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Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2011, 03:35
by playdayz
Built and tested my Pup...Everything else worked, but not the dock from the debs...Here is the WEIRD part....
On the top level, at /, are all 7 debs, AS DEBS.... Shocked
How in the heck did woof repackage them????
I clicked them and they installed fine...
I bet you have figured it out by now. Sometimes I undeb some packages and then copy the whole folder into packages-lupu--including the debs I undebed. The packages in packages-lupu should have /usr, /root, /etc and the other appropriate directories. Anything not in a sub-directory such as /usr will install to /.

Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2011, 11:57
by puppyluvr
:D Hello,
OK, that part I understand..
What got me is that they were .deb`s again...packages not directories... :shock: Functional, installable .deb packages... I unpacked them...Woof repacked them... :shock:
I know it was something I did, as it hasnt happened since...
Just weird is all....

P.S. A great addition to EZWoof...
I put a break, a simple xmessage, before "mksquashfs" to allow a chance to edit before building the .sfs... Same for "mkisofs"...
Creates a little "tinkering time"... 8)

Packages in EZ-WOOF

Posted: Sat 04 Jun 2011, 21:05
by gcmartin
Don't know if this will help anyone else with package for PUPs, but some may find this of interest: GoNgetIT

Hope this helps

Posted: Wed 08 Jun 2011, 10:51
by Ale
What steps are necessary to change the default window manager on first boot up?

Posted: Wed 29 Feb 2012, 16:27
by oldyeller
Hello playdayz,

don't know if this thread is being watched or not. But I was wondering if you would be willing to do a ez-woof for lupu528.
