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Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 01:41
by steve_s
noryb009 wrote:I got it working! I'll upload the installer maker package in a bit.
Hey, way to go! We await the results...

Oh, I'll change the initial post to reflect your upload...

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 13:16
by noryb009
I have tested it, and you might be able to do these instructions in wine, but they give different checksums.

Instructions (most of these can be done in puppy, and Geany even has syntax highlighting):
1) download the attachment
2) unzip it to C:\ (or "/root/.wine/c_drive" if your in puppy)
3) go into the folder it created
4) open up HOW TO MAKE AN INSTALLER.txt. It will tell you how to make an installer.

You will have to install NSIS to compile it:

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 15:12
by steve_s
:shock: Oops...thought this was my's not.

Ok, I changed the initial post on my thread here to show your new development, norbyb009. Good job! 8)

Posted: Wed 11 Aug 2010, 16:45
by noryb009

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 11:19
Thanks from me as well.

I have yet to investigate what you have done but if you have got it working it sounds very promising.

The problem with Vista/Windows 7 is that boot.ini does not exist and a whole new method of hooking into the Windows boot is required - (most people use EasyBCD for this). As I say I have not looked at your technique yet but I suspect some tweeks will be needed for the latest Windows.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:10
by noryb009
As I say I have not looked at your technique yet but I suspect some tweeks will be needed for the latest Windows.
Yes, it will. Right now, I have it set as:
if grub.exe/grub exists, add that puppy version to the menu.lst, set timeout=10
if grub.exe/grub does not exist, install grub4dos, add to boot.ini, make menu.lst (timeout=0) with the puppy entry.

Would I have to change "does not exist" to:

install grub4dos, if(not vista/win7)add to boot.ini(else)BCDEdit.exe(end if) make menu.lst (timeout=0) with the puppy entry

Is that correct?

Do you have a vista/win7 system? I just want to ask a few questions.

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 12:41

Your logic is right even if it is not exactly functionally correct.

I see you are deviating from Lin'N'Win quite a bit - not sure if that is because of NSIS.

Lin'N'Win DOES NOT INSTALL grub4DOS! It uses the files from it but does not install it in case it messes the MBR/Windows boot process. I know some think I am too worried but better safe than sorry.

Consequently it uses grub.exe on Win 9x and grldr on WinXP. Right now EasyBCD for Linux dual boot on a Vista / 7 system uses a version of grldr as well.

I do have a Windows 7 system but it is sitting in a box while I get the courage (and a holiday from work) to set it up - it has been there a few months!

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 13:00
by noryb009
Thank you for pointing that out. I will have to change the installer process for 9x, I guess. (amazingly, I still have a windows 95 I can work on!)

Ya, it would of been better to phrase it as "unzipped grub4dos"

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 14:27
by Lobster
noryb009 does this once unzipped on a Windows system (don't have one so have to ask)
automatically install (by downloading)
Lucid 5.1

Then when you boot you can boot to Windows or Lucid?

Is that right? :)

Posted: Thu 12 Aug 2010, 16:09
by noryb009
Lobster wrote:noryb009 does this once unzipped on a Windows system (don't have one so have to ask)
automatically install (by downloading)
Lucid 5.1

Then when you boot you can boot to Windows or Lucid?

Is that right? :)
Not exactly... The file I uploaded is a creator for a windows installer to duel-boot.
Also, the files are in the installer, you don't have to download them.

If someone tells me where to upload it, and once I edit it for the windows 9x, vista and 7 boot loaders, then I can compile it and upload it.

Posted: Sat 14 Aug 2010, 17:20
by noryb009
I updated the post above to V 0.2. This release:
-backs up boot.ini (if you are on windows nt/xp/server 2003)
-adds kindof tested support for 9x/ME
-adds untested support for vista/7
-is only in english (I might add other languages after testing, but I don't know what boot.ini would be like in chinese :lol: )

I have a test installer (about 6 MB, it installs pUPnGO). I will upload it in a bit.

Posted: Sun 15 Aug 2010, 12:44
by noryb009
I uploaded it, any testers will be welcome! You can download it here.

It will say "Debug: (your windows version)". If this is NOT your version, please post what it said, and end the process (Ctrl+Alt+Del)

Do not use this installer with vista/windows 7.

6e446ac419552b993e87734f1efd5d89 pUPnGO 412 beta.exe

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 12:26
by noryb009
Did it work on everybody's computer?

Posted: Mon 18 Oct 2010, 14:14
by Aitch
worked OK on my P4/2.4ghz/1mb ram intel chipset
showed WinXP as expected
didn't realise pup'n'go was so CLI oriented :oops:
also uninstalled cleanly, including grub :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010, 01:07
by Aitch
Just tried win32exe/431std
network setup Ok, but using xchat
A] couldn't change my nick
B] no help, or F1

Don't know if this is peculiar to 431std, xchat or win32exe?

someone suggested irssi, but I'm a mouser not CLIer

lazy, I know...just out of my comfortzone

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010, 20:38
by noryb009
Thanks, Aitch. I think the 431 problems are from 431, not the installer.

I'm going to get a Win7 soon that I can test on, so we will just have to wait...

Posted: Tue 19 Oct 2010, 23:08
by noryb009
I just uploaded Puppy Linux Installer Creator V0.3. It's on the top of page 7. Please message me if you are going to try it with Vista/7.


- changes boot.ini timeout if it is below 5 seconds
- requires admin privileges
- Vista and 7 support (experimental)
- upgraded registry support
- only asks to uninstall GRUB if it is the last puppy installed
- adds puppy linux to everyone's start menus (not just the installer's)

Known bugs:
- is not added to "Add or Remove Programs"
- may not work with

Windows 7 installation styles

Posted: Sat 23 Oct 2010, 03:42
by shinobar
Very nice promising project targeting Vista/7 included.
Better to make your new topic, noryb?

I have not yet made proper test on Windows 7, but like to give some information.

My Windows 7 installer made a special partition for boot.
The boot partition is 100Mb size ntfs but cannot be seen from Windows.
Puppy can see the partition as /dev/sda1, and the Windows system partion, C:, is /dev/sda2.

noryb's installer installs Puppy on C:, that is not a big problem.
But the C: may not be (hd0,0). In my case, (hd0,1).
I tried to edit the menu.lst from the windows, i am not sure the reason but i could not.
Anyway I like to request to make the menu.list more flex.

Code: Select all

title Lucid Puppy Quickset edition 511
kernel (hd0,0)/Puppy-Linux-511/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-511"
initrd (hd0,0)/Puppy-Linux-511/initrd.gz

Code: Select all

title Lucid Puppy Quickset edition 511
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-511/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-511/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-511"
initrd /Puppy-Linux-511/initrd.gz

Windows 7/Xp

Posted: Sat 23 Oct 2010, 05:46
by shinobar
I modified noryb's Puppy Linux Installer Creator V0.3, the main.nsi to arrange the menu.list.

Code: Select all

title Lucid Puppy Quickset edition 511
find --set-root --ignore-floppies /Puppy-Linux-511/initrd.gz
kernel /Puppy-Linux-511/vmlinuz psubdir="Puppy-Linux-511"
initrd /Puppy-Linux-511/initrd.gz
Made a Luciid-Puppy-Quickset-511-installer.exe.
Tested on Windows 7 and Windows Xp (different PC's). The account is the Administrator.

Both installed files correctly in the C:/Puppy-Linux-511 directory and grldr and menu.lst at C:\. The menu.lst is well arranged. The installer says, with the debug window, Windows 7 or Xp detected correctly.
But it seems not rewrite boot.ini(Xp) or BCD(7, cannot be seen), nor the MBR.
So the Windows boot up. The Puppy is not shown in the boot menu both my 7 and Xp test.

I installed Grub4Dos on the MBR, then the Puppy can boot.
But the Windows are not in the menu.lst, so Windows cannot boot.

I boot up Windows with the LupQ-511 live CD, it can boot up Windows without MBR boot record.

Posted: Sat 23 Oct 2010, 15:47
by noryb009
shinobar: Thank you so much for your testing! I'll try out the new menu.lst format.
But it seems not rewrite boot.ini(Xp) or BCD(7, cannot be seen), nor the MBR.
Hmmm... I don't know why that's happening there. Could you please boot XP, uninstall the current installed puppy, then start > run, type in cmd.

then, type:

Code: Select all

cd c:\
Do you see a line like:

Code: Select all

A  SHR     C:\boot.ini.backup
If not, type:

Code: Select all

attrib boot.ini -s -h -r
then try the installer again, and see what happens. (run attrib again after and see if you see boot.ini with SHR in front)

if you do see a line with boot.ini.backup, run:

Code: Select all

attrib boot.ini -s -r -h
attrib boot.ini.backup -s -r -h
Then open them both up with notepad and compair them.