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Ad-blocking etc..

Posted: Sat 15 Dec 2018, 02:03
by fiskrond
Just use Vivaldi.. surely?
Go through options/setup and check/uncheck the obvious...


Add following extensions:
- i don't care about cookies
- Nano Adblocker
- Nano Defender
- Disable HTML5 Autoplay (Reloaded)

Sweet! :-)

Posted: Fri 20 Sep 2019, 20:46
by artsown
I used Pup-Advert-Blocker as a matter of convenience to update the mvps
hosts file. However, gradually, the internet was slowing down. I discovered
that Pup-Advert-Blocker was not actually using the mvps hosts file ... just
its block list ... and all the items are directed to instead of as they are on the mvps file. I read that using gets
noticeably faster as the mvps file size grows in size. So I started using
a simple script on all my pups that I have been using on fatdog for
quite some time ... and I abandoned use of Pup-Advert-Blocker. The
internet speed is now much faster.

Here is the script:
sleep 10
rm -f /etc/hosts
wget -c -4 -t 0 -T 10 -O /etc/hosts ""
geany /etc/hosts
I place this script in Startup. The 10 second delay gives some time for
my wireless connection to establish at bootup. The next line removes
any existing hosts file. Then wget fetches the mvps hosts and it gets
placed in /etc. Finally geany is invoked to display the hosts file so I can
see the latest version date.

You can try out my script by first downloading this tar file:

Extract it to ~Startup and reboot to test.


Posted: Fri 20 Sep 2019, 21:06
by rufwoof
I do similar, except using Steven Black's hosts ...

Code: Select all

_etchosts () {

   echo "Setting up /etc/hosts"

   # Get Steven Black's /etc/hosts file (form of ad-block)
   mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.default
   wget -O /etc/hosts



Posted: Sat 21 Sep 2019, 09:39
by artsown
Thanks for the tip on StevenBlack/hosts. A news outlet I frequent (
annoys users with ad videos before each news video. Steven's hosts blocks
them but mvps hosts does not ... and that is a clincher for me. Also, it's
remarkable that the internet seems even faster using the larger hosts file.
