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Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2013, 20:10
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

Many thanks, but it doesn't seem to be a gtkdialog problem. I am using thunor's latest - compiled on my machine:

Code: Select all

gtkdialog version 0.8.4 r503M
And I have all the other dependencies: bc, rsvg*. And my bash is relatively new. And everything works except for I am scratching my head a bit, but something will occur to me eventually. I had a similar problem in programming a chess front end a few days ago. I dimensioned two arrays from 0 to 15 to hold chess figures and, in my stupidity, wrote DECLARE xx[15], yy[15]. After hours scouring the code, it occurred to me that the arrays should be [16] in size, with indexes starting at 0 :(

With kind regards,

PS. I am using Lucid - but very modified...upgraded and enhanced

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 14:38
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

Here are two BaCon versions of your very nice cube demo. I had to modify the bacon source because of nesting limitations in one of my versions, but both attached binaries will run just fine. And the mod to BaCon is pretty trivial and explained in the source. There is very little CPU use.

Thanks for the great stuff.

With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 26 Mar 2013, 16:32
by SFR
Cool, thanks! :)
Precalculating sin/cos tables is instant now.

BTW, have you found out what's wrong with interference, because I tried it in Lupu (VBox) and works ok for me. :?


Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 20:51
by thunor

Is there a gtkdialog version of your cube demo?

I'm just committing your programs now and I was seeing if there were any more.


Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 21:15
by SFR
Hey Thunor

Yes, a few post above, in attached tgz (I just re-uploaded it again, because was creating some tempfiles in / instead of /dev/shm/.... Corrected now.) ... 355#694355


Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 19:18
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

I managed in BaCon to eliminate all disk reads and writes for your examples, which is hard to do with bash because you can't just call librsvg or gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf directly. :(

Works nicely and is modest in terms of CPU use.

With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 20:10
by SFR
Hey Vovchik

I tried to re-compile both sources and got:

Code: Select all

# bacon bmrw-inline.bac 
Converting 'bmrw-inline.bac'... done.
Compiling 'bmrw-inline.bac'... Compiler emits messages!
hug.bac is in place already, so I guess I also need to pass some additional argument(s)..?
Any tip? :wink:

Thanks & Greetings!

Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 20:31
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

I used the latest bacon 2.0 - released on 1 April - and the latest HUG 0.84. They are both available at I just recompiled and everything works fine. I take it you have librsvg, since it's needed to transform the svgs into pixbufs. Thunor could, if he wished, make gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf available in gtkdialog, but then he would have to contend with an additional dependent functions in libsrvg, which is probably a bad idea.

If you are using the latest BaCon and latest HUG, the thing should compile without any errors. :)

With kind regards,

PS. I used GTK2. I don't know how all of this would work with GTK3.

PPS. My compile line is:

Code: Select all

bacon -o -s -o -Os -o -fdata-sections -o -ffunction-sections -o -Wl,--gc-sections "$myfile"

Posted: Tue 02 Apr 2013, 20:54
by SFR
Oh yes, so probably BaCon version 1.0 build 29 is the cause.
I'll try later with the latest version.
But both binaries work fine. :)

EDIT: Yep, 2.0 did the job indeed - it's all right now.


Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 14:33
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

I have done some nice spirals here: ... 314&page=5. You might be "inspired" to see whether you can get them to work in gtkdialog. The only problem may be the refresh speed, but I think it should be OK even in an interpreter.

With kind regards,

Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 21:34
by SFR
Tasty stuff. :)
Here are Gtkdialog versions, but indeed, they're quite heavy, so on weaker CPUs there may be need to increase 'interval' value.

Thanks & Greetings!

Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 22:06
by vovchik
Dear SFR,

Very nice. I had to increase the interval from:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

in (line 1203) to get my old beater of a computer to respond. It now shows the animated SVG nicely. :)

With kind regards,

script to explain comboboxtext widget

Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 00:20
by don570
Script to explain comboboxtext widget

I wanted a simpler explanation for the comboboxtext widget
so I wrote this script to show a simple implementation.
Two different methods are shown. The first shows a menu
composed of 'items'. The second has the menu composed from
a list stored in a file on your hard drive.



Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 01:59
by technosaurus
to eliminate excessive disk writes you can use the ram based file systems on /dev/shm or /tmp for your temporary files ... just don't forget to remove them when you are done.

Posted: Tue 09 Apr 2013, 14:07
by SFR
Hey Technosaurus

Yes, I'm using it ever since you told me about it in SelfCrypText thread.
And I prefer /dev/shm, because (AFAIK) /tmp might not be kept in RAM in case of full installs.


Hmm, windows can grow... Tested under JWM/IceWM.

Code: Select all


# Grow! by SFR'2013
# GPLv2 applies
# Req: Gtkdialog >=0.8.0, Bash

USE_BASH=; [ "`readlink /bin/sh`" != bash ] && USE_BASH="bash -c "

export TEMPDIR=/dev/shm/grow_$$
mkdir $TEMPDIR
trap 'rm -rf $TEMPDIR' EXIT

export PIC=$TEMPDIR/pic.svg
export SIZE=$TEMPDIR/size
echo 16 > $SIZE

grow () {
S=$(<$SIZE); S=$(($S+2)); echo $S > $SIZE
[ $S -ge 512 ] && exit

echo '<svg viewBox="'$((256-($S/2)))' '$((256-($S/2)))' '$S' '$S'" xmlns="" version="1.1">
  <circle cx="256" cy="256" r="248" stroke="black" fill="yellow" stroke-width="10" />
  <circle cx="192" cy="160" r="24" stroke="black" fill="black" />
  <circle cx="320" cy="160" r="24" stroke="black" fill="black" />
  <path d="M 128 320 Q 256 416 384 320" stroke="black" fill="none" stroke-width="16" stroke-linecap="round" />
</svg>' > $PIC
export -f grow

export MAIN='
<window title="Grow! Grow! GROOOOOW!!!!!      ...ok, that'"'"'s enough...;)">
      <input file>'$PIC'</input>
    <timer visible="false" milliseconds="true" interval="75">
<action signal="hide">exit:abort</action>

gtkdialog -cp MAIN
Have a nice day &

Posted: Sun 14 Apr 2013, 12:02
by hannysabbagh

anybody knows how to get out of this? :)



Posted: Tue 16 Apr 2013, 05:41
by DocSalvage
I'm working on an awk program that converts Zim pages to GtkDialogs for checklists and such so it needs to have functional hyperlinks.

I've learned that the Pango markup "<span><a>..." formats the hypertext just fine but taking action on the click is the problem. I've made it work by wrapping the GtkDialog <text> widget in its own <hbox> which is, in turn, wrapped in an <hbox > for the entire line of text. Conceptually, the code looks something like...

Code: Select all

      <label>"<span><a href="...">link-text</a></span>"</label>
      <action signal="button-press-event">...</action>
Very much a work in progress, but maybe this will help others trying to use hyperlinks.

One cuestion.

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12
by mister_electronico
Why don't work this program, and how I can get work.

#! /bin/bash
export CHOOSER
export MAIN_DIALOG='
<button help></button>
<button ok></button>
gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG
exec mplayer CHOOSER

I was searching everywhere and I can't see how choose one file and open with some application program, like this example or if I want open file by Menubar.

Thanks for any help.

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 15:43
by zigbert

Code: Select all

exec mplayer "$CHOOSER"

No work.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 10:42
by mister_electronico
Thanks zigbert for answering but don't work.

The problem with the variable CHOOSER inside of GTKDIALOG is local variable, I not know how export variable outside of GTKDIALOG.

The only way I met is :

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash
export MAIN_DIALOG='
   <button ok>
      <action>"echo $CHOOSER > /tmp/tmp"</action>
gtkdialog --program=MAIN_DIALOG
A=$(cat /tmp/tmp)
echo "$A"
exec mplayer $A

But I think is not very elegant.

Anyway Thanks for you reply.