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Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2011, 08:10
by nooby
I trust it is all about the individual users point of view.
I got to "know" a person in USA. Complained about slow windows computer I tried to get that person to do a DVD or USB with Puppy to show how fast puppy can be on such computers.

Nope the only way for that person was to buy a new laptop and now them have a fast computer them tells me. :)

All persons are very different. One need luck too. I have never deeded neither BlueTooth nor To print things.

But I have needed to do things that Puppy do easily and Ubuntu only do if you are on that level of computer savvyness and the Ubuntu people gave up on me when I asked them.
So to me Ubuntu was not easy it was impossible to get going for my purpose. Looking at local TV station streaming of program.

Posted: Thu 21 Jul 2011, 10:51
by Marcelo
ICPUG wrote:My experience is you don't get this from ANY distro. At some point, be it Windows, Puppy, Xubuntu or whatever their computer will not do what they want it to do.
The variable being how often they reach this point.
rcrsn51 wrote:There are actually two choices for making your D1663 work in Lupu. Lluamco's full HPLIP print/scan package was always available here.
Or you can now use the printer-only from here.
Thank you rcrsn51. I will try them in Luppu.

Update: worked. The printer is installed in Lupu. I will update the corresponding thread.
Aitch wrote:...buntu seems more like windoze ......
In which sense? Not open source anymore? Are they charging a price for it? What do you mean?
nooby wrote:Nope the only way for that person was to buy a new laptop and now them have a fast computer them tells me. :)
This is true, at the pace Barry is developing Wary, I believe it will completely dominate the niche of old computers if it doesn't already.

Addendum: my friend's machine has a Pentium III. Wary is in its way to that machine and I :shock: will install it.

Among Puppy'es

Posted: Wed 14 Nov 2012, 15:21
by Gonzalo_VC
And what about the differences between Puppy versions (for the same release): regular Puppy, retro-, and Wary?

I understand the pae / non-pae difference between Precise Puppy and retro-Precise. But when exactly is good to use Wary? How really old and "un-resourceful" a processor should be for us to use Wary; when is still convenient to use the best (pae compliant) version, even if you have a pre-Pentium4 processor.


laymen's terms

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 03:04
by geo_c
I'm going to put this in layman's terms:

Ubuntu is too much like Windows.
It's slow
tries to "protect" you from yourself and others
tries to be all things to all people
it's bloated and cumbersome, but it's hardware compatibility is probably it's strength.

Puppy gives me all of my computers back.
It's portable, like DOS, it actually runs off of a drive, and isn't so dependent on the particular machine to which it's installed.
It's simple to back-up.
and as a bonus it revives your old hardware.

No Contest!

Re: laymen's terms

Posted: Tue 27 Nov 2012, 10:59
by Gonzalo_VC
geo_c wrote:I'm going to put this in layman's terms:
Ubuntu is too much like Windows.
It's slow
tries to "protect" you from yourself and others
tries to be all things to all people it's bloated and cumbersome, but it's hardware compatibility is probably it's strength.

Puppy gives me all of my computers back.
It's portable, like DOS, it actually runs off of a drive, and isn't so dependent on the particular machine to which it's installed.
It's simple to back-up.
and as a bonus it revives your old hardware.
No Contest!
Well, let me tell you my (Humble) opinion:
There are 3 ways GNU/Linux grows: 1) one is reviving old computers or giving them longer life (and I've been experimenteing A LOT with this, believe me); 2) on servers (no comments required here); 3) on normal people desktops.

See "normal users" are not hackers, not even geeks. They can, deserve and (IMHO) need to get out of the trap of proprietary expensive and virotic software. There is where "out of the box" distros like Ubuntu, Mint, Mandriva, Mageia and others ARE NEEDED.
So, as long as GNU/Linux is growing, we rather don't talk bad about them. Let Ubuntu live and grow! They have a proposal, both esthetic and of usefulness. If we don't like it, we can use ANY OTHER distro.

But the fight is with proprietary expensive and liar software!

By the way, my Wary 5.3 installation is getting crazy: the desktop becomes all black (no icons, no wallpaper). Why is that? Is is Xorg?? Should I save a session when it's all visible? Otherwise I have to click here and there to make it all come back :-/