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How to add puppy PC to Teamviewer? (Frugal installation)

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2015, 15:23
by puppyfan76
I installed Teamviewer on my Tahrpup PC (Frugal installation).
It works fine, but only with ID and password. When I try to add the PC to my computer list on Teamviewer it says that it's impossible because Teamviewer is not "permanently" installed on my PC.
How can I solve this problem?
In alternative, can you suggest me some other good remote desktop softwares to control my Puppy PC from other locations (other linux PCs, windows machines, android devices, ecc.)?
Thank you :)

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2015, 19:17
by don570
Did you read this puppy forum site. ... 8&start=30
In case anyone would prefer to run as a user instead of root, you can download and install the .deb file as it is in Puppy 431 and higher, directly from

Before installing the .deb file do the following:

Just paste this code in a newly created file named "teamviewer.desktop" and place it in "/usr/share/applications"
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Remote Desktop Application
Exec=su -c /opt/teamviewer/teamviewer/6/bin/teamviewer spot
GenericName= teamviewer

You'll now launch Teamviewer as user "spot"

Not working...

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2015, 22:42
by puppyfan76
The deb file downloaded from Teamviewer site failed to install...

Posted: Thu 10 Dec 2015, 16:20
by cimarron
From where do you want to access your Puppy? If it's just from within your LAN, it is possible to set up without adding the Puppy computer to your TV account, using a static IP instead. You would need to leave TV running on the Puppy computer.

From everywhere

Posted: Thu 10 Dec 2015, 17:10
by puppyfan76
I need to access the Puppy PC from everywhere.
I used to have windows xp installed on it and everything works well with teamviewer.
But xp is slow and I love the speed that Puppy gives to this old Nettop.
Anyway, Puppy is useless if I can't control it from the internet.
I can use some VNC software, but I would like something that is easy to use as teamviewer.
Any suggestion?
I'm running Tahrpup 6.0.2

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2015, 23:15
by gcmartin
@GoingNUTs provided this to the community awhile ago. Merely add this small utility to your any PUP you want to connect to!

Then, on your LAN, without installing ANY software, use Windows/MACs/Linux PC RDP client to connect to your PUP.

Once it is tested, you can use open port 3389 on your router for WAN access. You can use Windows/MACs/Linux PC RDP client to connect to your PUP over the WAN as long as you know your router's Public IP location (URL/IP address).

His approach intends to allow PUP access from other LAN clients which merely use their built-in RDP client software. Thus, nothing is needed on those client machines to be installed.
Hope this helps

Posted: Wed 21 Feb 2018, 02:16
by vektor_alian
Vic here ...

Whenever I want to add a new teamviewer computer I add it from another computer. Click on add another computer in the side pane.

After that it is just like installing it.
