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Russian translation

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2012, 21:39
by rodin.s
I have made Russian translation for Pmusic-2.4.4.

I also was experimenting with gettext and poedit. Locale file consists of 353 lines so it's easier to use poedit to handle it. Normal locale file is created with script gettext_script.
Some instructions how to use it are in the script:

Code: Select all

# use 'xgettext -L shell gettext_file -o pmusic2.pot' to generate pot file
# use poedit to create and translate po file and then mo file will be created
# put to /usr/share/locale/xx/LC_MESSAGES (xx - name of your locale)
# run the script to create text translation file for pmusic with name of your locale (ex: ./gettext_file)
# you can run the script with your name as first parameter for tranlsator line. (ex: ./gettext_file rodin.s)
# and locale could be second parameter. If it is not given then it defaults to current locale (ex: ./gettext_file rodin.s ru_RU.UTF-8)
# place the file to /usr/local/pmusic/locals

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2012, 22:51
by zigbert
I have updated the main post/pet.

I wonder if you could tell me....
What is so great about gettext? I have never used it....
I have just put all this NLS on hold until things get settled in Puppy. Now when Barry has started the work on NLS, all I see is many different standards. I hoped that Puppy should use one (or a few) to standardize the handling of language files.

From the view-point of a translater, do you find the zigbert-way hard to manage? I clearly see that I have missed the placement of the local files. I will probably move them, now when Puppy seems to be using /usr/share/locale/xx/

I simply want to learn more about the pro and cons for the different ways of doing things.

Thank you


Posted: Fri 02 Mar 2012, 17:23
by rodin.s
In my opinion gettext is easy to use with scripts and internationalization could be made faster. It is a great tool for my work on Russian l10n of Puppy. Poedit has features of spell-checking and translation memory. It also works good when old script is updated. Old translation is not lost but updated automatically and new untranslated lines appear at the top of the list.
In case of Pmusic I have two files: new English file and old Russian one and then I have to compare them using information about changes made. And these changes are in different parts of the file. It takes time to find them all. These files are usually opened in different tabs of geany and I have to switch between the tabs.
Gettext is a little bit slower but it's a price I'm ready to pay for comfort. I had 2100 lines in my puppy.pot file and I could manage them with poedit but I think it would be hard to do zigbert-way.

Posted: Sun 04 Mar 2012, 09:20
by zigbert
Thank you for the explanation.


Russian translation

Posted: Sun 01 Apr 2012, 20:45
by rodin.s
I have made Russian translation for Pmusic-2.5.3.

Posted: Thu 05 Apr 2012, 20:25
by zigbert
Russian updated

Russian translation

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2012, 21:47
by rodin.s
I have made Russian translation for version 2.6.3. As I understand now it should be in /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES. There are also two LOC2913 which is confusing.
I was also experimenting with my gettext translation method and I have made some scripts to make it easier.
Directory pmusic_translate in archive has two scripts: gettext_file and To use it you should open urxvt in this dir and run with your name as argument for translator credit:

Code: Select all

When you choose '1' pmusic2.pot will be created.
Then you have to use poedit and create translated file YOUR_LANG.po and
(in my case it was and ru.po, is created automatically by poedit).
After translation files are created choose '2' in the script and translation file for pmusic will be created and copied to proper directory to work. My one for Russian was created this way.
After making some changes in your translation with poedit you may repeat step '2'.
If translation is changed by zigbert you may add new English lines (also change or remove) to gettext_file and apply to them similar gettext format as in all lines in the script. Then you can regenerate pot file with (repeat step '1'), update your po-file with new pot-file in poedit and generate new file for new pmusic (repeat step '2').

Posted: Sat 21 Jul 2012, 17:11
by zigbert
Russian updated
Link to gettext tools is added to main post

Thank you

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2012, 17:04
by esmourguit
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Here is the french file for Pmusic 3.05.

Cordialement ;)

Posted: Wed 05 Dec 2012, 17:40
by zigbert
ahem, pMusic 3 does not anymore support the old NLS model.....

The 3 branch uses gettext for language support. I see that the old locales file is included in the pet. I kept it for transition, but now that period should be over. I will remove it.


Russian translation

Posted: Sun 16 Dec 2012, 20:44
by rodin.s
I have made Russian translation for pMusic-3.0.6.

Posted: Tue 18 Dec 2012, 23:10
by zigbert
Russian added

This is the first translation ready for pMusic 3
Thank you, Sergey


Posted: Wed 02 Jan 2013, 08:28
by charlie6
Hi Sigmund,
Bonjour Jean-Jacques,
ahem, pMusic 3 does not anymore support the old NLS model.....
The 3 branch uses gettext for language support. I see that the old locales file is included in the pet. I kept it for transition, but now that period should be over. I will remove it.
Sorry :oops: being here maybe late since i posted about french translation (around November2012 - see main post pp.94 and following)...was awaiting a kind of pMusic-final release.
I indeed got a try making a pmusic.po using MoManager as also re-using Jean-Jacques's (as. Esmourguit - merci Jean-Jacques !) some translated strings.

Here is the ca. 80% (maybe more :wink: ) french translated tar.gz archive made from pMusic-3.0.6. : it has in it and also pmusic-3.0.6.po.

Hope this help :)

*** Happy New Year 2013 / Meilleurs Voeux pour 2013 ***

Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2013, 09:01
by zigbert
French is gettexted and uploaded

Russian traslation update

Posted: Mon 04 Mar 2013, 21:39
by rodin.s
I have updated Russian translation. It's for pMusic-3.2.3.

Posted: Thu 07 Mar 2013, 07:21
by zigbert
Russian updated

Pmusic language support

Posted: Mon 01 Apr 2013, 12:39
by L18L
German translations started
Not quite complete but that is all I can do for ever.

Help > FAQ is creating an empty file /usr/share/doc/help/de/pmusic_faq.html :?: :?: :?:

Sorry that was in 3.2.3

Now in 3.3.0 it is OK :lol:

Posted: Thu 04 Apr 2013, 16:21
by zigbert
German added

Pmusic language support

Posted: Sat 06 Apr 2013, 17:20
by L18L update and
de/pmusic_faq.html (-> DOCTYPE html validated in )

Posted: Mon 08 Apr 2013, 16:45
by zigbert
German updated