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Posted: Wed 06 Jul 2011, 23:13
by playdayz
Smokey01. The flashplayer behavior has changed. If you use older flashplayer like preinstalled one in Lucid 5.2, there is no problem.
The solution. Copy the libflashplayer from 5.2 or download the same version from puppy repos. There was a lot reports about that changed behavior, /tmp was not anymore the download location. I thind flashvideos are now downloaded under .default folder somewhere. I dont remember now what version was the first changed one.

So the problem has been caused by progress...or evolution....
Am I misunderstanding? Isn't there an add-in for Firefox that records youttube videos? And presumably other flv videos?

No Save On Shutdown

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 01:26
by sszindian
A lot of those who worked on 525 development wanted a good straight-forward 'No Save Session On Shutdown' but it was kind of near the end of 525... maybe now there's enough time to get that in the Shutdown Menu (where it should be) before the final 526?

Nice to see you back in the deep-waters again playdayz... good luck!


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 02:28
by playdayz
A lot of those who worked on 525 development wanted a good straight-forward 'No Save Session On Shutdown' but it was kind of near the end of 525... maybe now there's enough time to get that in the Shutdown Menu (where it should be) before the final 526?
Hasn't someone implemented this in a Puppy? Do you know which ones? Thanks.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 04:01
by DaveS
I think I am right in saying latest Chromium refuses to load without latest also being present, so using older versions will prevent users being able to use Chromium?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 06:33
by jim3630
nice looking puppy. sorry it does not have my wifi driver like many of the newer puppy. New HP notebooks, at least the one I'm stuck with, have Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4727] using the wl.ko driver. I came to puppy initially because of wifi support. Wonder why this puppy with the older kernel 2.6.33 now can not connect.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 06:55
by Stripe
flashplayer will have to store the file somewhere as you can still replay the video without it having to load again

Playdayz any chance of 01micko's sfs loader being added? so that I can use the devx without having to make a pet of it when running from a multi session dvd


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 06:57
by pemasu
Playdayz. There are several Firefox addons which handle the video downloads. I just explained what has changed in videos temporary download location.
Some people have grabbed the video from temporary download location, which is not there anymore.

Stripe. Yes the videos are in hdd. You just need the locate them with file descriptor information. I posted that command above how to find the location.

Now the Firefox dowload addons are more than useful. I remember that James C listed several working choices at Snow Puppy thread months ago. ... r-youtube/

FireFox & Flash

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 07:49
by l2ulinux
You were probably watching the online TV in Firefox? Maybe Lobster who has been having trouble with streaming TV should try the older Firefox.

Clever testing. Thanks
I have tried every FireFox from 3.6.13 to 7.0 and the best I have found is 3.6.13-18 and 7. I use them to watch Internet TV and do not have problems with them but FireFox 4 - 6 have problems control to many things. Also the newer version of flash crashes very bad in both Linux and Windows.

I tried the installed Firefox and had problems so I uninstalled it and used FireFox 3.6.13 in the manger and updated it to 3.6.18. It worked great and I have found that if I close the browser after 5 hours and restart it the sound does not fell.[/quote]

Re: No Save On Shutdown

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 07:58
by Sylvander
sszindian wrote:A lot of those who worked on 525 development wanted a good straight-forward 'No Save Session On Shutdown' but it was kind of near the end of 525...
See this post, that explains how I do it at this time.

Plus this on how to prevent the spurious warning generated as the pupsave installation boots.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 10:26
by stu90
Hi playdayz,

regarding mplayer:
booted pfix=ram made a .pet of the below packages from mediaubuntu 10..04 repo and ubuntu lucid repo and installed over the top of the mplayer that is in luci-260.

Code: Select all

libmpcdec3_1.2.2-2.1ubuntu1_i386.deb < ---- ubuntu lucid repo
libx264-85_0.85.1448+git1a6d32-4_i386.deb < ---- ubuntu lucid repo
Results of Media Test video files

Smplayer 0.6.8
Played all

Umplayer 0.9.5
Failed on the two .mov format

If you need a .pet let me know.


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 11:55
by Lobster
- wanted to see if it would pick up 525 settings - nope booted straight into a pristine
- what no Ethernet auto connection [Lobster faints] I thought Lucid did that now?
- audio OK - will it be persistent - should be :)
- downloaded FF5 - yes we have some pedigree chum!
- added Transmission bit torrent (so I thought - it is in two places - Internet and Network) the network version seems to be working the Lucid 525 did not?


Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 11:57
by stu90
pemasu wrote:Beem. Read above article and follow up posts also.
To find the flashvideo descriptor, run this in console:

Code: Select all

stat -c %N /proc/*/fd/* 2>&1|awk -F[\`\'] '/Flash/{print$2}'
To use that knowledge, there is one way described in that above article.
Nice, and no need for lsof dependency. :)

Not to forget umplayer has build in youtube search/player and downloader as well. 8)

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 12:29
by pemasu
stu90. Yep, thats why I included that code since it does not need any extra apps to use.
Umplayer is fantastic universal player. My family was astonished how easily it provided this great finnish music video one morning to our breakfast table. This video made all of us smiling. English version here:

Small egg....big soul......

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 13:02
by chrismt

Its really play days now...I can burn some cds and test Puppy again....

One doubt:

Is this based on a newer Woof?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 15:39
by playdayz
- what no Ethernet auto connection [Lobster faints] I thought Lucid did that now?
Lucid has always done that. luci-262 devel just did that for me--not released yet.

Oh, did you make any change in the firstrun wizard that required restarting X?
- wanted to see if it would pick up 525 settings - nope booted straight into a pristine
That's because it is called luci while in development. When it is called lupu-526 then it will pick up the 5.2.5 settings.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 15:43
by playdayz
One doubt:

Is this based on a newer Woof?
No. It uses the last "non-zzz" Woof and imho changing Woof's would be asking for big trouble, which I do not want ;-)

It might be possible to make individual updates, etc.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 15:52
by playdayz
any chance of 01micko's sfs loader being added?
An sfs loader is on the list. Pemasu has one also--I have asked 01micko--they might even be the same.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 16:02
by playdayz
sorry it does not have my wifi driver like many of the newer puppy. New HP notebooks, at least the one I'm stuck with, have Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4727] using the wl.ko driver.
I have sent a not to the expert (tempestuous). You might try this thread.

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 16:07
by bigpup
Concerning save or no save on shutdown.

Seems to be several methods for getting to a point where you can get this choice.
An idea that I would like to see is this:
in menu->shutdown
Have two options

1.Power off computer - does what it does now normal power off, save file choices, and updates save file.

2. Power off no save - no save options or updates.
Seems like this could be the same shutdown script, but not have the code
that calls for save file choices or control.

Reboot would need the same setup.
Reboot computer- normal reboot with save options and update
Reboot no save - reboots no save options or update.

With two separate shutdown scripts this does not seem too difficult to do.

The glove has been thrown to the floor!

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2011, 16:29
by pemasu
Jim3630 needs wl driver which has been compiled by piratesmack and it has its own thread.
The method to use that driver is a little compilcated since it needs b43 and ssb modules to be unloaded.
Kirk made genious script to check the need for those module unloading.
I attached that script to this rebuild wl module pet.
Jim3630 could test this if this works in kernel builds.

About including all those extra drivers for wireless and wired. Great idea, but it will means several Mb xtra weight.
Tempestuous threads are magnificent. There just should be easy way for people to actually find their desperately needed drivers from that thread.
I have noticed that people again and again asks the same questions about those missing drivers and I have several times pointed them to that thread.
Off topic but easily found somekind knowledge base about those drivers would be fantastic. For example in Quickpet link to point to that thread.
And now I am dreaming....somebody could list those drivers as easy knowledge base. Yeah, I know.....
But the driver Jim3630 needs is in another thread and not that easily found. It might be considerable to include that driver and that script if they works since that driver needs most work to get work. And that broadcom wireless chip is not uncommon.