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Posted: Wed 05 Sep 2012, 21:23
by runtt21
I also had it in the second post of this thread.

French keymap

Posted: Fri 07 Sep 2012, 04:32
by Pelo
Les nouvelles puppies bugguent /
Stop bugs in newest puppies . keymap fr in macpup precise . shutdown not working in slacko

FYI . precise all is working well why not in macpup

French keymap

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 01:25
by Pelo
Pleqse test before nez version < One hour eqch ti;e lost /

do you understand that here above
would you issue your distro if english ou us keyboard not working

it is boring at least

MacPup 529 : je l'ai mise à la casse !

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 04:19
by Pelo
En plus les macpup, c'est toujours la même chose, tu en as vu une, tu les a toutes vues. Precise 5.2.60 est très bien, ils n'ont même pas su la copier.
Il ignorent les francophones, et bien je donne mon avis en français. Macpup, c'est fini. Je n'en veux plus !

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 04:37
by James C
La tactique très intéressante du fait de poster dans le français à un forum de langue anglais. Vraiment c'est très impoli. Comprenez-vous le concept d'une 'version de développement' ?

For those that don't understand rude French posters, the previous post roughly translates to:
On top of that macpup, it is always the same thing, you saw one from it, hushed up saw them all. Precise 5.2.60 is very well, they even did not know how to copy it.
It ignore the French speakers, and definitely I give my opinion in French. Macpup, it is finished. I do not want it any more!

Posted: Mon 10 Sep 2012, 04:40
by James C
If some users would at least read the thread before going on silly rants they would have read in a post from runtt21 .....
mp529 doesn't localize very well ,most likely a problem with this builds version of ecore. Things are changing very quickly with e17 development. It's pointless to do a new build of e until they finish.

For now stick with mp528v2 until we update if you have localization issues.

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 21:31
by runtt21
James C wrote:If some users would at least read the thread before going on silly rants
The lazy one's never do and most don't even read all of the release announcements. That just goes with the territory. I have taken some flack over this and this one dude in Italy took a shot at me personally . They don't understand or appreciate the work that has gone into macpup the years we have been doing this. We will go on as long as I can get e to compile...... We would not have gotten to where we are if we let stuff like that stop us. Macpup will continue. :D

I will begin compiling an update for both mp529 and 528 this week. This may or may not correct the localizing issue with 529 . Just have to wait and see.

Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 21:38
by Karl Godt
I recently made a complete checkout of e and the download was more than 800 MB i think .

Good Luck !

Posted: Fri 14 Sep 2012, 21:36
by runtt21
Just to let everyone else know. When you set up a frugal usb install choose the "save to file" option. Choosing to save to the whole partition will cause shutdown problems. Same thing happens in precise without a save file.

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 03:38
by ciento
just a heads up, 1280x 1028 x24 on nvidia 6100 motherboard
doesn't work on 529, but works fine in 528. xorgwizard does not
help. 1024x768x16 is the max.

I really enjoy 528, posting from it now, from the .3fs

Have a 8) weekend


Posted: Fri 21 Sep 2012, 13:35
by TheYoungOne
Hello just thought i'd give macpup a try on the USB.

All works fine so far but i can't get the keyboard to be a UK one. It is set to UK and GB on all the settings i can find to do with keyboard but when i press Shift+2 i get the @ sign instead of ".

Otherwise very nice it's so smooth. The video doesn't do it justice you have to try it.

EDIT: MacPup 529 is what i'm using on a USB with a save file on it

Posted: Sun 23 Sep 2012, 16:41
by runtt21
Sorry I'm late getting back to you , I am in the process of building an update for both 529 & 528 . I hope it will fix these keyboard/ localization issues but it will be a few days. I have updated EFL but I have 4 different snapshots of e to build and test


Posted: Tue 25 Sep 2012, 22:12
by rokytnji
Xmms complained E17 would not run it. Fixed it with the gtk pet listed in terminal in screenshot. I used Ubuntus xmms from ... ild/793396

pet came from ... h&id=31200

Good luck with the E17 Build runtt21. :) Rocking out to Chronix radio in the M/C shop myself.

Posted: Wed 26 Sep 2012, 01:47
by runtt21
Thanks dude, I hope to get back to it tomorrow. I have spent the last two days downtown fort worth on jury duty. :cry:

Can you reorganize Macpup information?

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 18:38
by Barburo
OK, kudos to Runtt21 and Pritt for all of the Macpups, and being available for answering queries. I really am liking 528 and 529 and I take the point that 529 is a development version. Having it based on precise pangolin will insure future support, and as I've said before It's Fast!.

I scrabbled around and downloaded most of the 528 themes into 529. The only one that didn't install was moonlight-2. I use the wallpaper I prefer so I need the different themes to have a selection of different color schemes, window decorations etc. More themes in jwm for 528 would also be nice.

I am (as usual) trying to customize these puppies to my preference but I'm finding that information is all over the place and difficult to get to.
Using the well-minded puppy search gives indifferent results - it is still hard to find answers. The thread on puppy forums for 528 started in the middle of the 525 thread and it became to big to read through and difficult to navigate.

I would love to be able to go to your own site: and find all of the information organized about all the macpups, samples of e17 themes, hints, downloads, release notes etc. all in one place. (Something like is what I'm imagining).

Also I'm a little confused as to why you have your own separate forum - isn't that a bit of a duplication? I'm having to cross-post.


Chromium Browser

Posted: Fri 28 Sep 2012, 18:40
by Barburo
I was able to get Chromium browser working in Macpup528.
My attempts for 529 have not worked yet. Is there a .pet available or has anyone else done this yet?

I used puppy package manager and activated the universe repository and downloaded the headers.
Rebooted and found that there was a version (20) of chromium browser that I installed (slow download from ibiblio).
It told me that there was a cups library dependency missing.
I continued anyway but when I tried to run l got "cannot run as root" message.
Googled the problem and found that using this form of the command to start chromium:
chromium-browser --user-data-dir
solved the "cannot run as root" problem.
It still would not run so I used a terminal and got other messages about the sandbox not being the right mode (2477 or something like that).
I cant remember the exact message but it's getting too technical for me to take any further.
Anyone able to help?

Re: Can you reorganize Macpup information?

Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 09:53
by runtt21
Barburo wrote:I would love to be able to go to your own site: and find all of the information organized about all the macpups, samples of e17 themes, hints, downloads, release notes etc. all in one place. (Something like is what I'm imagining).

Also I'm a little confused as to why you have your own separate forum - isn't that a bit of a duplication? I'm having to cross-post.

That is why we have our own forum. We have organized everything there. And if it isn't posted on our forum we have links to all the relevant stuff.

"samples of e17 themes, hints, downloads, release notes etc." it's already there.

Please don't cross post. I am not online all day . Stay calm, when i get online I will try to help. I have a Job,family,house and a ton of other problems that I am working on at the same time.

Until some of the browser guys make a .pet of chromium for precise I can't do much about this.

I don't do jwm themes.Sorry, But there are a ton of them on this forum.

Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 17:11
by backi
Hi barburo !

Maybe try
Google Chrome 21 Slacko .
Does work on dpupExprimo maybe works for you .

Nvidia drivers for macpup 529

Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2012, 05:21
by dogbert0360
Are there any nvidia drivers that will work with macpup 529.

When I tried to use PPM to search for them I was given the choice of nvidia 304 but this is for k3.2.29 or something like that.

Re: Nvidia drivers for macpup 529

Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2012, 07:50
by rokytnji
dogbert0360 wrote:Are there any nvidia drivers that will work with macpup 529.

When I tried to use PPM to search for them I was given the choice of nvidia 304 but this is for k3.2.29 or something like that.
Yes. ... 460#647460

I use the same driver on my rig

Code: Select all

Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA NV6 [Vanta/Vanta LT] 
           X.Org: 1.12.3 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: fbdev,vesa) Resolution: 1024x768@85.0hz 
In Quickpet->drivers tab->Click here to test your graphics card