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Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 21:07
by jcagle
Oh yeah. There's some things I like about Ubuntu. I especially liked the package repository and how dependencies are handled on Debian-based Linux systems. Gslapt seems to do that somewhat well when I'm using it here on Puppy, but there are occasions where it doesn't get everything I need. And of course, when downloading stuff from Gslapt, I have to edit the menus manually. I would like to see a package manager in Puppy that is able to figure out what dependencies a package will need and go get them. I also liked how when using a media player, it would go to the repository to see if there were codecs there for what you were trying to view if you didn't have the codecs. I'm sure that would take a while to do, though, and there might be issues that I'm not even seeing.

I got unhappy with 8.10 once it started taking forever to boot and X started messing up on me from time to time. And things just ran a bit slower in Ubunto over all. I really like the speed I experience in Puppy.

Posted: Sat 22 Nov 2008, 23:33
by iscraigh
having no luck downloading the libs from tux does any one know of a mirror?


Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 01:51
by ttuuxxx
iscraigh wrote:having no luck downloading the libs from tux does any one know of a mirror?

which libs do you need, I can post them :)
Sorry that is over the limits on one of the servers. :cry:
But thats the price we pay, Eric does the best he can within his budget. Hats off to eric :D

Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 19:47
by Eyes-Only
@Ttuuxxx: I've pri. msg. you about this. Hope in some small way it helps you track this down for all the BIG ways you've helped me? :)

@iscraigh: Another way to get the libs from Ttuuxxx's lib directory is to go straight to his lib repo (which is the URL without the "libfile name" in it), and once there you can easily find the libfile you're looking for in the bottom list (usually! hehe!) and then right-click upon it selecting "Save file as..." and save it wherever you want.

Anyway, this is the way I've always picked up my libfiles from Ttuuxxx's repo as I have his URL in my bookmarks and that repo (Beem has said this enough times as well!) has saved my life more times than I can count whenever I've installed a binary, started it in CLI and it's said, "...need to run..." and my Mandi or VectorLinux install hasn't had it---chances are Ttuuxxx's lib repo HAS. :D

It's because of this manner I didn't know his links weren't working until now. Had I have known this I would've brought this to his attention long before this.

I hope this has helped someone, this post...



Posted: Sun 23 Nov 2008, 20:03
by Eyes-Only
@Joey: Just seeing this now after going back up and re-reading your posting, sorry!
jcagle wrote:"And of course, when downloading stuff from Gslapt, I have to edit the menus manually."
That's rather curious I find? I can't recall this having specifically happened to me Joey? Puppy's on the XDG menu system now so whatever you've downloaded/installed from GSlapt---as long as it's included a .desktop file which it's inserted into "/usr/share/applications"---then by all rights Joey it should be appearing in the menu system afterwards. Curious indeed!

Now just what window manager are you using for the moment in your version of Puppy? And for the record again, what version of Puppy is it that you're using? I've forgotten already. (Sorry!) If you're using JWM that "could" be the problem here. For that you'd have to open a CLI and type in...

Code: Select all

...and afterwards restart JWM at least once I've found, usually more, and then you'll find your programme in the menu.

If you're using any other window manager, Flux, Blackbox, Openbox/LXpanel, XFCE4, you "should" be okie to go except for Blackbox. With that one I've found that I had to add it to the "fixmenus" script in "/usr/sbin" and I think make a systemlink from "/usr/local/bin" to "/usr/bin" of the XDG_menu files to get them to work properly. (Unfortunately I'm in VL5.9 right now and not Puppy. Sorry again!)

I hope this has helped in some small way Joey? I really do mate.

