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Posted: Fri 02 Jun 2006, 16:57
by R3MF

Posted: Thu 22 Jun 2006, 07:09
by SamSung
I am having some difficulties with Puppy and KDE installing to HDD

see my post here whilst I am looking into that a question for the more talented than myself.

I want Puppy and KDE installed on HDD, not a poor mans install either what is the best way of achieving these, could I use a mega puppy or something else. I only want KDE fully working, the apps I can add later.

Any ideas, has anyone else got Puppy and KDE installed to a HDD without then experiencing probs.

As always thanks


EDIT some hours later

Ok the opt folder and the symlink to usr was missing I have replaced this but not a lot has changed I have found many of the scripts in /usr/sbin so have been able to set up the video and networking.

I cannot get the menu editor to work though in that I cannot find it or do not know the name of the file to call from the commandline. I can call Konqueror from the commandline and it works.

Anyone any ideas on the easiest way to get Puppy and KDE working as I am pulling my hair our. It may look good thanks to KDE but the implementation is poor.


Posted: Thu 22 Jun 2006, 07:52
by SamSung
Ok more news I found the menueditor in /usr/bin ran this and just saved the current file that was in it and I have the original puppy kde menu.

I have also noticed that there are libs missing for some apps.

More later


Posted: Sun 13 Aug 2006, 14:21
by chubbypuppy
Hi I really liked the Chubby Puppy distro, is their anyway that you could make another, on the latest puppy 2.02??? also i would love to see a web designers puppy distro, with open office and nvu, plus graphics and text editors, if thats possible and maybe call it Designer Puppy, or maybe a Yuppy Puppy? maybe a Business edition? But the web design is my first choice, I just like the sound of Yuppy Puppy,:) Also A vista Gui, with a puppy start would be cool, i like the black style start menu with white background and black taskbar, plus the glowing page close, reduce, min. when you hover over them, I know its a long list but i checked it twice and Christmas is comming soon and thats all i want, Lol keep up the great work @@@@@ 5 stars linux distro, Puppy rules and microsoft users are fools.

Posted: Sun 13 Aug 2006, 15:17
by Lobster

Posted: Tue 15 Aug 2006, 15:52
by laserbeak
wouldnt i just be able to install KDE without having to download and burn a whole other cd?