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compizpup - tested over time - it is very nice

Posted: Thu 22 Jan 2015, 17:35
by mekalu2k4
Thanks PeeBee for your quick response - all issues resolved with your response. Ok, let me explain:

1. The netbook is working fine with frugal compizpup. But my neighbor wanted few more features.

2. I spent sometime to make the compiz to work, cubes to display/ rotate etc. Added skype and other programs.

3. Then I downloaded sfs for kingsoft. Followed the thread [ and one contributor 'puppus dogfellow' provided a link to sfs]. Installation went smooth. But no Icons were added to menu.

3. Then we were in doubt how to proceed. If shut the machine down, not sure if the settings, kingsoft will be retained for next boot. Then we do not know where to find info on saving the session. We did not want to shutdown. So we posted the message and waited. You responded

4. After reading your post, we confidently proceeded to shutdown; it indeed asked questions, a detailed info on saving files etc; machine came back on normally.

5. After the reboot, all our settings were retained; also items for kingsoft were now added to the menu automatically; though they are not in one place. Kingsoft office [spreadsheet, word, powerpoint] is working all normal.

He is now happy. Thanks again...

compizpup - tested over time - it is very nice

Posted: Thu 22 Jan 2015, 17:35
by mekalu2k4
Thanks PeeBee for your quick response - all issues resolved with your response. Ok, let me explain:

1. The netbook is working fine with frugal compizpup. But my neighbor wanted few more features.

2. I spent sometime to make the compiz to work, cubes to display/ rotate etc. Added skype and other programs.

3. Then I downloaded sfs for kingsoft. Followed the thread [ and one contributor 'puppus dogfellow' provided a link to sfs]. Installation went smooth. But no Icons were added to menu.

3. Then we were in doubt how to proceed. If shut the machine down, not sure if the settings, kingsoft will be retained for next boot. Then we do not know where to find info on saving the session. We did not want to shutdown. So we posted the message and waited. You responded

4. After reading your post, we confidently proceeded to shutdown; it indeed asked questions, a detailed info on saving files etc; machine came back on normally.

5. After the reboot, all our settings were retained; also items for kingsoft were now added to the menu automatically; though they are not in one place. Kingsoft office [spreadsheet, word, powerpoint] is working all normal.

He is now happy. Thanks again...

compiz-pup advantages

Posted: Wed 25 Feb 2015, 22:27
by mekalu2k4
Hi all,
I tested compizpup in different conditions and on different laptops. My experiences:
1. Compizpup wins over rest of all the distros (why? see below) for those who need the compiz.

2. Small foot-print. Tested successfully on Acer 7inch eee pc netbook / intel atom-270/ 1GB ram. We now upgraded this machine to 2GB RAM [no hard drive, we put frugal edition of compiz on a 32gb SD card] and the machines works happily with kingsoft office, VLC, youtube - all; plus the bells and whistles of compiz. This is very stable distro as of now. Now my friend is using for office work officially; he could get his boss to agree to this!!

Downside is this version will not work with touch tablets [not designed to do so].

Comparing to other distros - Ubuntu, Mint-mate-Rebbaca. These two are leading distros currently and touch friendly.

Ubuntu is the most stable. Touch is great. However, the OS crumbles the moment compiz is added. I had experienced several issues. The side-bar [on the left] and top menu panel all are gone after configuring compiz; especially the 'unity'. you can find several web pages on this problem. I was able to fix this; but some of the features of compiz are suppressed. Next thing is no screen-saver in Ubuntu; recent versions of distro the screen-savers are removed. Though one can try x-screensaver. This means; Ubuntu is looking in a different direction [as opposed to graphical bells and whistles]. There are reasons apparently for this, as I read from the web.

Mint-Mate-Rebbaca I tried this over a month. First few days are fine. As we use longer then several problems show up. Menu panel disappears at the boot. Then we have to open terminal [using keyboard shortcuts, this means you need an external keyboard to a touch tablet] and then ctrl+alt+t and do 'sudo mate-panel --reset' to get the menu back. sometimes it works, sometimes does not. Very strange. Both ubuntu and mint have issues with bash terminal [i dont understand this completely, but when i click the programs in directories, they simply do not run] this will not happen in puppy.

So morale of the story: There is a great future for all distros; in particular compiz-pup. I know a few guys work very hard to provide these distros free of cost to the users and it is easy [for users like me] to point bugs. We need to commend the efforts and point them to our needs.

To you creators of these distros: Great job! Keep them coming. My respects!!

Note: These are my observations based on my experiments. Seniors should comment/ suggest if there is something wrong here.

lxpup 15.05

Posted: Tue 03 Nov 2015, 23:01
by wrayc
hey peebee

thinking about working your magic for lxpup 15.05 at all?

i tried installing compiz myself but no luck so far

i used the 2 sfs files followed by the setup file

but no dice . grrrrrrrr.... :twisted:

Re: lxpup 15.05

Posted: Tue 03 Nov 2015, 23:33
by peebee
wrayc wrote:hey peebee

thinking about working your magic for lxpup 15.05 at all?

i tried installing compiz myself but no luck so far

i used the 2 sfs files followed by the setup file

but no dice . grrrrrrrr.... :twisted:

If you mean LxPupTahr-15.05 then I'm afraid the answer is no - this is for Slacko based LxPup's only.....

This project is in hibernation - I don't intend to make any further issues.


Re: lxpup 15.05

Posted: Wed 04 Nov 2015, 01:11
by wrayc
peebee wrote:
wrayc wrote:hey peebee

thinking about working your magic for lxpup 15.05 at all?

i tried installing compiz myself but no luck so far

i used the 2 sfs files followed by the setup file

but no dice . grrrrrrrr.... :twisted:

If you mean LxPupTahr-15.05 then I'm afraid the answer is no - this is for Slacko based LxPup's only.....

This project is in hibernation - I don't intend to make any further issues.

right, okay

I guess I should have realized 15.05. tahr is ubuntu based rather than slacko

but nonetheless

thanks for your prompt reply

warmest regards.

compiz pup loses network driver after I create a save file.

Posted: Wed 09 Dec 2015, 04:09
by noalternative
Compizpup loses network driver after I create a save file on my usb stick and sdcard installs. When I intially set up networking my wifi adapter is there, then after I save everything and reboots it is gone.

Re: CompizPup - an experiment

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2016, 00:31
by noalternative
Upgraded LxPanel, because the default wasn't showing all the workspaces. Unfortunately it ruined the default menu order. Is there a way to get it back?

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2016, 06:07
by peebee
This project is in hibernation - I don't intend to make any further issues.

CompizPup used LxPanelX - not LxPanel - so your upgrade will have zonked it!!

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2016, 13:31
by noalternative
peebee wrote:This project is in hibernation - I don't intend to make any further issues.

CompizPup used LxPanelX - not LxPanel - so your upgrade will have zonked it!!
That's too bad. I really wanted a deb or wolf based puppy with compiz. Are you sure there is no way to restore the puppy menu order? How did you create it in the first place?

Posted: Thu 29 Sep 2016, 14:30
by peebee
noalternative wrote:no way to restore the puppy menu order? How did you create it in the first place?
Lots of configuration files that you will have overwritten.....reinstall is the only possibility....

Posted: Sat 13 Oct 2018, 20:41
by Max Headroom
G'day peebee, Thanx 4 this CompizPup, I'm Surprized & Amazed that it Runs on an Acer TravelMate 290, 1400 MHz Centrino & Only 768 MB RAMemory Laptop that I Guess is all of 15 years Old! And Boots First time 2 the Desktop in about a minute!

But after Creating & Booting w/ a save File it takes 22 minutes, which is obviously rather unsatisfactory... The Breakdown is as follows
+7 mins > root login on 'tty'
+2 mins > Mouse Arrow Curser
+2 mins > RetroVol Window
+1 min > Background Wallpaper
+10 mins > icons in the System Tray, Usable

Btw another Clue, When Booting w/ the save File the icons in the System Tray get Duplicated... Strange!

Can yoU or anyone eLse Please tell me What's going on & of course How 2 Fix it & I 4get the Terminal Command 2 Show the Boot Processes 2 Trouble Shoot 4 Clues...

Thanx 4 Your Help!
