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Thin and Slim are not the same

Posted: Wed 11 Feb 2015, 04:50
by Pelo
Thin means 105MB, Slim means 145MB
Thin Slacko 5.3.3 is light but with everything in the menu.
145MB is to much for Slim Puppy. Not downloaded.

thinslacko 5.5 kernel panic on PIII 500MHz

Posted: Fri 08 Jul 2016, 00:41
by sindi
Thinslacko 5.3.3 and 5.5 have kernels 3. 5.5 kernel panics.

Lupumini and Lupu 5.40 use kernel 2.6.32 and take up only 30MB of RAM
after subtracting cache and buffers. They are about 122-130MB sfs files.
Lupumini comes with two sfs files (one zdrv) to reduce RAM usage but the
slightly larger 5.40 uses no more RAM to load into. On this PIII I cannot
get it to save to a savefile. I tried repeatedly. Saves file on a 2008 netbook.

Lupu mini is therefore my best choice for the PIII 500MHz laptop.
Puppy 4.3.1 does a 10 min filecheck, and wary has no sound.
Arcade Puppy based on Puppy Akita 4.2.0 works but no wifi support.

The older puppies work better with low RAM and older hardware than thinslacko,
which I doubt was actually tested on a PIII by the author. Wrong kernel.

I got smtube working at 360 - copy or link to libQt libraries and copy
cacert.pem to /usr/local/ssl. I posted all the requisites at Lupu comes with mplayer
that works. Thinslacko does not, but on a 'new' (2008) netbook it
works with a 9MB mplayer2.

Palemoon won't work on a PIII (no SSe2). Firefox 24 will. Slow load.
Memory usage goes to about 256MB with 18MB buffers and 4MB free.
That is pushing it. Opera (or links or lynx) are preferable. Dillo is fast.

I use a 384MB swap file with 256MB RAM and 6GB very slow clunky hard drive.
I kill cupsd, everything in the tray.

On some PIII's wary works where lupu does not.

kernel panics.

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2016, 11:03
by Pelo
"Thinslacko 5.3.3 and 5.5 have kernels 3. 5.5 kernel panics."
what a :evil: !do you know how to switch the kernel ?
Hungarian can provide their version.
Try slacko 5.3.1... :? or Wolx 2014 (french Puppy) if you need help, we are bilingual (some of us are) topic here

switching kernel in thinslacko

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2016, 14:27
by sindi
I have never switched kernels in puppy linux. Nor have I compiled a puppy linux kernel.
I used to compile 2.2 and 2.4 kernels for basiclinux around 15 years ago.

Slacko 5.3.3 has the newer kernel 3.1, while slacko 5.3.1 has a 2.6.37 kernel.
No thin slacko 5.3.1.

Even puppy linux 3 has a 2.6 kernel.

A 2.4 kernel (from 2002) might be more suitable here.

I could not get smtube working in a puppy 4.

The laptop with Lupu 5.1.1 left Saturday to be used by someone with a free wifi signal who
was supposed to email me when he got online (no email yet). Lupu is adequate for the
purpose. Webmail, light browsing, smtube (kids' videos) and the 7 year old is enjoying the
tile game. Yahoo has a 'basic html' much faster than the standard version. We could hear
things swapping to swapfile (hard disk) even with Opera, which takes a while to load
(unpackaged but not installed) from hard disk. The disk is 14 years old, 6GB. Came with
Win2K, which is unbearably slow to load and run. Bad serial port - we tried two serial mice
- so they will learn to use a touchpad. The kid is teaching his father.

Online kids' games require flash and the computer is too slow for flash plus browser.
Lupu 5.1.1 ppm offers few games. Where would I look for others (puppies 1-4, etc.)?

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2016, 05:04
by Robert123
@Pelo Your delerium gets worse.

@Sindi there is a Barebones Slacko 5.31 here if that is what you want. I am currently running it, ... lds/files/

our french wolx is a nice Wary LXDE

Posted: Tue 12 Jul 2016, 09:17
by Pelo
:evil: our french wolx is a nice Wary LXDE, for old computers. Slacko 531 is a good slacko too, but less featured as Wolx, and french have a Linux expert : Medor who is steadily here to answer user problems.
Support for Slacko 5.3.3 and previous is gone to slacko 6.3.0,