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Icecat v38 test in Puppy Tahr 6.0.3

Posted: Sun 20 Dec 2015, 12:48
by D.Torch
BROWSER - Puppy-Tahr-Linux alternatives 2015 -
Dillo____ 2015 v3.03 1_MB - 2-files, basic security due no Javascript
Firefox__ 2015 v42__ 49MB - basic security w/addons, FF is controversial
Seamonkey 2015 v2.38 38MB - basic security w/addons, is old FF/MOZ Suite
Chromium_ 2015 v48.0 28MB - Open Source, maybe not sending info to Google
IceCat___ 2015 v38.6 45MB - good security w/addons, is mod of Chromium
SlimJet__ 2015 v5.0_ 54MB - good security w/addons, is mod of Chromium
Palemoon_ 2014 v24.7 29MB - good security w/addons, is mod of Chromium
Palemoon_ 2015 v25.7 29MB - security problem re permissions/exceptions
EDIT: 6a10 added Cookie-Controller & expanded/clarified some descriptions.
EDIT: 6c23 - Icecat browser now up to version 38.6.0 - 2016-02-04 - 45MB
ICECAT INSTALL - for linux/mac/win get @
' zip file - Icecat-38.6.0.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2 - 2016-02-04 - 45MB
Download - IceCat-38..bz2 - put in /root & unzip - sets itself up in /root
' /root/icecat <================ main directory does not need modification.
' /root/.mozilla/icecat/g4yp0whlle.default <======= dir may backup/restore
' /root/.mozilla/icecat/profiles.ini <== file same dir, may backup/restore
' (NOTE: MUST run Icecat ONCE to get it to set up /.mozilla/icecat/..files)
' (Click on "gear" icon file at /root/icecat/icecat & icecat executes fine)
Configure (or load a Backup) menu-toolbar addons - PrefBar RequestPolicy
' uMatrix Policy-Control Privacy-Settings Cookie-Controller etc (see below)
' (get addons from ~~
Set Icecat path usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser: exec /root/icecat/icecat "$@"
Save/backup all /root/icecat & /.mozilla directories for test surf/crash,
' but my IceCat test works fine, does not crash and never needs a restore.
MANUAL-SETUP IceCat/etc (after you're done save the custom config to disk)
= Right-Click top toolbar & activate Toolbar-Menu -- goto Edit/Preferences
' -- select a Downloads-location Privacy-history-choice Font-choice etc --
'> FONT: Puppy's main default is DejaVuSans. Add new to /user/share/fonts.
' FONT: decent Cousine(Courier)_web++text(57rows), Hack/RobotoMono_OK_web.
I run Puppy Tahr Linux & IceCat v38 browser with below addons, but beware,
' some functions duplicated, last addon function set gets priority control.
Security addons needed ? see:
Load addons from ~
Maybe turn OFF each addon's automatic UPDATE (unless you like surprises).
= PREFBAR = addon buttons for quick view/control of browser functions e.g.
' btn access'- FONT ZOOM COLORS IMAGES COOKIE-WARNING etc >> turn on/off
' btn maybe off'- COOKIES JAVASCRIPT >> generally required by many sites
' btn mostly off'- ANIMATION POPUPS FLASH >> generally are not required
' btn always off'- JAVA SILVERLIGHT >> dangerous, use only IF required
' btn for privacy'- SEND-REFERER(Not) REFERERSPOOF.btn >> block or modify
= REQUESTPOLICY = addon blocks most 3rd-Party-Trackers BUT new site config
' is slow, can temporarily/permanently block/allow(whitelist) 3rd-Parties.
= POLICY-CONTROL = addon menu, more complex/options than REQUEST-POLICY.
' All rules "OFF" after install, turning "ON" versus "3rd-Party" action
' improves privacy. AUTHOR's defaults below: "ON"_>_YES_Filter-Is-Active.
' Font______ re All, ON '- @font-face, remote can add files to local PC
' Image_____ re All, OFF'- pictures often needed, but slows site loading
' Media_____ re 3RD, ON '- audio video etc, popups adverts tracking etc
' Object____ re All, ON '- plugin-handled content, mods/tracks local PC
' Script-JS_ re 3RD, ON '- JS/JavaScript, local can be run from remote
' StylesCSS_ re All, OFF'- CSS, remote styles can modify/infect local PC
' SubDocFrm_ re 3RD, ON '- iframes/frames, can infect/block/mod local PC
' XMLXHRreq_ re All, ON '- XHR+JS, can alter local window, live/games/etc
' Plugins___ re All, ON '- alien "extension" programs, can access remote
' WebSocket_ re All, ON '- alt 2-way non-TCP path, mostly for live/games
' Ping______ re All, ON '- common query+response testing of data channels
' Beacon____ re All, ON '- JS web bug/tag/gif tracker hidden in web pages
' If POLICY-CONTROL rule WHITELIST wanted, add some "Custom Filter Rules",
' rule exception TYPE_SCRIPT & TYPE_XMLHTTPREUEST (&/or others as needed).
= uMATRIX = addon spreadsheet-view/control of URLs trying to access/modify
' browser's live web config/connection (as POLICY-CONTROL but more detail)
' Currently near version 1.0 - needs user manual, click to green to allow.
= PRIVACY-SETTINGS = addon menu provides short description & current state
' & quick change of 30 privacy/security options in about:config, example:
' about:config option - media.peerconnection.enabled - is "WebRTC" leak
'> (alt to manual change of about:config as "dom.popup_maximum" 20 to 3).
= COOKIE-CONTROLLER = addon menu handles 3rd Party, DOM delete, good doc.
' default: accepts all cookies for Session only & blocks all 3rd-Party.
= CANVASBLOCKER = addon masks computer's "face" aka "fingerprint" on web.
= WORK-OFFLINE (ASANO) = addon adds security if set to "Force-Offline".
---- NOTEs...
URLs work OK with defaults, Reddit or others
' may require Script-JS & SubDoc & XML be OFF - if block all get text only.

IceCat default browser in Librepup.

Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2016, 02:37
by Pelo

is really a nice browser for puppy-builders. just enough to post on our
forum results of the tries for LibrePup wireless connection
It will protect users from Youtube and its decadent music and videos.
Version 38 ; i hope Icecat will protect our users the same way. My old
dad was surprised watching some X videos . With LibrePup and IceCat, we
are sure that he will not surf Youtube. Ouf !
LibrePup is a nice derivative of Tahrpup 6.0.2. It aims to prevent users
using non-libre stuff. and a lot of non essential modern applications.
With IceCat, you will be sure you dad will not surf far from the beach

The version provided by Libre Pup is refused by Mega

Posted: Tue 15 Mar 2016, 17:07
by Pelo
D. Torch have you dowloaded ISOs with IceCat version 38 ?
The version provided by Libre Pup is refused by Mega

Re: The version provided by Libre Pup is refused by Mega

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2016, 04:09
by D.Torch
Pelo wrote:D. Torch have you dowloaded ISOs with IceCat version 38 ?
The version provided by Libre Pup is refused by Mega
Hi Pelo... I've edited my 'Icecat v38 Test' posting...
EDIT: 6a10 added Cookie-Controller & expanded/clarified some descriptions.
EDIT: 6c23 Icecat browser now up to version 38.6.0 - 2016-02-04 - 45MB
Newest linux/mac/win Icecat version is at -
I use zip file - Icecat-38.6.0.en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2 - 2016-02-04 - 45MB