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Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2020, 06:42
by Walter Dnes
URGENT: Update to version 28.8.1 NOW. Grab and install the tarball if your current Puppy doesn't have PM 28.8.1. says, amongst other things...
Fixed an issue with the JavaScript JIT compiler that could lead to exploitable crashes. (CVE-2019-17026) actively exploited
This is the same CVE-2019-17026 issue that is in the news with Firefox now.

Posted: Mon 13 Jan 2020, 22:39
by tallboy
Done. Thank you, Walter. :D

Posted: Tue 14 Jan 2020, 10:36
by bigpup
Pale Moon internal update, worked for me, to get to V28.8.1

If you have a Pale Moon V28.0.0 or newer. The internal update will keep it updated to latest version.
Have it set to auto update or help->Check for updates......

Posted: Thu 23 Jan 2020, 11:39
by LeithR
I'm running xenial64-7.5 on an old Dell laptop and I need to update palemoon. Is there a available or what is the best version to download from the palemoon site please?
I'm currently using palemoon27.6.1.

Posted: Thu 23 Jan 2020, 20:06
by 6502coder
Have you tried Help->Check for Updates... ?

Posted: Thu 23 Jan 2020, 22:49
by Mike Walsh
6502coder wrote:Have you tried Help->Check for Updates... ?
@ 6502coder:-

I doubt that'll work for him. Up until the 28-series, Palemoon made use of the separate updater, which has since been deprecated. I forget if PM 27.xxxx even had the 'Check for updates' menu entry; if it did, it would lead to a dead-end.

@ LeithR:-

Try my 'portable' Palemoon package:- ... 85#1015085

The resident 28.6.0 will very soon auto-update to the current 28.8.1. Usage instructions are in the first post, along with the download location.

Mike. :wink:

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 00:12
by 6502coder
What Mike said. His portable Palemoon package has worked great for me.

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 02:36
by tallboy
LeithR, I ususally download my Palemoons from, you'll find the lastest 64-bit version here: (I use tahr64_6.0.6)
I unpack it, and place the PM in /opt, make a palemoon.desktop, and a link from /opt/palemoon/palemoon to /usr/bin.
There is a detailed description of the installation here, you'll have to adapt it to your puppy, but if you have the icons and palemoon.desktop from earlier installation, there is no need to modify those, just leave them as is.

The browser icon on the desktop is usually set to open /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser, if you open defaultbrowser as text and modify it, you can set palemoon as you browser; exec palemoon "$@"

I saw a note about the old /root/.moonchild productions/ dir, it should not be used, there are some new mods in the PM 28 series. You can delete, or rename it. You should also delete the palemoon dir in /root/.cache before you start to use the new PM. If you have a lot of bookmarks and other notes, don't delete but just rename the old /opt/palemoon/ dir, and import the bookmarks from it to the new PM later.

BTW, to update PM later, use the Check for updates in the Help menu, works for me.

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 09:08
by LeithR
@6502coder - I'm replying on another machine that still has access to the forum. Thanks for the suggestion, help-> check for update does not exist on this version of Palemoon (27.6.1) and internet-> palemoon updater is not working for some reason.

@Mike Walsh - I've got onto your Portables Google Drive and am trying to download Palemoon-28.6.0-amd64-portable.tar.gz , single click does nothing and double click opens it as an email attachment would. How do I download it? I don't use Google Drive.

@tallboy - I've downloaded the TB. I may need further help as I've not done any linking before.

Thanks to all for your help.

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 09:22
by LeithR
@tallboy - How do I uninstal palemoon 27.6.1? Please

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 10:20
by LeithR
I've just used quickpet and that seems to have sorted at least some of the problems out. I'm now using palemoon28.8.1 on that machine. However the forum is not letting me login any more. When I try to log in I get a message saying the email address I supplied does not match the one listed for that username.

There doesn't seem to be any obvious way to update my listing. Can you suggest who I should contact to sort this out please?

Posted: Fri 24 Jan 2020, 10:38
by LeithR
"Panic over" after 15 minutes I was able to get into the forum, must have been related to my old palemoon issue.

Posted: Sun 26 Jan 2020, 16:45
by tallboy
LeithR, sorry for not responding earlier, I was away for a couple of days. But, I saw in another thread that you got the help you needed. :D

Remember that in Linux, all programs are just a bunch of text files, usually containing lines of code language, but otherwise like any other text file that you make yourself. Some scripts or programs that don't scatter files all over the place, can simply be deleted. But if you want to remove a program the normal way, the Puppy Package Manager (PPM) always list the programs that you have added. Just open the PPM and click them to uninstall and remove them. My PPM in tahr64, also tell me if the program that I just removed, needed additional dependencies when it was installed, and gives me a list of deps that I have to remove manually myself (by clicking on them in the PPM). Remember to copy that list, it is shown only once! Some programs may have produced files containing preferences or logs, you can run pFind and search for the program name to find files to be removed. After removing programs, and if you use the jwm window manager, run the command jwm -restart to update your menus, I usually also restart X - usually by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, or choose Restart Graphical Server from the Exit Menu.

High CPU usage level possible fix

Posted: Sat 15 Feb 2020, 22:16
by bigpup
Pale Moon high CPU usage.
There is a fix for Linux they are working on.
Testing it for now.

You can try to make the changes.

about:config in address slot, will bring up config window.
Make changes.

Try this one first.

This one may or may not help or be needed.
First try without changing this.

Shutdown and restart Pale Moon, so changes are being used.

about:support in address slot, will bring up support page, where you can see what changed.

Helped my Pale Moon v28.8.2.1

Also, Pale Moon v28.8.2.1 fixes You tube.
YouTube deprecating their old web UI. This change will enable the new YouTube UI by default.

Posted: Sun 23 Feb 2020, 22:04
by bigpup
There is more than just about:config to get at internal settings.

There are all kinds of information and settings that can be accessed with about: commands entered into the address bar.

This is the list of them for Firefox, but they also seem to work with Pale Moon.

  • about: -->The same page as "Help -> About" (except that, on some applications, Help → About is a much smaller popup).
    about:about -->Lists all these about: URLs (Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey or Firefox 4 and newer only).
    about:accounts -->Firefox Sync account.
    about:addons -->The "new" addons manager, in trunk builds dated 2010-05-11 or later.
    about:app-manager -->App Manager, a tool to help users build and install web apps on compatible devices (i.e. Firefox OS).
    about:buildconfig -->Reveals details about your Mozilla build options.
    about:cache -->Displays cache statistics and disk cache directory location.
    about:cache?device=memory -->Lists memory cache entries.
    about:cache?device=disk -->Lists disk cache entries.
    about:cache-entry -->Shows information about a cache entry. Used in about:cache links. Requires parameters.
    about:compartments -->shows a list of live JavaScript compartments.
    about:config -->GUI for modifying user preferences.
    about:crashes -->List of Breakpad crash reports, with links and datestamps.
    about:customizing -->Only available on Australis builds of Firefox, starts the Customize mode.
    about:credits -->The list of contributors to the Mozilla projects.
    about:downloads -->Your recent downloads.
    about:home -->Firefox Start Page.
    about:healthreport -->Health Report. Also accessible via "Help -> Firefox Health Report".
    about:licence and about:license -->both show the Mozilla Public License and the Netscape Public License for the piece of software.
    about:logo -->Displays the application logo.
    about:memory -->shows the memory usage of Firefox.
    about:mozilla -->shows Book of Mozilla
    about:networking -->Displays the experimental page about network connections in Firefox.
    about:newtab -->the default new tab page.
    about:permissions -->shows and manages the permissions as also shown in Tools → Page Info → Permissions.
    about:plugins -->Lists all your plugins as well as other useful information.
    about:preferences -->Open preferences.
    about:privatebrowsing -->Open a new private window.
    about:rights -->Displays the page "About Your Rights".
    about:robots -->Easter egg.
    about:sessionrestore -->Open the "Restore last browsing session" page.
    about:support -->Displays information such as Application Basics (version, link to open the profile folder, link to about:plugins and about:buildconfig), Extensions, Modified Preferences and Graphics information. Also accessible via "Help -> Troubleshooting information".
    about:sync-log -->Displays Sync logs.
    about:sync-progress -->Displays synchronization progress.
    about:telemetryThis -->page shows the information about performance, hardware, usage and customizations collected by Telemetry. This information is submitted to Mozilla to help improve Mozilla Firefox.
    about:webrtc -->Will be implemented in near future.
    about:welcomeback -->The "Firefox is ready to go" page.
about:about will give you a clickable list of all of them. Click on to go to that selected about: command.

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2020, 06:32
by RickGT351
The catch with Palemoon is that every time it is updated, it seems to run slower. I have had enough. Can anyone suggest another browser to run in Xenial or Tahr pups?

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2020, 13:08
by nic007
I've tried older Seamonkey 2.48 with Precise and Tahr and it seems to work fine with youtube. Also don't get the youtube warning message like with older Palemoon.

Posted: Wed 11 Mar 2020, 14:01
by backi
RickGT351 wrote:
The catch with Palemoon is that every time it is updated, it seems to run slower. I have had enough. Can anyone suggest another browser to run in Xenial or Tahr pups?
So true .....i ask myself ...what the Hell are they doing? The mess started with Version Loss.
So i stopped updating .......still using 27.9.4 .It works quite O.K.

Posted: Fri 13 Mar 2020, 01:11
by tallboy
I usually download the PaleMoon tarball from, rename the old PM, and make a new installation. If it opens normally, I throw away the old renamed one. If you have a lot of bookmarks, history, etc., save the old ones, and throw away your /root/.moonchild productions, as well as the /root/.cache/moonchild productions. They will be built again as soon as you start your new PM. If you make mods by using about:config, save those in a separate prefs.js file, and symlink it into the new PM. I have used PM for years now, and have not been noticing any slowdown.

Posted: Fri 13 Mar 2020, 18:46
by number77
I have downloaded 28.8.4 tarball as you recommend. Any chance of a nudge what to do with a tarball. I am running xenial64 on a dell latitude e6230.
PS I thought a better place to ask was beginners.