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Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 06:18
by Sage
Good man, Jim lad!

This massively good distro would be immensely improved if it adopted the browser choice at the outset like Luci, instead of foisting Hobson's Choice upon unsuspecting punters! Might also save some space?
OR: make netsurf/dillo the default gateway to mainline browsers?

The board lies: it claims one editorial change: there were two.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 07:06
by DaveS
playdayz wrote:Here is Chromium-16 for Slacko. It was made and tested in B2. ...
Running from sfs, gives the highest Peacekeeper score I have ever seen on my old Acer lappy. Firefox 7 2700, Ch 16 4500.
And I can FINALLY load a local page :)

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 07:25
by 01micko
Don't get too attached to B3, B4 is cooking, with all those libs mostly going to slackware versions. Probably should have been from the start.

Sage, I do agree about having browser choice, just there is I believe also a necessity to have a decent browser on the iso. I am trying to stick to the woof formula too, so when I come up with the answer (which is an sfs auto loaded on the iso, just the implementation part of the answer is lacking), then it will be done! Just too late for this version.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 07:36
by Sage
Thanks for your consideration, mick. I suppose it all comes down to the definition and use of 'decent'. Perhaps one could argue 'adequate'? Not sure how the guys over at Luci came to their strategy or how they implemented it, but it's nice to see choice pop up at an early stage. Politicians like to talk about choice, but they usually mean their choice! No need to parrot their behaviour?!

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 08:02
by DaveS
Sage wrote:Thanks for your consideration, mick. I suppose it all comes down to the definition and use of 'decent'. Perhaps one could argue 'adequate'? Not sure how the guys over at Luci came to their strategy or how they implemented it, but it's nice to see choice pop up at an early stage. Politicians like to talk about choice, but they usually mean their choice! No need to parrot their behaviour?!
Guess my behavior is not typical then... download the iso, remove included browser, boot up, symlink Seamonkey (latest beta), Firefox (latest beta),symlink Opera, and sfs Chromium. :)
Maybe there is something wrong with me...............

Wifi setup with pns-tool

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 08:54
by peebee
Hi Mick
*jim3630, peebee (and others) - I know you are Frisbee lovers... sorry I'm not. To be frank I think it's an unfinished project and will not be going in the final. There is however an alternative that has worked for me 5/5, even when SNS has failed. Look in the "Network" menu for "pns-tool" (no, I didn't name it!). Try it. Report success or failure. Frisbee is still available in slickpet/PPM
I am only a "fan" of Frisbee because its the only wifi setup tool that seems to maintain my wifi connection over time ... all others drop out and have to keep being reset.... I also like Frisbee because it seems to work well and quickly when I take my laptop out of the house and want to connect to a public open wifi point.

But I tried the pns-tool script you included in B3

Obviously very unfriendly and asks some questions that I didn't really know the answers to
Did create a wifi connection for me
Seemed to have important messages about copying files after it had run but this was only on the screen for a short time - too short to record what to do
The wifi connection was not persistent through a reboot - but this might be because I didn't copy the files

I'll try to find the script and see if I can read the instructions from within it. - looked - doesn't help too much as the instructions are dynamic but looks like something has to go into /etc and 2 files into /etc/rc.d ????


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 10:05
by 01micko
Hi peebee.

Thanks for testing.

A good result. Don't worry too much about the messages. If it turns out a decent tool I'll automate the copying of files.

Trouble is, networking is a bit of a mess. We have sns which works for some. It's not even an option because it is entrenched in woof. Dougal's tool has been very good in the past, but it is unmaintained. It depends on a functions script called wags_profiles, which is in desperate need of updating. I think that is why it fails for yourself and jim3630. Frisbee was the beginning of a good thing, but I guess due to unforeseen circumstance jemimah has more or less abandoned puppy.

My understanding of networking is next to zero. The big troublemaker seems to be Broadcom. In B4 I intend to do an experiment. I have Frisbee and the massive wl driver in by default, at the expense of gutenprint. This makes printing a pain but hopefully networking easier. I do hope it's worth it!
EDIT: no, I have backflipped on wl, wont be included.


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 10:28
by nooby
I guess due to unforeseen circumstance jemimah has more or less abandoned puppy.
I have not followed her whereabouts closely but remember her or someone knowing her told us she is totally absorbed at her new regular work. So she has almost no time for Puppeee anymore. But that is old news so could have changed recently.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 10:51
by Ray MK
Hi 01micko

I read this on Barry's blog and pemasu's D5X7 post.

I don't know if this is related to what you are doing
or if because the kernels differ it is not related
but thought it may be important - so here is the info.

Broadcom brcm80211 firmware
Thanks to the post by jim3630, this came to my attention:
And thanks to tempestuous for creating the firmware PET.

The firmware is now in Woof. In Woof, kernel-skeleton/lib/modules/all-firmware/brcm.tar.gz is the firmware tarball. The file kernel-skeleton/etc/modules/firmware.dep specifies that the brcm.tar.gz tarball will load into /lib/firmware when the brcmfmac.ko and brcmsmac.ko modules need it.

A new feature in Woof is script kernel-skeleton/ This is executed by script 3builddistro and will delete brcm.tar.gz if the modules are not there. This is to save space, as the firmware is rather large.

This will be in the next upload of Woof, so puppies built from that Woof and with the 2.6.39.x+ kernels will support those Broadcom drivers out-of-the-box.

Posted on 18 Sep 2011, 8:08 - Category: Woof
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Posts: 4571
Location: Australia

PostPosted: Yesterday, at 03:20 Post subject:
jim3630 wrote:
The new brcm80211 worked after installing only the firmware pet. the driver is pre-installed in the kernel.

That's good news.

pemasu, I would now make the bold suggestion that you remove the proprietary broadcom_sta driver driver from the first post, so that all users of modern Broadcom wifi devices will then have only one option - the brcm80211 drivers. I have several reasons:

i) for consistency and to avoid confusion - you don't want users reporting Broadcom wifi errors and getting confused about which driver is actually being used. They might not understand the difference, and inadvertently report wrong information.

ii) the proprietary driver will continue to conflict with the underlying ssb driver, and potentially cause problems with other hardware that depends on the ssb driver - such as USB interfaces.

iii) we should be encouraging the use of opensource drivers, whenever possible.

I suggest you add the brcm-firmware to future releases.

HTH - very best regards - Ray
and many thanks for all your hard work with Slacko - much appreciated.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 11:10
by DaveS
01micko wrote: I have Frisbee and the massive wl driver in by default, at the expense of gutenprint. This makes printing a pain but hopefully networking easier. I do hope it's worth it!

Fixing connectivity for a few at the expense of printing for everyone sound like a poor deal. Having to carry a huge networking driver whether it is needed or not sounds like a poor deal.
Surely this is arse backwards?

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 11:19
by 01micko
Thanks for your concern RayMk

What you say makes sense. I'm not sure the firmware can make any difference to this puppy, I'm committed to k2.6.37.6 at the moment, but sure, I can put it in, shouldn't do any harm. I'd rather try that than use one proprietary driver at an expense of over 1% of the iso. I'll still persevere with Frisbee, really I have nothing against Frisbee, it's just been a bit frustrating. I'll leave gutenprint in. Will end up a bloated 123+M iso, but it should be worth it.
There is 4 net tools, none of them perfect, but each has a purpose. Going by reports over the next couple of weeks this could be rationalised.

I have some good news about the devx. B3's devx was a frankenstein.. I overwrote B1's devx with the later libs from B3 and it worked. So far in initial testing B4's devx is working ootb.. miraculous! (possibly those libs referred to earlier today).


EDIT: Dave, arse is supposed to backwards! Fixed now anyways :)

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 12:15
by rcrsn51
DaveS wrote:Fixing connectivity for a few at the expense of printing for everyone sound like a poor deal. Having to carry a huge networking driver whether it is needed or not sounds like a poor deal. Surely this is arse backwards?
Here is the argument for making Gutenprint an optional package. Many people now use a printer driver supplied by the manufacturer. I have seen complaints from newcomers about how Puppy only supports a collection of old, obsolete printers and none of the new ones.

The Gutenprint download is only 3 MB.

However, it's the same situation as including a decent default browser. By including Gutenprint, there is always some basic printing functionality out of the box.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 12:20
by darkcity
If you can get online but not print you can find help for printing online

Being able to print but not get online leads to a dead end


Getting online is the crucial part.


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 12:36
by raffy
With boot parameter "modeset=0", SlackoB3 booted successfully in the AMD Fusion E-350 Radeon HD 6310 (emachines D443). The Xorg log is attached.

I guess this machine's blues are over. :)

There is, however, an unwritten procedure, that for this machine to work well, some settings have to be set correctly by booting it first in Win7 (that has the correct Fusion drivers). One hint about this possible system mix-up is evident from the name of this machine's BIOS software, "Atom". :wink:

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 13:40
by 01micko
darkcity wrote:If you can get online but not print you can find help for printing online

Being able to print but not get online leads to a dead end


Getting online is the crucial part.
Actually, getting your machine running how you want is the crucial part. :wink: That may include getting online, or simply getting X to start, but consider this. The broadcom issue is mostly concerning newer hardware. Like it or not, most people think that Puppy is for older hardware. We shouldn't disappoint those people too much, many of whom don't have lightning fast connections, and may be using an old bj-20. (probably supported without gutenprint!).

I have been stewing over this issue, best I can do is offer frisbee (if I get it working ok) and the firmware mentioned above. Why should a 2M driver that isn't open source be included? That may please 0.1% of users, whereas printing may well please a lot more if it works ootb.

AFAIK, only Ubuntu, and the pay for Mandriva supports proprietary software, and that's not necessarily out of the box. It may be in some non-free repo that's pre-configured.

jim3630 has never once complained that his driver isn't available. It is. He is also looking for alternatives. That's why we are here. Not to pander to they who think they are almighty, but innovate and get around these issues.

Politics are officially over, I hear enough bullsh*t without inventing it! :lol:


Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:24
by Sage
Dougal's tool has been very good in the past, but it is unmaintained.
Dougal is still about and active. Really nice guy with a wry humour. Ask him nicely and he might assist?

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:29
by DaveS
Guess its time for me to investigate the CORRECT driver for my HP Photosmart instead of the 'close enough' Gutenprint one. I think that means the whole HPlip thing :)

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:42
by darkcity
what problems are you having with frisbee?

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:53
by Volhout
nooby wrote:
I guess due to unforeseen circumstance jemimah has more or less abandoned puppy.
I have not followed her whereabouts closely but remember her or someone knowing her told us she is totally absorbed at her new regular work. So she has almost no time for Puppeee anymore. But that is old news so could have changed recently.

The website and attached forum have disappeared also. It feels like Jemimah has abandoned puppy.

Posted: Mon 19 Sep 2011, 14:59
by nooby
Volhout wrote:
nooby wrote:
I guess due to unforeseen circumstance jemimah has more or less abandoned puppy.
I have not followed her whereabouts closely but remember her or someone knowing her told us she is totally absorbed at her new regular work. So she has almost no time for Puppeee anymore. But that is old news so could have changed recently.

The website and attached forum have disappeared also. It feels like Jemimah has abandoned puppy.
That is not like her. Must be something drastic going on then. I mean did she not tell before it was shut down or here?
I do remember vaguely she mention the new job took all her time.
No time left for private computing as I remember. Not sure. I look for it

here is the post I vaguely remembered :) Oh dear my poor memory.
jemimah wrote: Post Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:11 pm Subject:
Subject description: Fluppy 013 End-of-Life?
edoc wrote:
Is Fluppy 013 the end of the line for development?

Just wondering.

Maybe. Probably until I get another job where I'm chained to a desk with nothing to do. ... 250#537250