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Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2012, 03:33
by Flash
In Racy 5.3, it started from the Multimedia menu and seemed to be ok until I put a DVD in the drive and clicked Play DVD. A little window showed up for a second saying "Loading DVD, please wait." I waited, but nothing else happened.

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 13:13
by sc0ttman
Flash wrote:In Racy 5.3, it started from the Multimedia menu and seemed to be ok until I put a DVD in the drive and clicked Play DVD. A little window showed up for a second saying "Loading DVD, please wait." I waited, but nothing else happened.
Check the logfile, in the 'Advanced' tab.. it may be that your vlc pkg isn't working.. If you downloaded a pet, it might not work with the ffmpeg in your pup, you might need to compile it.

Posted: Thu 11 Oct 2012, 21:08
by sc0ttman
updated to vlc-gtk 2.5.6, see main post for download

mainly includes fixes for capture/transcode stuff, particularly audio.

- fixed, waiting/cancel times for transcoding
- fixed, remove video stream in converted output
- fixed, audio file exensions, if no video codec was added to output
- fixed, removed ac3 from audio codec list
- auto rename mp4 to mp4a if no video codec was included

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2012, 18:52
by sc0ttman
updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.8 - see main post for download

- playback works much better with multiple instances
- fixed, force vlc playback to end correctly, then OSC will exit if running
- can load and kill new vlc processes without interfering with older ones
- new DVD Simple button - skips menus, etc
- fixes for non-root users, naming and creation of tmp files
- better working directory - use current playback dir (for streams downloads, etc)
- much better logging
- fixed Xvideo output, auto replaced with X11 in using vesa module, or Xvesa
- fixed, disable OSC if no xdotool installed
- fixes for audio and screen:// transcoding


- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.8:
- much improved for multiple instances of VLC
- fixed: never use 'killall' to end vlc, fixes multi-user and multiple instances
- fixed run_vlc(): force vlc exit at end of playback, added vlc://quit to end of each playback command
- updated run_vlc(): add PID of newest vlc playback process to end of list
- updated run_vlc(): only playback is added to list, to be ended by kill_vlc
- updated run_vlc(): all capturing, converting, transcoding, dvd ripping, stream downloading etc will continue when playback is quit
- updated kill_vlc(): get PID from list of VLC playback pids, kill only most recent PID, then remove that PID from the list
- updated kill_vlc(): if trying to kill a PID that is no longer running, remove from list, kill previous one in list, recursive
- updated GUI: 'Stop Playback' button will kill most recent VLC process that is still running
- updated GUI: do not allow multiple instances of main GUI
- fixed OSC: always quit OSC when VLC playback ends, waits while vlc PID is running, then closes OSC gui and quits
- updated OSC: never interfere with other playback windows, only its own (the one its attached to)
- updated OSC: 'Quit' button will kill only the VLC its attached to
- updated: workdir always dir of current file/playlist etc, or $HOME if none given
- fixed: all streams now download to $WORKDIR, not always to $HOME, as before
- fixed: cleaned up tmp files created and used, fixes for multiple users

- updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.7:
- better logging, better audio transcoding, better video output
- updated logging, new logging system uses -vvv and BASH redirects to all vlc cmds in run_vlc
- fixed: screen fps values in run_vlc()
- fixed: audio transcoding: guess filetype, rename mp4 to m4a, if no video used
- fixed: disable OSC if no xdotool found
- fixed: if using vesa Xorg module, disable Xvideo output, use X11 instead
- fixed: if using Xvesa server, disable Xvideo output, use X11 instead
- added "DVD Simple" button, skips menus, straight to movie
- GUI fixes and cleanups, renamed 1st tab, updated tooltips, etc

vlc-gtk 2.5.9

Posted: Wed 17 Oct 2012, 21:37
by sc0ttman
updated to VLC-GTK 2.5.9 - see main post for download

It is strongly recommended you upgrade to 2.5.9


- added more Capture options (size, aspect, format)
- renamed 'Duration' to 'Timer' in main GUI
- renamed 'Output' to 'Save' in main GUI
- fixed double re-load main GUI
- added the path ($WORKDIR) that files will be saved to in relevant tooltips
- GUI fixes, better spacing etc in capture tab

known issues:
- latest capture stuff not quite right yet ... needs fixing.. EDIT: fixed in 2.6
- youtube download will not auto quit, maybe other stream dwnlds too

Posted: Sun 21 Oct 2012, 00:02
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6 - see main post for download

- It is strongly recommended you upgrade to 2.6 for file converting
- it also has fixed right click options and many other fixes

- mainly a bugfix release, fixes in GUI, fave urls, transcoding, tooltips, workdir, ROX right-click options
- fixed: transcoding/converting settings and presets
- updated: improved Timer setting: set duration or start/stop times
- added: more formats/presets to Capture->Format
- added: 'Convert using VLC-GTK' right click option


- fixed: ROX right click options were broken/missing in recent versions!
- fixed: included most recent fave URLs list in pkg
- added: 'Convert using VLC-GTK' ROX right click option
- fixed GUI: in capture tab, renamed "Timer" to "Times", "Size" to "Format"
- fixed: all vlc cmds assign their PID to $RUNVLC_PID
- fixed: fixed Flv settings, in Capture->Format list
- fixed: many other updates and fixes for Format option in Capture tab
- fixed: if no video codec, disable Format/Size options
- fixed: transcode formats now using vfilter{}, cropadd{}, canvas{}
- fixed: replace blank or . WORKDIR with `pwd`
- updated: better tooltips in Capture->Adv and Capture->Times
- added GPL license and vlc-gtk description to script
- added: 'Convert using VLC-GTK' ROX right-click option
- added: Capture->Format: set aspect ratio, padded/cropped, PAL, NTSC, Ipod, BBCurve, Flash 240/360/480p, more
- added: support for more advanced start/stop times in Capture->Times
- added: various Youtube, DVD formats to Capture->Format list

I think I can't do much more with VLC-GTK, until I get DVB working,
and I have no DVB hardware, and the signal is very poor in my area.

I would appreciate any advice on the transcode Format settings, see the end
of the execute() func in /usr/bin/vlc-gtk to check my settings are correct.

Any other suggestions or code snippets that might improve this, post them here.

Posted: Sun 21 Oct 2012, 04:50
by technosaurus
for the transcoding see ffconvert, I posted the ones I was using in my old woo-ff program in shinobar's ffconvert thread and I am pretty sure he is using them and some others since (they may need translated from ffmpeg to vlc syntax though)

btw, I posted a similar program to vlc-gtk (uses xdotool) for mupdf here: ... 689#659689
I won't be doing much if anything with it though till after midterms - just putting it out there in case anyone wants to make it look nicer

Posted: Sun 21 Oct 2012, 08:14
by sc0ttman
technosaurus wrote:for the transcoding see ffconvert,
Yeah that and the VLC wiki/forums were my basis... Not sure if I applied the stuff from ffconvert/online sites etc correctly, but we'll see...
btw, I posted a similar program to vlc-gtk (uses xdotool) for mupdf here: ... 689#659689
I won't be doing much if anything with it though till after midterms - just putting it out there in case anyone wants to make it look nicer
I'll have to check it out, Akita has mupdf in the repo, I did a frontend type thing for it, but didn't go as far as xdotooling it, etc...

VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.2

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 22:17
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.2

See main post for download.

Fixed GUI layout issues with non-ubuntu fonts (thanks radky, stole some of your code). Mainly a bugfix release, but also includes a new 'Record' button in the On Screen Controls (OSC). Screenshots below.

Changelog, 04 Feb 2013:

- force font size in gtk theme, fixes GUI layout in many puppies (see screenshot)
- updated help info, more info on how to use VLC-GTK
- updated play_url, play_fave to support stream recording in OSC (see below)
- fixed launch_osc: get vlc pids before running OSC

- updated OSC:
- added button to record any selected stream
- fixes for loading files/streams without resetting OSC,
- added vlc icon to OSC, other minor clean ups

Known issue: when you quit playback of any sopcast stream, any sopcast downloads will also stop... Note this is only an issue if recording and watching sopcast streams simultaneously.

Feedback appreciated, particularly on the new font settings in the GUI.

vlc-gtk 2.6.3

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 00:49
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.3

Bugfix release. See main post for download.

Changelog, 19 Feb 2013:

- set 14px icons for vlc-gtk GUIs
- fixed set location of gtkrc file to ~/.vlc-gtk/
- fixed GUI layouts in places, stream tab, OSC
- fixes for removed/lost work dirs, they wont get set in rcfile
- fixed OSC, use font + icon settings set by vlc-gtk
- fixed OSC for detect screen dimensions/resolution
- fixed OSC for low res < 1024x768
- fixed pinstall script, can be used in woof

Next, I might have a go at integrating import IceCast radio stations button, beside the sopcast button, in the Streams tab.. I also wanna add some basic 'playback history' feature..

I have no DVB stuff, but if anyone knows how to build a list of channels that VLC can play using wscan or similar, or know the relevant VLC command line options for DVB stuff, I'd like to know.. Especially if the channel list is formatted properly for a gtkdialog tree, and each entry runs `run_vlc dvb $1` when clicked... ;)

VLC-GTK 2.6.4

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 15:16
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.4

See main post for download.

Changelog, 21 Feb 2013:

- added 'URL' source to Capture tab: can now capture/transcode URLs straight to chosen file format
- updated help info in main GUI
- updated tooltip info in Capture tab

These changes mean you can now convert a youtube URL straight to an mp3 file. :)

Just put the youtube URL in the URL field of the Streams tab, and then go to the Capture tab, click on the 'URL' source, choose the conversion settings, and click the Capture button --> VLC-GTK will then convert the youtube video in the URL straight to a local mp4/flv/mp3/etc file...

I used it to go through a list of youtube URLs of some good songs, and give me the mp3 file of each song :)

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 17:36
by charlie6
Hi scottman,
this VLC-GTK 2.6.4 looks very attractive ...
(running pemasu's wheezy
i installed VLC-GTK 2.6.4 + all the prerequisite stuff as on page 1this thread ...and get this
# vlc-gtk
/usr/bin/vlc-gtk: line 1031: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
/usr/bin/vlc-gtk: line 1031: ` file) $CL cvlc $C "$FILE" vlc://quit &>>"$LOGFILE" & ;;'
maybe it is trivial ...
(same comments with earlier versions)

BTW: the link to xdotool seems being broken
so i installed it from debian packages wheezy :

note: running from console vlc or cvlc videofile.avi, i only get the souns ...but no video.
(installed: or or
maybe not compatible with wheezy... :cry:
thanks for any comment

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 19:08
by sc0ttman
note: running from console vlc or cvlc videofile.avi, i only get the sound ...but no video.
(installed: or or
maybe not compatible with wheezy... :cry:
thanks for any comment
Thats what happens when you got the wrong VLC for your ffmpeg, or vice versa, etc.. You'll need to get a vlc_nogui built for wheezy, or compile it yourself.. the compile options you need are on the page where you got the vlc_nogui-1.1.9 pkg...

Just make sure you got these installed (inc DEV pets) when you compile: ffmpeg, schroedinger, libvpx, orc, x264, SDL, xcb_proto, xcb_utils ...

compiling is generally just this in the terminal:

Code: Select all

./configure blah blah
new2dir make install
(then follow the instuctions on screen to make a PET file)
charlie6 wrote:Hi scottman,
this VLC-GTK 2.6.4 looks very attractive ...
(running pemasu's wheezy
i installed VLC-GTK 2.6.4 + all the prerequisite stuff as on page 1this thread ...and get this
# vlc-gtk
/usr/bin/vlc-gtk: line 1031: syntax error near unexpected token `>'
/usr/bin/vlc-gtk: line 1031: ` file) $CL cvlc $C "$FILE" vlc://quit &>>"$LOGFILE" & ;;'
maybe it is trivial ...
(same comments with earlier versions)
What shell are you using? It should be bash, the script is set to use BASH.. I have BASH 4.1 .. There should be no errors, the code is OK..

I know you have a broken VLC, that wont show video, but the errors *should* only affect logging to the logfile... Can you get VLC-GTK to load up at all with that error? Or even get as far as playing (the audio of) a file via the VLC-GTK interface?

Or does vlc-gtk just exit immediately with that error, and not load up at all?

Do you have a log file set in VLC-GTK (you should by default)? Or is that field blank in the GUI when you get these errors?

To get rid of the errors, you could simply look in the run_vlc() func, and remove all

Code: Select all

in the func.. this will disable logging, but most people wont ever look at the log file anyway...

VLC-GTK 2.6.5

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 00:54
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.5

Now features basic on screen controls for audio only files/playlists (see screenshot).
Previously VLC-GTK had no interface at all for controlling audio only playback!

You can now use VLC-GTK to load up your m3u audio playlists/album folders/etc,
click play, then select files individually using the on screen controls..

See main post for download.

Changelog, 23 Feb 2013:

- updated OSC: basic on screen controls for all audio file(s) playback
- fixed detection, of local playlist files or stream playlists
- fixed immediate exit in OSC, if no VLC pid from vlc-gtk
- fixed reset rcfile from command line playback
- fixed ignore rcfile from command line playback
- fixed WORKDIR.. again.. think its done now...
- faster loadup of on screen controls

Re: VLC-GTK 2.6.5

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 06:32
by technosaurus
good work again. Its not something I personally care about, but it may be more visually appealing to show the dirname separately from the files. It could also be useful for sorting the songs by title when they are in different directories (I think gtkdialog4 can do this internally now). or for scrunching overly long directory paths

in gtkdialog form that would be something like
Directory | Audio File
`dirname $x` | `basename $x`

where x is a full path to an audio file

Re: VLC-GTK 2.6.5

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 08:30
by sc0ttman
technosaurus wrote:good work again. Its not something I personally care about, but it may be more visually appealing to show the dirname separately from the files. It could also be useful for sorting the songs by title when they are in different directories (I think gtkdialog4 can do this internally now). or for scrunching overly long directory paths

in gtkdialog form that would be something like
Directory | Audio File
`dirname $x` | `basename $x`

where x is a full path to an audio file
Thanks techno, I will try to do something like this at some point, just making sure the changes are all fixed and double checked at the moment.. I loaded up pmusic 2.8.x see have a l look what I might be able to do.. Decided to leave it as is for now, until I make it all work nice as poss.. At the moment, when the above audio playlist gui is visible, the osc controls for new videos loaded wont show up.. i updated help for now to reflect this.. also, only 1 audio playlist is ever used, so you cant run two audio files/playlists at the same time (not including downloads,converting,etc) - kinda make sense to me!..

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 08:39
by sc0ttman
VLC-GTK updated to 2.6.6

Bugfix release. See main post for download.

Changelog, 24 Feb 2013:

- fixed: update audio playlist on by default
- fixed: update audio playlist when loading newly captured/converted file
- fixed: update audio playlist only after disc found
- fixed: stream playback/download wont affect current audio playlist
- fixed OSC: faster window finding and resizing, renamed audio playlist title

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 08:54
by vovchik
Dear sc0ttman,

In order to get the new version to run in Lucid (and bash version 3.2.29(2)), I had to change:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

& >>
Now works fine.

With thanks and kind regards,

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 08:56
by sc0ttman
vovchik wrote:Dear sc0ttman,

In order to get the new version to run in Lucid (and bash version 3.2.29(2)), I had to change:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

& >>
Now works fine.

With thanks and kind regards,
Thanks! I'll try it out and upload a fixed 2.6.7 in a bit..

EDIT: Nope, can't just replace it... I remember now - on my system (bash4) that change will force all vlc commands to launch in the background, breaking all playback control (stop, next, prev, etc wont work) .. The new audio playlist for example will just load up mp3s on top of each other.. and none can be stopped using vlc-gtk...

vovchik, Can you confirm that after your changes, you can click on an audio file (in the new audio playlist GUI) and it'll kill playing the last one, and ONLY THEN start playing the new file.. ?

EDIT2: If I change &>> to just >>, then everything works, except logging to the vlc-gtk logfile!

Posted: Sun 24 Feb 2013, 09:31
by vovchik
Dear sc0ttman,

I can't get anything to play via that gui :( Will experiment further to see what is happening. Obviously, my solution was not optimal :(

With kind regards,