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Working on a BasePup minimal Puppy

Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015, 15:18
by wanderer
This is a request to anyone who will help with a project I am working on

I would like to build an absolutely minimal puppy with just

boot to xorg
jwm as the window manager
rxvt as the terminal
gtkedit as the editor
emelfm as the filemanager
dillo as the browser

and a package manager
so additional things can be added

I have already built this a number of times
but my problem is knowing exactley what is needed
so I can only do it by trial and error
and this becomes slower and slower
as I try to add things like internet and a package manager

can anyone make an iso with just these functions

any help would be appreciated


Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015, 17:50
by Semme
Here, take a close look @ how TC does a frugal install.

So long as you understand the basics, I'm sure you could substitute the programs you've mentioned.

Posted: Thu 30 Jul 2015, 19:00
by wanderer
thanks semme

thats an excellent idea

i will try to compare the two systems
that should give me a better idea of the essentials
