Page 4 of 38

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 19:42
by don570
Both .ogg and .aif sound files will open with mhwaveedit,
so it would make sense to have a right click option
'Edit with mhwaveedit' for these files.


Scripts have a right click option to be opened with Abiword,
but I suggest that this be removed and replaced with a text editor.

Abiword can fool an inexperienced user because of
it's Smart Quotes feature.


For Gtkhash's md5sum right click you need a better icon that will stand out clearly.
Other puppies are using

spell checking in German

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 20:39
by don570
I was able to get the spell checking to work in German while
using Abiword and Sylpheed.

Here's how I did it.

1) I deleted all files named 'normal.awt'
(because Abiword looks at the tail of this file to find the language
to set up the template document. It found en-US there
so it was setting up the documents as English at first launch!!)

2) I installed my new version 1.2 of abispell-de dictionary.
Available HERE

By the way it has a pinstall script to delete the normal.awt file
automatically so the user is spared that work.

Now if German is the operating system's language the German
dictionary will be used, and if English is the operating system's
language the English dictionary is used.

However this is an old German dictionary (before the spelling Reform)
so expect some words like 'dass' or 'musste' to be underlined with red
when they shouldn't. :(


Sylpheed has a configuration file
that sets the preferred language for spellchecking I believe.
I'll have to check that again.


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 20:47
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

don570 wrote:you made a mistake in installing psnapshot on Lazy.

Here's the quick way of correcting it.
Just change the Exec line in the .desktop file
I can not confirm this message posted by you. As you can see in the image both, mtpaintsnapshot and psnapshot running by using the menu entries.

I did no changes (except translation) in the psnapshot.desktop file and the mtpaintsnapshot is the new one. Copied manually into the system, overwrites the original and runs without changing something in the mtpaintsnapshot.desktop file (except translation)

Tough, thank you for your posts.


Running actually on AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 1024x768 Pixel

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:03
by don570
I think you're confused. The left side of the picture
shows pupsnap which I have nothing to do with.

And the right side of the picture shows
which is recent and I had nothing to do with that as well

But Lazy does have psnapshot installed as well
(which I like and did have a hand in writing)

Just follow my instructions and you will have a German
Screenshot program :lol:
(or didn't you install psnapshot??)

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:07
by don570
By the way the desktop file that you change the
Exec line is the mtpaint snapshot capture .desktop file.

I didn't see a psnapshot.desktop file


Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:09
by don570
I was able to get the e-book reader FBReader to work by installing


Screenshot Browser needs to be translated to German
which can be quickly done by simply reading the script.
By the way there is a new version of Screenshot Browser which
allows the elimination of the opening instruction screen.

It's available at the psnapshot thread.


Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:28
by don570
Several other Puppies(like Akita and Exprimo)
have made a nice change to an icon
They substituted an attractive clock face.
The icon is used by so many programs in the start menu
(pschedule, Bacon Recorder,pclock,pwidgets,ptiming)
it's worth the effort to change.


A nice touch would be a Bookmarks list for Rox-Filer
which is found in /root/.conf/
Both Akita and Exprimo have done this.
Here's an example of the Akita Booksmarks.xml file

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <bookmark title="/">/</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/etc">/etc</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/media">/media</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/mnt">/mnt</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/tmp">/tmp</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr">/usr</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/bin">/usr/bin</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/lib">/usr/lib</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/local">/usr/local</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/local/apps">/usr/local/apps</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/local/lib/X11">/usr/local/lib/X11</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/sbin">/usr/sbin</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/share">/usr/share</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/share/doc">/usr/share/doc</bookmark>
  <bookmark title="/usr/X11R7/bin">/usr/X11R7/bin</bookmark>


Lighthouse 503g has a nice feature that
I haven't seen in other Puppies.

Normally when mhwaveedit is opened it's difficult to
use -----> too small and sidebars.

Tazoc has solved this by including a configuration file
where normally there is none.

Code: Select all

# mhWaveEdit configuration file.
# Automatically generated by mhWaveEdit 1.4.20
# May be hand edited but extra comments will be removed when the 
# settings are saved.
# Remove this file to restore default settings.

tempfilesFP = true
speedReset = false
viewQuality = 128
timeDisplayScale = 0
varispeedConv = 5
tempDir1 = /root/.mhwaveedit
rollCursor = false
mixerUtility = retrovol
showTimeScale = true
showSpeed = false
showHorizontalZoom = false
playerFallback_BigEndian = false
showVerticalZoom = false
speedSmooth = true
speedConv = 0
soundDriver = auto
soundBufferSize = 65536
timeDisplay = 0
mainwinFront = true
recentFiles = 4
drawImprove = true
varispeed = true
playerFallback_SampleSize = 2
autoPlayMark = false
outputStereo = false
useGeometry = true
outputByteswap = false
ditherPlayback = 0
windowGeometry = 50_50_822_292
diskEditingThreshold = 131072
centerCursor = true
soundLock = false
playerFallback_Signed = true
ditherEditing = 1

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:54
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

This one is:

The New LazY Puppy 5.2.8 QuickInstall.

It will show the English GUI if the English Keyboard Layout is set.

You can download single files by using the icons or the menu entries.

You can also search the online folders by using the menu entries.

In the second Tab (hidden, under the menu) is a big button that brings you to this site, so you can get easily informed about the latest news of LazY Puppy.

You can run the lucid quickpet by using the menu title Lucid Puppy, but it is recommended to download and use the LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 .sfs files.

Edit: i have moved this post from the second post to here. I want to use the second post to set links to some posts inside this thread. I want to get the users easily informed and to provide a faster overview.

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Sat 07 Jan 2012, 21:59
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

don570 wrote:You forgot to put pCD in the start menu.
I have moved some files inside /usr/share/applications/ using pmenu. You can enable them by running pmenu and then clicking the removed (list below in pmenu) .desktop file.


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 05:17
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

don570 wrote:You made a mistake in installing psnapshot on Lazy.
I have examined the (our) confusion about psnapshot and mtpaintsnaphot.

By now it is easy to understand.

Application "psnapshot" is already installed in lucid puppy 5.2.8-4. And so it is in LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4.

Menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture" calls /usr/bin/
/usr/bin/ is a script that calls /usr/local/psnapshot/psnapshot. (this is confusing)

In LazY Puppy menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture" calls /usr/bin/ also.
But in LazY Puppy /usr/bin/ is a script, that i have found inside this forum. I have chosen this one because i thougth it would be more comfortable to have a choice of an selection out of "now, 2, 5 and 10 seconds" than only having to choose "now or 10 seconds".

By using menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture", "psnapshot" always has been "mtpaintsnapshot" to me. In fact there is no information shown about "psnapshot" when running "mtpaintsnapshot" how should anybody know, "mtpaintsnapshot" is "psnapshot" (except you, because the script "psnapshot" says "#rewritten by Don White from original"). :wink:

I will try to build a .pet, that combines the LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 mtpaintsnapshot script with the locals of psnapshot.


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 08:46
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

First Post updated!

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 09:45
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more


I just want to let you know some statistical data about:

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4

Released: 03.01.2012, 02:28, GMT+1
Downloads: 291 (09.01.2012 11:44, GMT+1)

291 downloads in 6,5 days = 44,769 downloads per day :D

SFS downloads: 297 (09.01.2012 10:08, GMT+1) :D

I want to say thank you to all of you, who did download LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4.


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 11:30
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Information about YAD

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 has installed two versions of yad. There is yad-0.12.4 already installed in Lucid. And there is yad-0.16.2, that i have compiled in LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4. I did not want to replace the original installed yad version but do want to use the newer version also, because it has nice features.

So i have renamed yad to yad1 and created a link to yad1 named yad. If you are calling yad (or yad1) then you will get yad-0.12.4. If you are calling yad2 (a link to yad-0.16.2) then you will get yad-0.16.2. You can also use yad012 and yad016.
RSH wrote:
stu90 wrote: Not sure how long this has been supported but works on yad 0.16.3 on my Bodhi install.

Button launcher with out the gui automatically closing and needing to be restarted.

yad --text=" Button launchers with gui still open " --button="Terminal:urxvt" --button="Text:geany" --button="gtk-quit"

I have tested this script in my LazY Puppy. I have installed the yad 0.16.2, compiled in my LazY Puppy earlier. It works also!

JFYI: i have installed two versions of yad (0.12.4 and 0.16.2). I have renamed the files and set links to the yad files. Yad or yad1 calls yad-0.12.4 and yad2 calls yad-0.16.2. I just wanted to use the compiled 0.16.2 version without removing/overwriting the original lucid built in.

More Information about yad and scripts for yad here:

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 19:58
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

RSH wrote:
don570 wrote: wrote:
You made a mistake in installing psnapshot on Lazy.
I have examined the (our) confusion about psnapshot and mtpaintsnaphot.

By now it is easy to understand.

Application "psnapshot" is already installed in lucid puppy 5.2.8-4. And so it is in LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4.

Menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture" calls /usr/bin/
/usr/bin/ is a script that calls /usr/local/psnapshot/psnapshot. (this is confusing)

In LazY Puppy menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture" calls /usr/bin/ also.
But in LazY Puppy /usr/bin/ is a script, that i have found inside this forum. I have chosen this one because i thougth it would be more comfortable to have a choice of an selection out of "now, 2, 5 and 10 seconds" than only having to choose "now or 10 seconds".

By using menu entry "mtPaint-snapshot screen capture", "psnapshot" always has been "mtpaintsnapshot" to me. In fact there is no information shown about "psnapshot" when running "mtpaintsnapshot" how should anybody know, "mtpaintsnapshot" is "psnapshot" (except you, because the script "psnapshot" says "#rewritten by Don White from original"). Wink

I will try to build a .pet, that combines the LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 mtpaintsnapshot script with the locals of psnapshot.

Unfortunately the built in psnapshot does not have a german localization file. I have created one and have added the option to wait 20 seconds until screenshot starts. This will give you enough time to arrange your desktop.

As i wrote it: here is the New mtpaint-snapshot-L528-de!

Note: It will show the English GUI if the English Keyboard Layout is set.

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 20:44
by don570
I should have placed the name 'psnapshot' in the window,
perhaps as the title. I'll use you're German translation since mine
is very clunky. (3 years of high school German didn't teach me much)


Here's the mini-clock.xpm icon for the menu.
I took it from Akita Puppy


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 20:52
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

I should have placed the name 'psnapshot' in the window,
perhaps as the title. I'll use you're German translation since mine
is very clunky. (3 years of high school German didn't teach me much)


Here's the mini-clock.xpm icon for the menu.
I took it from Akita Puppy
Thank you very much. No need to worry or something else like that. Everything is fine and your posts and work are REALLY welcome and appreciated!

The other ones (abiword, mhwaveedit etc.) i will take care for within the next days.


audacious 3.0

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 21:10
by don570
Is it possible to switch from Aqualung to Audacious 3.0 ... 094#595094

Reason: It looks better and I was able to split long mp3 files
with audacious 3.0


LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 - released

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 21:21
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Actually, i think, everything is possible. Smokey01 has given an ftp account to me, so i can upload my files to his server. This means mainly to me: i can exceed the limit of 200mb (mediafire) and users can download all files without getting kicked by mediafire's advertisements.

Do you mean, to build a new iso with audacious instead of aqualung?

Playdayz told me he is using audacious.


Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 21:26
by don570
Yes put it in the ISO along with mp3splt(German versions of course).

Audacious 3.0.2 can work on lupu 528 if links are made ... &start=150


Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2012, 21:27
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Do not know where to get mp3splt?