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Posted: Fri 17 May 2013, 23:46
by R-S-H

Sorry for the late reply. I'm currently busy with other things, so I'm online just once a week - or at the weekend.
When you say boot directory, are you talking about the root of the flash drive? I think I fingured it out. I right clicked on an SFS I put there and choose the LP2 load which threw up a big warning. Backed out and tried the SFS load which gave the same warning. Went back to the first one some hours later and threw caution to the wind and selected the LP2 load. After install it gave me more warnings about possibly not installing all files.
Man! I sure wish there was a less stressful way to do this.
:lol: ---> There is always a less stressful way to do things. Usually by knowing how do things work. And, really, it's really easy and smart to do this in LazY Puppy.


Boot directory is: directory on HD or USB Flash, that contains the LazY Puppy files (like StArtLPx2_202.sfs, initrd.gz, vmlinuz and all the LP2_xxx.sfs files)
In sdb1 I see:
Yes, and that's the clue!

Having these directories in sdb1 (I assume sdb1 is the USB flash drive or HD drive where LazY Puppy is installed), means to use the LazY Puppy by a full install. This is NOT RECOMMENDED and LazY Puppy is not designed for the use from CD (like every else other puppy) and/or by full install.

LazY Puppy running from CD is possible, but without the comfort of automated download and load of SFS files. So, running from CD is recommended only for first run and then installing either to HD drive or to USB flash drive ---> by the installers, presented at the desktop.

Note: CD drive has to be mounted first (just left click it)!

I do recommend to install to USB flash drive, because this gives option to use a personal storage file (save file) and to shutdown/reboot without to save the current session.

LazY Puppy is different to other puppies, but it is very smart if you do use it frugal installed onto USB flash drive.

The USB installer does everything as needed (formatting the USB flash drive, installing the files etc.pp).

So, if frugal installed -let's say installed to /mnt/sdb1/LazY- do copy all your SFS files you want to use with LazY Puppy into this directory. The LazY Puppy SFS files do download automatically into this directory and executed from there.

If new SFS file added (don't do this on the LazY Puppy SFS files - it's already done!), just do a right-click and choose 'Convert to LazY Puppy'. This will prepare the SFS file for the use with LazY Puppy SFS P.L.U.S.. If your action is needed, you'll be informed (don't fear anything, it's really easy!). If process is finished, do again a right-click onto the SFS file and choose 'Create RunScript' (or similar, not simple Version). A GUI appears offering some options (self explaining (hopefully)). At the beginning it could be useful to activate option to copy a RunScript to the SFS location.

Now the mean thing:

If you do use a personal storage file (if you want to, do create this at first reboot from installed (not CD) version), then every thing is done and you should be able to run the application from it s menu entry (if option activated).

If you don't use a save file, you should do a remaster with the LazY Remaster Suite (also really comfortable and easy to handle) to keep the new added RunScript permanently in your OS.

But beware, there might be SFS files that won't work.

If I want to add new SFS files to my OS, I usually do a test first, which means preparing the SFS for LazY Puppy SFS P.L.U.S., creating RunScript, trying to execute the application, unloading the SFS - for each SFS I want to add.

If all went fine, I do a reboot to have a fresh and clean OS (no save file is used then), creating the RunScripts once again and do immediately a new Remaster (usually without to use any other application except the RunScript Creator - but it doesn't really matter, when the used SFS is unloaded before remastering).

If I can get the Android SDK and APK-Multi-Multi-Tool, and eclipse working then I'm headed in the right directions. These will at least let me Port ROM's from any phone with the same DPI as mine, and work on applications.
After having no succes with APK-Multi-Multi-Tool, I did not try the Android SDK. It's of course needed to use a newer puppy for this project (particular or fully).
I really like LazYPuppy, especially now that I understand it's concept better. I will keep it and see what I can install.
Yes, I really like LazY Puppy too!

It's my daily OS and I do own several derivatives of LazY Puppy (for example a 300 MB Audiostudio Version with all the audio applications installed). It works very well on all computers I do own or I'm able to use. In fact: I don't want to miss the comfort of LazY Puppy anymore but I'm afraid of the day it could never be used because of owning computers with newer hardware.

To be able to have a good and quite sleep at night, I did create the V.S.P.-LazY-Puppy Builder which lets me build a new LazY Puppy from every Puppy OS I want to within less than a single hour by entering 95 % of LazY Puppy's comfort into the new OS!

So: I'm prepared as well! :lol:

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 00:20
by AndyOpie150
Thanks for info.
I hate acting like a newb at 50 years of age.
I'm living proof that you can teach an old dog a new trick or two though.

The only thing I'm dealing with now is just the lack of RAM on this 10 year old 'all in one desktop". Started with 512MB and could only add another 512MB. I can't complain too much, it was give to me for free.
I'm keeping my eye open for a used computers with at least 4GB's of RAM and 320GB HDD.

I guess I need to figure out how to make an SFS file from other applications (once I figure out what I'm doing with LazY Puppy).

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 01:04
by R-S-H
Thanks for info.
I hate acting like a newb at 50 years of age.
Oh, no! Don't do this. Try to learn to (really) love to do new things - which comes mostly including the need to act like a newbie - even when you're 50. :lol:

Btw. six month's to go and I'm 50 years old too. I'm still a newbie in Linux but I love to do new things and to learn new things as well - my problem is to get bored quickly.
The only thing I'm dealing with now is just the lack of RAM on this 10 year old 'all in one desktop". Started with 512MB and could only add another 512MB. I can't complain too much, it was give to me for free.
I think 1GB of RAM should be enough for the use of most of all programs. The main feature of the use of SFS files is possibility to unload them after use - which can not be done when program is installed from .pet file (unload from menu LazY Puppy).

Want to edit a picture with GIMP? Do a right-click (in ROX filer window) on the image and choose the GIMP entry. GIMP not installed? It downloads automatically, loads the SFS, runs the GIMP and loads the image - all you need to do is: work on the image!

Want to create an SFS from .pet file? Do a right-click onto the .pet files and choose 'Convert to SFS'.

Want to create an SFS file from collection of several .pet and/or .deb files? Put them in a directory and do a right-click onto the directory. Choose 'Combine to SFS' (or similar).

Want to add a new SFS dependency to an SFS file? Do a right-click onto the SFS file and choose 'Add dependencies'.

Want to create a .pet file or SFS file from directory containing Linux directories and files? Do a right-click...

Want to scale a .png icon or image? Do a right-click...

Want to play a MIDI file in background (download TyMidity first)? Do a right-click...

and so on...

As you can see: to do a right-click onto a directory containing files or just onto a file is mostly a good first point to start - especially when not finding the application inside the huge LazY Puppy Menu.
I'm keeping my eye open for a used computers with at least 4GB's of RAM and 320GB HDD.
LazY Puppy is non-PAE, which means only 3GB, perhaps 3.5GB RAM can be used in LazY Puppy.



Note, when remastering it is needed to mount the boot partition first to create a new ISO. If not mounted only the StArtLPx2_202.sfs will be created and you'll need to open its creation directory manually, to get the file!

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 02:18
by AndyOpie150
Okie Dokie.
I have LazY Puppy installed to a CD-RW. Which format for the USB drive is best for LazY Puppy install to a USB drive? How do you do a frugal install (haven't seen this option in any of the three installers provided). Which installer is best for doing a frugal install to USB drive?

I ask because I know that Slacko and Precise recommend a ext.3 format and they have a frugal install option. I don't want to be confused on these issues.

Gute Nacht Herr R.S.H. Ich werde prufen, in den Morgen. Sorry fur englische Buchstaben. Keine deutschen Buchstaben auf meiner Tastatur.

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 02:36
by R-S-H
Just mount the CD drive, plug in the USB flash drive and run the LazY Puppy USB Installer (Icon should be on desktop when booting from CD). The Installer does all the jobs needed or will inform you what to do. It's the simplest way to install first and to use LazY Puppy

Note: all data on USB flash drive will be removed!

You may give it a test, if downloading SFS files to CD-RW and execute them from CD-RW will work. Might be possible...

Later you might try some other installations...

...when getting a little familiar with LazY Puppy and how to use it.

I have LazY Puppy installed to a CD-RW
Ah, Ok. This means you do use LazY Puppy in multisession-cd-mode?

In multisession-cd-mode and also full-install loading SFS files means to copy its content into the filesystem - can not be unloaded! Not really useful (imho) and not recommended.

LazY Puppy is made and proofed to use it frugal either from USB flash drive or internal or USB HD drive. Want to get lucky with LazY Puppy? Do install and use only that way. And, please keep in mind: installing and/or remastering LazY Puppy needs to mount the boot partition (or cd drive) first.


Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 15:31
by AndyOpie150
Selecting the USB installer from the desktop will only put the ldlinux.sys and the syslinux.cfg files onto the USB. I tried / and /sdb1 for directory locations as well as leaving the box blank.
If I format the drive to FAT32 the Puppy Universal Installer will complete the frugal install task.
The problem with this is I need to be able to store 5GB of music and a 500MB program from a CD using Wine.
I have a solution: I'm doing this on a 16GB flash drive (actually only 15GB)
I shrank the the FAT32 partition down to 2GB+space taken up with LazY Puppy files (wanted to give it plenty of room so it wouldn't loose any speed and start to lag).
I then formatted the rest to ext.3/primary/no boot flag.

Problem: When I went to name the ext.3 label to exactly the same as the save file it came up one letter too short. Gparted will only allow 16 letters to be used.

Questions: How can I change the name of the save file that would be generated by the option to save and How do I extract the saved info from the save file so I can put it into the ext.3 partition I created (and then wipe the system generated save file).
This should get me the needed space I need.

PS: For the previous 12 days I have been trying to do everything with a full install to the same flash drive with ext.3 format. To many errors every which way.

Posted: Sat 18 May 2013, 23:40
by R-S-H
Selecting the USB installer from the desktop will only put the ldlinux.sys and the syslinux.cfg files onto the USB.
Usually the USB installer will install all the files from the CD to the USB flash drive - seems like you did try to install LazY Puppy with the USB Installer booting from your CD-RW. I could not see any other reason, because the USB Installer is just a cut down of the Puppy Installer and there hasn't been any complaints on this.

Note: you need to boot LazY Puppy from CD. CD must be created by burning the downloaded ISO file to CD. Boot the computer from this CD. The USB Installer needs the following files on CD to work properly - and keep in mind to mount the CD drive first; otherwise USB Installer won't find the files to install..

The files (content of ISO file):

Code: Select all
I tried / and /sdb1 for directory locations as well as leaving the box blank.
The field is only to enter a name for a sub directory, where to install LazY Puppy and the LazY Puppy SFS files. Don't enter things like '/' or names of drives/partitions (like sdb1) into this field. If you want to install LazY Puppy into /mnt/sdb1/LazY just enter LazY into the field. Path /mnt/sdb1 is set right after you did choose the drive where to install LazY Puppy. Complete path is build automatically using your selection of drive and the name entered into the field ---> wich gives: /mnt/sdb1/LazY f.e.
The problem with this is I need to be able to store 5GB of music and a 500MB program from a CD using Wine.
If it is needed to store such huge amount of data to the LazY Puppy USB Stick, do use a 32 GB USB flash drive. LazY Puppy needs about 4.8 GB for all the files (iirc).
How can I change the name of the save file that would be generated by the option to save
It's not recommended to change a name of a save file after its creation. Though I did it sometimes (just renamed it manually and rebooted twice - needed to fix some desktop icons at first boot).
How do I extract the saved info from the save file so I can put it into the ext.3 partition I created (and then wipe the system generated save file).
If you want to do this, there would be no need to rename the save file.

Create an empty file at save file location (f.e. StartLPx2_Empty.2fs (or.3fs) by right-click into the rox filer window. After rebooting LazY Puppy will present option to choose which save file to use (because it now thinks there are two save files).

Enter '0' to not to use a save file.

When booted to desktop open directory of save file and do a left click onto the save file (a rox filer window will open). Now you should be able to copy your wanted files and directories to the ext3 partition.

Note: this data will not be loaded at boot up after wiping the save file.
PS: For the previous 12 days I have been trying to do everything with a full install to the same flash drive with ext.3 format. To many errors every which way.
That's really a long time, sorry. It's the best to forget everything what you do know about standard puppies and, please, do as described. If there would be still problems to get a working installation using the USB Installer, check md5sum of downloaded ISO (download the ISO again if md5sum doesn't fit) and return to here.

Posted: Sun 19 May 2013, 00:21
by AndyOpie150
Sorry. There must be something missing in the translation or in my communication skills.

What I mean to say is:
I have installed all the proper files to the flash drive using the puppy installer from the .iso burned to a CD. From this CD I can't get the proper files to be loaded from the installer on the Desktop.

I wanted to change the name of the save file that is generated by the system, before it's generated, so that the generated name is only 16 letters long. Then rename the ext.3 partition to the same name using Gparted (which only allows for a 16 letter name for the partition label) and putting contents of first save file into it, then deleting first save file from FAT 32 partition. This way I can fool the system into thinking the ext.3 partition is the save file. That way I can have a way bigger save file/partition.
This should allow me to store all the data I need to store on the flash drive. I actually did this with Xubuntu, which worked, but because Xubuntu wasn't meant for a FAT32 formatted partition , was sluggish.

I can easily give the Lazy Puppy install 5GB in a FAT 32 formatted partition, leaving the rest for the other ext.3 formatted partition which I will use for all saves (I will still have plenty of room). So..Why the need for a 32GB flash drive?

Hopefully I have communicated my intentions properly this time.
Again: Sorry for my unclear communication of actual purpose.

Posted: Sun 19 May 2013, 01:46
by R-S-H
I have installed all the proper files to the flash drive using the puppy installer from the .iso burned to a CD. From this CD I can't get the proper files to be loaded from the installer on the Desktop.
So, it is installed to USB flash drive and also working from there?

If not, please, do try again and make screenshots from the USB Installer GUI before starting to install and screenshots from the root directory of the USB flash drive and also from the content of its folders after installing LazY Puppy onto the USB flash drive.
I wanted to change the name of the save file that is generated by the system, before it's generated, so that the generated name is only 16 letters long.
This needs to do a remaster and to rename LazY Puppy at remastering

The part 'StArtLPx2' is added automatically to the save file - it is needed and it is the part that has to be changed (anything else as well)!
Then rename the ext.3 partition to the same name using Gparted (which only allows for a 16 letter name for the partition label) and putting contents of first save file into it, then deleting first save file from FAT 32 partition. This way I can fool the system into thinking the ext.3 partition is the save file.

I don't think this can be done. Also I did never hear of anyone did so. Puppy (afaik) does not use the label of a partition. It uses its name (f.e. sdb1) in addition to /mnt plus the prefix 'StArtLPx2' plus 'save' - so, /mnt/sdb1/StArtLPx2save which is a path and file name. You can give it a try, but I doubt it would be possible to use LazY Puppy this way and to keep all its comfort.
So..Why the need for a 32GB flash drive?
Sorry, my old eyes. I did read first 15GB of music instead of 5Gb of music.

Please post screenshots when something is not working (if possible). Would help a lot.


Posted: Sun 19 May 2013, 03:25
by AndyOpie150
Because I really like LazY Puppy, I've been really trying hard to get it figured out and get it set up like I need. So I'll keep trying to get it to function the way I know it can.
I'm not giving up on it. I just have to figure out how to get it done. It can be done.

Edit: Did you mention how to extract the contents of the save file?

Posted: Sun 19 May 2013, 03:54
by R-S-H
Did you mention how to extract the contents of the save file?
Just Drag'n'Drop the files from save file to ext partition
Create an empty file at save file location (f.e. StartLPx2_Empty.2fs (or.3fs) by right-click into the rox filer window. After rebooting LazY Puppy will present option to choose which save file to use (because it now thinks there are two save files).

Enter '0' to not to use a save file.

When booted to desktop open directory of save file and do a left click onto the save file (a rox filer window will open). Now you should be able to copy your wanted files and directories to the ext3 partition.

Posted: Tue 21 May 2013, 01:34
by AndyOpie150
Need to take a break for a couple of days. Sjogren Syndrome is bad today. Brain not working to good.
Here is a screen shot though:

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 03:13
by AndyOpie150
I've really started to get it! Cool! I like it!
This is the only puppy for me.

Now if i can just wrap my brain around getting more persistence/user storage in the manner you mentioned. I just have to read it a few more times till it soaks in then give it a try (brain still a little foggy).

Thanks for all the help so far.

After I loaded all the large/multi app sfs's and then unloaded I now have a ton of options. I loaded a few internet apps, Audacious, Gparted, and Geany (6 total) i realized I didn't need all the others installed at boot, just when i need them ( I really appreciate this concept). Will keep in mind your advice on how to workaround the: only loading 6 sfs files at boot, if I actually get stupid again and feel I need more to load at boot.

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 06:15
by R-S-H
I've really started to get it! Cool! I like it!
Cool, I'm glad to read so!
This is the only puppy for me.
Yes, for me too!
Now if i can just wrap my brain around getting more persistence/user storage in the manner you mentioned. I just have to read it a few more times till it soaks in then give it a try (brain still a little foggy).
I'll send a PM to you later and attach a prepared 'initrd.gz'. This will reduce the work for you to do manually.
After I loaded all the large/multi app sfs's and then unloaded I now have a ton of options. I loaded a few internet apps, Audacious, Gparted, and Geany (6 total) i realized I didn't need all the others installed at boot, just when i need them ( I really appreciate this concept). Will keep in mind your advice on how to workaround the: only loading 6 sfs files at boot, if I actually get stupid again and feel I need more to load at boot.
Try to download, load and use applications from SFS files by using the menu entries. It's not needed to load SFS files manually by sfs_load application.

There are some SFS files on the repository at, that are still installed in LazY Puppy 2.0.2-005. These SFS files (like GParted, Abiword, Gnumeric, and lots of others) are extracted from LazY Puppy to make users able to build out these applications from their LazY Puppy. So, if you would load f.e. the LP2_GParted-0.8.0.sfs, then it would have no effect, except unnecessary using RAM, because it is (I think :lol: ) still in the OS.

If you want to know how to build out applications in a more or less secure way, let me know. But please, get familiar with LazY Puppy and its concept first.

Ok, have fun.



Currently working on my V.S.P.-LazY-Puppy Builder. Did made a LazY Precise based on Precise 5.6 and my private Version 3.0.0 of LazY Puppy. Build in 17 Minutes, fine adjustment in around 2 hours (because there are lots of new definitions for menu categories in precise). GIMP 2.8.4 executed by SFS P.L.U.S. RunScript, SFS build from .pet files using the SFS P.L.U.S. tools. But: currently everything only in German language!

Posted: Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57
by AndyOpie150
I'll send a PM to you later and attach a prepared 'initrd.gz'. This will reduce the work for you to do manually.
Thanks. I seem to be a little slower at catching on to things than I did when I was younger.

Try to download, load and use applications from SFS files by using the menu entries. It's not needed to load SFS files manually by sfs_load application.
Gotcha. At first I needed to use phone to download the SFS files then transfer to SD card so I thought I had to do it for those. Now my network is doing better so I can download from computer via 3G from phone.
There are some SFS files on the repository at, that are still installed in LazY Puppy 2.0.2-005. These SFS files (like GParted, Abiword, Gnumeric, and lots of others) are extracted from LazY Puppy to make users able to build out these applications from their LazY Puppy. So, if you would load f.e. the LP2_GParted-0.8.0.sfs, then it would have no effect, except unnecessary using RAM, because it is (I think :lol: ) still in the OS.
If you want to know how to build out applications in a more or less secure way, let me know. But please, get familiar with LazY Puppy and its concept first.
Absolutely. Using every day, so getting used to it shouldn't take long (I've quit using my Xubuntu distro).
Ok, have fun.
Been having fun since I first downloaded and burned the LazY Puppy .iso to a CD. I love mental challenges and learning new things.

One last question I need to ask (at least for a little while): How do you install a program from a CD in this version of Wine (newest version in Xubuntu I just right clicked the CD drive Icon when it appeared and selected to install with Wine)?

Currently working on my V.S.P.-LazY-Puppy Builder. Did made a LazY Precise based on Precise 5.6 and my private Version 3.0.0 of LazY Puppy. Build in 17 Minutes, fine adjustment in around 2 hours (because there are lots of new definitions for menu categories in precise). GIMP 2.8.4 executed by SFS P.L.U.S. RunScript, SFS build from .pet files using the SFS P.L.U.S. tools. But: currently everything only in German language!
I'm very interested indeed.

4 years ago I bought my first computer (surfed the web and watched old shows and movies). Two years ago I bought my first smart phone, which is when I started to mess around with rooting it and installing a custom recovery and ROM.
Now I can take any ROM from any phone with the same screen density and get it to work on my phone (working on developing kernels and apps from an OS installed onto my SD card which is how I got here in the first place).

Last August I installed my first Linux Distro. Puppy Slacko was installed to a micro SD card not long after.

The only thing that slows me down is the lack of any technical training or experience in the computer field.

Edit: Got the save file up to 3.9GB with a utility program thats already installed. Tried opening up the CD disc and right clicking on the .exe, but no option to install with Wine. Tried the install program from CD in the Wine menu, still no install.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 02:21
by R-S-H

If you have the LP2_Wine.sfs already loaded usually a single left click onto a .exe file will install the Program in Wine.

No need to use a right-click option.

When wine is loaded there is a mime-type definition set (loaded) that will send .exe files automatically to be executed with a command like: wine XourExeToInstall.

The same way it works with PortableApps applications in wine. There is a prepared PortableApplications.tar.gz file at my repository at smokey You can run portable applications frokm the PortableApps Starter or directly from its directory.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 18:43
by AndyOpie150
Thanks. Sometimes I have a tendency to over think things.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 23:50
by AndyOpie150
That did the job.
Now all I have to do is search thru the files of the program to find the icon so I can make a shortcut/run script and have the proper icon to represent it.
Thanks again.

Posted: Sat 25 May 2013, 23:57
by R-S-H
Thanks. Sometimes I have a tendency to over think things.
Never mind. We all do have our limitations. Hopefully we will not enter new ones each and every day for the rest of our lives! :lol:
That did the job.
Now all I have to do is search thru the files of the program to find the icon so I can make a shortcut/run script and have the proper icon to represent it.
Thanks again.
Good luck and have fun using LazY Puppy. :)

Lazy puppy problem or

Posted: Sun 26 May 2013, 18:15
by Hetejas
Operator error ?

I want to try this version running from USB so I downloaded the distro, burned a CD and booted up using the CD.
I did the install to a USB drive and upon rebooting it goes into an endless loop with :
Could not find kernel image: vmlinuz


Oh yeah, I also copied the .ISO file to the USB drive hoping for miracles.
What do I do now ?


It seems that I have solved my problem. After some reading I copied these files from the CD to the USB drive and now it boots.
That seems somewhat cumbersome for a new user.
I will continue to poke around and see what turns up.
FWIW, it is very handsome :D