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Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 02:27
by GrumpyWolfe
Hi all

This is what I have done when gxine has failed and I use the kill option. menu/system/KP running processes. Look down the list and find gxine there will be entires kill the one that just says gxine and then you can start as normal.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 04:51
by PaulBx1
So that means it is jwm that is at fault? The right click on the taskbar, and selecting "kill" is a jwm thing, right?

Back in my old unix days I would have known how to kill from the command line almost without thinking. The command line was all there was. Mostly gone from my brain now... :(

gsview does not work (solved)

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 07:18
by andrei
For some reason which I dont understand, gsview refused to show ps files in 3.00 and complained of the wrong version of
I solved this problem by deleting the folder /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/lib/ and replacing it with /usr/share/ghostscript/8.15/lib/ from the old pup_221.sfs

Gsview with ghostscript-8.15 is the best available postscript viewer in terms of the quality of text image. For some reason the later versions of ghostscript, for example 8.54 or 8.57 are worse in terms of quality than 8.15. I don't understand why, but I can demonstrate it.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 09:02
by BarryK
Jesse wrote:Hello,

I have not been able to get my usb speakers to be retained as the working sound device on reboot. Puppy 3.0.
I've been looking into it, and it is not so straight forward, as on the surface and looking at how things interact, it should have been retained.
When I set the usb speakers as the sound device with the wizard they work great. But they are not a pci sound card, so there is no 'alias snd-card-X' line in /etc/modprobe.conf, only an 'alias sound-slot-0 snd-usb-audio', and the snd-cmipci is omitted from /etc/modprobe.conf.
Then when I reboot, the motherboards snd-cmipci driver gets loaded at 'alias snd-card-0' position in /etc/modprobe.conf, This is done by some automatic hardware detect script? (I have not found this one yet).
Motherboard BIOS does not let me disable the onboard sound card.
When the snd-cmipci gets loaded, the usb audio does not work.
When I blacklist the snd-cmipci it is still loaded.
When I manage to get everything into a non conflicting configuration, and reboot, and settings are retained, snd-usb-audio is still reported as 'default sound device' from "cat /proc/asound/cards", the usb-audio still does not work.

Can someone think of what else i could try?

Jesse, maybe these code areas would be helpful to examine:
/etc/rc.d/rc.local0, from line 368
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules, from line 76
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules2 <<<particularly this one.

Note, you can also blacklist any module.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 09:05
by BarryK
linuxcbon wrote:In /tmp/xerrs.log
I got :

Code: Select all

(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)
so I removed glx from xorg.conf

I also got :

Code: Select all

(ROX-Filer:2905): Gtk-WARNING **: Could not find the icon 'mime-application:x-squashfs-image'. The 'hicolor' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:
Welcome to Xproc 1.2 (for Linux 2.2.x)... Loading information from your system...
These are non-fatal errors.
The glx module is specified in xorg.conf just in case the extra xorg modules package is installed.


Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 12:26
by Redvamp128
Thanks Barry... The 3.00retro worked. It allows me to click in windows to choose the video using xvesa. I guess the new kernal may have something to do with it.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 13:12
by laptopnewbee
am i the only one who has gotten the issue i reported in my post ... 037#145037
or did it just get missed in the rush of other things?

i can't try to get wifi working in 3.00 final unless i can enter commands through xterm (by whatever name it's called) without characters being changed from the ones i input.

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 14:31
by Flash
PhilCoo wrote:...Is there any way to re-start Gxine after using "kill" to close when it stops responding when trying to open internet radio?...


Phil :)
The problem seems to be that the older version of Gxine in 3.00 doesn't actually die when you kill it. I discovered that after I close or kill Gxine from the desktop, I have to open Menu > System > KP manage running processes, find the running instance of gxine, highlight it and then kill it. Then I can restart Gxine.

I also found that the version of Gxine in 3.00 won't play a DVD, at least on the computer I usually use. I haven't tried it on another computer. I only discovered last night that the Gxine in 3.00 freezes after a while when I try to play a DVD, while the Gxine in 2.17 plays the DVD just fine.

I see that Paulbx1 reports the same problems with gxine..

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 16:44
by linuxcbon
Same happened to me with gxine : hangs very often, quite unstable but didnt find the origin of the bug...
It wont play some commercial dvds ?
And cannot kill it from desktop, must be killed with command line.

Gxine "kill" problem

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 17:02
by PhilCoo
Hi All, thanks to Grumpy Wolfe & Flash for feedback,will try this later on with internet radio on Gxine.

Phil :wink:

Misleading init message for missing pup_xxx.sfs

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 22:18
by rerwin
Whenever the pup_xxx.sfs file cannot be found, due to either a "/" in psubdir, a nonexistant psubdir or no such file at the root level, the console output is
Searching for Puppy files in computer disk drives...
/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
But the init logic (line 365+) below implies that a more appropriate message was intended, but went arwy:

Code: Select all

if [ "$PUPSFS" = "" ];then
 echo -en "\\033[1;31m" >/dev/console #31=red
 echo -n "pup_${PUPPYVERSION}.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console..."
 /bin/echo -e "\\033[0;39m" >/dev/console
 exec /bin/sh >/dev/console 2>&1
However, the line
pup_300.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console...#
appears in the bootinit.log file. Furthermore, the "exec /bin/sh" line appears to be generating the "/bin/sh:..." error message, instead of restoring a color (I assume).

Correcting that logic to display the "not found" line would save people much frustration when they cannot get Puppy to boot (probably due to a typo in a menu.lst file).

init script housekeeping nit

Posted: Mon 08 Oct 2007, 22:49
by rerwin
The init script saves a copy of its puppy file locations held in /tmp for CD boots and installs with pup files in a psubdir, but creates no such files when puppy files are at the root level. So, when an empty /tmp directory is copied to /initrd/tmp it leaves residue from a previous boot, such as from CD (or the copy may not even be attempted).

To avoid misinformation to debuggers, /initrd/tmp should be left empty if the init /tmp directory is empty. Seeing the PUPPYFILES as being in hdc after a HD bootup is confusing..

Re: Misleading init message for missing pup_xxx.sfs

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2007, 08:14
by BarryK
rerwin wrote:Whenever the pup_xxx.sfs file cannot be found, due to either a "/" in psubdir, a nonexistant psubdir or no such file at the root level, the console output is
Searching for Puppy files in computer disk drives...
/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
But the init logic (line 365+) below implies that a more appropriate message was intended, but went arwy:

Code: Select all

if [ "$PUPSFS" = "" ];then
 echo -en "\\033[1;31m" >/dev/console #31=red
 echo -n "pup_${PUPPYVERSION}.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console..."
 /bin/echo -e "\\033[0;39m" >/dev/console
 exec /bin/sh >/dev/console 2>&1
However, the line
pup_300.sfs not found. Dropping out to initial-ramdisk console...#
appears in the bootinit.log file. Furthermore, the "exec /bin/sh" line appears to be generating the "/bin/sh:..." error message, instead of restoring a color (I assume).

Correcting that logic to display the "not found" line would save people much frustration when they cannot get Puppy to boot (probably due to a typo in a menu.lst file).
Thanks for that. The missing line is now not missing.

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2007, 13:35
by rarsa
Found a problem with my broadcom wireless card.

I opened a new thread:

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2007, 20:22
by Jesse
BarryK wrote:
Jesse wrote:Hello,

I have not been able to get my usb speakers to be retained as the working sound device on reboot. Puppy 3.0.
I've been looking into it, and it is not so straight forward, as on the surface and looking at how things interact, it should have been retained.
When I set the usb speakers as the sound device with the wizard they work great. But they are not a pci sound card, so there is no 'alias snd-card-X' line in /etc/modprobe.conf, only an 'alias sound-slot-0 snd-usb-audio', and the snd-cmipci is omitted from /etc/modprobe.conf.
Then when I reboot, the motherboards snd-cmipci driver gets loaded at 'alias snd-card-0' position in /etc/modprobe.conf, This is done by some automatic hardware detect script? (I have not found this one yet).
Motherboard BIOS does not let me disable the onboard sound card.
When the snd-cmipci gets loaded, the usb audio does not work.
When I blacklist the snd-cmipci it is still loaded.
When I manage to get everything into a non conflicting configuration, and reboot, and settings are retained, snd-usb-audio is still reported as 'default sound device' from "cat /proc/asound/cards", the usb-audio still does not work.

Can someone think of what else i could try?

Jesse, maybe these code areas would be helpful to examine:
/etc/rc.d/rc.local0, from line 368
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules, from line 76
/etc/rc.d/rc.modules2 <<<particularly this one.

Note, you can also blacklist any module.

I managed to get the computer to boot with USB as the active sound device.
I modified the rc.modules and rc.modules2 so that they did not modify the alsa setup, there are comments in the alsa section of /etc/modprobe.conf file which says 'do not modify', lol.
Ok, so I think what might be happening is "hardware detection" by the rc.modules* scripts, which is what may get the sound card sorted on first boot. But, when I've already set my alsa setup, the scripts shouldn't be forcing me to have the module loaded.
Perhaps there needs to be some setting, with two user options: "automatic sound" and "no automatic, just selected by alsa wizard".

There is a bug in the rc.modules* scripts processing, as they can generate multipe configurations for the same X (card/slot) as they only look for the 'snd-card-' lines. This will undoubtably confuse alsa when the user has USB sound and another sound card which they are not using.

Even when there is no conflicting/double-up settings in /etc/modprobe.conf, and with all sound dirvers specified, the snd-usb-audio driver does not work for me. I have no idea why.
It only works when snd-usb-audio is the only sound card.

Note that blacklisting does not fix this, as the rc.modules* scripts still detect it and enter it with the usual descriptions "alias sound-slot-X ..." lines in /etc/modprobe.conf. i.e. two drivers specified for card 0.
Earlier I claimed that blacklisting snd-cmipci did not prevent it loading, I didn't check that was correct. I think I confused detecting with loading. The snd-cmipci is still detected when it is blacklisted, but presumably cannot be loaded.


Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2007, 20:22
by linuxcbon
Whats going on with gxine ? :cry:
Run it, select Media -> TV
CSPAN1 : unable to resolve address
CSPAN2 : The xine engine failed to start. No input plugin was found. Maybe the file does not exist or cannot be accessed, or there is an error in the URL.
BBC NEWS24 : sound but no video

Posted: Tue 09 Oct 2007, 23:58
by sketchman
Was listening to music and Gxine froze. Wouldn't close. Had to kill it. Now it won't start back up. I'm going back to 2.17.1 until 3.0 is more stable. Too bad I wiped 2.17.1. It worked really well.

On a positive note. 3.0 does seem to boot faster than the 2.* series.

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2007, 02:02
by PaulBx1
The problem with gxine freezing is a gxine problem (unless it's a kernel problem, or a driver problem, or... :lol: ). However the problem with not really being able to kill a hung gxine appears to be a jwm problem. I experience the same symptom when Pupscan hung or crashed, which it will do for me after pressing the "USB interfaces" button.

I don't know enough about jwm to chase it down though.

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2007, 03:24
by Crash
The following rather common website works for me using SeaMonkey under Puppy version 2.17 but not for version 3.00:

There is more to the story than that, but I'd be interested in seeing if this is just my problem, or if there is really a bug.

Posted: Wed 10 Oct 2007, 05:39
by Wolf Pup
sketchman wrote:Was listening to music and Gxine froze. Wouldn't close. Had to kill it. Now it won't start back up. I'm going back to 2.17.1 until 3.0 is more stable. Too bad I wiped 2.17.1. It worked really well.

On a positive note. 3.0 does seem to boot faster than the 2.* series.
Turn gxine visualization to none, then it wont freeze.