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SVG image buttons

Posted: Wed 23 Oct 2013, 19:07
by don570
SVG image buttons

A general method to generate attractive color buttons. The size is
(240x100 pts) however it is easy to modify a button size with width
and height directives

Provided the length of textstring isn't long --->
recommend max 12 characters or 10 if UPPERCASE.

The Text looks strange if you try to cram too much text into button.
I found that I could make the uppercase charcters look better in button
if an extra parameter was added --> called UPPERCASE.

This is because the uppercase (and probably the foreign characters)
take up more width than lowercase ones.


$1 = font
$2 = string (use quotes)
$3 background color (use quotes for hex)
$4 text color (usually black or white)
$5 (optional) =UPPERCASE if all characters are uppercase

Some command examples:

./ Sans "My Message" "#00DB00" white
./ DejaVu "MESSAGE" green white UPPERCASE



Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2013, 23:46
by don570
I noticed the following with my generation script above....

More than 8 characters results in the font size becoming noticeably smaller
than the other labels. This is noticeable in buttons that are in a column
such as this example. The label 'Top-panel' has 9 characters.


Here is a couple of scripts to show how to use code.

Posted: Fri 25 Oct 2013, 02:26
by matiasbatero
don570 wrote:I noticed the following with my generation script above....

More than 8 characters results in the font size becoming noticeably smaller
than the other labels. This is noticeable in buttons that are in a column
such as this example. The label 'Top-panel' has 9 characters.


Here is a couple of scripts to show how to use code.
You can use <button relief="2"> to get more realism for your button made with SVG. relief="2" removes the "button box" when is not selected.

Posted: Fri 25 Oct 2013, 10:14
by recobayu
matiasbatero wrote: You can use <button relief="2"> to get more realism for your button made with SVG. relief="2" removes the "button box" when is not selected.
we can use gtkdesklet by akash:
this is very interesting, don570. :D

Posted: Fri 25 Oct 2013, 16:15
by matiasbatero
recobayu wrote:
matiasbatero wrote: You can use <button relief="2"> to get more realism for your button made with SVG. relief="2" removes the "button box" when is not selected.
we can use gtkdesklet by akash:
this is very interesting, don570. :D
yes, but it works with gtkdialog (GTK2) not GTK3.

Posted: Sat 26 Oct 2013, 19:03
by don570
I've worked on improvements to my candy color SVG image buttons.

For the wide version of the button I doubled the width to 480 pts.
I have also put limits on size of fonts which makes them more attractive
over a bigger range of characters.

Recommendation: ----> 12 characters (max) 10 if UPPERCASE --> 19 characters (max) 16 if UPPERCASE

example commands:

Code: Select all

# ./   Sans  "My Message" "#00DB00" white
# ./   DejaVu  "MESSAGE" blue white UPPERCASE



Posted: Sun 27 Oct 2013, 04:52
by sunburnt
moose on the loose; Yes, building the dialog from parts ( modules ) is a good method.

Now to wrap the whole thing in a rational command set syntax. A GtkDialog fork ?

Posted: Tue 29 Oct 2013, 18:08
by sunburnt
I`m looking at GtkDialog docs., and I don`t see much at all on the Tree.
To run the examples it has no tree structure at all, it looks like the Table.
I know GTK changed the way most of the higher level widgets work.
I`ve worked with the tree before, but it must have been GTK-2.

# Need to make dir./folder tree panel and control the icons for each node.

# Also need file panels and to control the icons individually for them also.
Probably 2 file panels, one a detailed list, and one a file only ( like Rox ).

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2013, 20:03
by sunburnt
Any way to detect which mouse buttons/wheel are active?

Using a list box at the moment...

Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2013, 20:31
by SFR
Hey Sunburnt
sunburnt wrote:Any way to detect which mouse buttons/wheel are active?

Using a list box at the moment...
Doesn't seem to work with a wheel, but detects left/middle/right buttons:

Code: Select all

echo '<list><item>Click me</item><action signal="button-press-event">echo $BUTTON</action></list>' | gtkdialog -cs
BTW, as far as I'm aware, there's no such thing as real tree widget in Gtkdialog, unfortunately...


Posted: Thu 31 Oct 2013, 23:18
by don570
Tree widget is a
more powerful version of list widget.

I put a couple of examples of the tree widget in my

gtkdialog tutorial manual under 'refresh'


Posted: Fri 01 Nov 2013, 04:56
by sunburnt
Hi don570; Thanks for the reply, and thanks for the docs.

I used to work with GtkDialog`s tree, it was a little difficult to control, but it was a "tree".
All the examples I see now are lists. Doesn`t it do a real tree any more?

Hello again SFR; I think you may be right, but as I said above GtkDialog used to have one.
That was probably back in GTK+ 2.

Trying to get GTK widgets to behave is always a struggle. Only the basic level of control.
Like the List, simple 1 click selection is about all there is, as is the case for most widgets.

# I`m using the List as a Tree by indenting the text 2 spaces for each sub dir. level.
It seems the $FOLDER string lags the input. And Buttons 2 and 3 don`t select of course.

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash


ItemList() {
	eq20="===================="						# 20 "=" characters
	Indent=`echo "${eq20:0:$((offX*offSet))}" |sed 's/=/ /g'`	# convert = to space

	FolderList=`find /$1 -maxdepth 1 -type d |sed "1d;s#^.*$1/##" |sort`

	items=$(echo "$FolderList" |while read I
		echo "<item>\"$Indent $I\"</item>"						# make gtkD items
	echo "$items"

ClkList() {

echo -e " |$1|    |$2|"

	LN=`echo "$Items" |grep -n "$1"`
	tmp=`echo "$Items" |head -n ${LN%:*}`				# first part of list
	tmp=$tmp`echo -e "\n`ItemList $1`\n"`				# new sub list
	tmp=$tmp`echo "$Items" |tail -n +$((${LN%:*}))`		# last part of list
echo "$tmp"
	Items=$(echo "$FileList" |while read I
		echo "$Indent<item>$I</item>"

		if [ "$I" = "$1" ];then
			subItems=`ls $1`
			echo "$FileList" |while read I
				echo "$Indent<item>$I</item>"

export btnFLAG

export Items
export -f ItemList ClkList ClkBtn

      <action signal="button-press-event">ClkList "$BUTTON" "$FOLDER"</action>
     <button ok></button>
     <button cancel></button>
gtkdialog --program=FILER_DIALOG

GtkDialog doesn`t have "action refresh"?

Posted: Wed 06 Nov 2013, 07:03
by sunburnt
I tried it with the combobox and the list, the only widget the docs. show it with is the progressbar.

I want the combobox selection to clear/refresh the list box. Or another combobox.

Code: Select all

export MIRRORS_DLG='
<window title=" Ubuntu Mirrors.">
  <text><label>Set World Region       </label></text>
	<item>North America</item>
	<item>New Zealand</item>
    <action type="refresh">MIRROR</action>
    <input>'$Path'/mirrors.ubu REGION</input>
   <button ok></button>
   <button cancel></button>
gtkdialog --program=MIRRORS_DLG

Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 17:21
by don570
to sunburnt.....

Your script of nov1 has terminal errors reported..

function ClkBtn not found and head -n is not acceptable option.


Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 17:26
by don570
To sunburnt ...

your script from yesterday

combobox can't emit a signal. whereas comboboxtext,
comboboxentry,and buttons can emit a signal, so use one of them.

Here's an example of a comboboxtext widget emitting a signal to a tree

Code: Select all

# Refresh tree example -   comboboxtext  gives signal

function print_selection() {   # show the TREE VALUE
xmessage  "This is selection of TREE  =  $TREE

Note that value is passed 
to functions for further processing."
export -f print_selection

export FOLDER=/root/.config  #  must use export to show properly at launch -  not sure if needed??

# comboboxtext emits the refresh signal
<window title="application">

    <frame Choose a dotdir in /root>          
             <comboboxtext tooltip-text="List contents of your dotdirs">

<vbox width-request="300"> 
	 <text use-markup="true"><label>"<b>Contents of dotdir</b>"</label></text>
             <input>ls "$FOLDER"</input> 
             <button cancel>         

gtkdialog -c  --program REFRESH_EXAMPLE
echo "Program has finished"



Here's another example I've just written but it's a comboboxtext widget
refreshing another comboboxtext widget. The interesting thing
is the function that is used. Notice that an action directive
of the first comboboxtext executes the function.


Posted: Thu 07 Nov 2013, 18:39
by sunburnt
Thank you don570; Show me the code as Linus Torvalds says. Very good.!
I`ve never seen the comboboxtext widget before, just the bare combo that`s enabled I think.
I see the "refresh" action line is the older style that I`m use to using, but no "clear" line.

# In your example, the tree is a grid with one column. I need a dir. tree for the left panel.
Xdialog`s tree really is a tree with node branches, but it`s a dialog so it`s not usable.
### Is there a "treebox" or some other widget, or a tree style modifier, or tree actions.?

### Is it possible to get the index of a combo, list, or table? Better than text some times.

I`ve got nearly everything reading and writing files just to get it to work.
# Figured out the returned GtkDialog variables: eval `/path/gtkApp`
Thanks again... Terry B.

Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 22:22
by don570
To get gtkdialog to work with the official Ubuntu distro
you should go to and search for 'gtkdialog'

For instance here is a package I got for Precise.... ... ld/4306078


Posted: Tue 12 Nov 2013, 22:28
by sunburnt
Thanks again Don; Dnld the GtkDialog, will see what it`s got to offer.

### Is there a "treebox" or some other widget, or a tree style modifier, or tree actions.?

There are now 2 combo widgets, are there other trees or how to control sub nodes?

### Is it possible to get the index of a combo, list, or table? Better than text some times.

Anyone want to test gmould ?

Posted: Wed 13 Nov 2013, 13:25
by afifio
Anyone want to test buggy gmould ? :)
Its not finish or anywhere near complete is basis,
just to check out whats available :):):) - Thread - Blog

Posted: Wed 13 Nov 2013, 15:13
by sunburnt
I already don`t like GtkDialog, but it`s what Puppy`s got, so...
Too bad it wasn`t made on top of GTK+ instead. Why go through GtkDialog?
But there`s Glade, so talk about reinventing your wheels. Could improve on it.