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Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 20:30
by bigpup
Sound issue.

Concerning multiple sound devices.
Found this info in ALSA documentation.
Problems with alsa.conf and udev

On modern GNU/Linux systems, udev takes care of discovering hardware and loading/unloading Alsa. There is one drawback to udev. Udev will load Alsa modules in an undefined order. After each reboot or plugging/unplugging a device, there is no guarantee that a device is renamed using the same hw:x,y numbers. For example, if you have two USB devices on your systems, for example an Audeon USB and an Edirol UA-25, after each reboot, a card can be "hw:0,0" and the other "hw:1,0", each time randomly.

/etc/init.d/alsasound is an udev wrapper that will take care of loading the ALSA modules during booting. But even with it, a few problems may still occurs.
Reordering the driver for a particular card

You can tell /etc/modprobe.d/alsa.conf (or alsa-base.conf, or similar) to keep a driver in out of the default slot. For example, if you have a a Creative Labs soundcard driven by the "emu10k1" driver and you don't want it to be your default card 0, append

options snd slots=,snd-emu10k1

Note the comma in this line that moves the driver to the second slot.
Module ordering problems

It may be that the sound card order is wrong after booting, but running (as root)

/etc/init.d/alsasound restart


/sbin/alsa force-reload

gives the wanted card order.

This can happen because udev is loading some sound driver before alsasound, and alsasound gets confused. A restart will first unload all the sound modules and when restarting, alsasound will work as expected.

The solution is to blacklist the module(s) that udev is loading before alsasound (Typically, the one you get as sound card 0 after booting). You must do this into


You must also report it as a bug to your distribution.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 20:46
by otropogo
ICPUG wrote:
playdayz wrote: Bigpup, Thanks for the pep talk ;-) The FF 8 problem showed me that there are a surprising, at least to me, number of people still using Lucid. *We* built a good one. But IMHO new users should try Slacko first, as Barry said, because that is his latest work and any creative genius wants people to see his latest work.
You/we created the best Puppy for users there has ever been and you are surprised how many people use it!

Now you want to discourage them from using it.

Sometimes, the Puppy development model is very frustrating.

Hear, hear!

I’m also stuck with lupu 5.2.8, and it’s certainly not from lack of trying Slacko and other more recent variants. Looking at my collection of recently burned Puppy LiveCDs, I see :

Slacko 5.2.9
Slacko 5.3
Lupu 5.2.8_K3.0.7
Luci 5.29
Wary 5.2

My computing requirements are fairly modest:

1. ability to run in RAM booting from LiveCD on two PCs, a Toshiba Satellite A500 -02F and an Intel D865GLC

2. support for USB3 on an expresscard bus adapter

3. support for a 3TB external drive (partitioned down to 2TB/1TB) on either USB2 or USB3 ports

4. support for the two PCs’ ethernet hardware (to enable internet access)

5. support for X-Fprot

6. ability to install and run UFRaw and RAWStudio

7. ability to play mp4 and flv files

Only lupu 5.2.8 is able to meet all of these needs, although its USB3 support is rather shaky.

Some of the other versions listed above cannot recognize the ethernet adapter/chip on either of my PCs, making internet access impossible

others are unable to mount the 3TB drive except in read only mode, reporting an issue with the ntfs filesystem.

Slacko 5.3, has a tab for XFprot, but the app doesn’t work. I went online and downloaded and installed xfprot again via petget, and it reported sucess. But when I tried to update the sigs file, I got an error message:

/tmp/ Line2 null: command not found

I couldn’t find any listing in an updated petget for packages to install UFRaw or RAWStudio

Most importantly, either the Expresscard slot or USB3 doesn’t work at all under Slacko 5.3. Neither the 3TB drive nor a USB3 card reader are detected by pmount on the USB3 port. When plugged into the USB2 port, both pop up an icon immediately and are fully accessible (ie., no ntfs problem report, no inability to write to the media).

Slacko 5.3‘s complete failure with Expresscardbus/USB3 is remarkable in that the Expresscard/USB3 port works perfectly under Slacko 5.29.6. That is, both the 3TB drive and the card reader pop up an icon automatically and are fully accessible (no ntfs file problem report). Not really surprising to veteran users of Puppy - just the familiar one step forward, two steps back dance...

Lupu 5.2.8‘s support of USB 3 is far from ideal, however. Sometimes it works only if everything is plugged in at bootup. Rarely, one can successfully change ports (between USB ports 1 and 2 or between USB2 and USB3).

Sometimes the 3TB drive is reported by pmount to have an ntfs problem, and is mounted read-only, and when this happens, sometimes unmounting, changing ports, and remounting several times results in the drive being fully mountable. More often, such un- and remounting results in not being able to remount the drive at all again on either USB2 or USB3. However, Lupu 5.2.8 (with USB3 support installed) never fails to at least detect devices on the USB3 port and to mount them (at least initially), if only in read only mode.

So the best kludge I’m currently able to devise for my Puppy needs is to boot with Slacko 5.29.6 when I need to use USB3, and to use Lupu 5.2.8 for everything else.

Why this striking loss of functionality between Slacko 5.29.6 and Slacko 5.3, which I've reported previously, appears to be of absolutely no interest to Barry and Co. remains a profound mystery to me. But many times in the past I've noted similar indifference to significant functionality problems that would seem to be easily identifiable and correctable .

My best guess is that Puppydom's primary concerns of herding and grooming cats are so demanding that there just isn't enough time, energy and attention left for fixing coding errors that don't affect the coders personally.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 21:16
by mavrothal
playdayz wrote:
lupu_devx_528-3.sfs is missing /usr/share/libtool/config/config.guess, thus "standard" compiling fails.
As far as I remember this was not the case in lupu_devx_528.sfs.
mavrothal, /usr/share/libtool/config/config.guess is not in the original lupu_devx_528. I compile with the 3 version often, so i am not sure about this. I often see config.guess in the source folder of a program to compile???
True, unless they are using
Just in case, the Ubuntu libtool package has these as symlinks to files provided by the autotools-dev package, thus probably missed.
Installing from the ubuntu repo and moving or symlinking them, works fine.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 21:19
by ASRI éducation
otropogo wrote:... use Lupu 5.2.8 for everything else...
I agree.
For me, Lupu 5.2.8 is the version of Puppy I appreciate most.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2011, 21:21
by bigpup
Sound issue multiple sound devices.


This has changed since Lucid 525.

In Lucid 525 it is alsa

In Lucid 528 it is 10alsa

It is very different in each.

From the 10alsa it has this entry.
#110506 /usr/sbin/alsaconf has 'restart' option, might need to reprobe modules. for now, just 'start|restart'.

case "$1" in
start|restart) #110506
I wonder if this should just be restart.

That is what the alsa documentation says to do.

Re: Alsa problems

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 04:29
by shinobar
ETP wrote:Using Racy I then mounted the savefile for 528k3.1.0 & deleted the contents of dev/snd. When I the rebooted 528k3.1.0 sound came back but the kernel log was still full of errors and this is not a valid fix.
Curious. Deleting /dev/snd from the savefile should fix the problem.

I think it is a bug of the /usr/sbin/snapmergpuppy.
Barry does not save the contents of /dev/snd to the savefile, but the whiteout files under /dev/snd are saved to. The problem comes from this, i guess.

Code: Select all

#110222 shinobar: remove all /dev, allow 'pup_ro10-19', exit code for no space
#110224 BK: revert remove all /dev, for now. 110503 added dev/snd
But the problem is remained on the whiteout files.

I am testing a modified snapmergepuppy on my PC. I will upload it after a while.

Code: Select all

# 4dec2011 shinobar: remove all /dev but symlinks, also remove whiteouts under /dev
EDIT: Uploaded the testing files: ... 750#587750

sound devices

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 04:57
by mavrothal
Indeed the problem quite often is sound devices and their whiteout files.
Is part of a more general problem of how puppy handles devices (statically).
A simple thing I do with all puppies is to add the full udev package (with extras) from a compatible distro, NOT the one in puppy repos, and then add at the top of /etc/rc.d/rc.local (or in a proper place in rc.sysinit)

Code: Select all

udevadm trigger  --action=add --subsystem-match="sound"
udevadm settle

or any other subsystem devices that gives me problems (eg --subsystem-match="input", "usb", "net" etc).
This way the devices are regenerated in every boot and doesn't matter what happened in the savefile devices or whiteouts.


Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 05:24
by shinobar
bigpup wrote:
#110506 /usr/sbin/alsaconf has 'restart' option, might need to reprobe modules. for now, just 'start|restart'.

case "$1" in
start|restart) #110506
I wonder if this should just be restart
start is needed at first boot to setup sound automatically, and to restore asound.state at every boot, i suppose.
The potential issue is the bootup time may differ between that of the first boot and next boot. My quickset wary, wary-511-01q has some improvement in the timing issue.
I also testing a modified 10alsa:

Code: Select all

#110111 shinobar: for reliable sound detection on HP Compac nc4010.
#110113 tweak delay. 110216 tweak delay.
#110506 /usr/sbin/alsaconf has 'restart' option, might need to reprobe modules. for now, just 'start|restart'.
# 7dec2011 shinobar: wait loading modules, conditional saving asound.state (merged form the Quickset Wary, wary-511-01q)
EDIT: Uploaded the testing files: ... 750#587750

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 07:22
by shinobar
playdayz wrote:I was able to convert wmv to mpeg2 with the following parameters.
I am not sure what is the cause but i fist tried Pburn to make DVD Video disk from a wmv file(Audio: wmav2, Video wmv3, yuv420p), and found the ffmpeg got the segfault.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 09:50
by smokey01
playdayz wrote:
Uh smokey01, How do you make the kind of diff file you are talking about?
See attached graphic.

Drag the two ISO files into the white space and click on generate.

A diff file will be generated.

OOPS: Reading the diff file is the problem. I haven't worked that out yet.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 15:38
by bigpup
Sound lost issue.

From a question I asked of Barry about lost sound.
His reply is in this topic on his blog.
May give some ideas to look at.

Just an idea.
Based on this info, I wonder if the /etc/init.d/alsa should have been changed to 10alsa in Lucid 528. This seems to be the newer version and may not have all the supporting files that are in the newer version of Woof, because Lucid 528 is based on an older version of Woof..

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 16:07
by Aitch
Tman made a multiple sound card wizard pet which worked for me in slacko 5.3....but the link to smokey's site is down/edit:fixed ...
info here ... 233#497233

Aitch :)

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 18:03
by rerwin
I have discovered that the 2 latest fixes to snapmergepuppy (in wary/woof) are incomplete and are probably behind the problems being seen with USB flash drive installations! I will upload the corrected snapmergepuppy later today, but need some further testing of another mod to rc.shutdown.

EDIT: The patch is posted on the next page (51) of this thread. ... 693#587693

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 18:25
by playdayz
OOPS: Reading the diff file is the problem. I haven't worked that out yet.
LOL. Yeah smokey01, that's the problem I had too ;-)


We are getting a lot of action on the usb/snd issue. So let's see what happens. One thing to remember is that 526 is OK but 527 or 528 is not. Yes bigpup, /etc/.init.d/alsa did change to 10alsa. That will be worth trying. Let's see what rerwin has--he probably knows the alsa and hardware config in Lucid as well as anyone. I am still suspicious of the change to initrd.gz from 526 to 527, so I may make an iso to test that, but I think I will wait for rerwin. It looks like several people think deleting /dev/snd on shutdown should cure the problem, but I am not sure if anything changed in that respect from 526 to 528. But of course any little change could have nasty repercussions.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 18:45
by playdayz
Tman made a multiple sound card wizard pet which worked for me in slacko 5.3....but the link to smokey's site is down/edit:fixed
Aitch, the Multiple sound Card Wizard is in Lucid 5.2.8. In Instant Update 002, Alsa Sound Wizard was also working correctly to change the default sound card.


shinobar and mavrothal, I will get to the config.guess and ffmpeg issues after this sound business. I do better with one thing at a time. shinobar, I have already figured out that when I compiled ffmpeg I did not enable external libmp3lame, libfaac, and libx264. Thanks.


Well, we might as well test this if we can. here is a lupu-528 *without* the change to initrd.gz. The change was made after 526 to allow booting on a computer with no drives attached, so this test will not do that, but we can see if it was this change to initrd.gz that caused the problem. Of course, we need a tester who can recreate the problem ;-) The only reason to test this is you have the "disappearing sound" issue.


Notes on changes after 526

alsa to 10alsa
Barry adds rm -f /dev/snd/* etc to rc.sysinit

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 20:36
by Sylvander

I'll try this new ISO...
Using a lupusave file on a Flash Drive.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 20:49
by smokey01
smokey01 wrote:OOPS: Reading the diff file is the problem. I haven't worked that out yet.
playdayz wrote:LOL. Yeah smokey01, that's the problem I had too ;-)
I don't know what this means but you you might try this from a terminal window:

xdelta3 printdelta deltafile > delta.txt

We have even tried creating an empty ISO file and then applying the diff/delta file to it. That didn't work either.

It's a tough one.

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 23:10
by playdayz
mavrothal, There is a new lupu_devx_528-4.sfs with /usr/share/libtool/config.guess. Thanks. ... _528-4.sfs
bf14b9eea9d67ad2f58dd11dc15832f7 lupu_devx_528-4.sfs

10alsa, snapmergepuppy

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 23:54
by shinobar
I upload my proposal of /etc/init.d/10alsa and /usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy for your testing. I hope rechard will review them.
EDIT(2011-12-10): merged rerwin's patch-4 but skipped some:


Code: Select all

#111207 shinobar: wait loading modules, conditional saving asound.state (merged form the Quickset Wary, wary-511-01q)
#111210 shinobar: refresh asound.state at restart
You can simulate initial state by removing the file /etc/asound.state and reboot.


Code: Select all

#111205 rerwin: Remove saved whiteout file for directories that exist in snap layer; correct removal of saved file whiteouts; make any needed parent directory for opaque directory whiteouts.
#111204 shinobar: remove all /dev but symlinks, also remove whiteouts under /dev
#111210 shinobar: simplified removing whiteout

Posted: Thu 08 Dec 2011, 00:15
by Sylvander
A. I downloaded test01-lupu-528x.iso and burned it to a CD-RW as per usual.

B. Booted it using the command:
puppy pfix=ram
So as not to use any of the existing lupusave files.

C. Once into the desktop of this Lupu:
1. Made various necessary config changes [language, region, keyboard].
2. Installed Pupsaveconfig-1.9.9 using the PPM, and used it to make a lupusave file [in a suitably named folder in the root of the ext3 only partition] on my 4GB Flash Drive, and rebooted.
The loudspeaker icon was still there after reboot.
3. Installed Xfe.
4. Installed Firefox-3.6.13-Lucid, and updated to 3.6.24.
5. Installed Wine-1.3.13-Lucid52.
6. Installed Frisbee-beta-2-Lucid52.
7. Installed Parcellite-0.9.3-lucid.

D. On the 4th reboot...
Prior to shutdown, I clicked the "Save" icon, to save during the session.
At shutdown, when the Pupsaveconfig->Save?=y/n was displayed I CHOSE TO SAVE...
Once back into the Lupu desktop, the loudspeaker icon was GONE.
I'm typing this whilst in the session after 4th reboot.