp/bulldogsearch.txt

exit 0

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2015, 00:30
by B.K. Johnson
You wrote:
might you consider a button to open the list from the utility's screen? Or an option to open the list upon exit/quit?
We differ on this feature request. After we have thoroughly tested that the program works as it ought to, I cannot think of any reason to routinely see the list, Should I at any time later (after test phase), want to look at the list I have my file manager and other standard tools. Can you say why you would want to have this feature?

It would be useful during the testing phase, but not as a feature IMHO.

Posted: Tue 22 Dec 2015, 01:54
by gcmartin
B.K. Johnson wrote:... It would be useful during the testing phase ... IMHO.
Yes. but, again, this is Randy's application, not ours. We do what we can to help.

Posted: Wed 23 Dec 2015, 13:33
by rcrsn51
Find2list v1.4 reports the total size of the files in the list before doing a Copy operation.

Posted: Fri 25 Dec 2015, 02:33
by rcrsn51
Version 1.5 posted above. See the note about changing the name of the output file.

In v1.5 you can quickly run a search by making a desktop shortcut and dragging the target folder onto the find2list icon.

Posted: Sun 10 Jan 2016, 21:50
by rcrsn51
Version 2.0 posted above with some bugfixes.

Also see the note about searching through links.

Posted: Fri 15 Jan 2016, 14:41
by rcrsn51
Version 2.1 is posted above.

There are some changes in how links are handled. Please read the notes.

Posted: Fri 12 Feb 2016, 21:19
by rcrsn51
FileFinder v2.2 introduces an Open function. After a search, you can display the list and select an item. You can either open the item in its default application or open the folder where it resides.

Open is designed to work with the ROX file manager. In LxPup, run your Config and change FILEMANAGER=rox to FILEMANAGER=pcmanfm.


Posted: Mon 28 Mar 2016, 23:45
by ASD
At the end of the opening post of this thread is the note (hopefully temporary)
Project withdrawn due to lack of community interest.
Most fortuitously I had downloaded the pet of FileFinder v2.2 before it was withdrawn.

Here is what I really appreciate about the exceptional and unusual facets of FileFinder v2.2 :

(1) I set my Config (via the button in attached screen shot) making two of the options as follows:
export COPYORLINK=link [this will often save huge space and copy time]
export USETEXT=enabled [this facilitates finding keywords within text files and, as pictured, I prefer to find and isolate the text files first]
(2) Typing "/" on the first line [enables a search of all mounted partitions].
If desired, first using rcrsn51's "Partview v2015" then clicking its "All" button, all unmounted partitions (except optical ones) may be mounted in the blink of an eye.
Partview may now be minimised to the system tray to keep all partitions mounted until quitting Partview when the original unmounted state of all partitions will be rapidly restored.
(3) The keywords entry line, possibly using "and/or/not" with [square] or {curly} brackets e.g. as in the screen shot (where no brackets are required) is simple, fast and easily remembered (as explained in Help and the opening post)
(4) Suppose, in the example shown in the screen shot, I forgot to add "or .hlp " - I could add .hlp files to the current list (or I could start a new list).
(5) In the screen shot example I am searching for text files which is quick (well under 10 seconds here) to find more than 4000 files and then quickly copy them with space saving links so that using the Text button I can now search for any words within those text files.

It seems that experimentation with this superb project - which many new testers may well find far superior to "locate" and often simpler, faster and better than "tree" has been woefully sparse - so I ask rcrsn51 to reinstate his pet so that others may try it and report their findings.

PS musher0 might search from his reported 602 iso files with a keyword line, such as:

Code: Select all

.iso [ sla or tah ] not 64

Posted: Wed 05 Apr 2017, 17:43
by rcrsn51
FileFinder v2.3 posted above.