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Posted: Wed 28 Aug 2013, 23:32
by Geoffrey
Updated repo with a few newer and updated apps, see Recent Repository Additions.

leaving the forum

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 01:57
by Geoffrey
Hi everyone, well the time has come, I have come to the realization that I need to move on with my life, due to family issues I need to take a different path and will not have any time for the forum or Puppy in general.

My time here has been enjoyable, I've learnt a lot over the years and wish to thank all for their help.

If anyone would like to help with the Carolina repo you can contact rg66, at the moment it's up to date but does need some tidying up, rg66 know whats needed but he could do with some help with it.

Thanks again and it's been an honor to be member of this forum with such nice people, peace be with you.



Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 03:23
by nilsonmorales
Geoff bad news because you are a good developer but i wish you the best to you and your family, thx for help me and take care.

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 03:44
by inoxidabile
I hope Your decision will not be forever and maybe You will be again with us in the future :)
Anyway, thank You very much for Your activities and please accept my best wishes for You and Your family. :)

Re: leaving the forum

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 07:45
by Monsie
Geoffrey wrote:Hi everyone, well the time has come, I have come to the realization that I need to move on with my life, due to family issues I need to take a different path and will not have any time for the forum or Puppy in general.

My time here has been enjoyable, I've learnt a lot over the years and wish to thank all for their help.

If anyone would like to help with the Carolina repo you can contact rg66, at the moment it's up to date but does need some tidying up, rg66 know whats needed but he could do with some help with it.

Thanks again and it's been an honor to be member of this forum with such nice people, peace be with you.


Sorry to see you go, Geoffrey... I have certainly appreciated some of your efforts and feedback. :)

Best wishes for the future,

Re: leaving the forum

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 11:42
by Marv
Geoffrey wrote:Hi everyone, well the time has come, I have come to the realization that I need to move on with my life, due to family issues I need to take a different path and will not have any time for the forum or Puppy in general.

My time here has been enjoyable, I've learnt a lot over the years and wish to thank all for their help.

If anyone would like to help with the Carolina repo you can contact rg66, at the moment it's up to date but does need some tidying up, rg66 know whats needed but he could do with some help with it.

Thanks again and it's been an honor to be member of this forum with such nice people, peace be with you.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. As they say in Ghana, Walk well.

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 14:43
by starhawk
Geoff, as they say round here: "Ya'll come back now, ya hear?" only I really mean it -- someday you need to pop back in for a visit or two.

You've done too much here to just walk off. It's part of you, just as you're part of us -- and that won't change too easy-like.

So: come back for a visit when you can and when you're ready. We'll be here ;)

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 15:34
by Tman
I wish you all the best, Geoff. But there is no need to cut off Puppy completely. Take a step back from being a developer and enjoy being a Puppy user, and perhaps advisor to upcoming developers. Surely, you have time to pop in the forum once in a while. But yes, do take care of your family first.

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 16:48
by oldyeller

I just want to say thanks for all of your hard work on Carolina. We all here hope to see you again. Take care of yourself and your family.

Thanks again

Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 18:42
by Karl Godt
I don't know whats going on , know from Saluki :


Posted: Thu 05 Sep 2013, 23:58
by rg66
Geoffrey, what to say. Working on Carolina and scripts with you was enjoyable and a great learning experience. I'm sad to see you go, stay in touch and take care.

Thanks for everything,

Posted: Sun 08 Sep 2013, 20:32
by linux

Thanks for all your work with Carolina

Posted: Thu 12 Sep 2013, 19:17
by rg66
Geoffrey and I had talked some time ago about cleaning up the repo to free up some space. Since his departure last week, I figure it's time to do it.

I will be starting with the ISO and delta files. Most if not all of the release candidates will be deleted within the next few days. Carolina-005 ISO will stay but I haven't decided about 001-004 yet, chances are they will be deleted as well.

As far as updating the repo goes, I doubt I'll be adding any new packages.

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 06:08
by umair
Hello Every One,
I am using Carolina since version 5 was released. Carolina-1 is also an outstanding release. However, facing a minor problem. I unable to access my windows shares on LAN. Getting the following Error.
Any Idea ? Thnx in Advance.

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 08:31
by rg66
umair wrote:Hello Every One,
I am using Carolina since version 5 was released. Carolina-1 is also an outstanding release. However, facing a minor problem. I unable to access my windows shares on LAN. Getting the following Error.
Any Idea ? Thnx in Advance.
The only thing I could find on this error was to try "umount -l ~/.gvfs" in the terminal (Without quotes). If that fails then open /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/smb.mount in geany and change AutoMount=false to AutoMount=true. Although, this could cause thunar to take some time to open on first run as it's searching the network.

Other than that, the only thing I can think of is a new savefile.

Posted: Mon 16 Sep 2013, 09:18
by umair
rg66 wrote: The only thing I could find on this error was to try "umount -l ~/.gvfs" in the terminal (Without quotes). If that fails then open /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/smb.mount in geany and change AutoMount=false to AutoMount=true. Although, this could cause thunar to take some time to open on first run as it's searching the network.
Other than that, the only thing I can think of is a new savefile.
Hi rg66:
Thnx for reply. I deleted the save.sfs file as I am using FRUGAL installation. Tried on fresh installation, but the result was same. thn I tried as per your suggestion " If that fails then open /usr/share/gvfs/mounts/smb.mount in geany and change AutoMount=false to AutoMount=true.
Works nicely for me. Now I can access my windows share. Thnx again :)
Keep it up ;)

Firefox 24 ESR !

Posted: Tue 17 Sep 2013, 21:41
by dawg
Firefox 24 is now also ESR, and works on Lina!

Here: ... s/all.html

Posted: Wed 18 Sep 2013, 03:55
by inoxidabile
Hi dawg ! Nice info, but... Are You sure? I have had to disable the firefox update to avoid problems.
After an update, firefox didn't start anymore and here in forum I reda it's due to some feature of Lina.
Then I'm a little bit afraid, did You follow any special procedure or setup?

Posted: Wed 18 Sep 2013, 09:22
by dawg
Hi inoxidable

I just downloaded the package from there, extracted it to someplace and clicked the firefox script that's in there. This is how I install/keep my Firefox, I don't auto-update it, so I'm not sure how 'safe' your regular way is, and yes, I am aware that starting with some certain FF version number it used to end up breaking things, but maybe that's no longer the case? Anyway, if you're gonna try auto-updating, maybe make a copy of your savefile first, just to be sure.
Well, I'm finding now, not only does the 24.0 ESR work for me, but also the regular non-ESR! Curious thing, they must've fixed some stuff.

Posted: Wed 18 Sep 2013, 10:34
by inoxidabile
Hi dawg, at page 42 there are the posts about the topic I'm speaking about, these are extract from answers of elroy:
"Due to the fact that Carolina uses glibc-2.10, Firefox-18.0 won't run on it. If you've updated Firefox from the browser's 'About' menu entry, it will fail when subsequently trying to run it. Firefox-16.01 is in the PPM; you could try reinstalling it, and if that doesn't do the trick you may need to delete your save file and start fresh."
"The only way that Firefox will 'auto-update' is if someone were to click on (from within the Firefox browser) 'Help' --> 'About Firefox'. Firefox would then auto-update to the latest version which currently won't run on Carolina due to the use of libc-2.10. If done in this manner, Firefox would not ask for conformation before beginning the update process."

At the time being everything is fine, and I don't feel the need of change or update.
Never the less, I downloaded the "firefox 24" from their site, I see there is a file inside it and then I could try as You suggested (of course, prior to that I will save a copy of savefile :wink: ).
The main thing I'm interested is about its efficiency, because I use it on a poor-performance hardware for streaming video on web. Then, if the release 24 is better for these behaviour... why not try it ? :)