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Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 16:24
by Sylvander
Yet another twist! :?

The speaker icon disappeared yet again... :(

So I restored the backup pupsave yet again...

And all appears well yet again... :)

I'll keep a close watch on the speaker icon to see if I can notice what it is that makes it disappear.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 19:22
by 2byte
Sylvander et al,

PHB is a simple utility. It does not do anything tricky when performing a backup. It is just a straight copy (cp) of the save file, followed by a sync and e2fsck. That’s all. If the data exists on disk in the active save file then it exists in the backup.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 19:37
by Sylvander
Any idea why the Lupu-528.002 disk would see the [backup and restored copy of the] lupusave as a 526 version, and update it...
When the original from which the backup copy was made was not treated so?

Puzzles me. :?

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 19:45
by 2byte
Nope, not a clue, unless that info was either stored outside the save file or covered up by a whiteout file ( I think that's what they're called ). Did your restored backup have a different name? Just curious.

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 23:01
by Sylvander
No, the name of the restored lupusave was identical to the original.
Both lupusave.3fs...
Both 1GB in size.
As you'd expect.

Posted: Tue 15 Nov 2011, 09:00
by Sylvander
See this post by rerwin offering a patch PET file that applies some fixes to Lupu-528.002.

And this subsequent post by me reporting HOW I got it to work by restoring a Pupsave Hot Backup, then applying his PET. :D 8)

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2013, 22:18
by cimarron
I've been using Pupsave Hot Backup on my Lupu 5.1 and it's performed excellently. It allows backing up a pupsave while in use, and I've never gotten a corrupted pupsave with it. I used to get corruptions often when trying to just copy the pupsave while it's in use.

I noticed, though, that .XLOADED always makes it into my backup somehow. It gets moved to xloadedx as it's supposed to during the backup, but the new pupsave still has .XLOADED in it (causing the warning screen at first boot about X exiting uncleanly).

But I found that if I edited phb_core, adding a "sync" after it moves .XLOADED, it works as it's supposed to. Then .XLOADED doesn't make it into the backup. So this works right for me (starting at line 135):

Code: Select all

    mv /etc/.XLOADED /etc/xloadedx
    echo "Copying file -- please wait awhile" > $PHB_TMPFILE4
    cp -f -v "${1}" "$destdir" 2> /dev/null
    mv /etc/xloadedx /etc/.XLOADED
I'm guessing this forces xloadedx to be saved to disk before the savefile is copied.


Posted: Sat 17 May 2014, 15:05
by ASRI éducation
PupsaveHotBackup-1.4_20140515 # added gettext # added version # improve GUI
Tested with Puppy Precise 5.7.1

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2015, 04:22
by nilsonmorales
ASRI éducation wrote
PupsaveHotBackup-1.4_20140515 # added gettext # added version # improve GUI
Tested with Puppy Precise 5.7.1
Please ASRI check your .desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
Name[fr]=Pupsave hot backup : sauvegarder le fichier pupsave
Comment=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
Comment[fr]=Pupsave hot backup : sauvegarder le fichier pupsave
GenericName=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
Exec=pupsaverestore Here i guess is pupsave-hot-backup

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2015, 09:21
by ASRI éducation
nilsonmorales wrote:Exec=pupsaverestore Here i guess is pupsave-hot-backup
You obviously right.
It is surprising that no user has reported before that error.

I sometimes have short memories, I had completely forgotten the pup_save-hot-backup utility.
I took the opportunity to retest.
This works perfectly with a backup file, but it is not compatible with a backup folder.
It would be necessary to update some of the functions.
But I do not believe to be competent enough for this.
2byte no longer present on the forum since 2013, we should find a new competent developer.


Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2018, 20:52
by musher0
Hi folks.

Bumping up an old but useful thread, with many thanks
to forum member r__hugues for remembering

(Suggestion: Browse the thread backwards, if you wish
to get the updates, the corrections and the locales.)


Posted: Sat 25 Aug 2018, 21:25
by musher0
Hi guys.

A few notes --

1) Double-checking, I realized the *.desktop file had not been corrected
with nilson morales' correction. So here goes.

Please install ASRI's version of the pet, then squish the original
"Pupsave-hot-backup.desktop" file at /usr/share/applications with
the following:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
Name[fr]=Pupsave hot backup : sauvegarder le fichier pupsave
Comment=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
Comment[fr]=Pupsave hot backup : sauvegarder le fichier pupsave
# pupsaverestore
GenericName=Pupsave hot backup: backup pupsave file
2) For modern Pups (i.e. Pups since late 2014), this utility does not know
what to do with the /mnt/home symlink.

In the 2nd line (please see screen capture above), i.e. the destination line,
the user has to specify the partition if the entry says "/mnt/home".

E.g. if your /mnt/home is /mnt/sda1, you have to fetch sda1 plus the
proper destination directory
in the GTK file list, by clicking on the folder
icon at the right. Similarly, if your /mnt/home is at /mnt/sdb2, you have to
fetch /mnt/sdb2, and so on.

3) This utility copies a live pupsave and adds a time and date stamp to it:
that's all it does. If you need to save space, you have to use zip or PackIt
or your favorite archiver to compress the BCK file it creates, as an
additional step.

4) Finally, as ASRI mentioned above, please keep in mind this utility is for
pupsave files, NOT folders.


Hot Backup for Frugal Pups

Posted: Thu 21 Nov 2019, 15:43
by glene77is
# pupsave-back-2-tar ("B2T")
# runs on saveFILES and saveFOLDERS.

Hot Backup for Frugal Pups

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2019, 01:17
by glene77is
Redacted: 200225

... BackUp FileSystem Utility for Puppy Linux.
We transferred BackUp-2-Tar Script "B2T"
Forum index » Advanced Topics » Additional Software (PETs, n' stuff) » Filesystem
with the title
BackUp Script "pupsave-back-2-tar"
at ... 4#1050224.
"B2T" our simple, readable, modifiable backup routine
based on the ideas of "Hot Backup" v.1.2 .

:!: PUPSTATE now controls the program ! :!:
:!: B2T will backup both saveFOLDER and saveFILE.4fs frugal systems. :!:
We have transferred files to ... 24#1050224.
Comments are welcome.

Posted: Sun 24 Nov 2019, 04:20
by p310don
An excellent extension of this utility would be to back up the saved save file to an online host, eg your google drive, using the drive command or rclone

Ho Backup for Frugal Pups

Posted: Fri 29 Nov 2019, 13:17
by glene77is
Thanks for the idea,

Re: backups

Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2019, 12:58
by glene77is
recycler wrote:Backing up is a Good Thing - .
Your idea is a "bulletproof" approach to backing up and development.
"Tip of the Hat to you !"