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Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2012, 17:28
by mini-jaguar
If anyone is interested, I tried the Puppy in this thread on an eeePC 701 and while I didn't try all the features like internet for example, most of the games work really well in that they fit nicely on the small screen.

This is a very elegant Puppy, nicely done.

Posted: Tue 04 Dec 2012, 20:51
by Tote
It's a great shame some of these distros fall by the wayside, this one is a beauty, and it flies on my old M prossessor laptop.

Thanks for bumping this one. Playing happily now :D

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2012, 02:41
by Bligh
Hi, Thanks for this, I just discovered this thread. I just burned 4ks-02 to cd rw. Booted to desktop and played around a little. I used k3b to erase a cd rw. It looks great so far. Shutdown got me to a prompt. I had that issue with 4.3.1 on some computers. Just hit the power button.This is on a Samsung rv510 lt. I loved 4.3.1 so this is great.

Edit: I used shutdown by right clicking on desktop, when I use shutdown on lower left menu it shuts down fine.

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2012, 08:36
by 8-bit
Does one use the kernel source and devx files from Puppy 431 if wanting to compile?
IOW, does this iso use the same kernel as the original Puppy 431?
Also, I am assuming that one does not need to use a login screen or use sudo to get things done.
The version I currently use on my PC is puppy-4.3beta1-k2.6.25.16-v423-SCSI.iso. with the updates as it progressed added and also the shutdown fix.
That was a test version Barry made that got pulled for not being able to boot from a SCSI drive if I remember correctly.
It has been a while!

Whoa! It also could have been pup-431-scsi-intel-modems.iso

It seems I have both in my collection of ISO files on a 96 gig partition.

Slax 02 version works!

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2012, 22:46
by oligin10
Hi guys, thanks for posting to this. Somehow I missed the updated version. Works very nice! Ran update to Firefox, added Deadbeef as BMP doesn't play .wma files. Really snappy on my 1.5g celeron m desktop with 1 gig of ram. Thanks, Rob

Posted: Fri 07 Dec 2012, 10:26
by mini-jaguar
I've been messing around with this a lot lately.

Anyone know how to set the run action of icons I added to the desktop? I can do this in JWM, but in KDE it's not the same.

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2012, 08:53
by Bligh
Is there any way to install a more current seamonkey?

new blog created

Posted: Fri 28 Dec 2012, 06:41
by pri
new blog created for old that disappear.

mybe i will update for new hardware, but i think this is the best for old machine.

thks for still like my pupplet.

Posted: Fri 28 Dec 2012, 20:43
by Bligh
Thanks for the reply and the link.

Other .pet

Posted: Mon 31 Dec 2012, 08:18
by Arefacti
Great !
works fine !

is anybody know where I can get langpack-fr for this puppy and other .pet ?

Thanks for your job !

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 17:51
by Sonic
This puppy isn't maintained ?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2013, 09:47
by pri
Sonic wrote:This puppy isn't maintained ?
this pupplet is maintain only by me, and an other pupplet maintain by owner. look like i dont have a time and an other pc to work and continue fixing.

we here just only have a few offical puppy that maintain by group and look like this one is not official :D .

but i already build new one. based debian squeze and just ind out how to use xorg work ok. still can't decide using old slax or new one.

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2013, 12:36
by Sonic
Thanks pri,

I installed it and work fine. fast on my old compas presario 2100 528 ram.
I would like to know if you can talk to me where I can find more pet for this Puppy, for exemple french translate.

I wait for your next work :wink:

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2013, 13:09
by mini-jaguar
You can use Puppy 4 / Puppy 4.3.1 .pets.

Also you can type in French, click the flag.

I don't know how to make the menus in French, but there is also Toutou 4.3.1 (but with a different look and programs).

Posted: Mon 28 Jan 2013, 05:55
by pri
Sonic wrote:Thanks pri,

I installed it and work fine. fast on my old compas presario 2100 528 ram.
I would like to know if you can talk to me where I can find more pet for this Puppy, for exemple french translate.

I wait for your next work :wink:
1. glad to hear it work fine
2. since this is an old pupplet, it will be hard to find a pet for it. you can always try new pet and find missing libs to complete it.
3. since i am not speak and understand french and just type an english on a simple and bad. look like it will be hard to build a translate pet. but since this puplet using kde, look like you can find kde trinity debian based translate. but dont sure will be work on menu.
4. mybe soon i relese new one :D i am never update an alpha one.

Pas de plus-value

Posted: Wed 30 Jan 2013, 01:26
by Pelo
Simple Puppies give the same, even more. No special interest in KDE.
Linux Puppy have a lot of puplets. What i am looking for is someting in the wallet.
Nowadays connect the web is easy.
But programs inside KDE-Slax have no mere interest than those that you find everywhere, in any of the repositories.
Gnumeric, abiword, are renewed. With KDE, we enter the museum !

I escape from here, they are going to kill me !

Re: Pas de plus-value

Posted: Mon 04 Feb 2013, 10:31
by pri
Pelo wrote:Simple Puppies give the same, even more. No special interest in KDE.
Linux Puppy have a lot of puplets. What i am looking for is someting in the wallet.
Nowadays connect the web is easy.
But programs inside KDE-Slax have no mere interest than those that you find everywhere, in any of the repositories.
Gnumeric, abiword, are renewed. With KDE, we enter the museum !
use it or trash it :D simple. and dont burn into CD's

with KDE we enter the museum ? use the latest one my friend :D

Posted: Fri 01 Mar 2013, 10:01
by Diamond
Hello and thank you for your hard work!
I have problem,this puppy won't start because of my graphic card.
I have ATI 4650 HD.
I tried every ATI settings from your puppy,nor xorg or xvesa won't work.
Please help.
I don't want to change to some other puppy because I believe that this puppy has support for my Lucent hardware modem.
Thank you!

Posted: Sat 02 Mar 2013, 23:44
by pri
mybe try vesa. not xorg.

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2013, 08:55
by Diamond
I have tried that. There was no sucess.