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Posted: Tue 10 Feb 2009, 12:13
by polymath
I've burnt the ISO, following testing and housekeeping (I need to get around to finishing the website), i'll upload and post (probably in a new topic). Version number is 1.0.1. PLDE will follow shortly, size for main is 488MB, size for PLDE will probably be somewhere around 350MB, though i can't be sure.

PLDE will NOT have conky, netbeans, some extra libraries that probably aren't needed for the casual developer. I'm debating with myself whether or not to have a seperate theme for PLDE. The theme for DVP 1.0.1 will be the same as rc1, the full install bug will be FIXED from the rc, several netbeans bugs will be addressed.

Thanks Aitch, i plan to include that application in the 1.1. Sorry i can't do it for the next version.

I apologize for the long wait. Please realize that even though i've built the iso it will still take a while to test/upload, and i won't release it until i can get around to completing the web site.

I really should start a blog on the wiki for this... OK, maybe later. Now that the quarter's over at my school there'll be a little bit of a lull that'll let me get more work done.


Posted: Tue 10 Feb 2009, 20:09
by polymath
OK. The test results:
-Netbeans works FLAWLESSLY! It's working fine and actually running fast outside of QEMU (I don't have KQEMU/KVM)
-However, i'm having trouble with input/output errors. Two packages seem to be corrupted, and i'm not sure whether i should completely replace them or try and fix them individually. My problems:
-G++. I'm getting errors in iostream because __locale_t isn't defined, and this is because g++ is throwing input/output errors on xlocale.h . I'm pretty sure this means i'll have to repackage devx and buildutils. That *shouldn't* take much time
-FirePup. The icons aren't working and it won't start because of more input/output errors. ARG!!!!

Does anyone know what causes these errors? They're a little cryptic.

I'll get back to you with details of (hopefully) a resolution!

Oh, and droope, the web site doesn't render correctly in seamonkey. If you can, can you try and solve this problem? Thanks!


Posted: Wed 11 Feb 2009, 15:58
by droope
Works fine in SeaMonkey 1.1.11. What is it that you see wrong?

Cheers :)

Posted: Sat 21 Feb 2009, 18:19
by polymath
Develpup 1.0.2 will be out shortly. I'm working hard to get all of the administrative stuff done. I'll be done very soon, and once i finish a few finishing touches and droope finishes updating the website, i'll post a release announcement. It's been a LONG time since the last release, but although the latest version is not that cosmetically differant from the rc, it's much improved "under the hood". I probably won't be able to get PLDE out at the same time as the latest version of develpup, but i'll work at getting it done.

For those of you who don't know yet, PLDE is going to be the lightweight version of DVP. It'll obviously be much more limited though.

I'll be clear from the start: THERE WILL BE BUGS IN THE "STABLE" RELEASE. However, these bugs are small and so the release will go on. That's all. More in the release announcement (when it comes).



Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 01:43
by MattN

I have been looking at the develpup 1.0 rc1 and have run into several errors. I went to the develpup home page and found out there is a rc2 available, but I can't get a download from that web page. How can I get the latest version?



Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 02:13
by droope
Hey, how's the website hanging?

Everything ok?

Posted: Wed 18 Mar 2009, 11:07
by polymath
Ahhh. Well, i haven't gotten around to doing much of anything with well, anything. I'm currently too busy. I apologize to anyone who wanted the release to go on. Most likely it will but the final 1.0 release will only be available come summertime. I will eventually get around to working again, but i'm going to have to take a quick break. Thanks to all.


Posted: Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:55
by polymath
Does anyone plan on developing with any of the following languages:

--Python (I'm planning on including IDLE)
--Java (and which IDE do you favor? Eclipse? NB?)
--Ruby (and which IDE would you suggest)
--PHP (I don't know how you would develop. IDE? Web Editor?)

Geany is great, but it doesn't handle the non-script languages very well (IMHO).

Currently, i'm trying to scrap netbeans. I've grown to hate it :evil: because of how fussy it is. I spend more time working out bugs with NB than actual work. And every time I apply a patch, a new bug comes up!

I'll stop my rant before i begin flaming java :) The one thing i do need is a good web developer. I can code, but i can't get some good looking HTML to save my life! Unfortunately Droope has stepped down as my webdev, and anyone with the necessary skillsets that would be willing to help would make me very, very happy (not to mention speed up the release).

Oh, any VIM nuts (no offense intended) who are just dying for VIM/VI?

The more suggestions i get, the better the project. I'm trying to keep this project (which i'm sure many of you regard as dead) alive. Thanks in advance for your input,


EDIT: Just found this little gem and the JAR is only 1.6 MB. Only gripe i can find is it doesn't have as many features as NB or Eclipse. Go with the puppy philosophy and use the smaller, but less feature-intensive version? Or get the giant?


Posted: Thu 14 May 2009, 00:01
by Schism
I would love to work on your site. What do you need?

Posted: Wed 16 Sep 2009, 12:26
by L'Elfe
Hello ,

I'd download developPupp but i can't the link ask me for a password,

can you indicate me a valid link for the latest version of developpup ?


Posted: Wed 16 Sep 2009, 15:04
by droope
Hi :D

Login with the following info:

User: puppy
Password: linux

It's a "standard" arround here, to avoid evil downloadbots.


Posted: Wed 16 Sep 2009, 17:53
by L'Elfe
Thank you, is there a project to port devpup on 4.2.1 or 4.3.xx ?

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 17:14
by hailpuppy
Hi Polymath,

are you still working on this. This is a great project buddy.Since now puppy seemed to have catered to EVERY segments' needs except that of programmers I believe this is a much required attempt to fill that void. Thanks lot for that. by the way arent you thinking about incorporating your develpup features with the newest puppy 4.3.1?

Posted: Thu 18 Feb 2010, 18:32
by Aitch

polymath seems to have last posted on Sep 07, 2009

sad to say....maybe he'll check in once in a while...?

Perhaps someone else can pick up where he left it...?

or maybe just email him?

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 09:44
by hailpuppy
Hi Aitch,

Yeah I l see about emailing. But when you just come to think of it we seem to have puppy derivatives in almost all the sectors that we can think of except that of programmers (this is as far as I know about puppy though:-) ). For me puppylinux is almost the hero when it comes to linux but I guess with structured and organized effort we may be able to make it even with even Ubuntu ( Which is seemingly active as the sole representative of solid linux in the current world). Just hope and pray that BarryK will be able to achieve the goal of a seamless built of puppy from any distribution with "woof". By the way Aitch are you aware of any such organized attempts to unite the knowledge base of puppy so that its advantages can be made exponential ?

Posted: Sat 20 Feb 2010, 16:51
by Aitch
By the way Aitch are you aware of any such organized attempts to unite the knowledge base of puppy so that its advantages can be made exponential ?
:lol: :lol:

I'm aware of several attempts.....

but 'organized' is not a word I'd use for Puppy knowledge base quite yet....

Things do improve, but 'haphazardly' is probably nearer the mark :wink:

We are always hopeful someone may persuade John Murga to allow a goodly soul forum database access, which would probably speed the process, but I do understand why it hasn't happened

and I am extremely grateful for the forum in its present [working] guise

Even Caneri at .ca has had problems having had user/pw access to up/downloads

time is the hidden cost, and energy the load to bear and wear you down
- it's volunteer, after all, and sometimes even thanks just don't do it....

small steps.....only a puppy, after all :D

Aitch :)

Posted: Mon 19 Apr 2010, 16:03
by Bralors
when i install it, and i reboot y have a problem whi hd install full :S, i donĀ“t now what happening