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Posted: Sat 24 Nov 2012, 12:49
by charlie6
Hi pemasu,
pemasu the next release.
hmmm! 8) ....what about dPup-Exprimos next version(s ?) with upgraded version of Xorg to 1.11.3; and xf86-intel driver to 2.17.0 ...?
These are running so nicely in uPup-Precise ... :D
(i maybe could be unaware about how much difficult it could be...sorry if the case :oops: )
Thanks aniway in advance!

imagination 3.0

Posted: Wed 28 Nov 2012, 19:34
by don570
I wasn't able to get Imagination 3.0 to work in Exprimo.
I was successful in Precise.

Maybe if it was carefully compiled with the right dependencies
it could work. It needs sox and ffmpeg.


gqview-2.04 for gtk+2.20 compiled in Exprimo

Posted: Thu 29 Nov 2012, 17:40
by charlie6
Here it is ...
as the pet i got (i.e. gqview-2.04 from Dejan's dpup45 repo - compiled with gtk+2.24) reported to be compiled with gtk+2.24, and that running on gtk+2.20 could bring risk of fault, i compiled it inside exprimo.
Have fun

Portabase database (Qt application)

Posted: Sun 09 Dec 2012, 06:57
by charlie6
here is a (imho) nice (Qt) database running on exprimo: ... 603#669603
enjoy :D !

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 21:16
by don570
Note to Pemasu : What do you think of this right click option?

A very simple script that just uses rpm2cpio which
is in all puppies.


Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2012, 22:14
by pemasu
I have included your new version to the next Upup Precise update. To the rox right clicks included in it.

Yeah. My timetable does not enable to update all my versions at the same time.

But dpup exprimo has not been forgotten.

new version of extract_rpm

Posted: Wed 12 Dec 2012, 01:14
by don570
A new version of extract_rpm...

I am now using 'exploderpm' rather than 'rpm2cpio'

It gives much better results. I also found that file-roller does a good
job of extracting rpm packages but only Exprimo seems to have it
installed, so I went with exploderpm ... 614#670614


using puppy personal database v 0.6b

Posted: Tue 18 Dec 2012, 08:09
by charlie6
using forum member gposil's puppy personal database v 0.6b on Exprimo
download here:
I get the following problem:
- selecting in ppdb v0.6b Menu/Custom Databases/Puppy database creator gives a warning box: «TCustomForm.ShowModal impossible»;
- then xerr.lor reports:
(ppdb:20628): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

(ppdb:20628): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
Stack trace:
TCustomForm.ShowModal Visible=True Enabled=True fsModal=False MDIChild=False
TApplication.HandleException TCustomForm.ShowModal impossible
Stack trace:
- Googling about that warning, have found this that could fix it, but i don't know how to do it :
here: ... t-warnings
Many GNOME-based applications print the following to the console.
Gtk-WARNING **: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated
This is generally due to the form being created with an obsolete version of Glade.
The function gtk_adjustment_configure() is called from a glade element looking like "<property name="adjustment">0 0 999 1 10 10</property>"; the fix is to change the last value to zero, like "<property name="adjustment">0 0 999 1 10 0</property>".
Please help about how to change
"<property name="adjustment">0 0 999 1 10 10</property>"
...where to find it, to edit it...

Thanks for any advice

using puppy personal database v 0.6b (continue)

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2012, 17:41
by charlie6
in addition to the above post... as ppdb has been created half 2009, i went to install on a "fresh" ...«good old puppy 4.2» (read "pristine" install :) ):
result: :shock: puppybase creator runs OK on puppy-4.2 without error :D :D

my question: could one hope getting ppdb running on exprimo, the same way it seems running OK on puppy-4.2 ?

thanks for any answer !

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2012, 18:19
by pemasu
Charlie6. I am not sure that the GtkSpinButton error message is the reason of the crash and error message.
If the ppdb would still be developed, I would ask the developer. Next thing. If there is possibility to get source code of ppdb in hands, compiling it in dpup exprimo might help and also there might be possibility to fix the source code.

Posted: Wed 19 Dec 2012, 19:45
by charlie6
Hi pemasu,
thanks for replying!
Developer, forum member gposil, is no longer reachable since 2010 :cry: , and his repo as well ... (hope he is doing well...).
So no hope then (except use on puppy4.2)

Wishes to you and your relatives for a
*~*#*@*&* Merry Christmas *~*#*@*&*,
as also for the Puppy Community !


[SOLVED =-)] running sqlitebrowser_2.0 from debian repo

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 21:39
by charlie6
Hi Pemasu,
last edited: SOLVED 8) (i have adapted this post from original modifying and/or deleting the obsolete parts)
to get sqlitebrowser-2.0.0.b1 running on dpup-exprimo-, have to be installed:
- sqlitebrowser_2.0.0~beta1+ds.1-3_i386.deb from debian repo wheezy (squeeze repo has only version 1.3) here: ... 3_i386.deb
- libicu42_4.2.1-3_i386.deb from ubuntu repo (not found in debian repo), here: ... 42/4.2.1-3
(debian repo has only libicu44_4.4.1-8_i386.deb but using version 44, even created a version 42 symlink pointing to version 44 lib, sqlitebrowser reports "undefined symbols" when started from console)
- install from pets-dpup-exprimo repo only (only this pet has libQt3support in it !! Qt4-4.8.0.sfs has not...:shock:)
(trick: for those who prefer mounting .sfs files instead of install .pet files, just transform the pet into sfs using the right click option «Extract here» and «dir2sfs» to get the relevant sfs archive)
note: before being aware that other qt4-4.8.0.sfs archives from other pemasu's repo do not have in them, i got unsuccessfull trials running other versions of qt4 and libqt3support libs (4.6.3, 4.7.x or 4.8.2, even4.8.3, also coming from polarpup-005 - which version is 4.8.0...but compiled on a different kernel version - all resulted in an error message that might report an incompatibility of libqt3support with other Qt4 libs).
- For information: Sqlitebrowsers website
Hope this helps

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 01:32
by don570
I upgraded to version 1.0


1) put in 'Saving to disk' Yaf-splash

2) The text file now will handle spaces in file name

SQLiteStudio-2.1.0 not running on dPup-Exprimo-

Posted: Thu 03 Jan 2013, 10:02
by charlie6
please consider the latest SQLiteStudio-2.1.0 here:
to be downloaded here: ... -2.1.0.bin
I have downloaded it in /; and launch just by click on it.
result: on a fresh (=pristine) dPup-Exprimo- and doing in a console, i get those error messages:
# ./sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin
couldn't find procedure Itk_Init
while executing
"load [file join {/sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin/lib/Itk3.4}] Itk"
("package ifneeded Itk 3.4" script)
invoked from within
"package require Itk 3.4"
invoked from within
"set ::PKG(Itk) [package require Itk 3.4]"
(file "/sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin/lib/sqlitestudio/main.tcl" line 210)
invoked from within
"source /sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin/lib/sqlitestudio/main.tcl"
("package ifneeded sqlitestudio 2.1.0" script)
invoked from within
"package require sqlitestudio"
(file "/sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin/main.tcl" line 6)
I could not find on debian repo (only .

Sqlitestudio-2.1.0.bin is said to be 32bit x86 linux compatible.
Also tested:
- on a fresh dPup-Exprimo-5X15: works OOTB !
- on a fresh uPup-Precise-5X45: works OOTB !
Any advice is welcome

Posted: Wed 09 Jan 2013, 06:04
by mini-jaguar
I just installed this Exprimo, really nice. Even runs a lot of software for Lucid, but not all.

dPup on a dell d830

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2013, 01:38
by Satori
Nice job.

Installed dPup 3.6.2 on a Dell D830 with an nvidia NVS 140M (comparable to a 8400), and it runs fine after compiling NVidia's 310 driver.

The reason I choose dPup from all the other derivatives was:

a) Debian Squeeze, which is built from the new C compiler
b) A kernel that supports SMP
c) Video and Sound device support

My needs are to use 3rd party debian software, in particular, the Second Life client viewers and dPup runs it pretty well.

Hope you maintain support for dPup, as the debian people put a great deal of work in converting to 6.0 and this distro makes their efforts worthwhile.

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:40
by anikin
anikin wrote:
pemasu wrote:Anikin. It loads with modprobe eee for me and also creates /proc/eee and those files inside the /proc/eee it should.
So....I am clueless....
pemasu, I managed to get it loaded manually, but only once. Did first mod prob eeepc_laptop, and then modprob eee. It loaded, responded to commands, the folder was there. Rebooting and it's gone and modprob doesn't help anymore.
Hi pemasu,

The fan control issue has been solved, as I already mentioned. The reason it failed to work from the start, is because I lumped together and loaded all the modules that had an Asus name on it. Did some cleanup, removed what wasn't needed, like 'asus_oled' module and now it works perfectly well. It can be easily managed either from the terminal or via Micko's GUI app.

Posted: Fri 18 Jan 2013, 10:42
by charlie6
Hi Pemasu,
Satori wrote:...Hope you maintain support for dPup,...
i also give my vote for ... :)
moreover, a survey of CPU temperature on various 54X7 and uPup3.7.2 vs dPup3.6.2 showed that this dPup3.6.2 keeps CPU the coolest 8) ( in powersave mode, tempicon background is most of time blue coloured => i.e. temperature = 40°C or lower )

thanks in advance

gcad3d ...gtkglarea error

Posted: Fri 25 Jan 2013, 16:47
by charlie6
exprimo 5X3.6.2.1
here tried to install gcad3d-1.82 (using the debian archive) on a fresh squeezesave session ....also installed ligtkgl2.0 and libjpegturbo:
launched from terminal ...

Code: Select all

permanent gtkglarea error
gcad3d was working nice up to exprimo 5X3.4.12


Shutdown does not do a clean unmount

Posted: Sat 26 Jan 2013, 18:29
by Satori

I'm not sure if this is dPup specific, but I've come to the conclusion that unmount of flash drives are not being performed properly at shutdown.

My system: Dell d830 with the following setup

sda1 : 800MB vfat partition used to boot the system
sda2: 14gb ext2 partition for the squeezesave file and data/apps directories
sdb1: 8gb ext2 partition for cache, temp and frequently written to directories
sdc1: 8gb pcmcia adapter for a Compact Flash adapter that holds a vfat SDHC card

Upon booting:

sda1 remains unmounted
sda2 becomes the dev_save device, with drive directories available under home
sdb1 and sdc1 are automaticly mounted

Upon Shutdown, the system hangs after the "Shutting Down"message appears on the console.
If sdc1 is unmounted manually before shutdown is attemped, then the shutdown completes fully.

If 'umount' of sdc1 is added to rc.shutdown, just after the Shutdown message, then it completes without hanging.

Without the manual unmounts or added umounts in the rc.shutdown, I find that fsck reports that all the sdb1 and sdc1 drives have not cleanly unmounted.

Booting with another minimum dPup flash drive that I use for recovery, it reports that sda2 (the save drive) has not been unmounted cleanly.

E2FSCK also reports that the squeezesave file itself has also not been unmounted cleanly.

The reason the umount is placed just after the Shutdown echo message is that it's the only place I found that didn't cause a hang, because sdc1 was still mounted.

I have a Dell C640 running dPup 5.X.15 (kernel 2.6) with a single flash drive:

sda1: 600MB vfat boot partition
sda2: 3.2GB ext2 partition for squeezesave and data/apps directories

A e2fsck of sda2 reports that it also was not unmounted cleanly after a shutdown.