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2.02 CD won't Boot (32 MB RAM) (Solved by Wakepup)

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 01:14
by fun500
I have an IBM Personal Computer 350
And I can't get it to boot Puppy 2.02 I have the CD and I have BIOS set up to boot from a CD but It won't and when I try to boot with a floppy boot loader it deosn't dectect that the Puppy CD is in but If I type "G:" "Dir" then it shows the contents of the Puppy CD!

Re: I can't Boot

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 03:03
by Billcnz
fun500 wrote:If I type "G:" "Dir" then it shows the contents of the Puppy CD!
what files do you see when looking at the cd, just as a check?
This thread may help: ... highlight=

Also is this the only cd drive? you can have two cd drives on an ide port but usually only the first one (master) is bootable.


Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 04:39
by Flash
Fun500: most likely your problem is that you don't have enough RAM for Puppy to boot. You don't say if there is a hard disk in the computer. If there is, you should be able to create a swap partition on it and then Puppy can boot. 128 MB should do it. Alternately, you can add more RAM if it is available. Again, 128 MB is the minimum for best results with Puppy. :)

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 13:31
by fun500
It does have a 2GB hard drive,32MB ram, and 1 CD Drive. How can I make a swap partition? And the disk will boot my other newer PCs. I am trying 2.02 seamonkey. Should I try an older verson or something?

BTW: I have also tried MEPIS and Ubuntu on the PC and it won't boot to the CDs.

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 14:31
by muggins

the latest puppy you're using is probably your best bet as the 2xx series seems faster & lighter. to create a swap partition you'll have to download a linux boot floppy image & write it to a floppy, boot from the floppy & then run fdisk, following only the fdisk & formatting info here:

i don't know how much you've played around with typing commands on the commandline, but i know it can be daunting to the uninitiated, or post win98 windows refugees! but fdisk is a simple disk partitioning program that's well worthwhile becoming acquainted with. and it will only save any changes you've made to your hdisk if you press 'w' for write. it's also a good habit to run 'p' first, to show your partition info, then write this info down, in case you want to restore the disk's previous state.

Posted: Fri 11 Aug 2006, 14:46
by fun500
I want to keep Windows on my Computer. Those directions say:
This approach will use all of your hard drive. So if you need to keep Windows or some other OS around, do NOT follow these instructions!
EDIT: YES I DID IT! I just had to Use wakepup2 0.2!!!