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Posted: Thu 16 Apr 2015, 18:02
by musher0
@Iguleder: Maybe start an independent thread for your Devuan-Pup?
Just a thought.

Posted: Fri 15 May 2015, 17:15
by OscarTalks
This is pmcputemp ("Poor Man's" CPU temperature monitor) tray application by 01micko.
Compiled in Dpup Wheezy.
This package also contains mdview by jamesbond which is used to provide the "help" window and also lm_sensors-3.3.5 which provides additional information. The command sensors-detect can be used to probe your system for other modules that can be loaded if the default ones don't work, but be aware that there are some systems on which it won't work at all.
More information here:-
Download from:-

Perhaps a functional flowblade video editor

Posted: Tue 26 May 2015, 16:10
by mikeslr
Hi all,

Edit: June 7, 2015: Sorry, just tried it under pupjibaro. It will require someone who understands python to make it functional.

Just to let you know that there's a version of flowblade Video Editor I suspect may function under Wheezy. Untested, as currently, I don't have a running version of Wheezy. If you try this, please report whether it works, or problems on the following thread, where you'll find links to the application. ... 772#847772


pup jessie

Posted: Wed 01 Jul 2015, 05:28
by josejp2424
Trying woof-ce testing branch.. .Debian jessie packages



Dpup Jessie

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 13:15
by bruno
Josejp2424, are you making a Dpup Jessie?
Is there a thread to follow the progress?

Re: Dpup Jessie

Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015, 22:36
by josejp2424
bruno wrote:Josejp2424, are you making a Dpup Jessie?
Is there a thread to follow the progress?
If, soon hare a post

Posted: Sun 16 Aug 2015, 06:21
by musher0
Hello, all.

Can anybody tell me where to find wheezy- corresponding to the devx at
-- ... 5.2.12.sfs --

Ref. : -- --

The actual wheezyPup series by pemasu seems to stop at v. I couldn't
find a mention of a version, neither here in this thread, or at,
or at pemasu's own depot.

Thanks in advance for any lead. BFN.


Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015, 05:40
by charlie6
Hi Musher0, :)
Entering in Puppy linux Search engine, found this:
Cheers, Charlie

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015, 11:41
by cthisbear

Posted: Mon 17 Aug 2015, 22:18
by musher0
So wheezy-EmCE is wheezy-, eh?
I'm lucky that you knew. Thanks guys.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2016, 09:33
by Smithy
Just bumping this bugger, because of all the work that people have put into it.
The engine is sound,
But is not finished.
It needs a remix so that the video will boot straight to desktop on every computer known and unknown. (My crap solution was to put Xorg High into the modules/ bits).
I still get the @ and " (There it goes again) keys the wrong way round until restart X...
Apart from that it is a snappy Puppy suitable for midrange comps.
Don't know what it is like on i5's and stuff, but a friend told me that his i5 slows down and crashes on windows 10 or whatever it is now.
I did notice his browser was Internet Explorer, sheesh.
And until some Puppy kernel will run my Lexicon core soundcards and do full bluetooth I will stick with this bread and butter Linux.

Tried Linux lite, very nice, but bluetooth failed for linphone and you know, systemd, rm/f and frustratingly no root. And light? Couldn't expand it out to a stick, 5gb and counting...counting..error. Front end very nice though...

But so is Puppy with Tint and correct configs and a bit of QT. And 800mb expanded even with wine and essentials for music, writing letters, printing, calc,spreadsheet, graphics, net.

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2016, 10:28
by musher0

For what you describe as missing, in your post above:

Have you tried any of the "Debian Dogs"? Also, Semme has produced a h-u-g-e
Wheezy, with lots of apps.

Maybe you'll find your profit in one of those.


Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2016, 11:57
by Smithy
Hello Musher, there's nothing missing.

In a 369mb Dpup, I have Qtractor with vst amps, reverbs delays etc, Jack pure audio paths, Linphone, Skype, Wavosaur, XMPlay, Spotify, FF42, email, little gimp+mtpaint and carefully selected tools for word processing, peasy gear for pdfs and quick graphics helper tools.
It packs a punch! No fat,

I like the fact that it is one SFS, not the method with the extra SFS with the kernel in it which can get lost. The network indicators have been eroded in the new puppies. I liked the old network tray and ram indicator that works in a fashion and Barry's SNS. Not perfect, but lively at least!

So this is one of the last puppies before some of the changes.
Sure I've tried the Debian dogs and they are good. I would certainly go that route rather than another bloated Linux if I needed the package manager apt get.
But I like pets debs rpms and sfs etc. You don't have to type stuff in a console.

Tried a couple of Stemsee's, but as you commented there were a few problems here and there, and big, very big (ooh yes missus).

I just don't see the point in reinventing the wheel all the time, not if one just wants a puppy to do average stuff.
Because you download a new distro, *iss about tweaking it and it is usually better at some things and worse at others. Then you realise that another few hours of your life have been frittered away lol.

Especially difficult for example, is getting all midi and audio files to play when clicked, in XMPlay when I use a new distro.
If I could get or make a few routine script (s) that I could drop in, then that might improve things.
Same with graphics but not as difficult as sometimes I want Gimp, other times MTPaint.

A gradual, incremented, modular approach is what was carried out with Dpup by OscarTalks, and as a result, the Pemasu dpup became a very nice slim distro, who cares if it's a 3.5.2 kernel?

If another one can be slipped in with the modules as needed, then that's fine.
Purely so that it will run on a newer computer with newer hardware.

I was bumping this precisely because it is a decent distro.
Friends noticed a slighly better performance and UI tweaks over Lucid, another cracker.
I've not tried Micko's Slackos since 5.7 but I know his thins were brilliant and the 533 but couldn't get the QT right on one Sacko without masses of "double dipping" ( the @ and " have just decided to put themselves on the right keys lol) and QT ended up hundreds of mbs.

I'm not grumbling, just bumping, because newer is not always better, even though I am about to try out the new Qtractor just to see if newer is better :) .

So there we are, an uncharacteristically expialidociously long thread.

Retrovol master bar is not activated

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2016, 10:05
by Pelo
some feed back for wheezy puppies ,
Retrovol master bar is not activated, that could loose many of our newbies...

Pemasu, please remasterize Polarpup Qt005, it's the best Qt one i have ever used..

Posted: Mon 22 Feb 2016, 00:08
by OscarTalks
This is a recent svn snapshot build of SMPlayer front-end with recent svn snapshot build of mplayer (gMplayer) all compiled in Dpup Wheezy and seen here playing a HEVC/H265 video.

The SMPlayer is offered as "no need to install Qt" as it has its own private libs included although it is not exactly a small package. Some people may prefer this GUI to the other alternatives. It does have lots of translations available. Also it has a setting in preferences to enable multiple threads for multiple CPU cores.

the topic is alive, not 'discontinued'

Posted: Thu 10 Mar 2016, 00:59
by Pelo
page 51, happy to see that the topic is alive, not 'discontinued' as newer Wheezy ones.
Wheezy has a future ! waiting for Jessie. Please ring our bell when released (not for test, because all testers have left). Often the captain leaves the Wheezy boat before the passengers.
Users, please burn RW-CDs, Ubuntu packages are now debian ones.. Huge ! Puppy-makers have no time to compile pets. So use old Dpup squeeze or Dpup 487, a lot of pets, prepaired especially to get your life easier are provided by Dejan. Don't worry if they are not up to date, they will run your computer without fullfilling your 512MB RAM. My Golden CD is squeeze-5.X.3.4.12-SCSI.iso: 138 M
Of course, when the final jessie will be ready, that could be reconsidered. No doubt it will change our life :)

European versions : (Artistic touch)

Pupjibaro Wheezy is the latest version, nice version (Don't be afraid by Pupjibaro, it's a Precise version, with perfect english available)
Discontinued english forum, because Josejp2424 is fully studying a Jessie version besides his shiba inu.
Customers, send orders right now, You will be served when Jessie released. Full service will be assumed.
Dpup 487 ; see topic here. Captain Dejan still provides anwsers to questions. My laptops : acer aspire born 2004 is happy with this Dpup, very nice too, and the difference is not such big with newest versions, just update your browser, and a newbie will not see a difference with a wheezy version. My Medion 64 bits, born 2012, jealous, cannot run this version. So i remasterized it with kernel 3.0.25.

Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2016, 01:56
by OscarTalks
The original Firefox in Pemasu's Dpup Wheezy is now very old and I'm not sure where it came from.

Most people know that it is fairly easy to take a recent or latest official build and use that, but I find that these are VERY slow and heavy. This is especially noticeable on older hardware. (Recent official builds of SeaMonkey are also very heavy and slow).

I managed to compile the latest Firefox from the source code. It is the ESR version and the official branding is disabled so it can be distributed freely without permission (I believe ?). This means that it shows as "Nightly" not "Firefox", but it is really Firefox so you can start it with that command or leave the menu entry as Firefox.

So I have named it as firefoxESR-nightly-45.0.1-i686-wheezy

This Firefox Nightly is compiled with various options to try to make it lighter and faster and it seems to have worked quite well. Things like UPDATER and crash reporter and parental controls and D-Bus are disabled.

For a long time I was unable to compile Firefox or SeaMonkey in Wheezy. I had to do some digging and make a few tweaks including manual editing of a header file in /usr/include/linux

It is EXPERIMENTAL of course.

There was a problem with right-click options not working properly on that version so I have removed it. It seems even the Debian devs don't compile later than 38.7.1 ESR in Wheezy so I have gone back to that version. Will be testing that one for a while.

Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2016, 02:19
by musher0
Hello OscarTalks.

I am not seeing a URL to download this little marvel of yours from!
Do I need new glasses?!

BTW, it's great that you could compile it like that.


Posted: Sun 27 Mar 2016, 03:58
by OscarTalks
Hello musher0,

I have added a download link for it as a tarball. It may be possible to improve the build but it does take a while to compile so it is not easy to experiment with all the possible switches.

Posted: Tue 29 Mar 2016, 09:18
by musher0
Many thanks, OscarTalks.

I wouldn't know, I've never compiled a Firefox, but I believe you!

I downloaded and installed your version of FF. Then, I did a test with a stopwatch
app. Your compilation of Firefox clocks in at 15.7 seconds from start of command
to display of a page, whereas seamonkey-2.26 takes 39 seconds to do the same.

I do not have an "ex-factory" FF installed on this PupJibaro-Jessie-beta, so I cannot
do a proper comparison. Maybe another user could confirm. Still, I find the difference
in the load times quite Impressive.

Very good work, I'd say!.