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Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 07:32
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Cloned post..::

(Red faced)..
See.. Lupen was Woofed, then manually remastered to get Compiz/Cairo straight..
Lotta parts of my personal desktop left over...
Hope I cleared the browser cache... LOL
Actually, I thought I cleaned it up pretty well..
Now I gotta reboot in ram and check it out...

As I said, mostly, the Alpha is to see what it takes to release an OOTB Compiz Puplet, since Ripple went under.. Compiz wont be the default WM. But I wanna build a "Lupen/Compiz" sfs for the final release, and a WM switcher for it..

Lupen is my daily OS, for months now..
I have many frugalled..
Three Headed Dog, Fatdog64, Macpup, Slacko, Dpup, Wary, Racy, Quirky, 310/528, and more...
But in the end, I have the most "issue free' Pup in Lupen.. It just works..
It was built, and mostly compiled, on my laptop, for my laptop...
So all the bugs you guys find, help me make it "universal"...

Because some configurations required, in my limited experience, manual setup, Lupen is not a true Woof, but a 'remastered' Woof, from a 525 base, built on kernel (by pemasu...)
Since the core (lupu-539-scsi.iso) is rock solid, I continue to 'remaster' it..
By 'remaster' I mean I unpack the .sfs, modify some files, and repack it... This approach can create bugs with the initrd in rare cases.. One is the savefile upgrade issue... Some stuff was created in '539' and some in '529'.. Stupid typo.. Stupider to try to fix it..

Regardless, Here is the thing...
Lupen is my Pup, from now on...
I have realized the futility of a new Puplet vs an Update...
So Puppyluvr = Lupen...
Maybe a PAW .sfs...etc...
But one base...
A Lupen core, to build on..

One base...??
(side tracked)
Puppy has so many "bases" to work with, its hard to keep track..
I really want to rebuild Lupen from all puppy packages..
But the `butu repos are too hard to resist...
Since Lucid is an LTS release, they should be around a while..
(Napu, the Natty Pup, is, ATM, not happening)

But I so want to be a "purist"..
Puppy for Puppy..
Our repo, our packages...
We are Puppy Linux damn it..

OK, rant over...

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 10:21
by ragaman
Thanks, puppyluvr. I'll just do a frugal install instead.

Posted: Sat 10 Dec 2011, 23:29
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
LOL.. I am an idiot...
The reason the installer fails is not Lupen..
It is MultiPup...
Lupen is in a folder on the CD...
The installer only looks on the top level...
When it asks, "Where are the Puppy files?"..
Choose "Folder" not "CD"...
Point it to the files on the CD...

Or just do it manually...

White screen

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 02:42
by shinobar
Both on my desktop(frugal install) and on the virtual machine(virtual iso), lupen-0.1 boots up to the X and shows the full screen logo, then goes to blank(white) background with a mouse pointer. The mouse moves but any click shows nothing.
Ctr+Alt+Backspace can go down to the prompt. I typed 'xwin' then it shows the full screen logo and go to the white background...
My graphic board is nVidia and the X-driver maybe vesa.

The md5sum of iso is right.
puppyluvr wrote:md5sum cb997b5377257b812b460eae82a2d708 Lupen-0.1.iso

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 03:22
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Hope all is well for you, in these tough times..
Yes, Nvidia seems to be Kryptonite to Lupen..
Do Openbox/JWM work for you???

switching WM

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 05:52
by shinobar
puppyluvr wrote: Do Openbox/JWM work for you???
I like jwm. How to switch to jwm from the command prompt?
Nothing to do at X, but i can go down to the terminal.

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 10:16
by 8-bit
To switch to JWM in Lupen from the command prompt, just type "xwin jwm" from the command prompt. Or for Openbox, you would type "xwin openbox".
I got that same white screen with a cursor that you did until I changed window managers.

kernel source

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 11:45
by shinobar
8-bit wrote:To switch to JWM in Lupen from the command prompt, just type "xwin jwm" from the command prompt.
Tnx got it.

Tried to compile nVidia driver against the kernel_src-
Compile seemed success but failed to load the kernel module.
I suspect the kernel_src- is mismatching or badly configured( .config or something?).

Posted: Sun 11 Dec 2011, 17:20
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Doing some digging into the kernel info produces some confusion..

Hardinfo gives me:
Kernel Linux (i686)
Compiled #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 28 23:14:22 EEST 2011
However, looking thru Pemasu`s directory, I find dated in May, and dated in April..

My .dot.config shows lupe22 as built on May 15th...

April 24 conforms to lupe17, which is not listed, and for which there are no kernel sources available..
There is no entry for April 28..

I think I know what I did.. :oops: During the last woof, I may have accidentally checked lupe17..
EDIT :oops: Yep.. I never looked in the live /etc/distrospecs...
Definitely screwed up bad... IT IS lupe17... @#$%&
I have versions with both 17 and 22...
Somewhere I retrograded my kernel...
I definitely "Screwed the Pooch" on this one...
Egg on my face..
:oops: :oops: :cry:

I will go back thru my Woof`s leading up to Lupen, and see where I went wrong..
Lesson learned... Start with a pristine Woof... :roll:
I have to rewoof anyhow to fix the 529/539 bug, and rebuild the ISO without MultiPup, to fix the installer..
I wanted to Woof it with lupe26 anyhow.. (Pemasu`s last build)

Thank you sooo much for the feedback.. Keep it coming...

Time to woof up Alpha 2... :D

Make OB default, with Compiz as an option..
Make the sfs on the top level of the ISO...
Upgrade to lupe26...
Upgrade Firefox to 8.0.1
Write a proper WM switcher to handle the panels/docks..
Lots of housekeeping...

G'day J, & Seasons Greetings, Can U Please Help w/ a tar.bz2

Posted: Mon 26 Dec 2011, 23:18
by Max Headroom
eMerald Segmentation Fawlt

Hardware = Compaq F500, w/ NVidia GeForce Go 6100 Graphics Chip

Ps. Also Noting that this Puplet includes MultiPup which I Really like, I'm Still Keen 2 include a MemTest iso

Thanx Please Thanx...

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 16:40
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
Attached is a pet of libglib-2.0 instead of a tarball, so if it doesnt help, you could remove it, and so you can use the PPM to do dependency check..

As for the other thread, Buddapup Dingo is @ my sig link, Buddapup 215 I will have to search for...

Thanx 4 that PuppyLuvr, But Alas it was in Vain :(

Posted: Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:05
by Max Headroom
Any Other Help U'r' able 2 provide on this wot I'm told is 1 of the Hardest of problems 2 Resolve, Will be Appreciated!


Ps. J is there a Newer Version of eMerald Window Decorator than I've been using, since the 1 I've got dates back 2 Dingo or perhaps Even Series 3... ?

PPs. Beg Y'r Pardon PuppyLuvr & any other Puppy Masters, Maybe I'm Confused :oops: if eMerald is integrated into Compiz, ( the Version of Compiz that I'm using is Grays from ROcktober 2009, but it's the libwnck Library as it's an eMerald Dependency that Dates from 2007

Puppyluvr is a Hard-rocker ! Lupen

Posted: Fri 04 Apr 2014, 03:16
by Pelo
Lupen ISO is dowloading to my hardRock disk. done.
Windows 7 then virtual Machine. Lupen scripts go well to desktop, white desktop, with the mouse arrow on screen. The arrow moves. Then ? Hard rocker, i want a little help from my friends, Joe !

Posted: Fri 04 Apr 2014, 20:55
by puppyluvr
I'm guessing you have an Nvidia video card..
Which means that OpenGL isn't working for you.
Which means compiz wont work for you.
If u ctrl alt backspace to the terminal and type "xwin jwm"
Or "xwin openbox" you can get a usable desktop.
See above for more explanation...

Posted: Fri 31 Oct 2014, 02:00
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
New Lupen.
New kernel.