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Posted: Mon 28 Jul 2008, 15:27
by MU
I modified the black theme with the sliders from the non-black.

Here is a pet with both, they include the modification for Rox (300 kb): ...
mirror: ...

They will not overwrite other themes, as I expanded their names to "Muppy".
They include the metacity-themes, but the screenshot was made in Icewm.



Posted: Thu 07 Aug 2008, 23:56
by Béèm
Is there a newer version of a gnome 2.20.3 sfs?
I just read that MU is working in a 2.22 one, but 700MB and in the context of Muppy.
Could this 2.22 one be used as a replacement of the 2.10.3?

Posted: Fri 08 Aug 2008, 07:36
by MU
2.22 will be only for Muppy, until people could sort out, what else must be added so that it works in Dingo.
This is not trivial.

But frankly spoken - I was a bit disappointed.
From 700 MB you expect "so much".
But there are few applications and all the locale, that require so much space.
Especially the developer related stuff like Mono.

For a "normal user", wows version already includes the most interesting programs, what is really remarkable for this small size.


Posted: Sat 09 Aug 2008, 18:21
by Béèm
I tried a gnome version, can't remember the version' until I saw wow's one.
I liked it and got used to the configuration facility and nautilus.
But then I got a performance issue with OOo. OOo really crawled with whatever appicaltion (writer, calc) I used.
I had to stop using Gnome and had to use JWM.

Also I have an issue with hal for mounting and unmounting.
I had no desktop icons for the resources and used still rox to mount and unmount them.

So I hoped a newer version could solve these issues.
Well I'll wait and see.

Posted: Sun 10 Aug 2008, 00:04
by wow
@Béèm: Make sure that you have added the haldaemon group/user, then run this command to delete all the .wh.* files from the pup_save file:

Code: Select all

find /initrd/pup_r* -name .wh.* -delete -print 
Now reboot the computer, exit X and run these commands to manually start:
dbus service:

Code: Select all

/etc/init.rd/rc.dbus start
Start HAL service:

Code: Select all

/etc/init.rd/rc.hal start
Start the udev service:

Code: Select all

/etc/init.rd/rc.udev start
And finally type 'xwin gnome-session' to launch the GNOME desktop environment.

Posted: Sun 10 Aug 2008, 01:17
by Béèm
Thank you wow,
All .wh.* files are deleted. a bunch of them

Performance of OOo seems somewhat better now.
Could it be caused by the .wh.* files?

Now for the commands on the X prompt.
/etc/init.rd/..... should read /etc/init.d/.....
dbus started ok
hal started ok
when starting udev I got: /sbin/udevtrigger --retry-failed.
So I suppose udev didn't get started.

In Dingo405 there is something weird also.
On ro2 I have my ntfs XP partition mounted automatically.
Didn't had that before.
So there is only room left to load 2 sfs files through the bootmanager.

3.16 AM here. Time to go to bed now.

Posted: Sun 10 Aug 2008, 18:09
by Eyes-Only
I'm curious about something: Anyone here in this thread ever try---with a hard drive install of 4.00---mounting the Gnome.sfs file and actually going through the daunting task of a manual install of this Gnome onto the drive to see whether it should work?

Seems so, if it works via a CD/Frugal mounting, then theoretically it should work just as well by copying the files all over one-by-one, eh?

I did the same thing with the .sfs file which was far larger but that basically involved just a copy over to /opt for the most part. I mounted the Gnome one last night... and as expected there are a tonne of files. ;) Miss one and I know it could be disasterous. LOL!

Just wondered if anyone had tried it?



Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 08:56
by Béèm
More to udev not being started in my case.
I get some messages scrolling fastly during boot saying:
udev [2061] devplug unknown.
Is there a cure for this?

Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 09:01
by MU
you seem to miss a group.
/etc/groups should contain:


In my Gnome 2.22 there are several more.
You can compare and edit these of your full installation with the one from WOWs sfs or a frugal installation using it:


Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 10:11
by Béèm
Thanks Mark,
I added plugdev:x:507:

But I still have other error msg's:
udev [2061] look_up_group 'disk' not found/unknown.
udev [2061] look_up_group 'cdrom' not found/unknown.
(not sure about the correct wording)
The msg's go quickly over the screen, and I don't see them in some log file.

So something is still missing somewhere.
Strange, as I use wow's sfs.
Shouldn't those be there then?

Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 10:34
by MU
hm yes, had a look at wows sfs, these groups seem to miss, too.
Gnome can be a real mess, but at least some applications should start.
You might type in JWM in a console things like:
gnome[tab to see more]

That gives clues about what misses.
Anyway, here are my files:


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

shadow (contains the encrypted passwords)

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

spot:x:502:502:Linux User,,,:/root/spot:/bin/sh
messagebus:x:503:503:Linux User,,,:/tmp:/bin/sh
haldaemon:x:504:3:Linux User,,,:/home/haldaemon:/bin/sh
sabayon:x:63:63:Sabayon user:/var/sabayon:/bin/false
gnome relies on other settings, too.
Critical seems to be
Make sure, it has the same values as in WOWs sfs.
But these might be altered by Gnome itself afterwards.

Gnome uses config and registry files spread all over the filesystem.
The programs it depends on, have them elsewhere.
This is a mess to find out, what interacts with what.
Once you start the panel with wrong/missing settings, it is broken.
It then might be best, to replace completely with the original the

One thing that might work for full installations:
download Muppy0084beta1 LIVE and Gnome.
Merge with SFS-Combiner msy_084.sfs and Gnome.sfs, so that you have a very large msy_084.sfs.
Then boot this frugal or burn a CD, and with this, create a full installation.
But I did NOT test this myself.

Sorry that I can't be more precise, but it took me 3 weeks fulltime to get Gnome to work (almost) as expected.
At least the issues mentioned above, might help you to find out, where the problem is.

One thing concerning HAL:
to fix automount problems, edit:


Code: Select all

    <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement"/>
    <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.VideoAdapterPM"/>
    <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.LaptopPanel"/>
    <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume"/>
    <deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.Crypto"/>

Code: Select all

    <!-- deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement"/ -->
    <!-- deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.VideoAdapterPM"/ -->
    <!-- deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.LaptopPanel"/ -->
    <!-- deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume"/ -->
    <!-- deny send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.Crypto"/ -->
Without this, it conflicts with other settings in this file.


Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 11:56
by Béèm
Quel galère alors, ce gnome.
I copied your /etc/group to mine and I have the hotplug icons now.

Having used your KDE3.5.8 and finding it somewhat slow specially when using OOo, I discovered wow's gnome.
I liked the configuration possibility of it and performance was better then with KDE, so I started to use it.
Alltho JWM is still faster I regret the lack of a user-friendly configuration facility. Things start to be better, but still gnome is superior from this aspect.


Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 12:11
by MU
yes, I think KDE 3.4 or so I used in Muppy007 was very fast, but 3.5.8 much slower in Muppy008.
But 3.5.8 also was more complete.
I think, also wows Gnome runs faster than my 2.22, because I included almost everything.
So for example the scripts that build the menus, must check many more icons.
I know from my own panel, that this can drastically slow things down.
So it is very important to have these smaller versions, like wows 2.20 or Kirks KDE 3.5.7.
Like this we have the choice - if the small ones suit our needs - great, enjoy the speed.
I not, because e.g. we depend on an application that requires "all" libs, then we must "bite in the sour apple" and use a full Gnome/KDE, but at least we can run this app then.

Time to sleep... ;)
bonne nuit, Mark

Posted: Mon 11 Aug 2008, 14:39
by Béèm
Fait des beau rêves, Bernard

Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 14:02
by Jim1911

Thanks again for this great gnome distribution.

Have you gotten Gnome Commander or some other two-pane file manager to work in this distribution? There are pet files available for XFE, however, I haven't been able to get XFE to work.

Another note, I am using your 2.20.3 sfs together with Mu's KDE 3.5.8 sfs. It works great and provides some nice KDE programs.

Thanks again,

Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 16:19
by tombh
@Eyes-Only: Blimey, I seem to be missing a lot of thread-updated-email-notifications recently, ah well, c'est la vie.
I'm curious about something: Anyone here in this thread ever try---with a hard drive install of 4.00---mounting the Gnome.sfs file and actually going through the daunting task of a manual install of this Gnome onto the drive to see whether it should work?
Yes! Me! Mind you I had to use a tool called unsquashfs, which I found from somewhere, can't remember where, as mounting gave a version mismatch error.

Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 19:12
by Eyes-Only
Hiya Tom!

A "version mismatch number"? HUH? How so mate? I've been able to mount the .sfs file with my ROX and I haven't gotten any mismatch readings of any sort. Just tells me it's "mounted". Or do you mean after the fact? Like... let me see now... Like when you try booting into the Gnome desktop you then get the warning?

How curiously odd!

Have you ever gotten that with any other mounted and copied over .sfs file? I ask Tom because I've done this with OpenOffice (full) and I think it was the Xfce... never any problems there.

Thanks for your time Tom. :)

Oh! And I'm not really sure whether I am going to do it or not. Godfrey! I've got so many desktops now on Puppy I think I classify as a bonafide "desktop junkie" now! LOL! I lack just the Gnome, KDE, and e17... I've got everything else offered around here. ;) Hmm... next pursuit? A bonafide incorporation of a session manager perhaps like XDM? LOL!

Cheers mate! And thanks for your time and input!



Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 19:39
by tombh
Hiya Eyes-Only,

Oh right, I mean when I tried something like,

Code: Select all

mount -o loop gnome.sfs /mnt/tmp
it said something like,

Code: Select all

the SFS that you are trying to mount was compressed using a 'squasher' (I'm definitely making that word up!) version newer than than the 'unsquasher' that is available.
In the back of my mind wow says something somewhere about version 3 squashfs or something. Anyhow, before I came across the proper way to upgrade it or figure it out or whatever, I came across unsquashfs, which just automatically 'unzips', if you like, the SFS directly to a directory, without all the usual mounting, copying, then unmounting shenanigans.

Anyhow, it's all going well for me now, mostly I'm enjoying the desktop; resizeable icons, great right-click-menu integration, thumbnails, the transparent box that appears when you click and drag to select multiple icons, the little things you know.

Best Wishes,
tom :)

Posted: Mon 01 Sep 2008, 21:17
by wow
Jim1911 wrote:Have you gotten Gnome Commander or some other two-pane file manager to work in this distribution?
Well, yes. I was about to include gnome-commander to this SFS (test02) but if you have too many partitions (as I am) the main window becomes too wide, this was a bit annoying so I decided to remove it.
You can always try to compile it by yourself. I can't remember if it has more dependencies than gnome_xxx.sfs and dev_xxx.sfs, hopefully not.

Download the source code from:

Posted: Tue 02 Sep 2008, 00:07
by Béèm
Eyes-Only wrote:I've got everything else offered around here. :wink: Hmm... next pursuit?
Did you try out virtual PC's f.e. in qemu?
Very interesting.
In this way I am running now puppy, openSUSE, ubuntu, kubuntu.
Qemu runs on my XP PC.