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Gambas3-x.x.x.sfs (IDE for Basic)

Posted: Mon 07 Dec 2015, 08:49
by did18

========== Version 32Bit ==========

You will find (on the following link) a new version of gambas3 puppy-linux.


--Edit of 27/12/2015--
Posted in gambas3-3.8.4.sfs (follow the link above).

--Edit of 05/06/2016--
Translations (GNU Tools)

--Edit of 31/08/2016--
Posted in gambas3-3.9.0.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

--Edit of 30/10/2016--
Posted in gambas3_3.9.1.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

--Edit of 09/01/2017--
Posted in gambas3_3.9.2.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

--Edit of 02/09/2018--
Posted in gambas3_3.11.4.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

========== Version 64Bit ==========

--edit 30/06/2016--
posting gambas3_3.8.4_amd64.sfs
Gambas3_3.8.4_amb64.sfs is compatible with the following distributions:
Tahrpup64 6.0.5

NB: As the 32Bit version to benefit from the translation must be added the DevX your distribution. And the GNU tools are automatically available.

--Edit of 30/10/2016--
Posted in gambas3_3.9.1_amd64.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

--Edit of 09/01/2017--
Posted in gambas3_3.9.2_amd64.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

--Edit of 02/09/2018--
Posted in gambas3_3.11.4_amd64.sfs (follow the usual link (top of page)).

========== All versions ==========

--edit 22/09/2016--
Change of address for downloads.

Good day

Posted: Sun 27 Dec 2015, 16:58
by did18

I just finished compiling gambas3-3.8.4.sfs
This latest version is available by following the link in my first post.

Happy holidays to all.

Posted: Thu 30 Jun 2016, 12:00
by did18

Gambas3_3.8.4_amd64.sfs is available (see link on first message) for Puppy Linux-64Bit distributions.
I compiled this version with Tahr64 6.0.5, but it should also work for other distributions 64Bit (it would be nice to get me back. Thank you).
As for the 32Bit version simply download Gambas3_3.8.4_amd64.sfs, verify the checksum, load it with a SFS-Loader program and ... From ...

Have a good day.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2016, 09:38
by did18

I just finished the compilation gambas3-3.9.0.sfs
This latest version is available on the link in my first post.

Have a good day.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2016, 14:56
by Flash
What is Gambas? What does it do? Why do I want it so badly? :lol:

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2016, 21:42
by did18
Hello Flash
What is Gambas?
Gambas is an integrated development environment (IDE).
Often compared to Visual Basic (well known Windows programmers), gambas is not a clone.
What does it do?
The question is vague and it is difficult to accurately answer. This allows to design programs of all kinds thanks to a graphical interface and basic code.
In fact gambas is this :
Sorry, I did not understand your 3rd question...
I hope to have your questions, my English = 0 and "Google translation" is not perfect
Have a good day.

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2016, 01:01
by Flash
No, you did good. :) I was trying to be funny. That it is an Integrated Development Environment is a good start. What programming language(s) is it meant for?

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2016, 08:55
by did18
Hello Flash
The programming language is just basic.
Of course Gambas does not claim to compete with other programming mode such as 'C' or 'C ++'. But it can quickly create applications that can run on most Linux platforms (including Linux-Pyppy, Raspian (for Raspberry) etc.).
Lazarus lets do the same! But the weight of Lazarus is in my opinion a hadicap and until now I have not found 'Lazarus.sfs' (note I did not say that Lazarus is better or worse than Gambas is just to give a picture about me).
In the world of Puppy-Linux, disk space has an important place as an IDE within 100MB seems to be a good alternative for those who want to try to do some programs.
The ease of installation by SFS-Loader is a + undeniable and can test applications.
Here are some examples of what it can do ...
- 2048 - Unpretentious little game with the fully documented code.
- Infodeb - Gives information on files.deb.
- Crearch - Support for creating archives (classic 7z, zip, tar etc. But also .pet, .sfs, .deb.). ... lleryId=11

To read the source code, you have to unzip the and run the application in the IDE.
For users who do not want to use Gambas (lack of time or interest) but who wants to use the program, simply install the paquet.sfs ...
Finally, Gambas also allows the creation of components.
For example: Why a '' progressbar 'he always goes from left to right? Why could not it change color As a download? It is in this spirit that I created "progressbartext" that can be found in the examples of Gambas.
Obviously everyone can create its component as needed ...
Have a good day.

Posted: Thu 01 Sep 2016, 12:01
by Geoffrey
did18 wrote:I have not found 'Lazarus.sfs'
There's one in the Carolina repo, ... c-i386.sfs it's 144M

md5 04119c77961be4707f326f71d92c7cd5

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2016, 03:06
by 8Geee
Which version (s) of basic are you compliling from?

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2016, 09:32
by did18
Hello everyone

Flash @: Thank you for the subject moved in the right section.

Geoffrey @: Thanks for the link 'Lazarus'. I was able to test the installation and proper functioning of the distribution 'ToOpPy V2.1'.

8Geee @: I do not fully understand the question ... In fact gambas created an executable say for example 'crearch.gambas'. this executable can run on the PC in the gambas environment. To be accessible to all without using gambas, use the 'runtime' (to put it simply say that it is a small part of the engine gambas). Once the runtime + crearch.gambas + the additional components together, I created the package crearch_n ° version.sfs.

The other aspect is perhaps the version of gambas? This is the last update at the moment (gambas3_3.9.0). The procedure is as follows and is substantially identical to the creation of all .sfs archives.
- Recover .deb packages (here 90 packs for gambas version 'precise i386')
- Unpack all packages in a directory
- Recover any dependencies needed
- Create the package .sfs
Does that answer your question?

Have a good day.

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2016, 18:01
by 8Geee
What version of Basic is the programming language. There are many versions like Qbasic, GWBasic, SuperBasic, Liberty Basic, etc, or is this something unique?

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2016, 21:50
by did18
Hello 8Geee

Yes indeed I misunderstood the question.
In fact I know there specifically answer because I have practiced none of the basics that you mention and do not know the fundamental differences between these versions...
On the home page (in English) it is only specified that it is a Basic interpreter.
This link will give you more details as I know do.

Have a good day.

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2016, 22:15
by did18

The site gambas/guru is no longer accessible ... :-(
THANK Argolance for hosting different versions of gambas3 (and many other programs) on its server:


Have a good day.

Posted: Wed 30 Nov 2016, 22:42
by did18

Gambas3_3.9.1.sfs (for 32bit PCs)
Gambas3_3.9.1_amd64.sfs (for 64bit PCs)
Are available at gambas or on the links of the first message.

Have a good day.

Posted: Mon 02 Jan 2017, 18:42
by did18

A new forum (in English) for gambas here

Have a good day.

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2017, 18:07
by did18

Gambas3_3.9.2.sfs (for 32bit PCs)
Gambas3_3.9.2_amd64.sfs (for 64bit PCs)
Are available at gambas or on the links of the first message.

Have a good day.

Posted: Fri 08 Dec 2017, 21:29
by did18

The latest version of Gambas3_3.10.0. sfs is now available...
This is of course, the 32Bit version.

Have a nice day.

Posted: Tue 10 Apr 2018, 22:21
by did18

I just finished compiling and uploading gambas3_3.10.0_amd64.sfs.
These are the packages available in for "precise" versions.

You can download this version here ->download gambas3_3.10.0_amd64.sfs (click on me)

This archive is compatible with :

Have a nice day

Vu.. 64 bits..

Posted: Sun 29 Jul 2018, 12:26
by hamoudoudou
Vu.. 64 bits..