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#706 Post by Béèm »

JamesC wrote:I've done it twice since I'm using Trinity on a Luci-235 install and a Zen-006 install..........both are working fine.
I have squeeze 009 here.
Already with the old one I had a problem as libaudio was missing and I had to install it before KDE would work.

As my first install was with 235, I booted the 235 and replaced the old trinity sfs by the new one.
Bad luck, I have the same issue.
Dunno what happens in my machine.
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#707 Post by cthisbear »

Wireless and other problems….further testing issues.

I have reposted most of a previous post.

Wireles had a reboot problem and a certain order in running
pwireless 2 to achieve success needs explaining.

The next issue is in the form of a rant on Lucid.

playdayz and 01micko and the other testers have achieved great things.

It’s easy to be a smart arse and have a go at people.
I achieved a Diploma years ago.
But as the saying goes " Something's rottten in the State of Denmark"

100’s of hours have no doubt been spent on this wonderful Puppy.

But has anyone seen the Top Gear - Reliant Robin Shuttle Car ... re=related

Long video .. go past 7 minutes for the launch. ... re=related

All that work and 1 bolt screwed it up.

This is like a Windows user trying out Lucid and bombing out.
The classical line at the end of the video is

“ How are we going to use it again???? “


Connecting Lucid with this Combo is a failure.

Having kindly being supplied the link I downloaded the pwireless2 Pet
and tried that. Because in Fluppy 006 this Acer and the above configuration works out out the box.

From the older post.

" My Netgear router uses a hidden wireless network.

The name is split............. and I have 15 keys

and >> WPA2-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 with Pre-Shared Key)

Acer Netbook >> eMachines eM350-21G16i

" pwireless2 >> did not see any wireless...Aghhhh!

OK! It is an Atheros 9285 wireless on this little Acer.

So I ran the older Network Wizard again.
Which of course picks up the Atheros.

Selected >> wlan0

Hit >> Test wlan0

Next I selected >> AutoDHCP >> Network Configuration of Successful
Hit >> Done

Exit the program

Run pwireless2 >> which now sees >> wlan0

Shows all wireless available >> shows 1 hidden wireless

Setup my network name >> blah blah >> hidden network

Type in password....and I'm on maybe 20 seconds later. "

End of post.


I have had a few goes at this since, and I have found that with this >>>>> Wireless not seen >> Problem .............
that you have to do it in a certain order.

First you need to install and run pwireless2…

This is mandatory ....or it seems to fail.

Obviously >> pwireless2 ....will see nothing.

Next run the classic Network Wizard.

Select >> wlan0

Then select >> Test wlan0

Select >> AutoDHCP >>

A message then shows Network Configuration Successful

Hit >> Done

A further box pops up to keep this as the Default.

Do not do this. >> Close it. Do nothing.

Now run pwireless2 >> Select >> Connect >>
which now sees your >> wlan0

Because it now shows all wireless available >> it also shows any
hidden wireless networks.

Select what you think is your one

Type in your Network name of your >> hidden network

Type in your Password....and you should connect in 20 – 30 seconds later.


Another frustration is on rebooting you have to Connect again.

There is some option that allows connection on reboot ....
but I can’t think where.
I have got it going now in the Pup Save file but I can’t remember
exactly what I did or ticked.

And why can’t I remember it???
Because of these separate issues.


On rebooting >> I could not nominate where I can place the
bloody save file when I boot my USB…on a Netbook…
because that’s the way I need to boot.

No….no friggin’ option where to save..

And because my 4 Gig Usb has other files on it what can I do?

Well on the next boot I copied my Pup Save
>> to my hard drive >> Acer C: Drive is SDA2??? might be SBA2

and I then deleted the Pup Save >> on my USB….
that should defeat that sucker.

And of course it boots >> with said file up and running. Hooray.

Every thing seems OK.

So I will try and increase the Pup Save file

From 64 megs to 256 megs…..plenty for me.

Refusal…because it only sees it as XXX space left on my USB.
Because it copies it back there.

Grrrrr! ………….Frustration moment.

When I feel up to it I might copy the main Lucid file
luci-235.sfs to my Windows drive where the pup save sits,

remove both files from the USB and see if if it now wants to save
back to C: drive ...SBA2...SDA2...whatever.


Shinobar, noryb009 and others have some great projects running.

PupsaveConfig the GUI

Puppy Linux Windows Installer


This sort of integration into Lucid is needed.

Boozehag posted this and I was tempted to give a salvo back
at him.

Puppy Linux - and usability - a conundrum

“usual pattern:
I shut down the os all appears normal - no errors/fails etc
I restart the next day - something that worked no longer works
no error on shut down
no error on start up (when problem is app )
no files missing, changed in size
no clues as to what caused this or what changed.

Similar issues on so far 4 different pcs in different networks- so unlikely to be hardware or network.....unless I have REALLY bad luck “

I feel his pain because even changing the desktop wallpaper,
is that so hard to achieve without aggravation….

Sure I just change it in Natham Wallpaper changer, there you gos….
reboots >> and hey! It’s still there >> Ah! Success >>

for 2 seconds....and changes back to the default.

It’s not as if that should be too hard.

I do know a little of the Ins and Outs of Puppy.

But this is sheer bloody stupidity.

That and the wireless connection not connecting on reboot.
Fluppy >> no trouble reconnecting >> the wireless on reboot.

I spent hours trying to work these things out….maybe 4 in total.

Sorry….no other word for it….it’s BULLSHIT.


I should be able to nominate where my save file goes on a USB bootup.
Back to USB or any drive that shows.

If I change my wallpaper the option Default should be
>>> it works on next reboot.

Yes ! I found the answer somewhere and got it working….eventually.
But it wasn’t a 5 minute exercise.
And I would have done at least 20 reboots because I decided that it would be smarter to see if I made progress and then copied
my Pup Save somewhere else as a precaution.

Do little steps to achieve big results.

Wireless should reboot >> and stay Connected.


Yes! It looks like I’m being ungrateful.

But bluntness and a wake up call are needed badly.

Lucid is like driving a great car, but the air keeps leaking from the
tyres overnight.

Lucid is a wonderful release.
It’s great to show to newbies and Microsoft addicts.

It’s a game changer but there’s no use having great features and then achieving >> stupididly frustrating results...for no good reason.


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#708 Post by noryb009 »

Chris: Your post is true. I think puppy should release 5.3, then stop for a documentation and bug fixing break. Puppy linux has 2 main websites, along with a news site, a desktop site, and multiple .pet sites. Why dont we make a fund for a better host, which would have more bandwidth then all the others combined? Also, puppy has about 3 wikis. That's 2 too meny. The manual is out of date. The full installer makes errors, which has to be fixed by people on the forum and IRC. IRC is falling apart.

Puppy needs to change.

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#709 Post by kevin bowers »

After the last couple posts, I feel real bad about even a niggling little complaint. However, I do think I have a constructive suggestion to fix it.

I just did a frugal install of Luci235 on a friend's older PC; it's pretty RAM-challenged, 64MB. After first boot I installed Firefox (the new beta). It warned me that I'd be short on space afterward, but I figured I'd just reboot right after and create a PupSave (OK, LuciSave) and that would be that. After Luci announced successful Firefox install, I rebooted; Firefox would not start, I had to reinstall. Apparently I did run out of memory during the install despite the success message.

I suggest an addition to the first-run dialog: something along the lines of "If this PC has less than 256 MB RAM, please reboot now and create a save file to increase available memory." Simply add this to the bottom of the dialog box, in bold type so we refugees from the sixties won't miss it. Pretty please? It's bound to save a lot of headaches!

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#710 Post by cthisbear »


Good day mate.

Look we have come a long long way, and I realise that that
simplicity in how something now works in Puppy didn't just happen.
Great minds, suggestions, testing, cohesion and >> LUCK.

Some people whinge about a one fix 4 everyone Puppy.

This is just unachievable.
But some things should have the feel of consistency.

In all releases...or Official ones at least.

When Barry took over Puppy 4.3.1 for example...

and the USB install would not work like the way WhoDo achieved
when he released Puppy 4.2.1 friendly way to boot>>
Hit F2 etc and type up 4 crappy machines.

Or maybe it's a case of loving something too much >> bad 4 the soul.

It's certainly not great for the devs here but sometimes even the
greatest team in sport is not good 2 go...and a tongue lashing is
needed afterwards by the fans.

It may seem to lack respect but that's not the case.


Wireless issues and the harder ones of Wireless modems
like the Vodafone USB wireless modem Barry has,
need more testing 4 consistency.

If Barry can't get his own one working well enough said.

Of course hardware vendors are innocent parties????


I really do think we have the greatest team here.

And even Barry had that break from Puppy and he came back
like a steam roller ....unstoppable now.

He's the Clint Eastwood of Linux.
Doesn't say much...just does it.

Quirky...Wary...Woof...freakish really.
New Wary.

" Another twist to the above, I also built Wary with the SCSI drivers
in the initrd.gz, so this Wary can boot off ye old true SCSI drives
(and of course mount them). "


I saw your post here as well.

" raffy: I would be willing to make a site template, if no one else is. "

Make it up anyway with >> a Donate Button added.


Talking of donations.



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#711 Post by cthisbear »

The old acorn >> Disable BBCode in this post

had to be allowed or this post screws up.

So sorry that the links aren't in blue.



Good day mate.

Look we have come a long long way, and I realise that that
simplicity in how something now works in Puppy didn't just happen.
Great minds, suggestions, testing, cohesion and >> LUCK.

Some people whinge about a one fix 4 everyone Puppy.

This is just unachievable.
But some things should have the feel of consistency.

In all releases...or Official ones at least.

When Barry took over Puppy 4.3.1 for example...

and the USB install would not work like the way WhoDo achieved
when he released Puppy 4.2.1 friendly way to boot>>
Hit F2 etc and type up 4 crappy machines.

Or maybe it's a case of loving something too much >> bad 4 the soul.

It's certainly not great for the devs here but sometimes even the
greatest team in sport is not good 2 go...and a tongue lashing is
needed afterwards by the fans.

It may seem to lack respect but that's not the case.


Wireless issues and the harder ones of Wireless modems
like the Vodafone USB wireless modem Barry has,
need more testing 4 consistency.

If Barry can't get his own one working well enough said.

Of course hardware vendors are innocent parties????


I really do think we have the greatest team here.

And even Barry had that break from Puppy and he came back
like a steam roller ....unstoppable now.

He's the Clint Eastwood of Linux.
Doesn't say much...just does it.

Quirky...Wary...Woof...freakish really.
New Wary.

" Another twist to the above, I also built Wary with the SCSI drivers
in the initrd.gz, so this Wary can boot off ye old true SCSI drives
(and of course mount them). "


I saw your post here as well.

" raffy: I would be willing to make a site template, if no one else is. "

Make it up anyway with >> a Donate Button added.


Talking of donations. ... 960#464960


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#712 Post by playdayz »

Announcing Luci-236

Luci-236 should be pretty close to a feature freeze. The features that have been added or modified since 5.1.1 are below. These are the things that need to be tested, which should give us something to do for a couple of weeks. We can test these things and also fine tune the miraculous set of window managers and desktop environments that the developers, specifically, 01micko, iguleder, dejan555 and others have provided.

firstrun 1.2
Quickpet 4beta5
wmswitcher 0.13
transmission 2.04
gparted update from 0.5.1 to 0.6.2
latest Woof of OCT 29
pidgin 2.7.2
firewallstate 1.7
gnome-mplayer stop button
pwirelss2 1.0 fluppy version
grub4dos 0.4.4 v 1.5.2 (Quirky)
Pmusic 1.4.1 - can select among multiple sound cards
Geany 0.19.1
Sylpheed 3.1.0b2 with Gnu Privacy Guard
Gnumeric 1.10.8
Mplayer 1.0rc4 (and ffmpeg--includes vpx and i686-specific libraries--adjusted for performance)
mhwavedit from 1.4.16 to 1.4.20
Abiword 2.8.6 same number--newer Ubuntu version with thesaurus., also better behaved
Last edited by playdayz on Mon 08 Nov 2010, 02:54, edited 2 times in total.

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#713 Post by James C »

Downloading.......................... :)

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#714 Post by James C »

With much trepidation after reading some of the latest posts, manual frugal install of Luci-236 on the old P3 test box.

Initial boot had working sound and the correct screen resolution but no internet connection.Easy fix with network wizard.

Installed Xorg_High and Firefox 4.0 Beta 6.Everything appears to be working fine.

VIDEO REPORT: Lucid Puppy, version 236

Chip description:
Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (GMCH) Graphics Memory Controller Hub
Intel Corporation 82810E DC-133 (CGC) Chipset Graphics Controller

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: Depth:

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

# glxgears
1145 frames in 5.0 seconds
1257 frames in 5.0 seconds
1274 frames in 5.0 seconds
1273 frames in 5.0 seconds
1232 frames in 5.0 seconds
1229 frames in 5.0 seconds
1859 frames in 5.0 seconds
2118 frames in 5.0 seconds
1977 frames in 5.0 seconds
1983 frames in 5.0 seconds

Processor : Pentium III (Coppermine)
Memory : 254MB (135MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.23
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Sun Nov 7 21:38:22 2010
Resolution : 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : Mesa DRI i810E 20050821 x86/MMX/SSE
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter : ICH - Intel 82801AA-ICH


Upon reboot had lost internet connection. Not persistent.

EDIT #2:

Several reboots and lost internet connection every time. Switched to SNS and connection has survived a couple of reboots.....appears to now be persistent.
Last edited by James C on Mon 08 Nov 2010, 04:34, edited 2 times in total.

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grub4dos update

#715 Post by shinobar »

playdayz wrote:grub4dos 0.4.4 v 1.5.2 (Quirky)
Sorry, i have not announced here.
The Grub4DosConfig already has the updated version v.1.5.3.
Main difference is bugfix in booting up the other Linux like the Ubuntu Lucid.

And i am now preparing next update, v.1.6. Coming in a couple of days.
  • ext4 full support (old versions require grub for ext4, but the new version is stand alone).
  • UUID support avoiding hdd order issue for full install.
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#716 Post by James C »

Luci-236 live pfix=ram in the main Linux box. Since 235 I've moved from the onboard ProSavage graphics to an old Nvidia card.

Initial boot,working sound and correct 1440x900 screen resolution.No internet connection.

Installed SeaMonkey 2.0.7 and Nvidia 96.43.16 driver..Same as above,everything working.

VIDEO REPORT: Lucid Puppy, version 236

Chip description:
oem: NVidia
product: NV18 () Board Chip Rev A2

Driver used by Xorg:

Video mode used by Xorg:
Resolution: Depth 24 Depth: "Display"

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

# glxgears
Running synchronized to the vertical refresh. The framerate should be
approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
4934 frames in 5.0 seconds
5195 frames in 5.0 seconds
5829 frames in 5.0 seconds
6199 frames in 5.0 seconds
6857 frames in 5.0 seconds
6799 frames in 5.0 seconds

Processor : AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+
Memory : 1034MB (147MB used)
Operating System : Puppy Linux 0.23
User Name : root (root)
Date/Time : Sun Nov 7 22:03:18 2010
Resolution : 1440x900 pixels
OpenGL Renderer : GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
X11 Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter : VIA8233 - VIA 8235

Resolution : 1440x900 pixels
Vendor : The X.Org Foundation
Version : 1.7.6
Monitor 0 : 1440x900 pixels
Generic Event Extension
Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer : GeForce4 MX 440 with AGP8X/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!
Version : 1.5.8 NVIDIA 96.43.16
Direct Rendering : Yes

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#717 Post by jpeps »

I couldn't get the foo2zjs drivers from to compile/install for some reason. There wasn't any problem in Lucid 5.1.
I was able to get my HPLaserjetP1102w working by copying the driver.
The posted is too old.

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#718 Post by playdayz »

And i am now preparing next update, v.1.6. Coming in a couple of days
I'll watch for it, but it does help if you can announce in this forum. Thanks.

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#719 Post by Stripe »

Hi all

235 looked good, I am on downloading 236 and cant wait :lol:

I am trying to use 235 as a secure/private web browser from a usb stick, (to avoid tracking cookies and whatever else)

Have added extra software to the sfs file (including the config files) so it boots and runs exactly as I want it

The one problem I have is after loading I cannot get the usb stick to unmount, so that I have no storage devices mounted so nothing can be saved that I dont want to be saved. (as it does with 214 and wary )

I am using a frugal install with the extlinux.conf set at:
#default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram pfix=copy

so that it loads to ram with no save files (how I want it) I have tried the #ramboot=1 command but it does not work with a usb install.

Any ideas on how to unmount the usb? (after the files have been copied to ram)


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#720 Post by playdayz »


Yes, you are having problems with wireless that we were trying to help with.

Concerning the backgrounds: please notice Desktop Setting -> wmswitcher which has the option to set the default background for each of 5 different window managers, and also a check box to make no change in the background.

“usual pattern:
I shut down the os all appears normal - no errors/fails etc
I restart the next day - something that worked no longer works
no error on shut down
no error on start up (when problem is app )
no files missing, changed in size
no clues as to what caused this or what changed.
We would need to know what these errors and fails are in order to work on them. The more specific information the better.

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#721 Post by Lobster »

In Luci 236
Switched to SNS and connection has survived a couple of reboots.
For the first time my internet Ethernet was not auto connected.
However clicking on the tray icon - very clear icon
it was easy to set up - I choose the second option (that is Barrys option - I think the SNS) - which has been persistent in Luci 235 but have not rebooted yet in 236

I had to set up sound - easy
Seemed a lot more help and questions during the set up
Helpful and easy process
My firewall activated by clicking on icon and following instructions

Swapped to JWM
changed background, installed xaraLX and video driver and googleEarth
and . . . and . . . transmission is in there (no need to download)
good plan

Pidgin not auto configured to IRC - ah well, maybe next time
Could not find KDE in quickpet or ppm - aw!

So far so good :)
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#722 Post by DaveS »

Just a quick slightly left of centre question: given we can choose our browser freely with Lucid/Luci, do you have any kind of statistics as to overall preferences?
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Ethernet connection

#723 Post by shinobar »

Lobster wrote:For the first time my internet Ethernet was not auto connected.
Somethig mismatch in implementing Pwireless2?
Lobster wrote:However clicking on the tray icon - very clear icon
it was easy to set up - I choose the second option (that is Barrys option - I think the SNS)
You clicked the icon in the tray? You are right if you like to use SNS.

I right-clicked on the 'connect' icon on the desktop and selected 'Autoconnect' from the menu. It is more easy.
In this case, Network Wizard ran and connected successfully.

The icon on the task tray sees no 'Autoconnect' menu for the first boot...

EDIT: Puzzling 8)
Boot up luci-236 frugal install with ram mode.
Barks twice. Personalize Settings comming up. No Welcome1st info page.
Setup time and keyboard. OK.
No connection.

Ran the Personalize Settings again from the menu.
Barks twice. Personalize Settings comes up. OK without change.
This time an offer the SNS comes up.
Setup SNS. Success. Set the SNS as the default.
Made savefile at reboot.

Reboot. No connection.
right-clicked on the 'connect' icon on the desktop and selected 'Autoconnect' from the menu. No reaction.
Setup SNS again. Success. Set the SNS as the default.

Reboot. No connection.
Last edited by shinobar on Mon 08 Nov 2010, 09:00, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Ethernet connection

#724 Post by Lobster »

shinobar wrote: Somethig mismatch in implementing Pwireless2?
I don't know.
In 235 I had an autoconnect but this was not persistent at next boot.
So am quite happy to set it up if persistent.
You clicked the icon in the tray? You are right if you like to use SNS.
Yes inded it was crossed out in red - so I knew immediately I had no connection. Clicked on it (may have been right click) to run wizard - totally intuitive . . . 8)

clicked on the 'connect' icon on the desktop and selected 'Autoconnect' from the menu. It is more easy.
It may be easier.
But I like to try a different method (as do noobs)
just to see if it works as expected.
In this case, Pwireless2 or Network Wizard(?) ran and connected successfully.
The Network wizard worked. I am on a wired Ethernet connection (faster and more secure)

Hope that makes sense :)
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Re: Ethernet connection

#725 Post by shinobar »

Lobster wrote:
In this case, Pwireless2 or Network Wizard(?) ran and connected successfully.
The Network wizard worked.
Yes. It was the Network wizard.
I deleted the pupsave, and tried another test:

Boot up luci-236 frugal install with ram mode.
Personalize Settings comes up. Setup time and keyboard. OK.
No connection.

This time, right-clicked on the 'connect' icon on the desktop and selected 'Autoconnect' from the menu.
Network Wizard ran and connected successfully. Made pupsave.

Reboot. No connection.
Right-click 'connect' icon and 'Autoconnect'.
Connected successfully.

Reboot. No connection.
Last edited by shinobar on Mon 08 Nov 2010, 12:11, edited 1 time in total.
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