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Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 02:56
by MU
The unpleasent way:
Go to the folder of the theme:

cd /root/.enlightenment/themes/darkone

Search for the font-entries:
grep -rin Vera.*/ *

This lists all files with linenumbers, that contain the Vera -font.
Edit those lines with an editor, for example from Vera/7 to Vera/10

Maybe easier:
Change the Font-Resolution of the Xserver:
Puppy - Control Panel - set global Font-size
Maybe also possible:
with other ones.

Most of my themes (will) use these fonts, so if you replace them, you can affect most themes at once.
We might need a script, that can replace font-sizes...


Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 17:28
by MU
I found a severe memory-bug in the menu-editor, that could delete your menu.

Please update!

Expect a "complete" Enlightenment next week.
I could automate/customize the setup, so it will be more"newbee-friendly" :P

Now some more testing and Addon-scripts.


MU Mind

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 18:39
by Lobster
cutting edge Enlightenment


Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 18:46
by MU
Q: "When will E17 be finished?"
A: "When Duke Nukem forever is released" ;)

No, E17 (CVS) already is nice.
You can use an August-release in Puppy:

But as you can see, it is 40MB compressed (though I ripped out 20 MB).
Compared to that, E16 is a miniature with 1.2 MB + Themes.

And at moment, E16 is more userfriendly than E17, that misses some things, and where Addon-programs like menu-editors might not work any more in the next release due to Api-changes.

But the size really is the ko-criterium, so I'll stay with E16 :)


into the clouds

Posted: Sat 04 Mar 2006, 18:59
by Lobster
meanwhile I will just fly up into them clouds . . .


Posted: Sun 05 Mar 2006, 04:19
by lostdog
I am having a very hard time trying to download files from I can't seem to get onto the server at all. Is anyone here in the states hosting these files?

I hope.

Rhino, when I saw the lizard theme I laughed. That one is funny.

Posted: Sun 05 Mar 2006, 05:25
by MU

Posted: Sun 05 Mar 2006, 08:01
by MU
I updated the menueditor-Dotpup with the documentation.
Though it takes 150 kb, it is important.
Without the nice screenshots I would not know, how you can create submenus.


Posted: Sun 05 Mar 2006, 22:38
by lostdog
Thanks MU. That site works for me. The other one just wouldn't let me in. I thought it was justeveryone chomping at the bit to get enlightenment, but after a couple of weeks, I decided that I needed to try something else.

Posted: Tue 07 Mar 2006, 16:33
by MU

Here is a Testversion of the "all-in-one-Enlightenment". ... -Puppy.pup (13 MB)

Requires approx. 20 MB (plus the Dotpup, plus temporary space), so be shure to have at least 50 MB free Diskspace.

It includes Menueditor, Puppymenu, Expose, some addon-scripts and Buttons, Imlib2, and several optimized themes.

If you already have an older version, please delete or rename /root/.enlightenment.
This makes shure, the setup-script works best.

If you are new to E16, install this Dotpup after the first one: ... config.pup (800 kb)

It is a preconfigured folder /root/.enlightenment
Although my setup-script helps keeping things easy, not everything can be automated.
So this does the "last optimization".
To see your own Dotpups in the Main-menu, first click on "reload Puppy-menu".

After installation, exit X (hit CTRL-ALT-Backspace).
In the prompt,type:
xwin enlightenment

If it does not work, simply type
xwin jwm
to go back to your Puppy-Desktop.

I hope I forgot nothing - but keep in mind, it is a Testrelease.
So expect it might not work, and report errors you encounter.

I did not add new Rox-icons,.as customizing E16 itself took all my time.


Posted: Wed 08 Mar 2006, 23:15
by MU

Small addon for the "All-in-one-Enlightenment" (8 kb): ... itor01.pup

Written in PuppyBasic, it allows to alter the entries (the programs to run) for the Iconbar.


Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 05:12
by dvw86
I could not find a way to show the icon bar in the virtual desktops. I don't know if it is a bug, a "feature", or if I'm just missing something. Other than that, I really like this window manager! It seems to have a good balance between looks and performance.

Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 09:40
by Nevermore
is there any way to disable the launchbar?

Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 14:32
by MU
To hide the launchbar, click with the middle mousebutton on the "Puppy"-Button on the top left.

Or rename
I could add a small menu-entry for that.

The bar is visible in a virtual Desktop, but not in a multiple Desktop.
I don't know how to change that.
Multiple Desktops also have other disadvantages, for example shadows don't work in them.
You could use more virtual Desks instead of multiple Desks (middle click Desktop for Options-menu).

The replies tell me it works?
Then I might move the final version without further changes this weekend from the "testing"-folder to the "windowmanagers"-folder.

Any more suggestions/wishes?


Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 23:12
by Rhino
Am I supposed to have icons on my other desktops or even on the virtual workspaces? I do not. It is not really a problem since I still have the menu.

Also, I ran into the problem to the epplets column on the menu being too long due to the I manually just removed the icon link and replaced it it with NULL in the appropriate file and it seems to work well.

Posted: Thu 09 Mar 2006, 23:33
by MU
the "all-in-one" Dotpup should generate 2 entries for the epplets, epplets1 and epplets2.

But this just happens, if there was no /root/.enlightenment when you ran enlightenment first time.

You can call that startup-script manually:
But it just works, if there isn't yet a /root/.enlightenment/ , so rename ( if you modified it) or delete that first.

This will create a new /root/.enlightenment/

in general, if you have problems with long menus, middle click Desktop - settings - special FX-settings - deactivate [] "move cursor when menus move" (or similar, I have german menus).


Posted: Fri 10 Mar 2006, 00:33
by BionicCommando
I'm running enlightenment and rox 2.4.1

I have a problem with ROX taking over on the default workspace meaning that the background image doesn't appear as specified in the desktop background settings, the background image appears in the mini window for the workspace though....

Can anyone help?

Posted: Fri 10 Mar 2006, 00:45
by MU
I used Rox2 some month ago in Mandriva, so I am not shure.
But I think with a right-click -> Rox-filer -> options you can set something like "pass through mouseclicks to the Windowmanager" or "give control to Windowmanager".
I think it was at bottom of the options.
That might solve that?


Posted: Fri 10 Mar 2006, 17:34
by shankargopal
Question from an Enlightenment newbie: in the Puppy dotpup, how can one edit the key bindings? The e16keyedit program that is often referred to seems to be missing. Should one just edit by hand?

Edit: I forgot to say that I absolutely love Enlightenment.

Posted: Fri 10 Mar 2006, 17:55
by trapster
Is there a way to change the middle mouse button for the left mouse button when clicking for the menu's on the desktop?

I seem to be using the middle button more than the left. Plus if I remember correctly, the middle button menu also has the left click puppy menu in it???