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Posted: Sun 15 May 2011, 17:42
by 8-bit
Iguleder wrote:KLP is built directly from 4.3.1, so they're 100% compatible. If it works under 4.3.1, it also works on KLP.

If your hardware doesn't like 4.3.1, you should try Wary.

No Puppy is abandoned, as long as it works for you and others use similar puppies, it's more than fine.
I just had my first exposure to KLP. There are so many puppy versions that it would take a while to try them all.
As to Puppy 4.3.1, I was using a version that was created by BK that included SCSI support.
There were a few comments, one from me, and BK pulled that version.
But I used it for quite a while.
I have to say that your update of it works and looks great other than Opera was crashing when trying to view some web videos and that was more than once.
But maybe I did something wrong.
I selected for the update to be installed with petget rather than downloading the file and running it to update.

Also, what are my chances of using my pupsave file from Puppy 4.3.1 by copying it to the KLP directory and renaming it as belonging to KLP?

Posted: Sun 22 May 2011, 12:58
by HiDeHo
Hi Iguleder was this puppy created before or after wary came out, and is it a true 431 os that has been updated or is it something different. there is some good discussion about 431 found here.

if klp is a true 431 updated puppy then can you mention it in my link above. so others know that you have made a go of it.

Posted: Thu 20 Sep 2012, 10:12
by cthisbear
Kinda Lucid Puppy 006

I re-uploaded it here...>>> klp-006.iso


Posted: Thu 20 Sep 2012, 20:48
by starhawk
4shared is a service that requires an account. I'm going to ask if you can upload it somewhere that doesn't insist on that. Datafilehost would almost work but it's over their 100mb size limit.

Posted: Thu 20 Sep 2012, 21:20
by don570
I'm going to ask if you can upload it somewhere that doesn't
insist on that. Datafilehost would almost work but it's over their 100mb
size limit.
You can split a large file up into chunks to post an ISO on which has a 100MB file size limit

The software to do the splitting (and a script to rebuild)
is here


Posted: Thu 20 Sep 2012, 21:46
by cthisbear
" 4shared is a service that requires an account"


A no brainer.....costs you nothing.

Setup a Lavabit email account....
instant ....pick any name you want...

send your rego details lavabit.


opera and flash (Youtube)

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 06:40
by sindi
Just downloaded klp-006.iso from (had to sigc
in to gmail before I could download using Opera 9.64).
Opera fonts are very nice. Youtube no longer works well
with this Opera version. I can view one video but
not stop it, or search for another video.

Opera 12.10 and later require glibc 2.8.
Newer Firefox and Seamonkey need libdbus-glib.

So I tried QtWeb, in which Youtube cannot find Flash.

The problem was fixed in Pulp linux by downgrading
flash from 11 to 10 - I found KLP while looking for
an older Flash package, and the identical version
works in Pulp linux with QtWeb and flash. See
the QtWeb and Pulp discussions of this. I also
have recent Firefox libraries on the library
path so I tried that here with no luck.

Flash 10.1 works fine with QtWeb, so the problem
must be the outdated Opera version.

Opera 12.16 is 23MB versus 15MB for KLP's Opera 10.

Any chance of another upgrade of KLP? Slightly
larger, with newer glibc and opera and maybe
flash 10.3?

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 08:28
by darry1966

Yes it is a great Pup isn't it.


Glibc 2.10 and glibc locales 2.10, and dbus and dbus-glib from here

While your at it gtkdialog 4 from here is also handy ...

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 14:51
by ally

412collection is dead now.....


412 Collection

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 17:04
by oligin10
Hi Ally, I just went there. Is it going away? Thanks, Rob

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 05:00
by Fossil
Got it! 4.1.2 versus 4.3.1 ! So many choices. Kinda Lucy Puppy 006 is still an excellent runner. May I play devil's advocate. and also throw 4.3.2 V3 into the mix! :twisted:

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 13:03
by ally
412collection has closed for a while now

all the files listed apart from the dbus_dbusglib are available here:


just found the dbus so have uploaded to above


412 Collection UK

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 15:38
by oligin10
Hi ally, I just checked again today. It is still up. It's great that we have 2 sites we can use. Thanks, Rob

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 16:05
by ally
very odd

I even checked whois and it says the domain is available?


Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 17:14
by oligin10
Here is the address I am going to. It should be the same as what you are trying to reach, I think.

Thanks, Rob

Posted: Wed 01 Jan 2014, 19:20
by Fossil
Yes, Puppy 412 Collection is still alive and well on this side of the pond, as well.

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 01:02
by cthisbear
Working in OZ >> Sydney...time here now >> 12.17PM.


Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 19:29
by darry1966
Yep 4.12 collection works from NZ too. He explains that he isn't running 4.12 on his computer at the moment anyway quote from site here.....

412 Collection Update
Posted on 12-Nov-2013

If you visit regularly looking for new additions then I apologise for this. Unfortunately I have had to use that other OS, Windows for the time being, the problem being I am unable to dual boot with Puppy 412 on my newish PC. Hopefully this will only be a temporary situation and will be resolved in the new year.

Sorry if this has caused any inconvenience.

Posted: Thu 02 Jan 2014, 19:36
by tuxtoo
I can confirm that whois is wrong and that I have the domain name and it is NOT available.

I have been unable to look after 412collection for for a while now for various reasons. Sometimes life gets in the way and prevents you from doing the things you enjoy, however, 412collection should have my full attention by the end of the month (Jan 2014) and I will be adding more packages and perhaps I will give the website a makeover should I be able to find the motivation. Puppy Linux is usually all the motivation I need to get going.

412 Collection hosting moved

Posted: Thu 13 Feb 2014, 17:50
by tuxtoo
Because of complaints about 412 Collection website being inaccessible I am now hosting 412 Collection using a Dropbox account. What this means for visitors is that will still work but now redirects to Link Removed.

Okay - That was just a bad idea and was just not working as I expected. So I have moved back to normal web hosting.