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Sage Lite Server2

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2011, 22:05
by emil
Ok I applied the bugfix :D .
The iso is on (user download@sagelive, pwd mathematics) (its just below 400 MB)

I have also updated the files on the alternativ download server in seattle/washington.

some release notes

I made those versions as a showcase for several technical possibilities:
1) make a usable sage program with small size (latest sage installs with over 1.5 GB)
2) make a preconfigured multiuser server, so it is easy to setup in a small network (e.g. in a school) which can be accessed through the net with the browser.
3) make it secure on puppy - I guess there are still loopholes, but especially when run as virtual machine under Virtual Box this should give an appropriate testbed ("sandboxed")

Just some notes on the server functionality:
the sage server is run under user "sageadmin". It listens and sends its output on port 8000. To allow multiple users to log in and work at the same time, there are also users 1, 2, 3 .. 29. If you log in with https://IP:8000, sageadmin has to ssh into one of those helper accounts - so it is possible to create "unlimited" user accounts, but only 29 can be logged in at the same time.

To make the logging in possible, there is a set of ssh keys generated at "firstrun". Those keys are stored in the savefile, so they are persistent. (There is the possibility to run the script from command line to generate a new set of keys). The ssh daemon is started at the same time with the sage server, so it is off by default. It can be started with the full path (only): /usr/sbin/sshd

security considerations
It is also possible to ssh into the server, but to do so you will have to change passwords as described in the release notes. Maybe also change the hostname (/etc/hostname). I avoided to have ssh daemon running by default with known passwords and ssh keys included into the iso for security considerations.

During the creation and testing I run into various permission issues with such a "multi-user" setup. e.g. permissions of /tmp, /dev/tty, busybox and other system files. I am glad to say that I checked, and 01micko has most of those sorted out in slacko. I hope those don't creep in again ... Maybe the light version is reduced a bit to aggressively to use it as standard desktop distro. Many of the usual puppy programs are stripped out (for some I removed the menu entries, but they are still there). But it will be possible to apply those techniques to full versions.

I will see, I probably put this into my "VirtualBox- Windows installer", then I will have christmas-break ...

cheers 8)

Bug in TeXLive 2011

Posted: Fri 16 Dec 2011, 03:05
by vanchutr
Load texlive-2011-FULLAPP.sfs in squeeze_5.X.9 but ... this error:

# latex bachai
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011)
restricted \write18 enabled.

kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux/mktexfmt: line 395: /texlive/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or directory
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!

Please repack yours .sfs

Posted: Fri 16 Dec 2011, 06:36
by emil
Hi vanchutr,

can you post the "bachai" file?

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 01:05
by vanchutr
bachai.tex was typed in vietnamese chars but you can compile in LaTeX to see result.
I want to know what happen with "fmtutils". TeXLive did'nt made an latex.fmt -> Can't build anything
This is source file in tar.gz

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 09:22
by emil
Hi vanchutr,

I am sorry, I cannot reproduce the error in my Sage Live setup.
(loaded FULL_APP on the fly). I get the following (see Attachement - it's a pdf, so please rename it. The pdf extension is not allowed :roll: )

I thought the packages are mostly "puppy independent" so I'd like to find out what the problem is. Should we move this discussion to Additional Software Documents or Projects?


Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 11:05
by emil
vanchutr, I tested the texlive-2011-FULLAPP.sfs in Dpup exprimo and in the new slacko 5.3.1 - It worked for both.

Posted: Sat 17 Dec 2011, 14:25
by emil
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
/usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux/mktexfmt: line 395: /texlive/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr: No such file or directory
I spottet that there is an incomplete path after "line 395"
it should be /usr/local/texlive/texmf/texconfig/tcfmgr

please try

Code: Select all

kpsewhich --var-value=TEXMFMAIN
in terminal. It should give the full path!
md5sum ok?

Take care


Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2011, 00:01
by vanchutr
To Emil,
Please read (follow) this thread ... 023#590023

Posted: Mon 19 Dec 2011, 13:23
by emil
Ok, I am glad we moved the TeX discussion to an appropriate section.

I worked on a version of Sage Live which will automatically install itself in a virtual Machine under windows. This includes the installation of Virtual Box OSE (Gpl2). The virtual machine includes the multi user sage server (sage-lite2.ova), so this should make the setup of a small sage server in a windows-LAN easy. ... taller.exe

some screenshots/guide:
Image ... aller.html

sources of the installer are in: ... tBuildDir/

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 12:24
What versions of Windows does this work with - Windows XP AND Windows 7?

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2011, 13:01
by emil
It works with win 7, I am pretty sure it also works with XP and vista.
I wouldn't be surprised if Win 2000 would work.

The Windows Virtual Box installer is for both 32/64 bit.
During installation it detects which version has to be installed.

I have posted a more detailed "howto create your own Virtual Box exe installer"
It just came to my mind that a similar setup could be used like the venerable "qemu puppy".

Update: Sage Live 511-53

Posted: Thu 18 Oct 2012, 18:27
by emil
I am working on a new version which should have some improved functionality:
Download sagelive-511-53.iso

Changelog sagelive-511-53.iso
+ updated sage version to 5.3
+ added Gnutls (for server certificate)
+ added GNU less (replace busybox less, which misses a feature and breaks sage inline help in console mode)
+ added new Personalize settings (from shinobar, replace Countrywizard: cut down the number of pop-up-windows though)
+ updated and fixed system file permissions so this lupu511 version can handle users (in console mode) - still no multiuser puppy
+ included ssh Daemon, so you can log in over the net
+ included preconfigured sage server (with 20 Worker accounts - potential simultanious users over the network)
+ new theme and worked to sort the menus&Desktop (JWM)
- removed Abiword and some Puppy applications (some are still there but not in the menu like gparted)

I dropped Abiword because everytime I need a word processor I ended up installing Libre Office or something (I have an sfs mirrored here).

Most work has gone into the setup of the preconfigured server.
In principle it should be possible to start it and then connect from other computers to the running sage server (with the browser and the IP adress of the server on port 8080).

The Sage server runs as an unprivileged user. It is preconfigured to support a maximum number of 30 simultanious users (using "worker accounts"). For multi user setups it might be necessary to edit the file /home/sageadmin/start_server.sage.

Default password for the sage notebook admin account is mathematic.
If you start the sage server it will prompt you for a new password.
Default system passwords are not published (not necessary, because there is autologin)
However it is recommended that you change passwords, especially before you start the ssh daemon (server).
1) open console (as root), type passwd
2) in console (as root) , type passwd sageadmin

If you missed to set an unique hostname during firstboot:
change hostname in file /etc/hostname (needs reboot)

change ssh keys
you might feel it appropriate to change keys from time to time.
There is an automated script: (run it from terminal)

Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2012, 11:58
Nearly two years on and this superb specalist puplet is still an active project.

Do you have any feedback from the Sage community, Emil? Is Sage Live used a lot?

Posted: Fri 19 Oct 2012, 13:26
by emil

thanks for feedback from an old time follower of this thread.

I have access to the google analytics page of the sage mirrors and there were around 500 downloads of the live cd last month.

I had responses from one university course in Austria, where the Live CD was used as "last stop solution", when students failed to get sage installed otherways.

That was also the reason why I hid some system tools in the current release (like gparted), because not every teacher and sysadmin mightbe happy with handing out those tools. still you can start them from commandline. And it is not the primary scope of this pupplet.

Sage Live CD was used even more, especially there was a time when no good Windows Solution was available for sage. There was a lot of struggle with a port to Cygwin, but ultimatly it was settled that a virtual machine is good enough. With the server you can work in the browser of Windows the same as nativly in Windows. And for programming you can use a ssh shell and work in in the vm directly. Speed loss is not an issue (around 5%). The official sage VM is now based on Fedora and is rather big. I took part in that discussion and I think that is the right solution for sage on Windows (or other exotic OSes).

I am happy that I can manage to sustain the support for this pupplet, maybe I will have also a release next year with an up to date sage version. However probably I will have to update my heavily customized Lupu 511 base then, if time allows ...

I would be very happy to have some feedback if the sage server works - I have not really a big enough LAN to test that properly. It would be even possible to attach the Iso to VirtualBox or so (maybe it is necessary to change network settings to "bridged adapter")

kind regards ,

known bugs:
menu entry for mg (editor) fails. works from comandline

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2012, 14:17
by saintless
Hi, Emil,

just some information for people with old computers like mine :)
(Tested on Gateway E-1400, 600 Mhz, 256Mb RAM).
If you can't start sage console from the start menu or from the desktop icon and when you type sage in urxtv you get this message:

Code: Select all

root@sagepc:~ $sage
| Sage Version 5.3, Release Date: 2012-09-08                         |
| Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        |
| Type "help()" for help.                                            |

WARNING!  This Sage install was built on a machine that supports
instructions that are not available on this computer.  Sage will
likely fail with ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION errors! The following processor
flags were on the build machine but are not on this computer:


Email for help.
To remove this warning and make Sage start, just delete
root@sagepc:~ $
this is what you have to do:
Open /sage/local/lib/sage-flags.txt and delete sse2.
Then start sage console.

Thank you for your work with sage and puppy, Emil!
Bets regards!

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 17:28
by rasul
Hi emil and thanks for your great job, I have used your previous sagelive and now I am managing to use your new one for my dissertation, 50 MB usage of RAM is very fantastic! However, I have also a question. I'm going to run my code on a quad-core machine with 18 GB of RAM, fortunately SageLive supports multicore but does it support also 18 GB of RAM? If not then do you have any suggestion? My code is so heavy that it failed on 4GB Mac Machine, now I want to use my professor's machine and I want to make sure it will work before to tell him I want to work on his machine.

Thanks again.

PS. your previous Sagelive was opening sage notebook directly but the new SageLive first starts a terminal then opens the notebook, is there anyway to bypass the terminal opening in the new sage as well?

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 19:47
by emil
Hi thanks for feedback,

Saintless, the problem with the old instruction set "should" not happen. can you confirm that sage is running fine (for example run all the included tests with sage --testall.

I compiled sage with the optional flag "SAGE_FAT_BINARIES". This should avoid using the sse2 instruction set. If this error appears I have to look into it (but I have no old machine to test, and ... hrmm, no time). If the tests are fine, maybe there is just a bug throwing the error message.

Hi rasul - thank you for your kind words, it is a honor that you can work with sagelive on your thesis.
I am sorry, but sagelive can not use your modern hardware to full extend, because it is a real 32 bit system and it also uses the original lupu 511'kernel which does not have the PAE feature.
As mentioned above, I see the target more in the low end segment.

In any case to make full use of the hardware of your professor you should install a 64 bit Linux system of your choice and then compile sage natively there. Especially the optimized numeric libaries will run much faster if they can be optimized for multicore and heaps of RAM (e.g. ATLAS library). Compiling sage from source should be mostly painless because they have really good build script and include most of the necessary libraries.

Which OS is already installed on this machine?

about the autostart feature of sage and the terminal - this has escaped me. I thought I had copied the startscript "as is" from the previous version. Again I have to look into it, though it might need some time because I am not "into" it at the moment.

kind regards

all the best

Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 21:39
by saintless
emil wrote:Saintless, the problem with the old instruction set "should" not happen. can you confirm that sage is running fine (for example run all the included tests with sage --testall.
Hi, Emil,
this is the output:

Code: Select all

| Sage Version 5.3, Release Date: 2012-09-08                         |
| Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        |
| Type "help()" for help.                                            |
sage --testall
sage: sage --testall
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call

/home/mathgeek/<ipython console> in <module>()

NameError: name 'testall' is not defined 
If you need any further tests and information for sage on old hardware just write what do you need.


Posted: Sun 02 Dec 2012, 22:47
by emil

the command would be from the terminal.

Code: Select all

#sage --testall
it should call "doctests" this means all examples in the documentation of the sourcecode (which has also expected output).

Posted: Mon 03 Dec 2012, 05:47
by rasul
Hi emil,

Thanks for the info, it's a pitty i cannot use your distro on that Machine, it's extremely light and as the name suggests your distro can be looked at as only the very sage program in live, too much that the footprint of the distro on the system is small and negligible!

Also thanks for your suggestion, I will miss your distro then for sometimes although i will hopefully follow your great jobs.

Best regards :)